The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

The truth is that you pointing to it and saying "see? It was ok then so it's OK now."
That attitude is sick.

When did I say it was okay then? What I said is that it was acceptable to the people of that time.

They used to have public hangings for a man simply stealing a horse. We don't use horses for travel any longer, but we can't have a public hanging for stealing a car. It's simply not acceptable today but was back then. Did you ever see the classic movie Cool Hand Luke? That's what prisons used to be like. Again, acceptable back then, but not acceptable today.
If it was OK at the time...
Why was there a war to end it?
Why did 650k Americans die in this war if it was OK.
I would compare changing or evolving standards in smoking

Today society looks down on tobacco smoking

As late as the 1950’s a doctor or anyone else could light up a cigarette in a hospital and still remain a respected member of society

but not now

standards of acceptability change
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I would compare changing or evolving standards in smoking

Today society looks down on tobacco smoking

As late as the 1950’s a doctor or anyone else could light up a cigarette in a hospital and still temain a respected member of society

but not now

standards of acceptability change

Also I remember smoking in your hospital room. You hospital room came with a urinal, bed pan, and an ashtray.
Also I remember smoking in your hospital room. You hospital room came with a urinal, bed pan, and an ashtray.
So to Dadoalex I would say even in 1950 there was small but growing opposition to cigarette use

and over time the culture changed

Yet for instance who in their right mind hates George Burns today because he was a smoker?

Actually, the Holocaust took the lives of 12 million people, including Poles, Slavs, gays, political dissidents, Roma (Gypsies)... meanwhile their Japanese allies were murdering millions of Koreans and Chinese.

The only reason we keep hearing about the Jews is because they run Hollywood and just won't stop crowing about their film about the Holocaust.

I think I've seen one film about the Rape of Nanking, and it was mostly about how it ruined the day of compassionate white people.
Thats just hollywood

Chinese films are very interested in Japanese war crimes
Paul, I can appreciate that you've probably suffered some serious racism in your life, and I can see why you are a bitter guy.

Spare me your cheap amateur psychology.

Any other social issue, the issue itself gets discussed. Imagine how absurd it would be if you said "We need to find ways to address child abuse" and I responded with “I can see why you are a bitter guy.”

You need to direct that energy in a more positive area.

Well one of the ways black ppl have copied historically is through positive thinking and stuffing their experiences.

Believe or not but blk people like me and IM2 are not the norm.

Most blk ppl are actually reluctant to allege racism, be it on the job, or in schools, or anywhere else.

Most black people spend a lot of their lives trying to make white ppl comfortable and talking about racism - white supremacy doesn't make whites comfortable and considering that most black ppl in the USA are dependent on whites for jobs, housing then a lot of black people simply “stuff” their experiences with racism, only making an allegation after many, many incidents.

White denial has long trumped claims of racism. And any "area" you point out will be dominated by racism - white supremacy.

That's why the relationship between whites and black is tacky

You put 50 whiteS and 50 blacks in a room and watch how they interact ?....It will be tacky ....TO THE MAX

Immigration helps ALL Americans, because right now, we are in a demographic death spiral. Too many people getting old, not enough new babies to replace them. They only way we get to equilibrium is bringing more people in.

As long as the people they bring in are vast majority white and non black - Right ? They ain't gonna be shipping in thousands and thousands of people from Nigeria and Jamaica.

Also whites are the ones that are shook about their low birth rates. This is why they encourage blacks to have less children so they can keep up.

Say what you want but Black men are not about to put their peen on strike.

And I will say the same thing to you that I say to any white bigot like Ray or Flash whining about immigrants.

Maybe but white supremacists like to play both sides.

If you have failed so hard that someone with no money, no connections and a limited grasp on the English language is beating you

What are you talking about ? Who is beating me ?

Uh, no, he gave up his sport because he didn't want to serve a country that had given him so much.


Was he lying then ?

Avoiding military service doesn't get you a lot of points with me, but maybe because I am a third generation veteran.

When the white supremacists were over there in 1800's killing the people in the Phillipines, almost committing genocide. A black American man named David Fagan and other blk men defected because they didn't wanna see the filippinos get slaughtered. So he and a few other blk men started a guerilla war against the USA army


He went over there training the Asians so they wouldn't be sitting ducks for the white supremacists.

