The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Not really. It was dishonest of you to change what she actually said.
The leftists always change what their opponent says, and you’re right….it’s a very dishonest (and unfair) way to debate. It’s a way of making the other person defend themself against something they didn’t say, and deflects from the point.
It's the answer to your question. If a hard life is a result of racism, what are you going to do about it? Feel sorry for yourself and give up? Thereby transferring your control to an external source?
Boy, did my grandparents ever have a hard life. Fleeing Jewish persecution overseas, they arrived here young, penniless, and uneducated, to work 12 hours a day in sweatshops. When they became parents themselves, they lost half their family to Hitler, had to hear how FDR turned away a boatload of Jews back to Europe because the country didn’t want no more Jews, and still..…EVERY ONE OF THEIR KIDS GRADUATED FROM COLLEGE!

Nothing libs hate more than a persecuted minority rising above it and achieving successful lives.
Boy, did my grandparents ever have a hard life. Fleeing Jewish persecution overseas, they arrived here penniless and uneducated, to work 12 hours a day in sweatshops. As young parents themselves, they lost half their family to Hitler, had to hear how FDR turned away a boatload of Jews back to Europe because the country didn’t want no more Jews, and still..…EVERY ONE OF THEIR KIDS GRADUATED FROM COLLEGE!

Nothing libs hate more than a persecuted minority rising above it and achieving successful lives.
Why don't you direct your complaints of ‘Jewish oppression’ to you fellow white brethren ? It was the REAL DEAL white supremacists who killed Jewish people. Yet your up supporting the very system that killed your people.

Your grandparents came with billon dollars worth of whiteness.

Black people have never enslaved or oppressed Jewish people.

Allow me to introduce you to this white Jewish man. His name is Bernie Madoff


He got caught stealing 65 000 000 000 dollars.

65 billion dollars is more money even if you added up the money robbed by every single black robber for the past 200 years in the USA

De Niro made a movie about his life "Wizard Of Lies" a few years bk

When white people do crime it's glorified. They're seen as cool and cunning. GoodFellas ? Sopranos ? Al Capone ? Bonnie and Clyde....anyone ?

It's also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.
So have blacks.
Excellent point!

The difference is that when Bernie Madoff did that horrible thing, Jews were appalled. They didn’t make excuses or say “antisemitism made him do it.”

Compare that to, for example, the black mayor of Baltimore who, as she observed black thugs destroy her city, actually said “give them space to destroy.”
You know how these leftists cry about “poor, oppressed blacks” and how they don’t have all the generational wealth transfer of whites?

Well, the median inheritance of whites is $88,000, and the median inheritance of blacks is $85,000! Almost identical. (Median is a better reflection than average, in which a small number of very rich people skew it up.)

The fact is that for the vast majority of people in this country, there is little difference between blacks and whites when it comes to inheritance. Interestingly, it is the Latinos pulling up the rear, with a median of just over $50,000.

So have blacks.

Bernie Madoff was just a common punk.

Notice how romanticism played a big part of it. Madoff was used shows how white crooks are envied for their slyness and intelligence. He was described as a criminal mastermind. I often wonder if Madoff was a black guy named Jerome Jenkins, how long would he have gotten away with it?

Answer = Probably a couple of weeks......... if that

A negro with money in the bank not asking for ‘handouts’ the cashiers would have called the police. This is why I don't really have much empathy for whites who get fked over by other whites. You allow all these fked up white ppl to run riot and then like Lisa558 then wants to complain about it years later

Bernie Madoff is one of the biggest criminals ever and yet his doings are seen somehow “victimless” even though he stole billions which means tens of thousands lost their pention funds, money, houses, life savings etc.

Yet we see next to no resources dedicated to the investigation of organized and primarily white crime.

Laws are basically for the blk people to keep us controlled, off-balance, in line, in check and incarcerated.
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Compare that to, for example, the black mayor of Baltimore who, as she observed black thugs destroy her city, actually said “give them space to destroy.”

I agree with the riots in Baltimore.

You have this belief that black people deserve to be killed and mistreated and should expect it. We are not gonna allow whites and law enforcement to come in and kill us and frame us, plant evidence and kill and harm our children

And we should just sit bk and accept this ? Get real

A white cop (Micheal A Wood) was a white retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans in Baltimore have long known.

