The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

Sometimes it is difficult to tell whether you are actually THAT stupid or if it is merely an act, but Mac never called the new mayor of London a terrorist.

He DID mention, however, that the creature called Muslims who do not share the Islamist ideal of seeking the destruction of the west "Uncle Toms".
Binary minds don't recognize anything other than either/or.

Anything outside of that confuses and angers them.

Just imagine....if only you had the nerve to pick a side and support it.
Instead, a disclaimer should come with your posts:

" In the interests of safety, one should avoid his posts if one is operating heavy machinery, or driving on the highway…."
The Left's 'Unholy Alliance' with Islam is rapidly creating a dangerous chaotic future for Western Europe especially. The Left has opened the Immigration Floodgates. And i hate to say it, but the chaos may spill over to our nation at some point. The American Left is in the process of dismantling our Immigration System as well. So Americans better take a good look at Western Europe. It could be their future too.
This stuff was all planned by the Left in Western Europe decades ago. That piece of shite Tony Blair openly boasted about 'Rubbing the right's nose in it' by opening the Immigration Floodgates.

Well, he sure has stuck it to the Right. But he's destroyed his nation in the process. This is why Americans need to oppose the Globalist Elites. They don't have American Citizens' best interests in mind.
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Sometimes it is difficult to tell whether you are actually THAT stupid or if it is merely an act, but Mac never called the new mayor of London a terrorist.

He DID mention, however, that the creature called Muslims who do not share the Islamist ideal of seeking the destruction of the west "Uncle Toms".
Binary minds don't recognize anything other than either/or.

Anything outside of that confuses and angers them.

Just imagine....if only you had the nerve to pick a side and support it.
Instead, a disclaimer should come with your posts:

" In the interests of safety, one should avoid his posts if one is operating heavy machinery, or driving on the highway…."
Yet another great example, thanks.
They've illustrated my point, over and over and over, and they still don't see it - even when I point it out.

That's the danger of committing to an ideology, it distorts perceptions, it turns thought processes binary.

They never will. They are the true believers.

In one thread, Coyote actually indicated that it saw no reason why the genocidal mass murderer of Jews should not be rewarded with a Nobel Peace Prize nomination.

There is a portion of the left that has far more in common with Nazis than they do liberalism. In fact, their nihilistic need to identify with this savagery springs from an intense hatred of the liberal values of the culture they seek to destroy.

Wasn't that the same thread in which you idolized an anti-semitic bigot who went around the country electrocuting live animals on stage? A bizarre choice of "hero".

Your ideology has much common with the pre-Nazi fascists who waged their culture war with anti-(insert hated group du jour) propoganda and demonized entire groups of people. Makes it far easier to get rid of them when you don't see them as individuals doesn't it?
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What I'm specifically focusing on is the behaviors of those who are so tolerant and defensive of one religion while simultaneously being so hateful of another.

No doubt it will get dragged in other directions, but that's my question here.

Well then perhaps you would be kind enough to give a specific example and put away your hasty generalizations.
What? You're serious here?

Just from this board alone, you can't think of any examples of people deflecting to the evils of Christianity after a jihadist attack?

You can't think of Leftists leveraging "hasty generalizations" about Christians?

You can't think of any examples of leftists attacking Christianity for many of the same ideals or acts perpetrated by Islam?

You can't think of any times a leftist has deflected to "Islamophobia" or even "racism" when someone pointed out a misdeed of Islam?

There's no way you're serious.

I will respond here:

I do not care what religion you are or if you do not believe in God but if you use your religion to spread hate, fear and death then you're a worthless individual to me and no God would not approve of anyone killing innocent people.

There is no defense for the radicals in Islam just like there is no defense when some idiot goes to Planned Parenthood and shoots up the damn place because they believe they're doing God work.

You have retards in every religion and the question will be is when will the sane people take control of Islam and tell the nutters to sit down and shut the fuck up for once.

Now I will get blasted for my comment and so be it and this is my lone opinion on this matter and for me God would never approve of the stupidity that many humans do in it name...
What I'm specifically focusing on is the behaviors of those who are so tolerant and defensive of one religion while simultaneously being so hateful of another.

