The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Yes. The system of white supremacy.

She was potrayed as an angel. And the way the union put up a half hearted defense. The only time the union will stand up for a black officer is when he kills or injures someone black.

She was portrayed as an innocent woman with a decent job, who was shot for no good reason... And kind of hard for the union to put up a defense when you are that obviously in the wrong. The union didn't put much of a defense up for Chauvin, either. The question I would ask the Union for both of these men is why these guys were STILL cops where there were so many previous incidents indicating they might be unfit. Chauvin previously choked a suspect, Noor pulled out his gun and menaced people on a traffic stop.

Well fight for her to get 9 minutes of silence. Get out their and GRIND. The reason why practically everyone in the USA knos the name George Floyds name is because we fought for his name to be heard.

Well, more like, there was video from mulitple angle documenting the event. What happened to him was wrong. He's not Rosa Parks. He's not Emmet Till. He's a career criminal who ran into a bad cop.

If all ppl are really suffering from police brutality then wouldn’t you think that whites should be complaining about the police ? Rather than complaining about blks complaining about the police ?

Here's a little insight... if white people have an analog to Geo. Floyd, a career criminal who gets killed while committing a crime, we say, "Good Riddance". We write that person off as a bad seed.

This was essentially a seminal case involving black police officers who shoot and kill a white suspect of which all future case will be judged.

All black law enforcement members will be placed in an unfortunately inverted position of whether to shoot and live the balance of your life or some portion of it in prison, or in the alternative, refrain from shooting and be counted amongst those officers already tallied or calculated within the statistics. Take your pick, but do it quickly.

How is that any different? Of course, if Noor considered this tiny Australian woman to be a threat, then he probably didn't need to be out there with a badge and a gun to start with, and probably wouldn't have been had Minneapolis pushed him through an accellerated training program.

White America have always denied racism even back in the 1960's. When you look Gallup polls bk then most white American though MLK was a troublemaker and black had just as good chance in getting the job and education and housing.

As for me "screaming" ? White people anger and screaming is pretty damn transparent to black People.

Uh, can we focus on the present, please? Thanks. We aren't talking about what people thought in the 1960's.

No I like cops. What I don't like is these white supremacist cop who are all over law enforcement and let's be clear on something else. This "He was resisting arrest" argument that many whites use to justify blk ppl getting killed by police

The police know how to disarm ppl when they are white, no matter how agresssive they are. Their guns don't seem to work when they are white

Except the police kill more white people than black people. Check out this chart. in 2020, they shot 457 white people, 241 black people, and 169 Hispanics. 126 people were of race unknown.

In 2021. They only shot 234 white people, 139 black people, 66 Hispanics and 608 people unknown... yeah, kind of fishy, they just stopped reporting race.


And here's the thing.

Police make 10 million arrests and 40 million traffic stops a year.
1000 of those involve lethal use of force. Way too many, as far as I'm concerned, but also a pretty small number. 1 in 50,000.
Are some cops racist? Yup. And a lot of them are just incompetent.
Yes, we need police reform.
Instead, you guys demonized the cops, and they just stopped doing their jobs, leaving you to the mercies of the George Floyd's of the world.

If you srated talking like this

"The truth is blacks imagine little. Discrimination in hiring, housing and education has been well documented. The government should take forceful action to end it as it goes against the American value of equal opportunity for all regardless of race."

I have been saying that for years here, and have gotten on the bad side of nearly every right winger here. Next.

At best some whites will admit to discrimination but then discount its effects. Or they will say they believe in equality of opportunity but then find reasons to oppose any policy with the teeth to achieve it.

Hey, I support Affirmative Action... Even once lost out on an opportunity to a less qualified person. I support fair housing laws. I believe in sincere police reform.

But if you are going to just lump all white people together, at a certain point, we are just going to get on with our lives. And frankly, talked like this..

But white supremacist don't understand that language and you have to speak the language of the white man and the white man only understands violence. So you have to talk in a way that he understands. So we have to burn sh*t,, destroy sh*t, even kill.

