The reason Trump did what he did at the press conference with Putin

Explain to us how he is "playing to his base" through Limbaugh or Hannity.
He is fucking attacked every day and the government (deep state) has proven to be utterly fucking corrupt.
Um, your post.

That's precisely what talk radio says, every single day. I do listen.
I did not ask you what the fuck the radio says. I asked if it is true!

I will be waiting for that loooong list of racist actions and rhetoric from you. The had to call it dog whistles. Meaning, making America great again means bringing back slavery. Of course that is what it meant.

He is compared to hitler every fucking day.

I also cannot tell if you peaceniks are calling for WWIII with Russia.

You all still pissed saddam is dead? What was that about you all being against murderous dictators?


Why would I have this distinct impression you peacenik hypocrites would be crying WARMONGER if he was not making peace?

Back to the loooong list of racist stuff. Thanks.

Btw, give us your thoughts on identity politics. Thanks.
Holy crap. He was playing to his base yesterday. Foolishly, dangerously, feebly.

The rest of your long deflection has nothing to do with that.
I did not deflect shit you arrogant asshole. I asked if it was true you fuck.

You denying he is attacked every fucking day?!


Fuck you. Is that a fucking deflection? Now answer my fucking questions.

Oh thats right. You cannot.
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Explain to us how he is "playing to his base" through Limbaugh or Hannity.
He is fucking attacked every day and the government (deep state) has proven to be utterly fucking corrupt.
Um, your post.

That's precisely what talk radio says, every single day. I do listen.
I did not ask you what the fuck the radio says. I asked if it is true!

I will be waiting for that loooong list of racist actions and rhetoric from you. The had to call it dog whistles. Meaning, making America great again means bringing back slavery. Of course that is what it meant.

He is compared to hitler every fucking day.

I also cannot tell if you peaceniks are calling for WWIII with Russia.

You all still pissed saddam is dead? What was that about you all being against murderous dictators?


Why would I have this distinct impression you peacenik hypocrites would be crying WARMONGER if he was not making peace?

Back to the loooong list of racist stuff. Thanks.

Btw, give us your thoughts on identity politics. Thanks.
Holy crap. He was playing to his base yesterday. Foolishly, dangerously, feebly.

The rest of your long deflection has nothing to do with that.

It's not the base. It's the corrupt law enforcement that Trump is outing. I don't like Putin at all but it was our CIA, under O, that was over in Russian territories covertly overthrowing govts.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Crazy conspiracy theory...

But could you explain what Trump actually did do, precisely, instead of this vague bullshit?

You have trouble with it because he didn't do anything.
No one is "having trouble with it", no one from across the political spectrum.

He threw our national intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of Putin.

You can pretend he didn't, I expect that, but I assure you no one is having trouble seeing what he did.

Who cares? He did exactly what one would think the anti-Trumpers would expect him to do, so not sure why ya’ll are acting so surprised. He says what he believes and you call him out. He lies and you call him out... what does it really matter what he said? You were gonna get mad either way.

It would seem Trump believes he is the victim of a bogus investigation. How many times has he used the phrase “witch hunt” yet you expect he’ll back the intelligence agencies he believes are trying to fuck him over?

Here’s a question: if he had said during the Putin summit that he believes Putin helped him win the election and the American intelligence agencies are doing a wonderful job, would you have believed him? Do you believe Trump’s actions in this specific matter are those of an innocent man or a guilty man?
Maybe he could have taken the side of the American intelligence apparatus against a murderous, corrupt, lying thug from a dangerous global adversary.

Is that asking too much?

You didn’t answer my questions...
"It would seem Trump believes he is the victim of a bogus investigation."

Trump obviously wants his base to believe that. I don't think anyone can hypothesize what Trump actually believes about the election. A hypothesis needs generally accepted facts or laws on which to base a premise of a logical outcome.

All Trump really needed to say is "2016 is in the past. If historians and backward thinkers want to relitigate that ... fine. I believe Russia will not seek to influence elections and I'm pursuing Make America Great Again"

Instead he chose to escalate his war with the intelligence community. Against all the advice he was given. I'm curious as to why he rationally would do that. He's won. Most people want Mueller to publish findings and move on.
Explain to us how he is "playing to his base" through Limbaugh or Hannity.
He is fucking attacked every day and the government (deep state) has proven to be utterly fucking corrupt.
Um, your post.

