The Recidivists


Platinum Member
Jul 12, 2011
:confused: which catogory to put this in really.

I have had many positive reps lately,thanks but the same old cretins persistantly neg on a regular basis and one Toddsterpatriot negs every 7days...4 in all since 15th March,the others are Gillian 2 and that ghastly Ghook93.twice.........I will refrain from mentioning that I have "suck much cock lately" etc,.

I shall mention that personally it's no big deal,other than if these people wish to want to use me to vent their mental frustration......then they should be charged for guys it's is $100 a trick from now on.

I do reply in kind when received because I find ignoring bullies on encourage them in their bravardo.........But when you give them a smack in the mouth,they cower........Mmmmmm time to round up the herd again methinks.theliq (excuse todays spelling and grammar)
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