The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

This thread really pissed off the Regressive Lefties.

I knew it would, but DANG!

That mirror must be an ugly place for them.
NY, these same folks would be calling people the "regressive left" for opposing Japanese Internment in the 40s.
Interesting that you feel that way about honest liberals Bill Maher & Richard Dawkins, from whom I have borrowed the phrase.
These guys latched onto the phrase to silence those on the left that were calling them islamaphobic. You in turn have latched onto it for your own ideological motivations. You have been asked repeatedly to site evidence of it that you claimed was readily available. We are still waiting.
Wrong again, I agree completely with them for all the same reasons.

And in post 364, I provided a LONG list of examples FROM THIS VERY THREAD.

You won't admit it, though, because you folks are very dishonest.

No problem, though. It's been delightful watching the behavior of the Regressive Left in this thread, proving my point over and over.
No, you haven't shown any examples to support this about the "regressive left". This your quote isn't it.

Meanwhile, a group of people - the Regressive Left (as honest liberal Bill Maher refers to them), a group all too happy to attack the misdeeds of another religion (Christianity, obviously) in absolutely every possible way, at absolutely every opportunity, are bending over backwards to be defensive and so very tolerantof the first religion. A religion, by the way, that treats women and gays as lesser objects, among other behaviors that the Regressive Leftists loathe.
So you're really telling me that you didn't find any posts, from that long list I provided, of you folks going out of your way in defending and being tolerant of Islam, completely out of context with the point of the thread?

And you can't think of any examples of threads (Does the name Guno ring a bell?) of leftists viciously attacking Christianity and/or Christians?

And you can't think of any issues within Islam that leftists supposedly loathe?

Either you're lying or your perceptions are so completely distorted by your partisan ideology that you really can't think of any examples of the above.

In either case, trying to communicate with you is pointless.
When I first read your OP I wasn't fully up to speed on what regressive left meant or what it's origins were but I knew right away that you were just generalizing and that is what I was responding to. Then as I started looking into it I realized that a few atheists were being singled out as Islamaphobic and that they grabbed onto this phrase as a way to silence their critics and stifle debate. Now it has apparently caught on with the partisans on the right such as yourself for probably much the same reasons. The phrase serves no purpose but to silence debate, it is just a bunch of generalizations.

I think Guno only satisfies half the requirement for your so called regressive leftist. I'm not so sure you are going to find him bending over backwards to defend Islam. And even if so, he is singular. A group is plural.

And so you might as well also explain what it is about Islam that the regressive left are defending. Are they defending misogyny? Are they defending extremism?

If you are going to lump people into a group that should be looked on unfavorably you really should try to define them better, especially if you intend to put me into that group.
Interesting that you feel that way about honest liberals Bill Maher & Richard Dawkins, from whom I have borrowed the phrase.
These guys latched onto the phrase to silence those on the left that were calling them islamaphobic. You in turn have latched onto it for your own ideological motivations. You have been asked repeatedly to site evidence of it that you claimed was readily available. We are still waiting.
Wrong again, I agree completely with them for all the same reasons.

And in post 364, I provided a LONG list of examples FROM THIS VERY THREAD.

You won't admit it, though, because you folks are very dishonest.

No problem, though. It's been delightful watching the behavior of the Regressive Left in this thread, proving my point over and over.
No, you haven't shown any examples to support this about the "regressive left". This your quote isn't it.

Meanwhile, a group of people - the Regressive Left (as honest liberal Bill Maher refers to them), a group all too happy to attack the misdeeds of another religion (Christianity, obviously) in absolutely every possible way, at absolutely every opportunity, are bending over backwards to be defensive and so very tolerantof the first religion. A religion, by the way, that treats women and gays as lesser objects, among other behaviors that the Regressive Leftists loathe.
So you're really telling me that you didn't find any posts, from that long list I provided, of you folks going out of your way in defending and being tolerant of Islam, completely out of context with the point of the thread?

And you can't think of any examples of threads (Does the name Guno ring a bell?) of leftists viciously attacking Christianity and/or Christians?

And you can't think of any issues within Islam that leftists supposedly loathe?

Either you're lying or your perceptions are so completely distorted by your partisan ideology that you really can't think of any examples of the above.

In either case, trying to communicate with you is pointless.
When I first read your OP I wasn't fully up to speed on what regressive left meant or what it's origins were but I knew right away that you were just generalizing and that is what I was responding to. Then as I started looking into it I realized that a few atheists were being singled out as Islamaphobic and that they grabbed onto this phrase as a way to silence their critics and stifle debate. Now it has apparently caught on with the partisans on the right such as yourself for probably much the same reasons. The phrase serves no purpose but to silence debate, it is just a bunch of generalizations.

