The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

That's actually what we did in this country. But blacks complained about discrimination much like they do here, so Bill Clinton had his HUD secretary (Andrew Cuomo) the youngest and most inexperienced of any other secretary, lower bank standards so blacks could qualify for home loans. They couldn't lower them for one race of people, they had to lower them for everybody, so they all jumped in on the bandwagon.

As we both know, this led to the housing bubble and bust. You didn't even need a credit check or down payment to buy a house. Walk into just about any bank and they handed you money. But the only possible way for them to have some security were ARM"s. If we go back to prime loans, blacks will complain once again about discrimination because they don't have the education to understand loan standards.

Actually, what led to the housing bust was white people buying McMansions they couldn't afford with the expectation of flipping them in a few years at a profit. It really had nothing to do with ending redlining (which happened back in the 1970's) or the minor tweaks Clinton made to the CRA. In fact, most of the banks that failed didn't handle CRA Loans. Those were too tightly regulated to have the kinds of shenanigans we got in the Suburbs.

I took out home loans in 1987, 2004 and 2021. The loan I got in 2004 was EASIER for me to get than the one I got in 1987. It was a no money down VA loan even though I was carrying thousands of dollars in other debt thanks to the First Bush Recession. The one I got in 2021 was a LOT harder to get, even though I was carrying no debt, had money in the bank, because the banks were doing what they should have done all along- scrutinizing everything.

The fact is, Bush was fine with easy to get home loans. Activity in the housing industry offset the manufacturing jobs we were BLEEDING on his watch.

We know it‘s taxpayer money to support their children. But they are in this country illegally and shouldn’t even be here. That’s the point. We are $30T in debt, are printing money hand over and fist, and we should just accept foreigners who wouldn’t qualify for admission here through legal channels - many have criminal records or would be otherwise deemed to be a negative to our country - to sneak or lie their way in, and then support their children?

(Also, not sure what this has to do with blacks who remain in poverty due to their poor choices, as opposed to the false blame of racism.)

We spend far more on Middle Class entitlements, than we do on poverty relief. If you guys were really interested in debt you'd cut those things first. (And you often try when you want to give tax breaks to billionaires)

We have illegals here because white people hire them.

For instance, in 2002, I applied for a job at a company that distributed novelties, and the guy who interviewed me pretty much said that they know most of their warehouse employees were undocumented, but as long as they presented a reasonable fake document, they were fine with that.

This guy also made a point of telling me they stopped working at Sundown on Friday because they were devout Jews. Yup, devout enough to follow some bronze age superstition, but not so devout to obey the laws of man.

You want to end illegal immigration, go after the people who hire them. The factory owner who hires cheap labor, the rich yuppie who can't be bothered to raise their own kids, the idiot who hires a bunch of day-laborers to finish that DIY project. (My racist Trump supporting brother did exactly that when he wasn't able to con his friends into helping him finish his remodeling project)
Boy, did my grandparents ever have a hard life. Fleeing Jewish persecution overseas, they arrived here young, penniless, and uneducated, to work 12 hours a day in sweatshops. When they became parents themselves, they lost half their family to Hitler, had to hear how FDR turned away a boatload of Jews back to Europe because the country didn’t want no more Jews, and still..…EVERY ONE OF THEIR KIDS GRADUATED FROM COLLEGE!

Nothing libs hate more than a persecuted minority rising above it and achieving successful lives.

Wow, so let me get this straight. A boatload of German Jews try to get into Cuba, and that is FDR's fault when Cuba didn't take them, and we didn't take them either, before we put the strong arm on the UK to take them.

The big difference between the Jews of Europe and blacks is that JEWS HAD A CHOICE. For every Jew who tried to get away, there were 100 more who said, "Maybe Hitler won't be so bad!"

Should also point out Hitler wanted to deport Germany's Jews to Palestine, and it was the British who said "No" because the Arabs didn't want them either. Something about stealing their land...
We have an influx in immigrants because of our welfare system that gives them money for nothing----at the cost of taxpayers.