The Police :
  • Racially profile.·
  • Lie.
  • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
  • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
  • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
  • Use unspoken arrest quota.
  • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
  • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
  • Are badly trained.
  • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other.

When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street. Also the police were told not to enforce drug laws against white people

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests like the prison-industrial complex that need 90% occupancy.
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Excellent point!

The difference is that when Bernie Madoff did that horrible thing, Jews were appalled. They didn’t make excuses or say “antisemitism made him do it.”

Compare that to, for example, the black mayor of Baltimore who, as she observed black thugs destroy her city, actually said “give them space to destroy.”
What an incredibly disgusting and incompetent woman she is. I still get angry when I'm reminded of her stupidity.

This incompetent's name and decision should never be forgotten. She is former Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.
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The neighborhoods were segregated and thus the schools. The only way to desegregate the schools was busing.

That happened in my city. When it started whites moved out of the city into the suburbs. Back then, few women drove and most all households were one car families that the father took to work everyday. In the event of a problem a woman couldn't just hop in a car and drive across town to get her child, so the people with money left. The people who didn't have the money were forced to stay.

So what happens to a city when all the people with money leave and the only people left are those with no money? The legacy of busing still haunts our city until this day.
What is the state of the neighborhood now?
Which is a completely stupid statement given whites are five times the black population.
Not it shows just how far whites like you go to excuse the bad choices of your race. You don't get to commit more crimes because there are more of you. You have 17 times the wealth, own damn near everything, are represented at every level in the American system. Whites should not be committing more crimes than everybody else.
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So just to sum up, discriminating against blacks was terribly wrong, which I agree, so we need to discriminate against whites now to makeup for that. Two wrongs equal = right in your world.
If you can show me where in the text of the executive order that created affirmative action, it states that blacks or any race are to be given preferential treatment over whites I will concede your point.
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The difference between us is you offer opinion, and I offer fact. It's like rock, paper scissors. Facts and statistics beat opinion every single time.
Yeah, here we go - a current sampling of racial discrimination employment cases that have been settled (the bad guys were found to have actually committed the offenses they were accused of - they signed off on it)