Even a RAT, if you corner that rat ? It'll jump up and bite ya ass. Every creature will defend its self from mistreatment

Hey, ask the Palestinians how well that's working out for them. They've been fighting the Zionists for what, 70 years now. You really think burning down a store that isn't owned by a white person is going to make white people more sympathetic?

Here's the biggest problem with violence. There's more of us than there are of you. This kind of thinking got you Trump. It might get you DeSantis in two years. People don't make good decisions when they are scared.
Yes, that’s the only time a manager felt so bad about it that she admitted it to me, but not the only time a less qualified black woman was promoted ahead of me. OTOW, a white woman was NEVER promoted into a role I applied for. If your implication is that I didn’t get the job(s) for other reasons, and not because my competitor was black, you’re in denial. I even overheard two black people talking at my mother’s ALF, and one was telling the other that she is a shoe-in because she’s a black female,
You're doing it again, you're making assumptions about me, such as why I asked you what I did, based on your own biases, and oftentimes erroneous preconceived notions about black people. Then you attempt to apply them to me just because I'm black.

I was just curious about how many times this has happened to you over your lifetime. And how often did you work in an environment where there were no black people?
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OK, here’s how it happened:

True, the executive order only specifies “minorities,” [snipped]
You're starting out with a lie, the EO says NOTHING about any specific race so we know where you pulled that BS indicating "specifies minorities" from.

Again for about the 50th time, this is what the EO says:

1961 – President John F. Kennedy's Executive Order (E.O.) 10925 used affirmative action for the first time by instructing federal contractors to take "affirmative action to ensure that applicants are treated equally without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin,” Established the Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity.​
That’s what I’ve been saying. It actually should be a combination of merit and SES - so that poor white kids who are also top students in their school get a chance over a middle-class black students with lesser grades.

That would STILL advantage blacks moreso than whites - at twice the rate - because blacks have twice the poverty rate. But blacks and their enabling self-loathing whites object on the grounds that they don’t want a program that favors whites, even poor ones, and they only want a program that favors blacks exclusively.

Tell me again….WHO are the racists?!
Who gets to be the arbitrator of merit? Because before we had laws to do something about it, you all were doing an extremely shitty job of it.
You're doing it again, you're making assumptions about me, such as why I asked you what I did, based on your own biases, and oftentimes erroneous preconceived notions about black people. Then you attempt to apply them to me just because I'm black.

I was just curious about how many times this has happened to you over your lifetime. And how often did you work in an environment where there were no black people?
I never worked in an environment where there were no black people. I always worked either in DC, or a few miles out of the city. We have lots of black people here. No idea what you’re trying to imply.
Who gets to be the arbitrator of merit? Because before we had laws to do something about it, you all were doing an extremely shitty job of it.
Merit for a difficult educational program is decided by proven ability to succeed in academic programs, and that is by past performance - as measured by grades and test scores. This isn’t rocket science.
Here's a little insight... if white people have an analog to Geo. Floyd, a career criminal who gets killed while committing a crime, we say, "Good Riddance". We write that person off as a bad seed.

Ok Joe, you've gone too far. Whites couldn't tolerate the results of a legal election. So spare me. Whites would not say good riddance for police killing a man over an alleged counterfeit 20. Funny how the more whites do things argument is used when it suits whites. More whites commit crimes, are arrested for crimes and resist arrest. But when that is bought up, we get per capita. So what is it going to be? We are 3 times more likely to be shot and are killed by police at 3 times the rate of our population. So either whites get shot more because they commit more crimes, or we recognize that blacks are disproportionately murdered by police.

Floyd was not a career criminal. Floyd did not resist arrest and what he was accused of was something a ticket to appear could have been written for. Whites elect career criminals to make laws, so lets stop talking crazy.

So let me end with this, whites have pissed off, blacks, hispanics, indigenous nations and asians. So you can talk that shit about electing a trump or DeSantis all you want, but unless whites can keep us divided, you would be wise to start listening.
You're starting out with a lie, the EO says NOTHING about any specific race so we know where you pulled that BS indicating "specifies minorities" from.