No doubt it will get dragged in other directions, but that's my question here.

Well then perhaps you would be kind enough to give a specific example and put away your hasty generalizations.
What? You're serious here?

Just from this board alone, you can't think of any examples of people deflecting to the evils of Christianity after a jihadist attack?

You can't think of Leftists leveraging "hasty generalizations" about Christians?

You can't think of any examples of leftists attacking Christianity for many of the same ideals or acts perpetrated by Islam?

You can't think of any times a leftist has deflected to "Islamophobia" or even "racism" when someone pointed out a misdeed of Islam?

There's no way you're serious.

I will respond here:

I do not care what religion you are or if you do not believe in God but if you use your religion to spread hate, fear and death then you're a worthless individual to me and no God would not approve of anyone killing innocent people.

There is no defense for the radicals in Islam just like there is no defense when some idiot goes to Planned Parenthood and shoots up the damn place because they believe they're doing God work.

You have retards in every religion and the question will be is when will the sane people take control of Islam and tell the nutters to sit down and shut the fuck up for once.

Now I will get blasted for my comment and so be it and this is my lone opinion on this matter and for me God would never approve of the stupidity that many humans do in it name...

No one can deny there are some crazy Christians out there.
But at least be honest about the percentage of crazy.
Here's a has a much higher percentage.
On a lighter note, he's some George Carlin stuff on Religion. A warning though, if you're the sensitive easily offended type, don't watch. :)

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Sometimes it is difficult to tell whether you are actually THAT stupid or if it is merely an act, but Mac never called the new mayor of London a terrorist.

He DID mention, however, that the creature called Muslims who do not share the Islamist ideal of seeking the destruction of the west "Uncle Toms".
Binary minds don't recognize anything other than either/or.

Anything outside of that confuses and angers them.

Just imagine....if only you had the nerve to pick a side and support it.
Instead, a disclaimer should come with your posts:

" In the interests of safety, one should avoid his posts if one is operating heavy machinery, or driving on the highway…."
Yet another great example, thanks.

Most welcome.
What I'm specifically focusing on is the behaviors of those who are so tolerant and defensive of one religion while simultaneously being so hateful of another.

No doubt it will get dragged in other directions, but that's my question here.

Well then perhaps you would be kind enough to give a specific example and put away your hasty generalizations.
What? You're serious here?

Just from this board alone, you can't think of any examples of people deflecting to the evils of Christianity after a jihadist attack?

You can't think of Leftists leveraging "hasty generalizations" about Christians?

You can't think of any examples of leftists attacking Christianity for many of the same ideals or acts perpetrated by Islam?

You can't think of any times a leftist has deflected to "Islamophobia" or even "racism" when someone pointed out a misdeed of Islam?

There's no way you're serious.

I will respond here:

I do not care what religion you are or if you do not believe in God but if you use your religion to spread hate, fear and death then you're a worthless individual to me and no God would not approve of anyone killing innocent people.

There is no defense for the radicals in Islam just like there is no defense when some idiot goes to Planned Parenthood and shoots up the damn place because they believe they're doing God work.

You have retards in every religion and the question will be is when will the sane people take control of Islam and tell the nutters to sit down and shut the fuck up for once.

Now I will get blasted for my comment and so be it and this is my lone opinion on this matter and for me God would never approve of the stupidity that many humans do in it name...

No one can deny there are some crazy Christians out there.
But at least be honest about the percentage of crazy.
Here's a has a much higher percentage.

I was honest in my response and as I wrote I will get blasted because many if not all will disagree with me.
What I'm specifically focusing on is the behaviors of those who are so tolerant and defensive of one religion while simultaneously being so hateful of another.

No doubt it will get dragged in other directions, but that's my question here.

Well then perhaps you would be kind enough to give a specific example and put away your hasty generalizations.
What? You're serious here?

Just from this board alone, you can't think of any examples of people deflecting to the evils of Christianity after a jihadist attack?

You can't think of Leftists leveraging "hasty generalizations" about Christians?

You can't think of any examples of leftists attacking Christianity for many of the same ideals or acts perpetrated by Islam?