  • In March 2020, Porous Materials, a manufacturer in Ithaca, NY, must pay $93,000 in monetary relief and report any future harassment allegations directly to the EEOC to settle claims that it engaged in pervasive harassment based on race, sex and national origin, according to a recent EEOC lawsuit. The extreme bullying and harassment allegedly included a manager using racial slurs toward his employees, calling foreign workers “terrorists,” telling immigrants to leave America, and making unwanted sexual advances toward female employees. The EEOC further claims the owner of Porous Materials did nothing to put a stop to the harassment. EEOC v. Porous Materials, Inc., Civil Action No. 3:18-cv-01099 (N.D.N.Y. Mar. 3, 2020).
  • In March 2020, Prewett Enterprises, Inc., doing business as B&P Enterprises, and Desoto Marine, LLC, rail services and disaster response companies, paid $250,000 and furnished other relief to settle a race harassment case brought by the EEOC. According to the EEOC's lawsuit, Prewett and Desoto supervisors and managers subjected African American employees to daily harassment and humiliation because of their race by calling them racially offensive and derogatory names and assigned Black employees the more dangerous job duties. Under the two-year consent decree, the businesses will revise their anti-racial harassment policies; create an 800-hotline number for employees to report complaints about discrimination, harassment and retaliation; and conduct exit interviews of employees who leave the company. The decree also mandates training of employees and the reporting of any future complaints of race harassment to the EEOC. EEOC v. Prewett Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a B&P Enterprises, and Desoto Marine,LLC, Civil Action No. 3:18-cv-213 (N.D. Miss. Mar. 18, 2020).
  • In January 2020, Jacksonville Plumbers and Pipefitters Joint Apprenticeship and Training Trust (JPPJATT), which sponsors an apprenticeship program that trains participants to work in the plumbing and pipefitting industries in Northern Florida, revised its selection process, paid $207,500 and provided other significant equitable relief to settle EEOC’s class race discrimination lawsuit which sought relief for applicants who allegedly were denied apprenticeship positions because they were Black. In addition to the monetary relief, the four-year consent decree provides for extensive injunctive relief to help secure a diverse workforce; requires JPPJATT to hire a consultant to review and revise its selection process and implement and train employees in the new process; enjoins JPPJATT from discriminating against Black applicants on the basis of race in the future; and requires the company to hold information sessions at locations in the Black community. EEOC v. Jacksonville Plumbers and Pipefitters Joint Apprenticeship and Training Trust, Case No. 3:18-cv-862-J-32JRK (M.D. Fla. Jan. 2020).
  • In January 2020, Falcon Foundry Company agreed to resolve a racial harassment class case which was filed against it by the Youngstown Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the EEOC. The NAACP filed an EEOC charge on behalf of some employees and the EEOC's investigation found that a top company official subjected employees to derogatory racial comments and that there was a noose hanging in the facility. The EEOC also found that Black and Hispanic employees were disciplined for violating company policies while Caucasian employees who violated the same policies were not disciplined. On these bases, the EEOC found that a class of individuals were harassed and discriminated against because of their race, Black; their national origin, Hispanic; or their association with a Black or Hispanic employee in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The company conducted an internal investigation, trained its employees, and terminated the company official to address the claims filed against it. Additionally, the EEOC, the NAACP and Falcon Foundry signed a conciliation agreement that requires Falcon Foundry to pay substantial monetary relief to identified victims; hold managers and supervisors accountable for discrimination in the workplace and provide ongoing training to all employees; revise its policies and procedures for dealing with discrimination; and report to the EEOC for the agreement's multi-year term.
  • In November 2019, Janitorial Service Provider Diversified Maintenance Systems, LLC paid $750,000 and furnished significant equitable relief to settle a federal race discrimination, harassment and retaliation lawsuit. The complaint alleged that since at least January, 2012, Diversified engaged in an ongoing pattern or practice of race discrimination against African-American job applicants in Maryland, Washington D.C., and Philadelphia metropolitan areas by refusing to hire Black applicants for custodian, lead custodian or porter positions and racially harassing a Black janitorial supervisor in the presence of customers and employees. The lawsuit also alleged that when he complained, the company demoted the Black supervisor, changed his work assignments, hours, and conditions and then fired him. The 30-month consent decree enjoins Diversified from discriminating against or harassing anyone based on race or engaging in retaliation and requires the company to designate an internal monitor to ensure compliance with the consent decree. Additionally, Diversified must implement a targeted hiring plan that tracks the number and race of applicants, and reason(s) why they are not hired. It also must create a policy to prohibit harassment and retaliation and provide training on preventing discrimination, harassment and retaliation. EEOC v. Diversified Maintenance Systems, LLC., Case No. 8:17-cv-01835 (D. Md. settlement announced Nov. 25, 2019).
  • In November 2019, a federal judge approved the settlement of the 2013 EEOC lawsuit challenging the way a discount retailer conducted criminal background checks of job applicants because the process allegedly discriminated against Black workers with criminal histories. In addition to paying $6 million, the company agreed to hire a criminologist to develop a new background check process that accounts for job applicants’ actual risk of recidivism. EEOC v. Dolgencorp LLC d/b/a Dollar General, Civil Action No. 13 C 4307 (N.D. Ill. Nov. 18, 2019).
  • In November 2019, a federal judge approved a $1.2 million settlement resolving the EEOC’s racial harassment suit against Nabors Corporate Services Inc. and another Houston-based oil field services company. Nine Black employees and a White co-worker received payments. The EEOC lawsuit alleged that Black employees assigned to fracking and coiled tubing oilfield service operations in Pleasanton, Texas, were subjected to a hostile work environment based on race since at least 2012 and that Nabors and C&J Well Services Inc. retaliated against employees who complained about the harassment. Although they deny the allegations, the companies also agreed to provide the affected workers with neutral employment references; maintain social media and information policies that prohibit the use of email, software, or hardware or any company-owned devices to be used for racially offensive communications or similar misconduct; and maintain procedures that encourage workers to come forward with race bias complaints. EEOC v. Nabors Indus., Ltd. No. 5:16-cv-00758 (W.D. Tex. consent decree approved Nov. 12, 2019).
  • In October 2019, Breakthru Beverage Illinois, LLC (BBI), a distributor of alcoholic beverages, agreed to pay $950,000 to resolve an investigation of race and national origin discrimination conducted by the EEOC. Based on its investigation, the EEOC had found reasonable cause to believe that BBI discriminated against Illinois sales employees by offering them account and territory assignments that, when accepted, resulted in national origin or race discrimination, which violates Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964. Pursuant to this settlement, BBI will The settlement provides monetary relief to the class identified by the EEOC and ensures the company will take proactive measures to prevent such discrimination from occurring in the future. Pursuant to the terms of the settlement, BBI also will conduct anti-discrimination training for its Illinois sales force; put in place systems to further encourage diverse applicants for open positions; revise its anti-discrimination policy to expressly reference that it prohibits segregating or making assignments based on race and/or national origin and distribute the revised policy to its Illinois sales force; hire a monitor to track the demographics of employees applying for and receiving offers for specified Illinois sales positions; provide periodic reporting on the demographics of its Illinois sales force for the next two years; and post an internal notification to its Illinois employees of this resolution.
  • In February 2019, the Jacksonville Association of Fire Fighters, Local 122, IAFF agreed to pay $4.9 million to settle a race discrimination lawsuit. The EEOC's 2012 lawsuit against the union alleged that the union advocated for an unlawful promotional process that had a disparate impact on African-American promotional candidates even after it learned that the EEOC had received charges challenging the city’s promotion practices. EEOC v. Jacksonville Association of Firefighters, Local 122, IAFF, No. 3:12-cv-491-J-32MCR (M.D. Fla. Feb. 5, 2019).