I think Guno only satisfies half the requirement for your so called regressive leftist. I'm not so sure you are going to find him bending over backwards to defend Islam. And even if so, he is singular. A group is plural.

And so you might as well also explain what it is about Islam that the left are defending. Are they defending misogyny? Are they defending extremism?

If you are going to lump people into a group that should be looked on unfavorably you really should try to define them better, especially if you intend to put me into that group.
As I just explained to another lefty, both ends of the spectrum (and the rest of us) can be accused of painting with a broad brush. When I see you folks complaining to people like Guno for their constant broad-brushing of Christianity as you're complaining to me, I'll consider taking it serious. Otherwise, these complaints are transparent and tedious.

Examples? If you were actually curious, you could do your own research by looking at any thread that had to do with Islamic terrorism. You'll see plenty of what I'm talking about there. But, just for you:

Back in post 364, I put forth the effort to provide a nice long list of examples from this very thread - Regressive Lefties changing the subject of the thread to issue personal attacks, to scream "Islamophobe" and to defend that religion in a variety of ways. I'll be happy to post that list here, see below, but no doubt there are more examples after post 364.

So now the complaints of "broad brushing" and "no examples" SHOULD go away, but I know the type of people I'm dealing with, so I won't hold my breath. My predictions on this thread have come true, no doubt that one will too.

Here you go, and you're welcome:

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These guys latched onto the phrase to silence those on the left that were calling them islamaphobic. You in turn have latched onto it for your own ideological motivations. You have been asked repeatedly to site evidence of it that you claimed was readily available. We are still waiting.
Wrong again, I agree completely with them for all the same reasons.

And in post 364, I provided a LONG list of examples FROM THIS VERY THREAD.

You won't admit it, though, because you folks are very dishonest.

No problem, though. It's been delightful watching the behavior of the Regressive Left in this thread, proving my point over and over.
No, you haven't shown any examples to support this about the "regressive left". This your quote isn't it.

Meanwhile, a group of people - the Regressive Left (as honest liberal Bill Maher refers to them), a group all too happy to attack the misdeeds of another religion (Christianity, obviously) in absolutely every possible way, at absolutely every opportunity, are bending over backwards to be defensive and so very tolerantof the first religion. A religion, by the way, that treats women and gays as lesser objects, among other behaviors that the Regressive Leftists loathe.
So you're really telling me that you didn't find any posts, from that long list I provided, of you folks going out of your way in defending and being tolerant of Islam, completely out of context with the point of the thread?

And you can't think of any examples of threads (Does the name Guno ring a bell?) of leftists viciously attacking Christianity and/or Christians?

And you can't think of any issues within Islam that leftists supposedly loathe?

Either you're lying or your perceptions are so completely distorted by your partisan ideology that you really can't think of any examples of the above.

In either case, trying to communicate with you is pointless.
When I first read your OP I wasn't fully up to speed on what regressive left meant or what it's origins were but I knew right away that you were just generalizing and that is what I was responding to. Then as I started looking into it I realized that a few atheists were being singled out as Islamaphobic and that they grabbed onto this phrase as a way to silence their critics and stifle debate. Now it has apparently caught on with the partisans on the right such as yourself for probably much the same reasons. The phrase serves no purpose but to silence debate, it is just a bunch of generalizations.

I think Guno only satisfies half the requirement for your so called regressive leftist. I'm not so sure you are going to find him bending over backwards to defend Islam. And even if so, he is singular. A group is plural.

And so you might as well also explain what it is about Islam that the left are defending. Are they defending misogyny? Are they defending extremism?

If you are going to lump people into a group that should be looked on unfavorably you really should try to define them better, especially if you intend to put me into that group.
As I just explained to another lefty, both ends of the spectrum (and the rest of us) can be accused of painting with a broad brush. When I see you folks complaining to people like Guno for their constant broad-brushing of Christianity as you're complaining to me, I'll consider taking it serious. Otherwise, these complaints are transparent and tedious.

Examples? If you were actually curious, you could do your own research by looking at any thread that had to do with Islamic terrorism. You'll see plenty of what I'm talking about there. But, just for you:

Back in post 364, I put forth the effort to provide a nice long list of examples from this very thread - Regressive Lefties changing the subject of the thread to issue personal attacks, to scream "Islamophobe" and to defend that religion in a variety of ways. I'll be happy to post that list here, but no doubt there are more examples after post 364.

