The reason Trump did what he did at the press conference with Putin

"President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today."

And this equates to "Trump threw the intelligence community under the bus in favor of Putin". That is crazy indeed...

Once the intelligence community does its job and provides actual evidence, maybe someone will take you seriously.
I can easily imagine the fit you would be throwing right now had it been a Democrat.
Socialism is far more of threat to this country than Russia is... fact
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
It was a pretty loaded question, but that is not at all what the question said. It was a clear and unequivocal challenge to Trump to say the right thing, for once. Trump did not deliver.

He said what he said. You really think he would say anything that would make people who hate him happy?

And jeebus with the hyperbole. Being pissed at bureaucrats isn't shooting Uncle Sam in the head. Unless of course you are a progressive and think the government is your GOD.

And of course the FBI back under Hoover doesn't count, those guys were evul.
"President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today."
And this equates to "Trump threw the intelligence community under the bus in favor of Putin". That is crazy indeed...
Once the intelligence community does its job and provides actual evidence, maybe someone will take you seriously.
Had Obama said the same thing, you'd be calling for his impeachment. At least.

I have never called for Obama's impeachment. And until there is some evidence, won't be doing so.

Trump only gave his description of the events, and this according to you is supposedly treason. Giving an expression of the facts is now treason...

That is crazy, which is why you left out the quote. Better pack it like "he did something so horrible that I can't even write it". Why not just stop the lying and be direct and honest.

Here is what Trump is guilty of:

Giving an honest assessment of the facts.
Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
Trump said what he said. If we can't expect our President to be responsible for his words, particularly when a dangerous adversary is standing right next to him, we're in real trouble.

Trump was right. Our FBI is corrupt. He was more responsible yesterday than O was in 8 years .
Okay, thanks for the confirmation.

In your opinion, is the FBI so corrupt that its worth throwing them under the bus in favor of a man like Putin?

If Trump is innocent, absolutely. If you were innocent, or wanted people to believe you were innocent, why would you offer up your guilt on a silver platter?
No. Not with Putin standing next to me. Not even close.

So then why are you surprised/aghast at what he said? You should have expected him to say what he did... am I missing something here?
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
Trump said what he said. If we can't expect our President to be responsible for his words, particularly when a dangerous adversary is standing right next to him, we're in real trouble.

Trump was right. Our FBI is corrupt. He was more responsible yesterday than O was in 8 years .
Okay, thanks for the confirmation.

In your opinion, is the FBI so corrupt that its worth throwing them under the bus in favor of a man like Putin?

Considering he has documented proof two agents at least joked about screwing with the election if it looked like he was going to win, why should he be nice to them?
Trump only gave his description of the events, and this according to you is supposedly treason. Giving an expression of the facts is now treason..
Huh? I said it's treason?

Always nice when the diversionary straw man arguments start.
Trump said what he said. If we can't expect our President to be responsible for his words, particularly when a dangerous adversary is standing right next to him, we're in real trouble.

Trump was right. Our FBI is corrupt. He was more responsible yesterday than O was in 8 years .
Okay, thanks for the confirmation.

In your opinion, is the FBI so corrupt that its worth throwing them under the bus in favor of a man like Putin?

If Trump is innocent, absolutely. If you were innocent, or wanted people to believe you were innocent, why would you offer up your guilt on a silver platter?
No. Not with Putin standing next to me. Not even close.

So then why are you surprised/aghast at what he said? You should have expected him to say what he did... am I missing something here?
I'm not surprised at what he said. This is precisely the kind of thing I was afraid of.
Trump only gave his description of the events, and this according to you is supposedly treason. Giving an expression of the facts is now treason..
Huh? I said it's treason?

Always nice when the diversionary straw man arguments start.

Siding with Russians over Americans would be treason. But I did edit the post to "supposedly", because we aren't getting anything coherent out of you today. The feelz seem to have taken over your rational faculties.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Crazy conspiracy theory...

But could you explain what Trump actually did do, precisely, instead of this vague bullshit?

You have trouble with it because he didn't do anything.
No one is "having trouble with it", no one from across the political spectrum.

He threw our national intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of Putin.

You can pretend he didn't, I expect that, but I assure you no one is having trouble seeing what he did.

Who cares? He did exactly what one would think the anti-Trumpers would expect him to do, so not sure why ya’ll are acting so surprised. He says what he believes and you call him out. He lies and you call him out... what does it really matter what he said? You were gonna get mad either way.

It would seem Trump believes he is the victim of a bogus investigation. How many times has he used the phrase “witch hunt” yet you expect he’ll back the intelligence agencies he believes are trying to fuck him over?

Here’s a question: if he had said during the Putin summit that he believes Putin helped him win the election and the American intelligence agencies are doing a wonderful job, would you have believed him? Do you believe Trump’s actions in this specific matter are those of an innocent man or a guilty man?
Maybe he could have taken the side of the American intelligence apparatus against a murderous, corrupt, lying thug from a dangerous global adversary.

Is that asking too much?

You didn’t answer my questions...
He can't until the MSM tells him what to say.
Considering he has documented proof two agents at least joked about screwing with the election if it looked like he was going to win, why should he be nice to them?
That justifies what he did yesterday? With Putin standing there? Really?
"President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today."