  • In December 2017, Laquila Group Inc., a Brooklyn-based construction company, paid $625,000 into a class settlement fund and took measures to eliminate race bias and retaliation against black construction laborers. In its lawsuit, EEOC alleged that Laquila engaged in systemic discrimination against black employees as a class by subjecting them to racial harassment, including referring to them using the N-word, "gorilla," and similar epithets. The Commission also alleged that the company fired an employee who complained about the harassment. The consent decree also requires Laquila to set up a hotline for employees to report illegal discrimination, provide anti-discrimination training to its managers, adopt revised anti-discrimination policies and employee complaint procedures and report all worker harassment and retaliation complaints to the EEOC for the 42-month duration of the agreement. EEOC v. The Laquila Grp., Inc., No. 1:16-cv-05194 (E.D.N.Y. consent decree approved Dec. 1, 2017).

  • In November 2017, after an extensive five-year, complicated systemic investigation and settlement efforts, the EEOC reached an agreement with Lone Star Community College covering recruitment, hiring and mentoring of African-American and Hispanic applicants and employees. The terms of the agreement were designed to enhance the College's commitment to the recruitment of African-American and Hispanics and to engage in meaningful monitoring of the College's efforts to reach its recruitment and hiring goals. The agreement included some novel relief, such as: implementation of a new applicant tracking system; establishing an advisory committee focused on the recruitment, development and retention of minority groups; hiring of recruitment firms; developing new interview protocol training; establishing a mentoring program for recently hired minority employees; and updating job descriptions for all college manager positions to require as a job component the diversity of its workforce.

  • In August 2017, Ford Motor Company agreed to pay nearly $10.125 million to settle sex and race harassment investigation by the EEOC at two Ford plants in Chicago area. In its investigation, the EEOC found reasonable cause to believe that personnel at two Ford facilities in the Chicago area, the Chicago Assembly Plant and the Chicago Stamping Plant, had subjected female and African-American employees to sexual and racial harassment. The EEOC also found that the company retaliated against employees who complained about the harassment or discrimination. In addition to the monetary relief, the conciliation agreement provides ensures that during the next five years, Ford will conduct regular training at the two Chicago-area facilities; continue to disseminate its anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies and procedures to employees and new hires; report to EEOC regarding complaints of harassment and/or related discrimination; and monitor its workforce regarding issues of alleged sexual or racial harassment and related discrimination.