So now the complaints of "broad brushing" and "no examples" SHOULD go away, but I know the type of people I'm dealing with, so I won't hold my breath. My predictions on this thread have come true, no doubt that one will too.

Here you go, and you're welcome:

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Not a single example of the behavior that you described in the OP can be found in that list.
Interesting that you feel that way about honest liberals Bill Maher & Richard Dawkins, from whom I have borrowed the phrase.
These guys latched onto the phrase to silence those on the left that were calling them islamaphobic. You in turn have latched onto it for your own ideological motivations. You have been asked repeatedly to site evidence of it that you claimed was readily available. We are still waiting.
Wrong again, I agree completely with them for all the same reasons.

And in post 364, I provided a LONG list of examples FROM THIS VERY THREAD.

You won't admit it, though, because you folks are very dishonest.

No problem, though. It's been delightful watching the behavior of the Regressive Left in this thread, proving my point over and over.
No, you haven't shown any examples to support this about the "regressive left". This your quote isn't it.

Meanwhile, a group of people - the Regressive Left (as honest liberal Bill Maher refers to them), a group all too happy to attack the misdeeds of another religion (Christianity, obviously) in absolutely every possible way, at absolutely every opportunity, are bending over backwards to be defensive and so very tolerantof the first religion. A religion, by the way, that treats women and gays as lesser objects, among other behaviors that the Regressive Leftists loathe.
So you're really telling me that you didn't find any posts, from that long list I provided, of you folks going out of your way in defending and being tolerant of Islam, completely out of context with the point of the thread?

And you can't think of any examples of threads (Does the name Guno ring a bell?) of leftists viciously attacking Christianity and/or Christians?

And you can't think of any issues within Islam that leftists supposedly loathe?

Either you're lying or your perceptions are so completely distorted by your partisan ideology that you really can't think of any examples of the above.

In either case, trying to communicate with you is pointless.
When I first read your OP I wasn't fully up to speed on what regressive left meant or what it's origins were but I knew right away that you were just generalizing and that is what I was responding to. Then as I started looking into it I realized that a few atheists were being singled out as Islamaphobic and that they grabbed onto this phrase as a way to silence their critics and stifle debate. Now it has apparently caught on with the partisans on the right such as yourself for probably much the same reasons. The phrase serves no purpose but to silence debate, it is just a bunch of generalizations.

I think Guno only satisfies half the requirement for your so called regressive leftist. I'm not so sure you are going to find him bending over backwards to defend Islam. And even if so, he is singular. A group is plural.

And so you might as well also explain what it is about Islam that the regressive left are defending. Are they defending misogyny? Are they defending extremism?

If you are going to lump people into a group that should be looked on unfavorably you really should try to define them better, especially if you intend to put me into that group.

Pleas note. Mac is not a right wing partisan.

Mac is a left leaning moderate, politically.

However, he is a passive aggressive pussy of the highest order who believes himself to be a person of very high caliber....with unparalleled integrity. His "thing" is to point fingers in all directions as he imagines himself perched calmly above it all. He tells us often that he doesn't expect honest answers to his entirely dishonest questions. He then doesn't accept anything as being said with honesty and crows in empty victory. Sometimes....for pages and in this thread.

You'll have to "quote" this if you'd like him to see it as he has me on ignore. That's because he is very mature and stuff.
Pleas note. Mac is not a right wing partisan.

Mac is a left leaning moderate, politically.

However, he is a passive aggressive pussy of the highest order who believes himself to be a person of very high caliber....with unparalleled integrity. His "thing" is to point fingers in all directions as he imagines himself perched calmly above it all. He tells us often that he doesn't expect honest answers to his entirely dishonest questions. He then doesn't accept anything as being said with honesty and crows in empty victory. Sometimes....for pages and in this thread.

You'll have to "quote" this if you'd like him to see it as he has me on ignore. That's because he is very mature and stuff.
Mac is a left leaning moderate, politically.

He had me fooled. In fact I'm not even sure I believe you on this now.
Pleas note. Mac is not a right wing partisan.

Mac is a left leaning moderate, politically.

However, he is a passive aggressive pussy of the highest order who believes himself to be a person of very high caliber....with unparalleled integrity. His "thing" is to point fingers in all directions as he imagines himself perched calmly above it all. He tells us often that he doesn't expect honest answers to his entirely dishonest questions. He then doesn't accept anything as being said with honesty and crows in empty victory. Sometimes....for pages and in this thread.

