The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

I came up with a very good topic for debate…..65 pages and still going. (Where’s my cookie???)

Just think how much better society would be, not just for blacks but for everyone, if leftists stopped pushing the blame game and a false narrative:

We wouldn’t have had a Summer of Thugs wreaking havoc over the entire country over the big lie about police targeting and killing blacks. We wouldn’t have had the Defund the Police movement that demonized cops and kicked off the crime spike as police were told to stand down. We wouldn’t have black students in inner-city liberal cities, who are failing to reach proficiency in basic academics, become resentful and hostile to whites as the curriculum focuses on “social justice” - rather than develop a basic educational foundation.

Instead, if we focused on the real reason 25% of blacks remain in poverty, more emphasis would be made on the immorality and poor outcomes of teens having out-of-wedlock babies, the minimal step of graduating from high school, and the need for vocational training (at least). We would teach middle school poor black students to look to other impoverished minorities - including those with horrific prejudice against them - that moved out of poverty, and how do-able its is with the right determination and discipline.
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And then Harvard will just find another way to achieve diversity..

Right, because that is certainly more important than admitting the most qualified students. Remember that the next time you have major surgery. Choose your surgeon with diversity being the primary factor.
Right, because that is certainly more important than admitting the most qualified students. Remember that the next time you have major surgery. Choose your surgeon with diversity being the primary factor.
Yup. Hey…the heart surgeon isn’t the best, or even particularly good, but he DID meet the minimal qualifications. And the most important thing is he isn’t white.

Now the real story comes out.

In my own case, I went up against a black woman for a promotion and she got it - despite a much worse education and half the experience. The hiring manager told me she was sorry, but she was under a lot of pressure to hire and promote blacks, and offered me a “compensation” prize of another (higher) position. It wasn’t my cup of tea, but I took it - and then found another job where they judgEd on competence and not skin color.

Uh, hello. Has it occurred to you that maybe they just didn't think you were a good fit for other reasons.

Frankly, if you come off 1/10th as unpleasant in person as you come off on these boards, I could imagine no one would want to work with you.

Everyone has had a experience when someone less deserving got a job or a promotion that they thought they deserved. I've had three such experiences in my career. Eventually, all three of them proved me right.

Get over it.
Yup. Hey…the heart surgeon isn’t the best, or even particularly good, but he DID meet the minimal qualifications. And the most important thing is he isn’t white.

Medical schools use affirmative action????

Ate you kidding? Lol
How about the topic we are in which is black poverty? My links point to a very disturbing ratio of black girls getting pregnant in their teen years and black males becoming felons, both of which play a huge party in poverty these days. I also posted a link that showed 75% of black male children cannot read at state levels in California, and I'm sure it's similar in other states, unless it's something in their drinking water.

Again, you fucking hypocrites whine about black pregnancy, and then you insist on cutting funds to planned parenthood because they perform abortions.

You whine about black illiteracy, but you stopped busing for desegregation, and whine whenever they call for more school funding.

On a personal note I told you about my neighbor next door with the basketball hoop, the complaints I hear on my police scanner, and the fact our schools were once one of the best in the county until blacks moved in, and we've been on academic watch since.

Oh, noes, a basketball hoop! were they eating fried chicken, too?

Per capita blacks lead the country in almost every crime category. Over 50% of US murders are committed by just 7% of our population, and that are black males.

We only have 20,000 murders out of a population of 300,000,000. Our murder stats are too high for a developed country, but it's hardly indicative of anything.
Right, because that is certainly more important than admitting the most qualified students. Remember that the next time you have major surgery. Choose your surgeon with diversity being the primary factor.

Yup. Hey…the heart surgeon isn’t the best, or even particularly good, but he DID meet the minimal qualifications. And the most important thing is he isn’t white.

Hey, thanks to Managed Care, most of us get stuck with doctors from India to start with. usually the cheapest provider. I worry more about the insurance companies than I do the providers.

I'm not worried that medical schools are churning out unqualified candidates... If you graduate, you are qualified.
We all know he is not the only one. If you're in his position, you do the same stuff.
He’s the only one you have been able to find in several years. And although I’m not in his position, I would never base decisions on race. I wanted to be surrounded by the best workers so I didn’t have to do extra work fixing their mistakes. Ive never judged anyone by their color, only their statements and actions.
Again, you fucking hypocrites whine about black pregnancy, and then you insist on cutting funds to planned parenthood because they perform abortions.

You whine about black illiteracy, but you stopped busing for desegregation, and whine whenever they call for more school funding.

Oh, noes, a basketball hoop! were they eating fried chicken, too?

We only have 20,000 murders out of a population of 300,000,000. Our murder stats are too high for a developed country, but it's hardly indicative of anything.
You just revealed the problem with democrat policies. Abortion isn't the solution to teenage pregnancy, and bussing kids to better schools also isn't a solution. Fix the problem. Demand accountability. That's the real weakness with your policies. No accountability.
Her parents were slaves, yes, from the Middleton Plantation. She actually wrote a book about her life and experiences there and there is a chart at the end of the book that shows the various branches of the family, including my grandfather's branch.
So if her parents were slaves, even if they were barely born in 1865 and had her at fifteen, she would have been born in 1880. That would make her over a hundred years old when you met her. The numbers don’t match up.
That didn't happen in Baltimore. Whites imagined a stolen election and stormed the Capital over what they imagined. So you really need to consider shutting the fuck up.
A couple of hundred idiots of all colors “stormed” the Capital. There were over a hundred thousand peaceful protestors in the crowd.

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