  • In July 2017, Bass Pro Outdoor World LLC agreed, without admitting wrongdoing, to pay $10.5 million to a class of African-American and Hispanic workers the EEOC alleged it discriminated against by failing to hire because of their race and/or national origin in violation of Title VII. According to the consent decree, Bass Pro will engage in good faith efforts to increase diversity by reaching out to minority colleges and technical schools, participating in job fairs in communities with large minority populations and post job openings in publications popular among Black and Hispanic communities. Additionally, every six months for the next 42 months, Bass Pro is to report to the EEOC its hiring rates on a store-by-store basis. EEOC v. Bass Pro Outdoor World LLC, Case No. 4:11-cv-03425 (S.D. Tex. consent decree filed July 24, 2017).
  • In June 2017, the EEOC investigated a restaurant operating over 100 facilities in the Eastern U.S. involving issues of hiring discrimination against African Americans. The restaurant agreed to pay $9.6 million to class members as part of a conciliation agreement. Additionally, the restaurant will overhaul its hiring procedures and has agreed to institute practices aimed at meeting hiring targets consistent with the labor market in each of the locations in which it has facilities. The new hiring procedures include implementation of an extensive applicant tracking system that will better enable the EEOC and the company to assess whether the company is meeting the targeted hiring levels. The restaurant will also provide an annual report to EEOC detailing the company's efforts in complying with the agreement and its objectives over the term of the five-year agreement, including detailed hiring assessments for each facility covered by the agreement.
  • In May 2017, Rosebud Restaurants agreed to pay $1.9 million to resolve a race discrimination lawsuit brought by the EEOC against 13 restaurants in the Chicago area. The chain was charged with refusing to hire African-American applicants and having managers who used racial slurs to refer to African-Americans. The monetary award will be paid to African-American applicants who were denied jobs. Pursuant to a consent decree, the chain also agreed to hiring goals with the aim of having 11 percent of its future workforce be African American. Rosebud is also required to recruit African-American applicants as well as train employees and managers about race discrimination. EEOC v. Rosebud Rest., No. 1:13-cv-06656 (N.D. Ill. May 30, 2017).

  • In April 2017, Sealy of Minnesota paid $175,000 to resolve a charge of racial harassment filed with the EEOC. An investigation by the EEOC's Minneapolis Area Office revealed that the mattress and box spring manufacturing company in St. Paul, Minn. subjected its Black and Hispanic employees to severe racial harassment in the form of KKK hoods, nooses, and racial slurs and jokes. The agency also found that the company discriminated against black and Hispanic employees in the selection of lead positions at the St. Paul facility. EEOC v. Sealy of Minn., (D. Minn. Apr. 20, 2017)

  • In December 2016, Crothall Services Group, Inc., a nationwide provider of janitorial and facilities management services, settled an EEOC lawsuit by adopting significant changes to its record-keeping practices related to the use of criminal background checks. According to the EEOC's complaint, Crothall used criminal background checks to make hiring decisions without making and keeping required records that disclose the impact criminal history assessments have on persons identifiable by race, sex, or ethnic group, a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1965. EEOC v. Crothall Servs. Group, Inc., Civil Action No. 2:15-cv-03812-AB (E.D. Pa. Dec. 16, 2016).

  • In August 2016, a magistrate judge reaffirmed that "African" has long been recognized as an acceptable class entitled to protection under Title VII. The EEOC alleged that the Defendants, a health care management system and nursing home discriminated against African employees, specifically employees from Ethiopia and Sudan, when it terminated four personal care providers all on the same day, allegedly for failing to pass a newly instituted written exam. The EEOC brought disparate impact and treatment claims based on race and national origin, and a retaliation claim for a white supervisor who stood up for the African workers and was fired several months before the test was instituted. Defendants moved for dismissal arguing (1) Africa is not a nation and so cannot serve as the basis of a national origin claim, (2) EEOC failed to allege any shared cultural or linguistic characteristics between the aggrieved individuals so they could not constitute a protected class; and (3) the EEOC's retaliation claim must be dismissed because EEOC failed to allege protected activity or the Defendants had knowledge of the white supervisor's motivations. The Magistrate Judge recommended that the motion be denied in total. EEOC v. Columbine Health Sys. & New Mercer Commons, Civ. Action No. 15-cv-01597-MSK-CBS (D. Colo. Aug. 19, 2016).
  • In June 2016, the EEOC obtained a $350,000 settlement in its race discrimination lawsuit against defendant FAPS, Inc., a company located at Port Newark, N.J., involved in the processing for final sale of shipped automobiles. In this case, the Commission alleged that the company engaged in a pattern-or-practice of race discrimination by relying on word-of-mouth hiring which resulted in a predominantly white workforce despite the substantial African-American available workforce in the Newark area. The agency further alleged that FAPS refused to hire qualified African-American candidates, including by telling them that no positions were available when in fact FAPS was hiring. Finally, the EEOC alleged that FAPS' employment application contained improper pre-employment medical inquiries in violation of the ADA. Besides the monetary compensation, the five year consent decree requires FAPS to meet substantial hiring goals for African-Americans; give hiring priority to rejected class members who are interested in working at the company; use recruiting methods designed to increase the African-American applicant pool; and hire an EEO coordinator to ensure compliance with Title VII. EEOC v. FAPS, Inc., C.A. No. No. 2:10-cv-03095 (D.N.J. June 15, 2016).