And this equates to "Trump threw the intelligence community under the bus in favor of Putin". That is crazy indeed...

Once the intelligence community does its job and provides actual evidence, maybe someone will take you seriously.
The fbi are our enemies.
So are all the other federal *agencies* which violate the constitution in conception and scope.
Crazy conspiracy theory...

But could you explain what Trump actually did do, precisely, instead of this vague bullshit?

You have trouble with it because he didn't do anything.
No one is "having trouble with it", no one from across the political spectrum.

He threw our national intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of Putin.

You can pretend he didn't, I expect that, but I assure you no one is having trouble seeing what he did.

Who cares? He did exactly what one would think the anti-Trumpers would expect him to do, so not sure why ya’ll are acting so surprised. He says what he believes and you call him out. He lies and you call him out... what does it really matter what he said? You were gonna get mad either way.

It would seem Trump believes he is the victim of a bogus investigation. How many times has he used the phrase “witch hunt” yet you expect he’ll back the intelligence agencies he believes are trying to fuck him over?

Here’s a question: if he had said during the Putin summit that he believes Putin helped him win the election and the American intelligence agencies are doing a wonderful job, would you have believed him? Do you believe Trump’s actions in this specific matter are those of an innocent man or a guilty man?
Maybe he could have taken the side of the American intelligence apparatus against a murderous, corrupt, lying thug from a dangerous global adversary.

Is that asking too much?

You didn’t answer my questions...
My answer is that Trump should know better than to litigate this at a press conference with Putin standing next to him.

This is so goddamn basic that I don't know what to tell you.

He chose to say what he said. No one made him say it. Why is this so difficult to understand?

It seems to me you’d rather he’d lied.
Trump only gave his description of the events, and this according to you is supposedly treason. Giving an expression of the facts is now treason..
Huh? I said it's treason?

Always nice when the diversionary straw man arguments start.

Siding with Russians over Americans would be treason. But I did edit the post to "supposedly", because we aren't getting anything coherent out of you today. The feelz seem to have taken over your rational faculties.
Again, you're the only person here who is having difficulty comprehending what I'm saying.
Explain to us how he is "playing to his base" through Limbaugh or Hannity.
He is fucking attacked every day and the government (deep state) has proven to be utterly fucking corrupt.
Um, your post.

That's precisely what talk radio says, every single day. I do listen.
I did not ask you what the fuck the radio says. I asked if it is true!

I will be waiting for that loooong list of racist actions and rhetoric from you. The left have to call it "dog whistles." Meaning, making America great again means bringing back slavery. Of course that is what it meant.

He is compared to hitler every fucking day.

I also cannot tell if you peaceniks are calling for WWIII with Russia.

You all still pissed saddam is dead? What was that about you all being against murderous dictators?


Why would I have this distinct impression you peacenik hypocrites would be crying WARMONGER if he was not making peace?

Back to the loooong list of racist stuff. Thanks.

Btw, give us your thoughts on identity politics. Thanks.
No one is "having trouble with it", no one from across the political spectrum.

He threw our national intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of Putin.

You can pretend he didn't, I expect that, but I assure you no one is having trouble seeing what he did.

Who cares? He did exactly what one would think the anti-Trumpers would expect him to do, so not sure why ya’ll are acting so surprised. He says what he believes and you call him out. He lies and you call him out... what does it really matter what he said? You were gonna get mad either way.

It would seem Trump believes he is the victim of a bogus investigation. How many times has he used the phrase “witch hunt” yet you expect he’ll back the intelligence agencies he believes are trying to fuck him over?

Here’s a question: if he had said during the Putin summit that he believes Putin helped him win the election and the American intelligence agencies are doing a wonderful job, would you have believed him? Do you believe Trump’s actions in this specific matter are those of an innocent man or a guilty man?
Maybe he could have taken the side of the American intelligence apparatus against a murderous, corrupt, lying thug from a dangerous global adversary.

Is that asking too much?

You didn’t answer my questions...
My answer is that Trump should know better than to litigate this at a press conference with Putin standing next to him.

This is so goddamn basic that I don't know what to tell you.

He chose to say what he said. No one made him say it. Why is this so difficult to understand?

It seems to me you’d rather he’d lied.
I guess in a binary world, his choices were either to (a) say what he said, or (b) lie.

This isn't a binary world.
Explain to us how he is "playing to his base" through Limbaugh or Hannity.
He is fucking attacked every day and the government (deep state) has proven to be utterly fucking corrupt.
Um, your post.

That's precisely what talk radio says, every single day. I do listen.
I did not ask you what the fuck the radio says. I asked if it is true!

I will be waiting for that loooong list of racist actions and rhetoric from you. The had to call it dog whistles. Meaning, making America great again means bringing back slavery. Of course that is what it meant.

He is compared to hitler every fucking day.

I also cannot tell if you peaceniks are calling for WWIII with Russia.

You all still pissed saddam is dead? What was that about you all being against murderous dictators?


Why would I have this distinct impression you peacenik hypocrites would be crying WARMONGER if he was not making peace?

Back to the loooong list of racist stuff. Thanks.

Btw, give us your thoughts on identity politics. Thanks.
Holy crap. He was playing to his base yesterday. Foolishly, dangerously, feebly.

The rest of your long deflection has nothing to do with that.

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