You can't think of any times a leftist has deflected to "Islamophobia" or even "racism" when someone pointed out a misdeed of Islam?

There's no way you're serious.

I will respond here:

I do not care what religion you are or if you do not believe in God but if you use your religion to spread hate, fear and death then you're a worthless individual to me and no God would not approve of anyone killing innocent people.

There is no defense for the radicals in Islam just like there is no defense when some idiot goes to Planned Parenthood and shoots up the damn place because they believe they're doing God work.

You have retards in every religion and the question will be is when will the sane people take control of Islam and tell the nutters to sit down and shut the fuck up for once.

Now I will get blasted for my comment and so be it and this is my lone opinion on this matter and for me God would never approve of the stupidity that many humans do in it name...

No one can deny there are some crazy Christians out there.
But at least be honest about the percentage of crazy.
Here's a has a much higher percentage.

I was honest in my response and as I wrote I will get blasted because many if not all will disagree with me.

Let me ask you this.
Would you rather live in a Christian based country or a Islamic based country?
This of course assumes you dont convert to Islam.
Like clockwork....
They've illustrated my point, over and over and over, and they still don't see it - even when I point it out.

That's the danger of committing to an ideology, it distorts perceptions, it turns thought processes binary.

Is the new mayor of London a terrorist?

Is ISIS, Islamic?

Is Iran peaceful?

Is Iraq, Yeman, Syria, Libya, Jordon, or any other Islamic state peaceful?

Is the United States?
What I'm specifically focusing on is the behaviors of those who are so tolerant and defensive of one religion while simultaneously being so hateful of another.

No doubt it will get dragged in other directions, but that's my question here.

Well then perhaps you would be kind enough to give a specific example and put away your hasty generalizations.
What? You're serious here?

Just from this board alone, you can't think of any examples of people deflecting to the evils of Christianity after a jihadist attack?

You can't think of Leftists leveraging "hasty generalizations" about Christians?

You can't think of any examples of leftists attacking Christianity for many of the same ideals or acts perpetrated by Islam?

You can't think of any times a leftist has deflected to "Islamophobia" or even "racism" when someone pointed out a misdeed of Islam?

There's no way you're serious.

I will respond here:

I do not care what religion you are or if you do not believe in God but if you use your religion to spread hate, fear and death then you're a worthless individual to me and no God would not approve of anyone killing innocent people.

There is no defense for the radicals in Islam just like there is no defense when some idiot goes to Planned Parenthood and shoots up the damn place because they believe they're doing God work.

You have retards in every religion and the question will be is when will the sane people take control of Islam and tell the nutters to sit down and shut the fuck up for once.

Now I will get blasted for my comment and so be it and this is my lone opinion on this matter and for me God would never approve of the stupidity that many humans do in it name...

How many examples of Muslims condemning the nutters would you consider enough to satisfy your need?
What I'm specifically focusing on is the behaviors of those who are so tolerant and defensive of one religion while simultaneously being so hateful of another.

No doubt it will get dragged in other directions, but that's my question here.

Well then perhaps you would be kind enough to give a specific example and put away your hasty generalizations.
What? You're serious here?

Just from this board alone, you can't think of any examples of people deflecting to the evils of Christianity after a jihadist attack?

You can't think of Leftists leveraging "hasty generalizations" about Christians?

You can't think of any examples of leftists attacking Christianity for many of the same ideals or acts perpetrated by Islam?

You can't think of any times a leftist has deflected to "Islamophobia" or even "racism" when someone pointed out a misdeed of Islam?

There's no way you're serious.

I will respond here:

I do not care what religion you are or if you do not believe in God but if you use your religion to spread hate, fear and death then you're a worthless individual to me and no God would not approve of anyone killing innocent people.

There is no defense for the radicals in Islam just like there is no defense when some idiot goes to Planned Parenthood and shoots up the damn place because they believe they're doing God work.

You have retards in every religion and the question will be is when will the sane people take control of Islam and tell the nutters to sit down and shut the fuck up for once.

Now I will get blasted for my comment and so be it and this is my lone opinion on this matter and for me God would never approve of the stupidity that many humans do in it name...