  • In April 2015, Local 25 of the Sheet Metal Workers' International Association and its associated apprenticeship school agreed to create a back pay fund for a group of minority sheet metal workers in partial settlement of race discrimination claims against the local union. Pursuant to the settlement, it is estimated that the union will pay approximately $12.7 million over the next five years and provide substantial remedial relief to partially resolve claims made against the union in 1991-2002. The trade union, which is responsible for sheet metal journeypersons in northern New Jersey, allegedly discriminated against black and Hispanic journeypersons over a multi-year period in hiring and job assignments. An analysis of hours and wages showed African-American and Hispanic workers received fewer hours of work than their white co-workers during most of this same timeframe. This particular agreement covers from April 1991 through December 2002. EEOC v. Local 28 of the Sheet Metal Workers' Int'l Ass'n, Case No. 71 Civ. 2887 (LAK) (S.D.N.Y. April 2, 2015).

  • In December 2015, Hillshire Brands (formerly known as Sara Lee Corporation) agreed to pay $4 million to 74 workers at the now-shuttered Paris, Texas, plant, including the dozens of people who sought EEOC charges against Hillshire and other aggrieved workers identified by the EEOC and the plaintiffs. This resolution settles claims that the company subjected a class of Black employees to a hostile work environment that included racist graffiti and comments, that included the N-word and "boy." The company also agreed to implement training at all of its plants in a bid to end consolidated suits from the EEOC and former worker Stanley Beaty. The consent decree also requires Hillshire to implement anti-racism training and create a mechanism for employees at its existing plants to confidentially report instances of harassment, discrimination and retaliation. The settlement also requires Hillshire to designate one employee to serve as a point-of-contact for those who feel they've been treated improperly and to punish workers with suspensions and even termination who are found "by reasonable evidence" to have engaged in racial bias or behavior related to it. EEOC v. Hillshire Brands Co. f/k/a Sara Lee Corp., No. 2:15-cv-01347 (E.D. Tex. consent decree filed 12/18/15) and Beaty et al v. The Hillshire Brands Co. et al., No. 2:14-cv-00058 (E.D. Tex. consent decree filed 12/18/15).
Was your cousin a slave? He would have had to been 120 years old or so to have been born a slave. It's more likely he was the son or grandson of sharecroppers working the land for a percentage of the crops grown by them. A lot of poor people of all races sharecropped in the nineteenth century. My uncle's neighbor sharecropped my uncle's farm because while my uncle loved living in the country he wasn't interested in farming. So, he allowed his farmer neighbor to work the land and they split the profits form the crop.
Her parents were slaves, yes, from the Middleton Plantation. She actually wrote a book about her life and experiences there and there is a chart at the end of the book that shows the various branches of the family, including my grandfather's branch.
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You know how these leftists cry about “poor, oppressed blacks” and how they don’t have all the generational wealth transfer of whites?

Well, the median inheritance of whites is $88,000, and the median inheritance of blacks is $85,000! Almost identical. (Median is a better reflection than average, in which a small number of very rich people skew it up.)

The fact is that for the vast majority of people in this country, there is little difference between blacks and whites when it comes to inheritance. Interestingly, it is the Latinos pulling up the rear, with a median of just over $50,000.

Please excuse me newsvine for the language I am about to use on the "woman."

Lisa, you're about an ignorant bitch. You compared median inheritance and just because that median is close you are trying to argue that racism isn't a problem.

There about around 20 million black families in America, less than 400,000 have a net worth of 1 million. There are more players in an 8 man football game than there are black billionaires. There are only 7 of them in this country. You ignorant ass racists keep taking about 13 percent when you talk stupid about crime, but blacks are 13 percent of the population and havev2.6 percent of the wealth. Your ignorant ass talks about medians inheritance as if the numbers are close to the same, but:

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.” -DEMOS

So if 50 blacks got inheritances and 850 whites do and the black median inheritance is 85,000 and the white inheritance is 88,000 that proves to you that everything is equal. My goodness, are you mentally handicapped?

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