That's precisely what talk radio says, every single day. I do listen.
I did not ask you what the fuck the radio says. I asked if it is true!

I will be waiting for that loooong list of racist actions and rhetoric from you. The had to call it dog whistles. Meaning, making America great again means bringing back slavery. Of course that is what it meant.

He is compared to hitler every fucking day.

I also cannot tell if you peaceniks are calling for WWIII with Russia.

You all still pissed saddam is dead? What was that about you all being against murderous dictators?


Why would I have this distinct impression you peacenik hypocrites would be crying WARMONGER if he was not making peace?

Back to the loooong list of racist stuff. Thanks.

Btw, give us your thoughts on identity politics. Thanks.
Holy crap. He was playing to his base yesterday. Foolishly, dangerously, feebly.

The rest of your long deflection has nothing to do with that.
I did not deflect shit you arrogant asshole. I asked it was true you fuck.

You denying he is attacked every fucking day?!


Fuck you. Is that a fucking deflection? Now answer my fucking questions.

Oh thats right. You cannot.
Yes, he's attacked every day.

It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Crazy conspiracy theory...

But could you explain what Trump actually did do, precisely, instead of this vague bullshit?

You have trouble with it because he didn't do anything.
No one is "having trouble with it", no one from across the political spectrum.

He threw our national intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of Putin.

You can pretend he didn't, I expect that, but I assure you no one is having trouble seeing what he did.

Dude, I have NO CLUE what you are talking about. Do you understand that perhaps not everyone has watched the entire conference word for word? Next time, perhaps put the DIRECT QUOTE or video in there so people can understand what your fuzz is about. It's like you can never be direct about anything...

Anyway I go with Trump over the intelligence community any day, they promised to make sure that the democratic process of United States won't be upheld. That is unacceptable. They actually promised to do what Russia is blamed for.

"Anyway I go with trump over the Intelligence Community any day." - Vladimir Putin.
Explain to us how he is "playing to his base" through Limbaugh or Hannity.
He is fucking attacked every day and the government (deep state) has proven to be utterly fucking corrupt.
Um, your post.

That's precisely what talk radio says, every single day. I do listen.
I did not ask you what the fuck the radio says. I asked if it is true!

I will be waiting for that loooong list of racist actions and rhetoric from you. The left have to call it "dog whistles." Meaning, making America great again means bringing back slavery. Of course that is what it meant.

He is compared to hitler every fucking day.

I also cannot tell if you peaceniks are calling for WWIII with Russia.

You all still pissed saddam is dead? What was that about you all being against murderous dictators?


Why would I have this distinct impression you peacenik hypocrites would be crying WARMONGER if he was not making peace?

Back to the loooong list of racist stuff. Thanks.

Btw, give us your thoughts on identity politics. Thanks.

Forget about it Mac's mainlining the koolaid on this subject.
He threw our national intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of Putin.

Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Lynch, and Obama got thrown under the bus with Mueller and Rosenstein to come, you moron. Good to see you're back in the commie camp where you belong and really never left.
You and Putin were thrilled with those remarks, no doubt.

Hey shitbag....know what this is?


Hyper-sonic nuke...It arrives so fast nothing we have can stop really want to play games with the guy who's building them?
Who cares? He did exactly what one would think the anti-Trumpers would expect him to do, so not sure why ya’ll are acting so surprised. He says what he believes and you call him out. He lies and you call him out... what does it really matter what he said? You were gonna get mad either way.

It would seem Trump believes he is the victim of a bogus investigation. How many times has he used the phrase “witch hunt” yet you expect he’ll back the intelligence agencies he believes are trying to fuck him over?

Here’s a question: if he had said during the Putin summit that he believes Putin helped him win the election and the American intelligence agencies are doing a wonderful job, would you have believed him? Do you believe Trump’s actions in this specific matter are those of an innocent man or a guilty man?
Maybe he could have taken the side of the American intelligence apparatus against a murderous, corrupt, lying thug from a dangerous global adversary.