At the end of the day, drugs are only a problem because people take them. Now, I think we need to refocus the war on drugs away from punishment and towards treatment.

I agree but you are going to run into white supremacy and white privilege even within the drugs

Meth and heroin are drugs that black people rarely use or sell today. Most of the users and sellers are white or non black.

Waco has been a hotbed for crystal meth use. So what do the white supremacists do ? Change possession of meth from felony to misdemeanor.

All over the USA white people are drugged out on meth like this





These white folks got K&A looking like skid row.

But the system of white supremacy gives them gives them clean needles and a program to pick up the needles those trifling cave beasts discard on the ground.

Plus they beg 24/7 with their dusty ass signs in the street and subway. You see when it’s a white problem it isn’t a problem. They don’t want the little white Timmys of the world to hit that cell


They have a system to go easy on them like Clinton in this opiod crisis. They have Methodone Clinics to help them manage their addiction.


Wonder if he's ever spoken on the CIA's trade of Cocaine 4 Weapons in Nicaragua '90's ? Or Nixon's overt racist drug war that he co-opted ?

They go so soft on white drug users that Miami police say they’ll offer opioid addicts rehab instead of arresting them


Look at the story of the dead opiod addict last year (Maddie Linsenmeir). You would think she was getting to be buried in Arlington with all this press around her death.


They’re making martyrs out of white drug users when we steady getting killed. Drugs don't stick with black folk. Heroin ended in the 60s. Coke the 70s. Crack the 80s. The only thing left is weed. But when Black folks put that down watch "them" make Newport illegal to smoke.

This is why black people fight against racism.

But you can't really blame anyone for created a supply when you are the ones created the demand.

Black ppl have not created any demand as though blk ppl are more likely than whites to report having been offered drugs in the past month, we are less likely to actually use drugs than whites.

Black people are also less likely to drink and smoke than whites. Despite targeted liquor and tobacco advertising in poor black communities.

I found this article on It’s an interview done with a former police officer who was part of the War on Drugs. Now, he says he regrets it, because it caused way more harm than good. He also explains the real reason police don’t arrest whites who use drugs:

The legal system has built in protection for the whites called the Plea Bargain. If you can afford legal counsel that will not roll over then in many cases your potential felony case gets commuted to a misdemeanor.

So most stats are skewed on multiple levels due to systemic advantages. Prior to arrest, post arrest and jurisprudence itself is disproportionally meted out.

The DEA’s 2.3 billion dollar budget spent on the “war on drugs” nets these results. The DEA targets black areas resulting in disproportionate arrest rates. Then you have the politically connected prison unions who never saw an incarceration it didn’t like.

End of the day most of the distributors of these drugs are white. The black dealers work for organized crime moving the product around the neighbourhoods. In order to sell these drugs, you have to have a distributor. There may be a few black distributors, but they few and far between. They are working for the higher up organized white crime.

I hate to break this to you, but EVERYONE'S value is conditional.

No it's not. White life is unconditional in a system of white supremacy

When Justine Damond (A white woman) ran up on a blk cop (Mohammad Noor) who was sitting in his car in a dark alley and banging on his car door. The cop can't see, shoots and kills her and gets 12 1//2 years.

When a white women get's killed. We get


Translation: She's relatively young. She's white. She's blond and find her attractive.

If that was a Black woman that pounded on the trunk of a police car in a dark alley, knowing they were investigating a violent crime, they would have called her ghetto, and said she deserved what she got. If she was black we'd know her whole criminal history along with a mugshot but there's none of that cause she's was a white woman.

And her family was awarded a record pay


They never made her (The Damond Family) fight for the €18.19 million. They just announced it the day after he (Mohammad Noor) was convicted. Her family didn't have to sue or settle for it. It was just given away.

When the families are black they have to sue, incur cost, take them through the entire legal process before they settle right before the trial years later. The central park 5 from 20 years ago are STILL fighting to get paid and she got paid out IMMEDIATELY.

When was the last time a white person felt the need to stand up and apologize for a crime committed by another white person?

Better yet, when was the last timea white person felt the need to do this for fear that if they didn’t, their community would come to be viewed as violent and dangerous ?

Whites can screw up on the job, run entire corporations into the ground, rip off the Savings and Loans to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, cut corners on occupational safety and health in the workplace, or scam millions from employee pension funds, without any white person worrying that it'll reflect badly on them

Why ? Because in a system of racism white supremacy white life is unconditional

Now, frankly, most of the black folks I've worked with are damned hard workers.