Again for about the 50th time, this is what the EO says:

1961 – President John F. Kennedy's Executive Order (E.O.) 10925 used affirmative action for the first time by instructing federal contractors to take "affirmative action to ensure that applicants are treated equally without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin,” Established the Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity.​
Did you read what I wrote? I said it didn’t originally specify by Race, but that social justice warriors - otherwise known as the liberals - ended up eventually focusing on blacks and favoring them over any other minorities. I’m not going to retype the whole thing - and have you not read it again.

You keep going back to the original EO as evidence. The problem is that the libs have deviated from that, and are now giving advantage to one specific race. Thus, they are in violation of the EO, and of the equal protection clause, and I expect the SCOTUS to rule what is now happening as racist and unconstitutional. The ones being discriminated against more than whites are the Asians.
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Merit for a difficult educational program is decided by proven ability to succeed in academic programs, and that is by past performance - as measured by grades and test scores. This isn’t rocket science.
Whites have not gotten anything solely based on merit.
Did you read what I wrote? I said it didn’t originally specifics by Race, but that social justice warriors - otherwise known as the liberals - ended up eventually focusing on blacks and favoring them over any other minorities. I’m not going to retype the whole thing - and have you not read it again.
White women have benefitted the most from social justice.
Did you read what I wrote? I said it didn’t originally specify by Race, but that social justice warriors - otherwise known as the liberals - ended up eventually focusing on blacks and favoring them over any other minorities. I’m not going to retype the whole thing - and have you not read it again.

You keep going back to the original EO as evidence. The problem is that the libs have deviated from that, and are now giving advantage to one specific race. Thus, they are in violation of the EO, and of the equal protection clause, and I expect the SCOTUS to rule what is now happening as racist and unconstitutional. The ones being discriminated against more than whites are the Asians.
Bullshit. Again:


Based on the facts, SCOTUS should not rule in favor of Edward Blum. Asians are not being discriminated against at Harvard or anywhere else.
Ok Joe, you've gone too far. Whites couldn't tolerate the results of a legal election. So spare me. Whites would not say good riddance for police killing a man over an alleged counterfeit 20. Funny how the more whites do things argument is used when it suits whites. More whites commit crimes, are arrested for crimes and resist arrest. But when that is bought up, we get per capita. So what is it going to be? We are 3 times more likely to be shot and are killed by police at 3 times the rate of our population. So either whites get shot more because they commit more crimes, or we recognize that blacks are disproportionately murdered by police.

Floyd was not a career criminal. Floyd did not resist arrest and what he was accused of was something a ticket to appear could have been written for. Whites elect career criminals to make laws, so lets stop talking crazy.

So let me end with this, whites have pissed off, blacks, hispanics, indigenous nations and asians. So you can talk that shit about electing a trump or DeSantis all you want, but unless whites can keep us divided, you would be wise to start listening.

You are making up your own facts. I posted a source that shows whites are shot and killed by police more often than blacks by percentage of shootings. But with that figure, NOW you want to talk about per capita. But as my link (with hyperlinks) demonstrate, blacks are shot and killed twice their ratio of our population. However given the fact blacks lead the country in just about every crime, it's reasonable to assume they have more interaction with police than whites do.

Floyd was not killed over counterfeit money, he had three times the lethal dose of fentanyl, mixed in with a variety of other drugs, serious medical conditions like a bad heart and clogged arteries, and couldn't sit still in the back of a police car.

He was no career criminal? You have to be kidding me.

Criminal history in Texas​

Between 1997 and 2005, Floyd was arrested several times on drug and theft charges and spent months in jail.

In 2007, Floyd was charged with aggravated robbery in which he allegedly placed a gun on a woman’s abdomen and demanded drugs and money. In 2009, he pleaded guilty and received a five-year prison sentence. He got out on parole in 2013.

