The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

Oh, insults. Did anyone tell you I don't do insulters?

What do you mean by "do" here?

Have you considered offering ideas that give the appearance of arising from the intellect of an adult rather than a child here, though? All you have offered so far are simple-minded platitudes, ignorant denials, and conditioned responses.

If you are incapable of understanding concepts and prefer to live in a little world where all the good little boys and girls have to say the proper things whenever the subject is Islam, perhaps you belong at something other than a debate site.

There is really nothing to debate when children ball up their pudgy little fists, place them on their hips and just keep repeating "Is not!!" while sticking out their tongues.
Oh, insults. Did anyone tell you I don't do insulters?

What do you mean by "do" here?

Have you considered offering ideas that give the appearance of arising from the intellect of an adult rather than a child here, though? All you have offered so far are simple-minded platitudes, ignorant denials, and conditioned responses.

If you are incapable of understanding concepts and prefer to live in a little world where all the good little boys and girls have to say the proper things whenever the subject is Islam, perhaps you belong at something other than a debate site.

There is really nothing to debate when children ball up their pudgy little fists, place them on their hips and just keep repeating "Is not!!" while sticking out their tongues.

Show us where I have ever defended or supported Islamist terrorism.

That is what Mac1958 has accused me of, but he cannot support it with any evidence.
You are obviously too stupid to understand the point.

He used this slur to malign Muslims who did not share the Islamist objective when it comes to spreading Islam until there is no other ideology on the planet.
I'd disagree, I don't think they're stupid. They're dishonest.

They know what they're doing, hence their intense opposition in this thread.

They don't like being exposed.

Yeah, having someone rip all your clothes off in public isn't exactly my idea of fun.

However, did you watch the video?

If you didn't know what an "Uncle Tom" was and you saw this video, what do you think you'd describe an "Uncle Tom" as? Go on, have a try.
You're deflecting from the point of the thread.


Illustrating the point of the thread.


Thanks, but this has happened so often so far, I really don't need the help.

Did I tell you I don't do insulters? You're bitching at me for deflecting........

He didn't insult you, he said you are deflecting, you are. He said you are illustrating the point of the thread and you are.

Are you upset that he is right? That isn't insulting.

No one is deflecting. Mac1958 refuses to debate his own topic.
Picking two words from a whole interview and then slamming him for being a racist, is, quite frankly, ridiculous.

You are obviously too stupid to understand the point.

He used this slur to malign Muslims who did not share the Islamist objective when it comes to spreading Islam until there is no other ideology on the planet.
I'd disagree, I don't think they're stupid. They're dishonest.

They know what they're doing, hence their intense opposition in this thread.

They don't like being exposed.

Yeah, having someone rip all your clothes off in public isn't exactly my idea of fun.

However, did you watch the video?

If you didn't know what an "Uncle Tom" was and you saw this video, what do you think you'd describe an "Uncle Tom" as? Go on, have a try.
You're deflecting from the point of the thread.


Illustrating the point of the thread.


Thanks, but this has happened so often so far, I really don't need the help.

The point of your thread has been proven false. You accuse posters here of supporting terrorism. You have no evidence to support that accusation.
Oh, insults. Did anyone tell you I don't do insulters?

What do you mean by "do" here?

Have you considered offering ideas that give the appearance of arising from the intellect of an adult rather than a child here, though? All you have offered so far are simple-minded platitudes, ignorant denials, and conditioned responses.

If you are incapable of understanding concepts and prefer to live in a little world where all the good little boys and girls have to say the proper things whenever the subject is Islam, perhaps you belong at something other than a debate site.

There is really nothing to debate when children ball up their pudgy little fists, place them on their hips and just keep repeating "Is not!!" while sticking out their tongues.

Figure it out.

When people start using debate "tactics" rather than actually debating, there's no point in trying to act like an adult. I'll just get frustrated. So, say something stupid, and then leave.

You somehow think I'm supposed to rise to these "tactics", you want me to act adult like? Okay then, I'll say "fuck off", is that better?
Republicans are always falsely being accused of a war on women and yet the left coddles those who actually deny women's rights. Even though some religious people, on both sides of the aisle, don't believe in gay marriage, the most they do is protest.