Well they better be because in a system of racism - white supremacy. Black people are always the last hired and first fired.

But it's always that one guy who comes into work with an attitude that make everyone else look bad.

Well he is not here to defend himself. I don't know what you did or said for this to happen as he is not her to defend himself.

But would you have said about about a bad white worker ? No because you see white people as individuals.

I agree, there needs to be more opportunities.. I've been arguing with Lisa558 for months about her whining about college admissions.

Lisa558 is a teacher

I just hope she's not from Florida because they just passed a law to arm teachers and these guns are not meant for white kids.

These black kids in kindergarten, junior high, high school are on the list. These white supremacist teachers will shoot and kill you with no problems. And nothing will get done about it as usual.


People like Lisa558 she's the REAL WHITE SUPREMACIST I worry about. All these KKK, Aryan Nation, Proud Boys type. I'm not bothered about them. We have dealt with them in the past.

In fact I prefer them.

But ppl like Lisa558 are the ones who hide in plain sight and slip under the radar ? These are the white supremacist who are fkin up black kids

I had plenty of teachers like Lisa558 and she was the type that would punish the blk kids more harshly than the white kids for minor sh*t even if the blk kids committed minor sh*t no more frequently than the white kids.

She is the type of teacher I grew up with who'd track the blk kids into basic and remedial level classes but track the white kids into advanced and honors classes, even if the whites showed no more promise and sometimes often a bit less than the black kids.

But sometimes you have to go with the hand you are dealt. I didn't get into the college I wanted to get into. I also had to deal with both of my parents suffering terminal illnesses while I was in college. I worked two minimum wage jobs and joined the National Guard to pay for college.

I'm fully aware that not every white person or non black person has a charmed life. They can be born with the misfortune of having abusive, irresponsible, drug-addicted parents. They can be like you and have to through seeing their parents suffer terminal illness

However those difficulties in life are not due to social constructs engineered by black people.

And by the way education is white supremacist and anti black. Health care is white supremacist and anti black. Employment is white supremacist and anti black

Of course, when I was in the guard, I saw a lot of guys who joined the guard for that same scholarship money. Some of them couldn't master basic problems like math or simple grammar. Or knew basic facts of history like when WWI was fought. So they often failed in their first year and then stopped showing up for drills.

And what's your point ?
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If you stand for right, you would not berate a Jew for calling Farrakhan out on his antisemitism, as you just did, and insisting she hates him because he’s black, and not because he is a disgusting antisemite who calls Jews termites.

(My G-d, where do these arrogant progs even come from?)

Or maybe we all get tired of you guys screaming "Buuuuuttttt Hitler" every time you run into even mild criticism.

Wherever. It has nothing to do with the 25% poverty rate among blacks. And you people trying to get them to feel like oppressed victims of whitey are doing them more harm! All they need to do to get out of poverty is to not have babies OOW, and finish school.

Why in the world do you insist on making them feel like victims? if Jews and Asians could move from poverty to the middle class in one generation, despite all the prejudice, then blacks can do it in two, and WITH the benefit of Affirmative Action.

again, if they do everything you say, you'd still block their way into college for a white kid who got a higher score.

He never said slavery is OK now.

(When the Progs start lying about what their opponent says, you know they have no way to respond and they’re flailing. I see it done all the time here, and it’s getting more and more blatant.)

Uh-huh... says the crazy woman who thinks posters in a mall are a conspiracy for white extinction.
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Dude, I was trying to be patient with you, but the stream of crazy is a bit to deal with.

Spare me your cheap amateur psychology.

Any other social issue, the issue itself gets discussed. Imagine how absurd it would be if you said "We need to find ways to address child abuse" and I responded with “I can see why you are a bitter guy.”

You're not a child, you're a grown-ass man. Sure, you've gotten a raw deal. Sure, you are not going to get the breaks I've gotten. Life isn't fair, and you can't go about whining about it. Complaining doesn't create solutions. Nobody is going to send the racists off to Tolerance Camp.

Well one of the ways black ppl have copied historically is through positive thinking and stuffing their experiences.

Believe or not but blk people like me and @IM2 are not the norm.

Most blk ppl are actually reluctant to allege racism, be it on the job, or in schools, or anywhere else.
And that's probably a good strategy.