We don't have enough jobs-----the immigrants especially illegals suppress wages as it is and it is expected that most low level jobs that immigrants take will be replaced with machines----followed by higher level jobs being replaced by machines creating a massive shortage of workers. The US is filled up--we have to many people now as it is---more pollution, more disease, more crowding, more crime, less green space and less clean water are the result of this.

So when was the last time you signed up for one of those plentiful jobs picking lettuce or cleaning toilets?

I remember when I was consulting for a company during Covid, and I was one of the last people out of the office because they didn't issue laptops to contractors, when they had cleaning crews come in to sanitize the office- yup- all Hispanics.... Unemployment peaking, people losing their jobs en-masse, and the shitty jobs STILL got done undocumented workers.
OMG. You are actually denying that Affirmative Action isn’t used to figure out a way to reject higher-scoring whites and Asians over lower-scoring blacks? The language, clarified by the Supreme Court in the Grutter decision, specifically allows admissions committees to use minority race as a factor In deciding whom to admit.

But would it be safe for me to assume that since you deny AA advantages blacks and discriminates against whites and Asians, you will have no objection when the SCOTUS deems that AA is racist and abolishes it?

It’s pretty sad that Harvard was so determined to get less qualified blacks in and keep the high-achieving Asians out that they designed some bogus, subjective personality test, scored Asians lower, and then rejected them because they had “unlike-able personalities”?

Now be honest. What would your reaction be if a company or school were sued by blacks because they were hiring or admitting lesser-qualified whites ahead of them - and the defense the company or school gave was that “blacks are unlike-able”? You’d be screaming holy hell. But because the racism exhibited by Harvard went against Asians, then you’re fine with it.

Or what if we had white quotas in sports games like basketball or football? The events would be much less exciting because they would not be allowed to have the best.
Or what if we had white quotas in sports games like basketball or football? The events would be much less exciting because they would not be allowed to have the best.

We already have that... that's what Title IX is about- Affirmative Action for white girls in sports.... and OH MY GOD, THERE'S A DUDE IN A DRESS, EVERYONE PANIC!!!!
Compare that to, for example, the black mayor of Baltimore who, as she observed black thugs destroy her city, actually said “give them space to destroy.”

I agree with the riots in Baltimore.

You have this belief that black people deserve to be killed and mistreated and should expect it. We are not gonna allow whites and law enforcement to come in and kill us and frame us, plant evidence and kill and harm our children

And we should just sit bk and accept this ? Get real

A white cop (Micheal A Wood) was a white retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans in Baltimore have long known.

The Police :
  • Racially profile.·
  • Lie.
  • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
  • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
  • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
  • Use unspoken arrest quota.
  • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
  • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
  • Are badly trained.
  • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other.

When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street. Also the police were told not to enforce drug laws against white people

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He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests like the prison-industrial complex that need 90% occupancy.
Isn't Baltimore a predominantly Democratic city? Aren't the elected officials who run it predominately Democrats who were in large part elected by blacks? But I hear you, man.
Or what if we had white quotas in sports games like basketball or football? The events would be much less exciting because they would not be allowed to have the best.
Good point. If basketball and football teams were required to “diversify” their teams and have the racial percentage of players match their numbers in the general population (we’re always hearing that since blacks are 14% of the population, they should make up 14% of Harvard, or Yale Law, or whatever), we would need about 65% white.

The caliber of the games would drop bigtime, as color and not competence were the deciding factors in hiring.
Isn't Baltimore a predominantly Democratic city? Aren't the elected officials who run it predominately Democrats who were in large part elected by blacks? But I hear you, man.
I stopped read that black racist’s post when he opened with how he’s in favor of destroying hardworking, honest people’s businesses, damaging other people’s property, committing arson, etc., otherwise known as “riots.”

Having a black come on here and support violence and harming other people isn’t helping their cause.
Title 4 or IV of the social security act of 1935 provided grants to states as Aid To Dependent Children. Eventually the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This was welfare folks. Assistance for single moms with children and no daddy at home. In 1935. Blacks were excluded. Aid to Dependent Children functioned mainly to provide federal grants to help the states with mothers’ aid laws that began in 1910.