The cartoon would be more accurate if the Obamunist bowed to the guy.
NY, these same folks would be calling people the "regressive left" for opposing Japanese Internment in the 40s.
Interesting that you feel that way about honest liberals Bill Maher & Richard Dawkins, from whom I have borrowed the phrase.
These guys latched onto the phrase to silence those on the left that were calling them islamaphobic. You in turn have latched onto it for your own ideological motivations. You have been asked repeatedly to site evidence of it that you claimed was readily available. We are still waiting.
NY, these same folks would be calling people the "regressive left" for opposing Japanese Internment in the 40s.
Interesting that you feel that way about honest liberals Bill Maher & Richard Dawkins, from whom I have borrowed the phrase.
These guys latched onto the phrase to silence those on the left that were calling them islamaphobic. You in turn have latched onto it for your own ideological motivations. You have been asked repeatedly to site evidence of it that you claimed was readily available. We are still waiting.
Wrong again, I agree completely with them for all the same reasons.

And in post 364, I provided a LONG list of examples FROM THIS VERY THREAD.

You won't admit it, though, because you folks are very dishonest.

No problem, though. It's been delightful watching the behavior of the Regressive Left in this thread, proving my point over and over.
My point has been proven dozens of times on this very thread, yet they keep trying. And lying.
These guys latched onto the phrase to silence those on the left that were calling them islamaphobic. .

Only an extraordinarily stupid person would buy in to the notion that rejecting a totalitarian ideology represents a phobia.

Phobias are irrational (like those of you conditioned to using the term "Islamophobia" ) and are based upon visceral responses. Rejecting this ideology is no more a phobic response than rejecting any other.

Are people "phobic" for rejecting National Socialism, Communism or other ideologies inimical to freedom of choice, freedom of belief and freedom of expression? No, of course not. It is only you mindless little parrots who have been trained to shut off any portion of your brain that involves thinking who consider it such.
NY, these same folks would be calling people the "regressive left" for opposing Japanese Internment in the 40s.
Interesting that you feel that way about honest liberals Bill Maher & Richard Dawkins, from whom I have borrowed the phrase.
These guys latched onto the phrase to silence those on the left that were calling them islamaphobic. You in turn have latched onto it for your own ideological motivations. You have been asked repeatedly to site evidence of it that you claimed was readily available. We are still waiting.
Wrong again, I agree completely with them for all the same reasons.

And in post 364, I provided a LONG list of examples FROM THIS VERY THREAD.

You won't admit it, though, because you folks are very dishonest.

No problem, though. It's been delightful watching the behavior of the Regressive Left in this thread, proving my point over and over.
No, you haven't shown any examples to support this about the "regressive left". This your quote isn't it.

Meanwhile, a group of people - the Regressive Left (as honest liberal Bill Maher refers to them), a group all too happy to attack the misdeeds of another religion (Christianity, obviously) in absolutely every possible way, at absolutely every opportunity, are bending over backwards to be defensive and so very tolerantof the first religion. A religion, by the way, that treats women and gays as lesser objects, among other behaviors that the Regressive Leftists loathe.
NY, these same folks would be calling people the "regressive left" for opposing Japanese Internment in the 40s.
Interesting that you feel that way about honest liberals Bill Maher & Richard Dawkins, from whom I have borrowed the phrase.
These guys latched onto the phrase to silence those on the left that were calling them islamaphobic. You in turn have latched onto it for your own ideological motivations. You have been asked repeatedly to site evidence of it that you claimed was readily available. We are still waiting.
Wrong again, I agree completely with them for all the same reasons.

And in post 364, I provided a LONG list of examples FROM THIS VERY THREAD.

You won't admit it, though, because you folks are very dishonest.

No problem, though. It's been delightful watching the behavior of the Regressive Left in this thread, proving my point over and over.
No, you haven't shown any examples to support this about the "regressive left". This your quote isn't it.

Meanwhile, a group of people - the Regressive Left (as honest liberal Bill Maher refers to them), a group all too happy to attack the misdeeds of another religion (Christianity, obviously) in absolutely every possible way, at absolutely every opportunity, are bending over backwards to be defensive and so very tolerantof the first religion. A religion, by the way, that treats women and gays as lesser objects, among other behaviors that the Regressive Leftists loathe.
So you're really telling me that you didn't find any posts, from that long list I provided, of you folks going out of your way in defending and being tolerant of Islam, completely out of context with the point of the thread?