Maybe your racist boss gets a talking to from HR, but you get a rep as a troublemaker. At the end of the day, they value him more than you. Is it fair? Absolutely not.

You see, right now, there is an unprecedented opportunity. With the "Great Resignation", there are ample opportunities to get better jobs.

Most black people spend a lot of their lives trying to make white ppl comfortable and talking about racism - white supremacy doesn't make whites comfortable and considering that most black ppl in the USA are dependent on whites for jobs, housing then a lot of black people simply “stuff” their experiences with racism, only making an allegation after many, many incidents.

White denial has long trumped claims of racism. And any "area" you point out will be dominated by racism - white supremacy.

Yes, it is. How is whining about it helping? Do you really think your racist boss is going to say, "Wow, I've seen the error of my ways. I pledge to be a nice person from now on."

Here's the thing. I've worked for a bunch of bosses in my 30+ post military career. I would describe a couple of them as total assholes. Trying to make them NOT be assholes is a waste of energy. The best strategy is to get away from them.

As long as the people they bring in are vast majority white and non black - Right ? They ain't gonna be shipping in thousands and thousands of people from Nigeria and Jamaica.

Here's the thing. I've known Jamaican immigrants who have more contempt for native born blacks than Lisa and Ray do, if that's possible. They come here, they want to work.

Maybe but white supremacists like to play both sides.

Actually, you do a better job of making Lisa's case than she does..

Was he lying then ?

Nope, he was just a guy

When the white supremacists were over there in 1800's killing the people in the Phillipines, almost committing genocide. A black American man named David Fagan and other blk men defected because they didn't wanna see the filippinos get slaughtered. So he and a few other blk men started a guerilla war against the USA army
First, the war in the Philippines was fought in 1900-1903..
Second, if that happened, that was kind of stupid. If the US hadn't taken the Philippines at that point, Germany or Japan would have, and those boys don't play. Much as I love the Filipino people, they should be happy they got America instead of some really nasty characters.
When Justine Damond (A white woman) ran up on a blk cop (Mohammad Noor) who was sitting in his car in a dark alley and banging on his car door. The cop can't see, shoots and kills her and gets 12 1//2 years.

They never made her (The Damond Family) fight for the €18.19 million. They just announced it the day after he (Mohammad Noor) was convicted. Her family didn't have to sue or settle for it. It was just given away.

When the families are black they have to sue, incur cost, take them through the entire legal process before they settle right before the trial years later. The central park 5 from 20 years ago are STILL fighting to get paid and she got paid out IMMEDIATELY.

I'm not sure why you are listing the settlement in Euros instead of US Dollars, it makes me think you might be a Russian Troll trying to stir up trouble.

But let's look at that.

Ms. Damond had no criminal record. She was actually doing the good citizen thing trying to alert a police officer to a problem. Because that officer never should have been made a peace officer, he panicked and shot her. Officer Noor had been fast tracked through the system, and a police psychologist had raised questions about his fitness two months before the shooting.

And her family got $20MM. Floyd's family got $29MM.


George Floyd had an EXTENSIVE criminal record. He was in the process of committed several crimes when he was being arrested. What Chauvin did was completely out of line and he got more time than Noor did and the settlement was bigger. I'm not sure what your complaint is here. That the white person who never did anything wrong didn't have to fight as hard to get justice than the black guy who instigated the incident he was killed in?

Both officers were in the wrong. Both were punished, both families got compensation.

@Lisa558 is a teacher

I just hope she's not from Florida because they just passed a law to arm teachers and these guns are not meant for white kids.

These black kids in kindergarten, junior high, high school are on the list. These white supremacist teachers will shoot and kill you with no problems. And nothing will get done about it as usual.

From what I understand, Lisa is a retired college administrator, not a teacher.

Frankly, I think arming teachers is a pretty dumb idea. but it makes the wingnuts feel better about themselves, especially the gun fetishists.

Look at the story of the dead opiod addict last year (Maddie Linsenmeir). You would think she was getting to be buried in Arlington with all this press around her death.

Did you miss the near canonization of Geo. Floyd after he died? I don't recall every network demanding nine minutes of silence for Ms. Linsenmeir. or people painting murals of her with angel wings.