No one can deny there are some crazy Christians out there.
But at least be honest about the percentage of crazy.
Here's a has a much higher percentage.

True. Now what?
What I'm specifically focusing on is the behaviors of those who are so tolerant and defensive of one religion while simultaneously being so hateful of another.

No doubt it will get dragged in other directions, but that's my question here.

Well then perhaps you would be kind enough to give a specific example and put away your hasty generalizations.
What? You're serious here?

Just from this board alone, you can't think of any examples of people deflecting to the evils of Christianity after a jihadist attack?

You can't think of Leftists leveraging "hasty generalizations" about Christians?

You can't think of any examples of leftists attacking Christianity for many of the same ideals or acts perpetrated by Islam?

You can't think of any times a leftist has deflected to "Islamophobia" or even "racism" when someone pointed out a misdeed of Islam?

There's no way you're serious.

I will respond here:

I do not care what religion you are or if you do not believe in God but if you use your religion to spread hate, fear and death then you're a worthless individual to me and no God would not approve of anyone killing innocent people.

There is no defense for the radicals in Islam just like there is no defense when some idiot goes to Planned Parenthood and shoots up the damn place because they believe they're doing God work.

You have retards in every religion and the question will be is when will the sane people take control of Islam and tell the nutters to sit down and shut the fuck up for once.

Now I will get blasted for my comment and so be it and this is my lone opinion on this matter and for me God would never approve of the stupidity that many humans do in it name...

How many examples of Muslims condemning the nutters would you consider enough to satisfy your need?

Never enough. That is a classic well worn RWnut propaganda tactic.
As Correll put it so eloquently in another thread.....

The regressives are at it again.

Proof by assertion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Proof by assertion, sometimes informally referred to as proof by repeated assertion, is an informal fallacy in which a proposition is repeatedly restated regardless of contradiction.[1] Sometimes, this may be repeated until challenges dry up, at which point it is asserted as fact due to its not being contradicted (argumentum ad nauseam).[2] In other cases, its repetition may be cited as evidence of its truth, in a variant of the appeal to authority or appeal to belieffallacies"
And by the way, note how they are desperately trying to pooh-pooh the validity of my OP by posting about it, over and over and over and over.

They sure are trying hard, aren't they?


Like clockwork....
They've illustrated my point, over and over and over, and they still don't see it - even when I point it out.

That's the danger of committing to an ideology, it distorts perceptions, it turns thought processes binary.

Is the new mayor of London a terrorist?

Not likely.
But you can bet he has sympathy for their cause.
Which of course is to take over the west.

Are you a Christian?

Do you have sympathy for Christian Identity? For the KKK?
What I'm specifically focusing on is the behaviors of those who are so tolerant and defensive of one religion while simultaneously being so hateful of another.

No doubt it will get dragged in other directions, but that's my question here.

Well then perhaps you would be kind enough to give a specific example and put away your hasty generalizations.
What? You're serious here?

Just from this board alone, you can't think of any examples of people deflecting to the evils of Christianity after a jihadist attack?

You can't think of Leftists leveraging "hasty generalizations" about Christians?

You can't think of any examples of leftists attacking Christianity for many of the same ideals or acts perpetrated by Islam?

You can't think of any times a leftist has deflected to "Islamophobia" or even "racism" when someone pointed out a misdeed of Islam?

There's no way you're serious.

I will respond here:

I do not care what religion you are or if you do not believe in God but if you use your religion to spread hate, fear and death then you're a worthless individual to me and no God would not approve of anyone killing innocent people.

There is no defense for the radicals in Islam just like there is no defense when some idiot goes to Planned Parenthood and shoots up the damn place because they believe they're doing God work.

You have retards in every religion and the question will be is when will the sane people take control of Islam and tell the nutters to sit down and shut the fuck up for once.

Now I will get blasted for my comment and so be it and this is my lone opinion on this matter and for me God would never approve of the stupidity that many humans do in it name...

No one can deny there are some crazy Christians out there.
But at least be honest about the percentage of crazy.
Here's a has a much higher percentage.

And white males have a higher percentage of child molesters among them.

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