The reason why us conservatives deserve what we are getting.

Anyone of us that have been paying attention, this should come as no surprise.

We in this country passively allowed marxists posing as professors and politicians for two whole generations in this country and expect to be free and independent.

There has been very little effective challenges to the foundational principles that these marxists have been pushing. These philosophical, subversive ideological principles these marxists have been relentlessly pushing on our country.

Whether it is feminism, transgenderism, atheism, forced immigration and unconditional equality systems.

All of the things that have divided us or caused us to fight amongst our selves. We have obliterated our moral traditions to the point where we are confused about who we even are as a people.

These have all contributed to preparing us for this final push for the final imposition of this government now. COVID is communism rebranded as a deadly virus.
Right on time, I just see this article -

...COVID is communism rebranded as a deadly virus.

More Krazy Kornspiracy Klown nonsense...
People come on, lets remember that before Trump it was decades of RINO Republicans in the White House and bipartisan BS. Then we elected America first Trump and he turned that corrupted mess in Washington DC upside down. Destroying decades of carefully crafted PC and propaganda designed to silence debate of American first issues. No my friends Trump was a first step in the right direction.
Anyone of us that have been paying attention, this should come as no surprise.

We in this country passively allowed marxists posing as professors and politicians for two whole generations in this country and expect to be free and independent.

There has been very little effective challenges to the foundational principles that these marxists have been pushing. These philosophical, subversive ideological principles these marxists have been relentlessly pushing on our country.

Whether it is feminism, transgenderism, atheism, forced immigration and unconditional equality systems.

All of the things that have divided us or caused us to fight amongst our selves. We have obliterated our moral traditions to the point where we are confused about who we even are as a people.

These have all contributed to preparing us for this final push for the final imposition of this government now. COVID is communism rebranded as a deadly virus.

You are correct, we screwed the pooch. To busy making money, careers, etc. We didn't pay attention until it was almost to late, and now we really have a hill to climb. What can we do? Well, a few ideas----->

1. If you are a college graduate and your former college goes along with this nonsense, quit sending them money, period!

2. If the GOP takes congress back, support a bill that divides private and public sector unions into different types. This will allow rules to much easier be put in place for public sector unions, especially ones that are federal. Why do you think the Left screamed so loud when Reagan fire the air traffic controllers! We MUST get the public sector unions under more Federal control.

3. Put a cap on pages for a bill. If the bill is to large, make it multiple bills.

4. If a bill is changed in any way, shape, or form as it goes through congress, there must be a 1 week wait for the bill to be voted upon.

5. Hire (yes I said hire, terrible but true) a small department in the Federal government that translate the legalize of a bill to common English to be posted at a Federal internet site so as it doesn't take a lawyer to discern the facts of the bill.
When the next round of human history exterminations come you will find the answer if you are young enough.

Coyote is white. She and her family will go to the extermination camps.

But she will smile and sing hosannahs to Obama as she marches into the showers, so proud that her Reich is ruling.

"The reason why us conservatives deserve what we are getting."​

For being evil and stupid.

The reason why us conservatives deserve what we are getting.​

Yes, your anti-intellectualism has led you to say things like "us conservatives" instead of "we conservatives".

And you most certainly are getting what you deserve.

All of the things that have divided us or caused us to fight amongst our selves. We have obliterated our moral traditions to the point where we are confused about who we even are as a people.
Yeah. Electing a guy who cheated on all three wives. A guy who can't open his mouth without telling two lies. A guy who robbed from the elderly at a fake university. A guy who bilked billions from his investors. A guy who bears false witness against others just because they don't like him.

We have definitely lost our moral compass.
Yes, your anti-intellectualism has led you to say things like "us conservatives" instead of "we conservatives".

And you most certainly are getting what you deserve.


How are you Nazis shaping up for the midterms?

Yeah. Electing a guy who cheated on all three wives. A guy who can't open his mouth without telling two lies. A guy who robbed from the elderly at a fake university. A guy who bilked billions from his investors. A guy who bears false witness against others just because they don't like him.

We have definitely lost our moral compass.

Yeah, Electing a guy who spent 47 years in Washington lining his own pockets. A guy who can't open his mouth without vomiting out something racist. A guy who robbed Americans, A guy who takes bribes from every tin horn dictator on earth.

All while you bear false witness against other because you don't like them.

You Nazis have no moral compass - you are pure evil.

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