Um, okay, had to look this one up. Because frankly, I haven't heard of this case that you seem to think was a national story. She was arrested for a probation violation, and then allowed to die in a prison cell after complaining about chest pains for hours... These cops were out of line, and I expect some big settlements here, too.

They’re making martyrs out of white drug users when we steady getting killed. Drugs don't stick with black folk. Heroin ended in the 60s. Coke the 70s. Crack the 80s. The only thing left is weed. But when Black folks put that down watch "them" make Newport illegal to smoke.

I've called Ray and others about the disparity on how the war on drugs treats whites vs. blacks... BUT YOU WOULDN'T HAVE THIS PROBLEM IF YOU DIDN'T TAKE THE DRUGS FROM THE GET! We could also talk about all the "gangsta rap" songs that glorify drug dealing... That's a good market, given how many rap stars are murdered or overdose, it's a perpetual help wanted sign.
Actually, it made him a very rich man for beating up other black men. Except, of course, that in the course of that, he so messed up his brain he had issues later in life.

There was nothing noble about what he did.
I can respect Ali for his stance and because he was willing to face the consequences of his actions.
Dude, I was trying to be patient with you, but the stream of crazy is a bit to deal with.

You're not a child, you're a grown-ass man. Sure, you've gotten a raw deal. Sure, you are not going to get the breaks I've gotten. Life isn't fair, and you can't go about whining about it. Complaining doesn't create solutions. Nobody is going to send the racists off to Tolerance Camp.

And that's probably a good strategy.

Maybe your racist boss gets a talking to from HR, but you get a rep as a troublemaker. At the end of the day, they value him more than you. Is it fair? Absolutely not.

You see, right now, there is an unprecedented opportunity. With the "Great Resignation", there are ample opportunities to get better jobs.

Yes, it is. How is whining about it helping? Do you really think your racist boss is going to say, "Wow, I've seen the error of my ways. I pledge to be a nice person from now on."

Here's the thing. I've worked for a bunch of bosses in my 30+ post military career. I would describe a couple of them as total assholes. Trying to make them NOT be assholes is a waste of energy. The best strategy is to get away from them.

Here's the thing. I've known Jamaican immigrants who have more contempt for native born blacks than Lisa and Ray do, if that's possible. They come here, they want to work.

Actually, you do a better job of making Lisa's case than she does..

Nope, he was just a guy

First, the war in the Philippines was fought in 1900-1903..
Second, if that happened, that was kind of stupid. If the US hadn't taken the Philippines at that point, Germany or Japan would have, and those boys don't play. Much as I love the Filipino people, they should be happy they got America instead of some really nasty characters.
Actually Joe, Paul is not crazy. Paul is 99 percent right. Talking about how life is not fair allows you to dismiss public policy that purposefully negatively impacts black communities that whites do not face. Paul is not whining and its time whites stopped referring to it as that. There are black sellouts everywhere but the majority of Jamaican immigrants do not show the contempt you claim. I know immigrants from the islands and Africans and the few you guys use to make your point is disingenuous. You need to understand one thing, black immigrants come to this country on H1B Visas and are given jobs in companies that deny American blacks jobs. Then these sellouts post rants about what black Americans aren't doing and people like yoou and othrs use their bullshit to deny the truth of this country. If not for H1B those Africans would not have jobs. Last, most Africans who come here are not your poor African citizen, they come from the upper classes of African wealth.

I knew an African student who got pissed off at the way he was treated in a club. He called daddy and daddy sent him the money to buy a building and start his own club so he could drink in peace. Most Black Americans can't do that. So I really think its time to listen to what black Americans are saying instead of calling people crazy based on your experience being white.

You talk about unprecedented opportunity, but we also see an unprecedented increase in extremism and a white backlash against diversity. Blacks see this, many whites choose to ignore it. Until you have lived with racism on a daily basis you don't understand how it can wear you down. Do not try lecturing me from your perspective of never living with it. I understand what you're trying to do and I know that you are not racist, but you also are not black and until you become black you really cannot dismiss things that Paul says based on what he has experienced. There is no comparing him to Lisa, we are the result of treatment by people like Lisa and many other whites like them. We have the right to be angry and we have the right to be bitter as we see people with less talent than we have consistently get more chances, and less penalties for wrong doing, etc., because of their skin color.
People want to talk about facing consequences. Blacks here are talking about at least 246 years of continuing racism since America decided it's Independence and 403 years from the beginning of colonization. None of you seem willing to face the consequences of such actions.
My indignation IS SELECTIVE.