On May 6, 2019, Floyd was arrested. According to officers in the body camera video, Floyd appeared to be in possession of pills.

The defense for the upcoming trials claimed the body camera video from this arrest captured similar behavior from Floyd seen in his 2020 police encounter such as crying, pleading for his mom and evasive drug tactics.

Did you read what I wrote? I said it didn’t originally specify by Race, but that social justice warriors - otherwise known as the liberals - ended up eventually focusing on blacks and favoring them over any other minorities. I’m not going to retype the whole thing - and have you not read it again.

You keep going back to the original EO as evidence. The problem is that the libs have deviated from that, and are now giving advantage to one specific race. Thus, they are in violation of the EO, and of the equal protection clause, and I expect the SCOTUS to rule what is now happening as racist and unconstitutional. The ones being discriminated against more than whites are the Asians.
This topic always ends up being a circular argument. Bleeding heart libs work tirelessly to lower standards across the board: in education, business, and government.

And they, And BLM whiners twist themselves into pretzels as they concoct endless nonsensical excuses for the lowered standards.

The simple and obvious truth is that blacks could NEVER compete, on a level field, with either whites or asians. Affirmative Action is a way of holding back other races in order to move blacks to the front of the line. All because, honestly, they could NEVER make it there on MERIT.

One truly negative result of this misguided favoritism is that black don't have an incentive to improve their intellectual skills and abilities. Having black skin is all they need.

Meanwhile our schools and businesses are going to shit because of the lowered standards. America as a whole loses, as a result of this ridiculous scheme
They always say that, but it isn’t true. The white woman who were passed over for promotions given to a less qualified black woman could attest to that. Myself included.

It‘s time for blacks in poverty to take accountability for their own choices, and for hiring, promotion, college admissions, etc., to be based on merit only.
Your attestations aren't worth much, they could easily be refuted by all of your postings denigrating black people.
Whites and Blacks both commit crimes at similar rates, they just are not charged and convicted at the same rate.
You didn't know that this is true?

What do you think will happen If you have two people running a foot race but one of them starts 100 yards ahead of the starting line while the other starts from the starting line, do you really think that the person who started ahead of the other runner can turn around and criticize the other racer for not 1) not having caught him, 2) consistently lagging behind, 3) not doing better
libs are libs first. color be damned. the highest form of hypocrisy . they vote for elitist racist whites as long as their is a d next to their name; they vote for racists like biden and clinton who put the most blacks in jail by far. they vote for a party who supports blacks killing babies and blacks having no 2 parent households because big daddy guvernment check will be daddy to the millions of black bastard kids everywhere.
No matter how positive the content of a conversation, a lot of black losers have to search for something to whine about.

As you said some choose to live in the past - and, because of that they'll never change, they'll always be losers.

Sadly, they're not even bright enough to be embarrassed about being losers. No use giving them a second thought.
Well that just goes to show how blindingly ignorant you all are.

We've nothing to be embarrassed about, because we're not losers. And not just because we say we're not losers but because others say so as well, including some mega corporations like HP, Microsoft, UW, many professional organizations & government agencies, and a slew of colleges and universities. When you accomplish certain things in life, there are people there to recognize and applaud your accomplishments, especially when they're obtained when the odds are against you or there were obstacles in your way.

There are lots of different ways to measure success and you all seem for the most part to be most proud of having been born into the White race. You all pat yourself on the back a lot for that one but being born white is not an accomplishment, nor is being born Jewish (yes I'm talking about you Lisa). That's merely the circumstances of your birth. You did nothing to earn or win that particular set of circumstances.

So if you all are "all that!" then tell us what's so special about each of you and how have you managed to navigate life without it being discovered what rabid racists you all are.

We're not here because we're losers, we're here to rub your noses in your own shit just like some people do to puppies when they're trying to potty train them but don't take that the wrong way. You all are beyond redemption in my opinion and I would wager my last dollar that when you take your last breath and exit this world you will still be just as racist as you are today, so I personally just do this sometimes for fun.

That's how bright I am.

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