You'll have to "quote" this if you'd like him to see it as he has me on ignore. That's because he is very mature and stuff.
Mac is a left leaning moderate, politically.

He had me fooled. In fact I'm not even sure I believe you on this now. is the case. He takes odd positions on some things so he can maintain his dopey "above the fray" faux persona.

His crusade is killing political correctness.....which is man's greatest evil. And..he will moan about our reduced standards for all manner of things which is leading to our moral and fiscal decline. His angst tends to be aimed at liberals more than cons....because liberals don't take his shit and he has more of his kind of fun "debating" more intelligent people.

Look for him to tell you that gay people and minorities shouldn't try to hold bigots accountable for their words and actions....because it upsets them more and just makes them dig in and become more bigoted. Obama, for example, didn't take advantage of his opportunity to bring the races together....because he didn't tell black boys to pull up their pants and he couldn't work well with those who opposed him in congress.

One of his favorite lies is the idea that Obama told small business owners that they didn't build their own businesses. He loves that one.

I predict he will say that you proved his point for him at least a few more times in this thread.
Pleas note. Mac is not a right wing partisan.

Mac is a left leaning moderate, politically.

However, he is a passive aggressive pussy of the highest order who believes himself to be a person of very high caliber....with unparalleled integrity. His "thing" is to point fingers in all directions as he imagines himself perched calmly above it all. He tells us often that he doesn't expect honest answers to his entirely dishonest questions. He then doesn't accept anything as being said with honesty and crows in empty victory. Sometimes....for pages and in this thread.

You'll have to "quote" this if you'd like him to see it as he has me on ignore. That's because he is very mature and stuff.
Mac is a left leaning moderate, politically.

He had me fooled. In fact I'm not even sure I believe you on this now.
I'm just honest.

It ain't that tough, I swear.

Pleas note. Mac is not a right wing partisan.

Mac is a left leaning moderate, politically.

However, he is a passive aggressive pussy of the highest order who believes himself to be a person of very high caliber....with unparalleled integrity. His "thing" is to point fingers in all directions as he imagines himself perched calmly above it all. He tells us often that he doesn't expect honest answers to his entirely dishonest questions. He then doesn't accept anything as being said with honesty and crows in empty victory. Sometimes....for pages and in this thread.

You'll have to "quote" this if you'd like him to see it as he has me on ignore. That's because he is very mature and stuff.
Mac is a left leaning moderate, politically.

He had me fooled. In fact I'm not even sure I believe you on this now.
I'm just honest.

It ain't that tough, I swear.


Nope. You are decidedly dishonest. don't mind.
This thread really pissed off the Regressive Lefties.

I knew it would, but DANG!

That mirror must be an ugly place for them.
No, everyone is laughing at your ridiculous lies and stupidity.

What’s funny is you think anyone believes the rot you post.
Pleas note. Mac is not a right wing partisan.

Mac is a left leaning moderate, politically.

However, he is a passive aggressive pussy of the highest order who believes himself to be a person of very high caliber....with unparalleled integrity. His "thing" is to point fingers in all directions as he imagines himself perched calmly above it all. He tells us often that he doesn't expect honest answers to his entirely dishonest questions. He then doesn't accept anything as being said with honesty and crows in empty victory. Sometimes....for pages and in this thread.

You'll have to "quote" this if you'd like him to see it as he has me on ignore. That's because he is very mature and stuff.
Mac is a left leaning moderate, politically.

He had me fooled. In fact I'm not even sure I believe you on this now.
He’s got himself fooled as well.
This thread really pissed off the Regressive Lefties.

I knew it would, but DANG!

That mirror must be an ugly place for them.
No, everyone is laughing at your ridiculous lies and stupidity.

What’s funny is you think anyone believes the rot you post.
I can tell how effective I am by how animated you people get.

It's really quite flattering.

Making such nasty, hateful, dishonest people so emotional is kinda fun.
This thread really pissed off the Regressive Lefties.

I knew it would, but DANG!

That mirror must be an ugly place for them.
No, everyone is laughing at your ridiculous lies and stupidity.

What’s funny is you think anyone believes the rot you post.
I can tell how effective I am by how animated you people get.

It's really quite flattering.

Making such nasty, hateful, dishonest people so emotional is kinda fun.

Animated? Hateful?
Pleas note. Mac is not a right wing partisan.

Mac is a left leaning moderate, politically.