I am not indignant because someone is LGBTQ+. But you are.
I'm not indignant because someone is a PoC with a good job and career. But you are.
I'm not indignant when some bad cop is indicted and convicted for a racist murder. But you are.

But, harm the innocent? I am indignant. But You're not
Lie and steal to get power? I am indignant. But you're not.
Try to overthrow the government because you lost and election? I am indignant. but you're not.

You see what happens when you make it personal my little cheeto sucking moron?
I stand for right.
You stand for whatever butthurt of the day about which you're told needs whining.

And, in the end,
I fell good aboiut me. How does your racism, misogeny, and dishonesty make you feel about you?
That's a load of horseshit.
Actually Joe, Paul is not crazy. Paul is 99 percent right. Talking about how life is not fair allows you to dismiss public policy that purposefully negatively impacts black communities that whites do not face. Paul is not whining and its time whites stopped referring to it as that. There are black sellouts everywhere but the majority of Jamaican immigrants do not show the contempt you claim. I know immigrants from the islands and Africans and the few you guys use to make your point is disingenuous. You need to understand one thing, black immigrants come to this country on H1B Visas and are given jobs in companies that deny American blacks jobs. Then these sellouts post rants about what black Americans aren't doing and people like yoou and othrs use their bullshit to deny the truth of this country. If not for H1B those Africans would not have jobs. Last, most Africans who come here are not your poor African citizen, they come from the upper classes of African wealth.

I knew an African student who got pissed off at the way he was treated in a club. He called daddy and daddy sent him the money to buy a building and start his own club so he could drink in peace. Most Black Americans can't do that. So I really think its time to listen to what black Americans are saying instead of calling people crazy based on your experience being white.

You talk about unprecedented opportunity, but we also see an unprecedented increase in extremism and a white backlash against diversity. Blacks see this, many whites choose to ignore it. Until you have lived with racism on a daily basis you don't understand how it can wear you down. Do not try lecturing me from your perspective of never living with it. I understand what you're trying to do and I know that you are not racist, but you also are not black and until you become black you really cannot dismiss things that Paul says based on what he has experienced. There is no comparing him to Lisa, we are the result of treatment by people like Lisa and many other whites like them. We have the right to be angry and we have the right to be bitter as we see people with less talent than we have consistently get more chances, and less penalties for wrong doing, etc., because of their skin color.
Maybe ONE average Black person can't rent or buy a building and start their own club, but a hundred, or five hundred can pool their resources and do so. How do you think most immigrant businesses got started? Families or groups pooled their money. Ever hear of a Co-Op? I'm not talking about homeowner's boards. They get started because either the local store is robbing its customers blind, or because there is no local store. So average people pool their money and start their own store, or agricultural organization. If you don't like how banks are treating black people, get a thousand black people to pool whatever spare money they have and open your own bank that caters only to black people. What is the old saying from the sixties? "If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem". You claim to be a successful black man with organizational experience, take charge and use it to better your neighbors, don't spend all your time here scolding us about what some of our ancestors did to some of your ancestors, and what horrible people we are as a result.
People want to talk about facing consequences. Blacks here are talking about at least 246 years of continuing racism since America decided it's Independence and 403 years from the beginning of colonization. None of you seem willing to face the consequences of such actions.

You are still claiming that black failure is due to "Racism," LOL? First off, there are no more privileged people in the country, and secondly, how do you explain the fact that black failure is even more prevalent in areas of the country where blacks are the majority
1) First, contrary to what the bigot upthread said, when Jews are criticized for whatever, NONE say “but Hitler…..” Get real!

2) I never said I was a teacher. I said I worked in an admissions-related capacity.

3) Enough with all these photos of slavery and lynching. We KNOW
it was horrific. This is now the 21st century, and blacks have been getting favored treatment for four decades. If 25% of them are still in poverty, that’s their own doing. After all, 75% are not!

4) To the leftist bigot who said I would “block” a black kid from getting into a college in order to admit the white with higher scores and grades, that’s not “blocking.” OMG! Do you racists even hear yourselves? That’s admitting the better student. What IS blocking is what the racist libs are doing: blocking the white kid with better grades and scores to let in a black kid with worse. It is YOU leftists doing the blocking - but as long as the racism hurts only whites, you’re fine with it.

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