And you can't think of any examples of threads (Does the name Guno ring a bell?) of leftists viciously attacking Christianity and/or Christians?

And you can't think of any issues within Islam that leftists supposedly loathe?

Either you're lying or your perceptions are so completely distorted by your partisan ideology that you really can't think of any examples of the above.

In either case, trying to communicate with you is pointless.
Fine, this thread is about the left, and what? You're starting from a false premise. So you're basically just coming out with nonsense, and it's still fear mongering.

Dinner bell/salivation. Dinner bell/salivation. Dinner bell/salivation.

It's really cute how you accuse others of being ignorant when you don't even know that this man has called moderate Muslims "uncle toms" for not being radical enough, has given talks at events organized by hate preachers and has so many links to Jihadists that a person would have to be functionally retarded not to notice.

But, hey -- if you prefer this utterly idiotic lock step orthodoxy because you derive a smug sense that you are "tolerant" for doing so, go for it, child.

Ignorance? Or just knowing that what it is, isn't what you think it is.

In the US an "Uncle Tom" is a black person who has been enslaved, or perceived to have been enslaved.
Outside of the US an "Uncle Tom" is a person who has been enslaved, or perceived to have been enslaved.

Sadiq Khan said to have called moderate Muslim's 'Uncle Toms'

Watch the video.

He uses the term "Uncle Tom" to mean people who get told what they want to hear.

He's not an American. Yes, he's educated, but his view point is probably more east looking than looking west to American history.

He basically says you can't just speak to one type of person, ie, the type of person who says what you want to hear, you have to talk to all people. He wasn't referring to black people, he wasn't referring to anyone of any race.

The fact that he apologized for this is more the politician in him.

He didn't do anything wrong. Just because you want to put your prejudice on this guy, doesn't mean he's a racist.

Picking two words from a whole interview and then slamming him for being a racist, is, quite frankly, ridiculous.

Poster didn't call him racist. Muslim is not a race anyway, but I realize that playing the race card is automatic. You've been trained so well, you might not even realize you do that in response to virtually anything.

The left's defense of all things Muslims just makes no sense. One thing the left refuses to discuss is the way women are denied rights. Muslims are the least tolerant of all. Islam is more government than religion and true Muslims cannot and will not separate church and state. They can't because they are one and the same.

The left started making the defense of Islam their cause after Obama's election. Of course, you guys tried to say we asked to be attacked on 9/11 because murder is an acceptable way for Muslims to express themselves.

Blind followers. Nothing else even begins to explain it other than you guys following marching orders. Otherwise, you'd be against Muslims for their treatment of women, gays and children.
I think it all comes down to how the American left feel about their own country and culture. They hate it, so naturally they take the side that is counter to it.
They've made their hatred for this country's history and traditions clear, that's for sure.

But so much that they deflect in favor of an entire religion? That's a lotta hate right there.

Who is "they"? Name names, please.
NY, these same folks would be calling people the "regressive left" for opposing Japanese Internment in the 40s.
Interesting that you feel that way about honest liberals Bill Maher & Richard Dawkins, from whom I have borrowed the phrase.
These guys latched onto the phrase to silence those on the left that were calling them islamaphobic. You in turn have latched onto it for your own ideological motivations. You have been asked repeatedly to site evidence of it that you claimed was readily available. We are still waiting.
Wrong again, I agree completely with them for all the same reasons.

And in post 364, I provided a LONG list of examples FROM THIS VERY THREAD.

You won't admit it, though, because you folks are very dishonest.

No problem, though. It's been delightful watching the behavior of the Regressive Left in this thread, proving my point over and over.
No, you haven't shown any examples to support this about the "regressive left". This your quote isn't it.

Meanwhile, a group of people - the Regressive Left (as honest liberal Bill Maher refers to them), a group all too happy to attack the misdeeds of another religion (Christianity, obviously) in absolutely every possible way, at absolutely every opportunity, are bending over backwards to be defensive and so very tolerantof the first religion. A religion, by the way, that treats women and gays as lesser objects, among other behaviors that the Regressive Leftists loathe. wall.
NY, these same folks would be calling people the "regressive left" for opposing Japanese Internment in the 40s.
Interesting that you feel that way about honest liberals Bill Maher & Richard Dawkins, from whom I have borrowed the phrase.