Is that asking too much?

You didn’t answer my questions...
My answer is that Trump should know better than to litigate this at a press conference with Putin standing next to him.

This is so goddamn basic that I don't know what to tell you.

He chose to say what he said. No one made him say it. Why is this so difficult to understand?

It seems to me you’d rather he’d lied.
I guess in a binary world, his choices were either to (a) say what he said, or (b) lie.

This isn't a binary world.

He feels he’s being attacked by American intelligence and you want him to just sit down and shut up—that’s NOT Trump. He has every right to say what he said. Don’t like it? Tough shit. I didn’t like some things Obama said and that was tough shit for me.

And you STILL haven’t answered my question about whether his actions here are those of an innocent man or guilty man.
Our national security apparatus has not been national for years. It is an arm of the democratic party willing to fake, to lie and create it's own narrative. It is being used to overthrow the duly elected government. Putin IS more trustworthy.
You and Putin were thrilled with those remarks, no doubt.

Hey shitbag....know what this is?


Hyper-sonic nuke...It arrives so fast nothing we have can stop really want to play games with the guy who's building them?
What does that have to do with what Trump did yesterday?

I'll explain to you the (dumbass) insinuation Mac:

If Trump doesn't fondle Putin and shit on America a nuclear war will start. :rolleyes:
Maybe he could have taken the side of the American intelligence apparatus against a murderous, corrupt, lying thug from a dangerous global adversary.

Is that asking too much?

You didn’t answer my questions...
My answer is that Trump should know better than to litigate this at a press conference with Putin standing next to him.

This is so goddamn basic that I don't know what to tell you.

He chose to say what he said. No one made him say it. Why is this so difficult to understand?

It seems to me you’d rather he’d lied.
I guess in a binary world, his choices were either to (a) say what he said, or (b) lie.

This isn't a binary world.

He feels he’s being attacked by American intelligence and you want him to just sit down and shut up—that’s NOT Trump. He has every right to say what he said. Don’t like it? Tough shit. I didn’t like some things Obama said and that was tough shit for me.

And you STILL haven’t answered my question about whether his actions here are those of an innocent man or guilty man.
More binary thinking. I didn't say he should shut up. I'm saying that he's trying to litigate something that didn't need to be litigated at that precise moment. In that way. With Putin standing right there.

I don't know whether his actions indicate anything. He communicates almost exclusively in hyperbole, so it's tough to say. Why does that matter?
Considering he has documented proof two agents at least joked about screwing with the election if it looked like he was going to win, why should he be nice to them?
That justifies what he did yesterday? With Putin standing there? Really?

So he was supposed to call another world leader a fucking liar while standing next to him?

What then? give him some noogies?
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.
I think his base is good with the "Putin embrace" because traditionalists are .... aghast. And for the same reason, they're good with any relationship between Trump and Putin is fine by them, even if it includes cooperating in sharing illegally obtained information to help in Trump's election.

But I'm not sure that explains Trump's behavior. Trump is not crazy. I think even his "off the cuff" comments are considered.

The Putin comments don't make running as a republican for the House or Senate any easier. It's not just Rorbacher who is within the margin of error against his dem challenger. Josh Hawley faces one of the dems most vulnerable, McCaskill, and Hawley is running as "a vote for Trump." Hawley already has the "tariff issue" in an agriculture state.

People can say "Trump's not a normal politician." But I'd disagree. I think the only unusual thing about him is his policies and beliefs. But how he communicates is not unusual. Nor is having a small tightknit group of inner confidents that unusual. JFK thought both the military and cia had their own interests at heart, and he kept close counsel. Nobody knew what Nixon was doing. Reagan was outside the gop establishment in Washington
The base is OK with Trump bending over for Putin because Trump is a Republican.
Considering he has documented proof two agents at least joked about screwing with the election if it looked like he was going to win, why should he be nice to them?
That justifies what he did yesterday? With Putin standing there? Really?

So he was supposed to call another world leader a fucking liar while standing next to him?

What then? give him some noogies?

Declare war with Russia...

They are a Christian anti-globalist nation and need to go down. Plus we have some crimes to cover...

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