The ADC plan was written by two ladies who had been former directors of what was at the time called the U.S. Children’s Bureau. The Children’s Bureau’s goal was to provide aid to all children whose mothers had no support from a husband no matter how they got into that position. From the Children's Bureau in 1910 until 1965, no one talked about how the welfare state was wrong and created the disintegration of the white family. I read no lectures about the irresponsible white father. The program was not denigrated as something creating dependence on government; it was seen as essential assistance needed to help women without husbands who had children. Only when the law required that others besides whites be included did the story change to how the welfare state was wrong and destructive.

Blacks paid taxes and were excluded from this program. Blacks paid for white women to sit at home and have babies. Blacks paid their money for irresponsible white men to hop from bed to bed impregnating women and taking no responsibility. Ask Dale Brown, the former LSU basketball coach, whose dad sexed his mom, and left her pregnant with Dale who she had to raise alone. So I really do think it's time for you racists to shut your damn mouths unless you're admitting how you wouldn't be jack squat without the government.

It's like my father told me. When he was a child, his father lived until 54 years old which was way past the average life expectancy in the US at the time. Women who usually stayed home taking care of the kids lost their husbands to illness or war. They didn't get knocked up all the time from different baby daddies for fun and government benefits.

My father grew up on welfare, but welfare back then meant pulling your red wagon to the fire station five miles down the road, the firemen would fill it up with fruits and vegetables, and you'd pull the wagon five miles back to the house. Not such a daunting chore in the summer, but certainly a mission when there's a foot of snow on the ground which is usually all the time here in Cleveland.

For my father and his several brothers and sisters, it was either that or starve. They grew up doing both.
I stopped read that black racist’s post when he opened with how he’s in favor of destroying hardworking, honest people’s businesses, damaging other people’s property, committing arson, etc., otherwise known as “riots.”

Having a black come on here and support violence and harming other people isn’t helping their cause.

Uh, hey, remember when Colin Kapernaek took a knee. Did we all say, "What a thoughtful young man you are, Colin, we need to look into your legitimate concerns about police misconduct." Nope. We ruined the man's career!

Then black folks got tired of asking nicely and just started breaking white people's shit. AMAZINGLY, White people started actually caring about police reform.

Just like 50 years ago, people ignored Dr. King's sit ins, but when the Black Panthers and Malcolm X started threatening violence, we were all keen to fix things.

Good point. If basketball and football teams were required to “diversify” their teams and have the racial percentage of players match their numbers in the general population (we’re always hearing that since blacks are 14% of the population, they should make up 14% of Harvard, or Yale Law, or whatever), we would need about 65% white.

The caliber of the games would drop bigtime, as color and not competence were the deciding factors in hiring.

We already have diversity in sports- it's called "Title IX", where we spend a lot of money on girl's sport no one cared about until some tranny in a dress started waiving his dick around in a locker room.
It's like my father told me. When he was a child, his father lived until 54 years old which was way past the average life expectancy in the US at the time. Women who usually stayed home taking care of the kids lost their husbands to illness or war. They didn't get knocked up all the time from different baby daddies for fun and government benefits.

My father grew up on welfare, but welfare back then meant pulling your red wagon to the fire station five miles down the road, the firemen would fill it up with fruits and vegetables, and you'd pull the wagon five miles back to the house. Not such a daunting chore in the summer, but certainly a mission when there's a foot of snow on the ground which is usually all the time here in Cleveland.

For my father and his several brothers and sisters, it was either that or starve. They grew up doing both.

Wow, Ray's deluded version of history...

Of course, the reason why that kind of poverty ended was because we created more effective programs than pulling your little red wagon down to the firehouse and looking pathetic.
Good point. If basketball and football teams were required to “diversify” their teams and have the racial percentage of players match their numbers in the general population (we’re always hearing that since blacks are 14% of the population, they should make up 14% of Harvard, or Yale Law, or whatever), we would need about 65% white.

The caliber of the games would drop bigtime, as color and not competence were the deciding factors in hiring.

And what about the Hispanics in baseball? At one time baseball was the all American game. Today if an American doesn't speak Spanish, he's lost in the dugout.