Interesting that you think that these two individuals speak for all liberals on all things.

Yes, I think Bill Maher is a bit of an Islamaphobe and I'd like to see him have some actual Muslims like Dean Obeidallah on his show to talk about the broad brush he likes to paint with.
NY, these same folks would be calling people the "regressive left" for opposing Japanese Internment in the 40s.
Interesting that you feel that way about honest liberals Bill Maher & Richard Dawkins, from whom I have borrowed the phrase.

Interesting that you think that these two individuals speak for all liberals on all things.

Yes, I think Bill Maher is a bit of an Islamaphobe and I'd like to see him have some actual Muslims like Dean Obeidallah on his show to talk about the broad brush he likes to paint with.
Plenty of the broad brushing coming from both ends of the political spectrum on a daily basis.
NY, these same folks would be calling people the "regressive left" for opposing Japanese Internment in the 40s.
Interesting that you feel that way about honest liberals Bill Maher & Richard Dawkins, from whom I have borrowed the phrase.

Interesting that you think that these two individuals speak for all liberals on all things.

Yes, I think Bill Maher is a bit of an Islamaphobe and I'd like to see him have some actual Muslims like Dean Obeidallah on his show to talk about the broad brush he likes to paint with.
Plenty of the broad brushing coming from both ends of the political spectrum on a daily basis.

Ooh that was deep. Examples of the "other side" vilifying all members of a group based on the actions of extremists? Who has said all Christians are horrible and the religion should be banned from entry into the US because of what the PP bomber did? Was it the presumptive nominee of a major political party?
NY, these same folks would be calling people the "regressive left" for opposing Japanese Internment in the 40s.
Interesting that you feel that way about honest liberals Bill Maher & Richard Dawkins, from whom I have borrowed the phrase.

Interesting that you think that these two individuals speak for all liberals on all things.

Yes, I think Bill Maher is a bit of an Islamaphobe and I'd like to see him have some actual Muslims like Dean Obeidallah on his show to talk about the broad brush he likes to paint with.
Plenty of the broad brushing coming from both ends of the political spectrum on a daily basis.

Ooh that was deep. Examples of the "other side" vilifying all members of a group based on the actions of extremists? Who has said all Christians are horrible and the religion should be banned from entry into the US because of what the PP bomber did? Was it the presumptive nominee of a major political party?
Yes, I believe that was Donald Trump of the GOP. Is that the only example of broad brushing you can think of from either party?

Or are you saying that only the GOP paints with a broad brush?

Both parties do it, partisans on both ends lie, whether you want to admit it or not. Neither ends likes looking in the mirror, either.

Shall I remind you of Guno's threads and posts, especially after jihadist attacks, as he does what I describe in the OP, broad-brushing Christians as he deflects from the terrorism?

Let me guess, you "never saw" them. Okie dokie, I know the game.
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NY, these same folks would be calling people the "regressive left" for opposing Japanese Internment in the 40s.
Interesting that you feel that way about honest liberals Bill Maher & Richard Dawkins, from whom I have borrowed the phrase.

Interesting that you think that these two individuals speak for all liberals on all things.

Yes, I think Bill Maher is a bit of an Islamaphobe and I'd like to see him have some actual Muslims like Dean Obeidallah on his show to talk about the broad brush he likes to paint with.
Plenty of the broad brushing coming from both ends of the political spectrum on a daily basis.

Ooh that was deep. Examples of the "other side" vilifying all members of a group based on the actions of extremists? Who has said all Christians are horrible and the religion should be banned from entry into the US because of what the PP bomber did? Was it the presumptive nominee of a major political party?
Yes, I believe that was Donald Trump of the GOP. Is that the only example of broad brushing you can think of from either party?

Or are you saying that only the GOP paints with a broad brush?

Both parties do it, partisans on both ends lie, whether you want to admit it or not. Neither ends likes looking in the mirror, either.

Shall I link you to a few of Guno's threads?

What is your obsession with Guno? Do you think he's representative of anyone here but himself?

You seem to think he speaks for a single person here other than himself.

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