However, he is a passive aggressive pussy of the highest order who believes himself to be a person of very high caliber....with unparalleled integrity. His "thing" is to point fingers in all directions as he imagines himself perched calmly above it all. He tells us often that he doesn't expect honest answers to his entirely dishonest questions. He then doesn't accept anything as being said with honesty and crows in empty victory. Sometimes....for pages and in this thread.

You'll have to "quote" this if you'd like him to see it as he has me on ignore. That's because he is very mature and stuff.
Mac is a left leaning moderate, politically.

He had me fooled. In fact I'm not even sure I believe you on this now. is the case. He takes odd positions on some things so he can maintain his dopey "above the fray" faux persona.

His crusade is killing political correctness.....which is man's greatest evil. And..he will moan about our reduced standards for all manner of things which is leading to our moral and fiscal decline. His angst tends to be aimed at liberals more than cons....because liberals don't take his shit and he has more of his kind of fun "debating" more intelligent people.

Look for him to tell you that gay people and minorities shouldn't try to hold bigots accountable for their words and actions....because it upsets them more and just makes them dig in and become more bigoted. Obama, for example, didn't take advantage of his opportunity to bring the races together....because he didn't tell black boys to pull up their pants and he couldn't work well with those who opposed him in congress.

One of his favorite lies is the idea that Obama told small business owners that they didn't build their own businesses. He loves that one.

I predict he will say that you proved his point for him at least a few more times in this thread.
Mac is very, very concerned that bigots and racists not get their feelings hurt.
Ol' Mac turns 'em into drama queens with just a few keystrokes.
NY, these same folks would be calling people the "regressive left" for opposing Japanese Internment in the 40s.
Interesting that you feel that way about honest liberals Bill Maher & Richard Dawkins, from whom I have borrowed the phrase.

Interesting that you think that these two individuals speak for all liberals on all things.

Yes, I think Bill Maher is a bit of an Islamaphobe and I'd like to see him have some actual Muslims like Dean Obeidallah on his show to talk about the broad brush he likes to paint with.
Plenty of the broad brushing coming from both ends of the political spectrum on a daily basis.
Two wrongs make a right fallacy.

You truly are ridiculous and pathetic.
Pleas note. Mac is not a right wing partisan.

Mac is a left leaning moderate, politically.

However, he is a passive aggressive pussy of the highest order who believes himself to be a person of very high caliber....with unparalleled integrity. His "thing" is to point fingers in all directions as he imagines himself perched calmly above it all. He tells us often that he doesn't expect honest answers to his entirely dishonest questions. He then doesn't accept anything as being said with honesty and crows in empty victory. Sometimes....for pages and in this thread.

You'll have to "quote" this if you'd like him to see it as he has me on ignore. That's because he is very mature and stuff.
Mac is a left leaning moderate, politically.

He had me fooled. In fact I'm not even sure I believe you on this now. is the case. He takes odd positions on some things so he can maintain his dopey "above the fray" faux persona.

His crusade is killing political correctness.....which is man's greatest evil. And..he will moan about our reduced standards for all manner of things which is leading to our moral and fiscal decline. His angst tends to be aimed at liberals more than cons....because liberals don't take his shit and he has more of his kind of fun "debating" more intelligent people.

Look for him to tell you that gay people and minorities shouldn't try to hold bigots accountable for their words and actions....because it upsets them more and just makes them dig in and become more bigoted. Obama, for example, didn't take advantage of his opportunity to bring the races together....because he didn't tell black boys to pull up their pants and he couldn't work well with those who opposed him in congress.

One of his favorite lies is the idea that Obama told small business owners that they didn't build their own businesses. He loves that one.

I predict he will say that you proved his point for him at least a few more times in this thread.
Mac is very, very concerned that bigots and racists not get their feelings hurt.

That is true. Being intolerant of them invites more bigotry. Hell....people who are not bigoted can become bigoted simply because they are troubled by how badly liberals treat bigots. It's much better to try and change hearts and minds over time by accepting their bigotry and allowing the free market to decide.
And directly to the Regressive Leftists here: I'm certainly not, nor do I ever, expect a straight, clear and honest answer from you on this. What I expect from you is the standard deflection, derision, personal insults and name-calling. I know that's what we'll get, it's an easy prediction.
Damn I'm good.

I wub me! I really wub me!

And directly to the Regressive Leftists here: I'm certainly not, nor do I ever, expect a straight, clear and honest answer from you on this. What I expect from you is the standard deflection, derision, personal insults and name-calling. I know that's what we'll get, it's an easy prediction.
Damn I'm good.

I wub me! I really wub me!


Good example of why we think you are a pussy.

Earmuffs, bitch.

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