Why this huge takeover? Because while our kids are getting fat on Doritoes and playing video games of baseball and football, people from poor countries are out there physically playing because they grew up poor without any video games, cell phones, internet and so on. In other words they grew up in their country the way we grew up in ours back in the day.

Baseball is boring enough as it is. Imagine if we had a white quota for the game.

This Mornings lesson:

Would You "Conservative" White Females Shut Up About Racial Preferences? Because You are the ones Who have Benefitted the Most From Them
White women benefited the most from racial preference? Even for those of you with the lowest of intelligence, how does that make sense? White women are white, right?

Do you think these AA programs were designed to benefit whites? Staggering stupidity regardless of your minuscule IQ.
And what about the Hispanics in baseball? At one time baseball was the all American game. Today if an American doesn't speak Spanish, he's lost in the dugout.

Why this huge takeover? Because while our kids are getting fat on Doritoes and playing video games of baseball and football, people from poor countries are out there physically playing because they grew up poor without any video games, cell phones, internet and so on. In other words they grew up in their country the way we grew up in ours back in the day.

Baseball is boring enough as it is. Imagine if we had a white quota for the game.
All excellent points.

And could you imagine what a race in the Olympics would look like if the team had to be made up of 65% whites?
White women benefited the most from racial preference? Even for those of you with the lowest of intelligence, how does that make sense. White women are white, right?
Yeah, that’s also a big lie the left is pushing to keep blacks getting favorable treatment. I know of two cases - both in the federal government, where liberalism and favoritism toward blacks are rampant - where a less qualified black got a promotion that the better qualified white woman was going for. in both cases, the white woman who were discriminated against for not being black sued, and both won. The libs try to get away with this all the time in the government, and you have to fight back!

In my own case, I went up against a black woman for a promotion and she got it - despite a much worse education and half the experience. The hiring manager told me she was sorry, but she was under a lot of pressure to hire and promote blacks, and offered me a “compensation” prize of another (higher) position. It wasn’t my cup of tea, but I took it - and then found another job where they judgEd on competence and not skin color.
We have an influx in immigrants because of our welfare system that gives them money for nothing----at the cost of taxpayers.

We don't have enough jobs-----the immigrants especially illegals suppress wages as it is and it is expected that most low level jobs that immigrants take will be replaced with machines----followed by higher level jobs being replaced by machines creating a massive shortage of workers. The US is filled up--we have to many people now as it is---more pollution, more disease, more crowding, more crime, less green space and less clean water are the result of this.

I have no idea where these leftists get the notion that we must grow our population non-stop. Weren't we a great country when we had 50 million less people?

Today housing is just about unaffordable for many Americans. A good chunk of housing price is the property. I believe it was Will Rogers who once said, buy land, God ain't making anymore of it.

Now that they are allowing illegals to flood our country by the millions every year, we have to find a place to put them. Land is like anything else, supply and demand.
"How can people be expected to hold positive views about people who insist on acting like rabid animals - and then try to blame others for their self-created problems? Fuck them."

And this is what we're talking about. Whites have acted like rabid animals for the past 403 years and have created the problems in this country. Instead of taking responsibility for the problems they have created, we read a bunch of psychosis from idiots like you. So fuck YOU.

The difference is that as time went on, we whites became more civilized, while at the same time, blacks have become less civilized.
Yeah, that’s also a big lie the left is pushing to keep blacks getting favorable treatment. I know of two cases - both in the federal government, where liberalism and favoritism toward blacks are rampant - where a less qualified black got a promotion that the better qualified white woman was going for. in both cases, the white woman who were discriminated against for not being black sued, and both won. The libs try to get away with this all the time in the government, and you have to fight back!

In my own case, I went up against a black woman for a promotion and she got it - despite a much worse education and half the experience. The hiring manager told me she was sorry, but she was under a lot of pressure to hire and promote blacks, and offered me a “compensation” prize of another (higher) position. It wasn’t my cup of tea, but I took it - and then found another job where they judgEd on competence and not skin color.
I think you missed IM2's "point" of white women benefiting from, and I quote "racial preference". Maybe Rachel Dolezal, but I would think she would be the exception.

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