The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

This thread really pissed off the Regressive Lefties.

I knew it would, but DANG!

That mirror must be an ugly place for them.

Who's pissed off?

LittleMac is one of the people who thought that there was deep and sinister significance in the President and First Lady's

terrorist fist bump.

He is? I'd love to see that. Can you find it?

I'm waiting for him to ask for proof, since he's been so prompt at proving that I support Islamist terrorism.
Here for you mac, maybe it will give you a laugh.

BTW did you see the article on the professor who said that Conservative Christians should be treated as Nazis?

Quick update, here are a couple of collections of quotes from delightful threads that illustrate the point in my OP.

Sadly, they don't include posts from posters I have on iggy, no doubt there was plenty of good material there too!

And to review the tactics:

..Deflect from the story
..Attack Christianity/Equate Christianity with jihadism
..Attack the "other side" while ignoring the story


Post 243: This is what's coming to America

Post 182: ISIS Resumes Throwing Gays Off Rooftops

Can't WAIT for the denials!

You're welcome!
Last edited:
Quick update, here are a couple of collections of quotes from delightful threads that illustrate the point in my OP.

Sadly, they don't include posts from posters I have on iggy, no doubt there was plenty of good material there too!

And to review the tactics:

..Deflect from the story
..Attack Christianity/Equate Christianity with jihadism
..Attack the "other side"


Post 243: This is what's coming to America

Post 182: ISIS Resumes Throwing Gays Off Rooftops

Can't WAIT for the denials!

You're welcome!

Why don't you point out the ridiculous of the OP points in those threads instead of the "regressive left's" defense of Islam and reaction to those threads? Why is it that you never point out the dangerous nature of Islamaphobia?

Is it because you agree with the premise of those threads, that Islam itself is the danger, not the extremists within the religion?
Quick update, here are a couple of collections of quotes from delightful threads that illustrate the point in my OP.

Sadly, they don't include posts from posters I have on iggy, no doubt there was plenty of good material there too!

And to review the tactics:

..Deflect from the story
..Attack Christianity/Equate Christianity with jihadism
..Attack the "other side"


Post 243: This is what's coming to America

Post 182: ISIS Resumes Throwing Gays Off Rooftops

Can't WAIT for the denials!

You're welcome!

Why don't you point out the ridiculous of the OP points in those threads instead of the "regressive left's" defense of Islam and reaction to those threads? Why is it that you never point out the dangerous nature of Islamaphobia?

Is it because you agree with the premise of those threads, that Islam itself is the danger, not the extremists within the religion?
I'll assume the accuracy of my point is stipulated.

I think what you say is correct, and I'll be happy to comment on it if you start a thread and invite me.

As for this thread, my point has been proven over and over.
Quick update, here are a couple of collections of quotes from delightful threads that illustrate the point in my OP.

Sadly, they don't include posts from posters I have on iggy, no doubt there was plenty of good material there too!

And to review the tactics:

..Deflect from the story
..Attack Christianity/Equate Christianity with jihadism
..Attack the "other side"


Post 243: This is what's coming to America

Post 182: ISIS Resumes Throwing Gays Off Rooftops

Can't WAIT for the denials!

You're welcome!

Why don't you point out the ridiculous of the OP points in those threads instead of the "regressive left's" defense of Islam and reaction to those threads? Why is it that you never point out the dangerous nature of Islamaphobia?

Is it because you agree with the premise of those threads, that Islam itself is the danger, not the extremists within the religion?

the reason your's is made up BS.

"dangerous nature of Islamaphobia?"

Even after 9/11 there was very little or no retaliation against American Muslims.

Even the ground zero Mosque protests were not protests against Islam but a protest over what the Mosque represented.

You are doing exactly what the OP questioned. He doesn't really need more reinforcement of his point.
Quick update, here are a couple of collections of quotes from delightful threads that illustrate the point in my OP.

Sadly, they don't include posts from posters I have on iggy, no doubt there was plenty of good material there too!

And to review the tactics:

..Deflect from the story
..Attack Christianity/Equate Christianity with jihadism
..Attack the "other side"


Post 243: This is what's coming to America

Post 182: ISIS Resumes Throwing Gays Off Rooftops

Can't WAIT for the denials!

You're welcome!

Why don't you point out the ridiculous of the OP points in those threads instead of the "regressive left's" defense of Islam and reaction to those threads? Why is it that you never point out the dangerous nature of Islamaphobia?

Is it because you agree with the premise of those threads, that Islam itself is the danger, not the extremists within the religion?
I'll assume the accuracy of my point is stipulated.

I think what you say is correct, and I'll be happy to comment on it if you start a thread and invite me.

As for this thread, my point has been proven over and over.

No Mac, your point is not accurate nor has it been proven and if you'd stop being such a pussy and take some folks off ignore, you'd know that.
This thread really pissed off the Regressive Lefties.

I knew it would, but DANG!

That mirror must be an ugly place for them.

Who's pissed off?

LittleMac is one of the people who thought that there was deep and sinister significance in the President and First Lady's

terrorist fist bump.

He is? I'd love to see that. Can you find it?

I'm waiting for him to ask for proof, since he's been so prompt at proving that I support Islamist terrorism.

No, you are more like the woman in the cartoon provided.
Quick update, here are a couple of collections of quotes from delightful threads that illustrate the point in my OP.

Sadly, they don't include posts from posters I have on iggy, no doubt there was plenty of good material there too!

And to review the tactics:

..Deflect from the story
..Attack Christianity/Equate Christianity with jihadism
..Attack the "other side"


Post 243: This is what's coming to America

Post 182: ISIS Resumes Throwing Gays Off Rooftops

Can't WAIT for the denials!

You're welcome!

Why don't you point out the ridiculous of the OP points in those threads instead of the "regressive left's" defense of Islam and reaction to those threads? Why is it that you never point out the dangerous nature of Islamaphobia?

Is it because you agree with the premise of those threads, that Islam itself is the danger, not the extremists within the religion?
I'll assume the accuracy of my point is stipulated.

I think what you say is correct, and I'll be happy to comment on it if you start a thread and invite me.

As for this thread, my point has been proven over and over.

No Mac, your point is not accurate nor has it been proven and if you'd stop being such a pussy and take some folks off ignore, you'd know that.
Well, I did predict denials, despite the long list of direct quotes. And of course, some personal insults. Pretty impressive.

And Regressive Leftists I have on ignore have denied it too? Gosh, well, that changes everything.

I made a point, I've proven it, and the Regressive Left doesn't like it.
Quick update, here are a couple of collections of quotes from delightful threads that illustrate the point in my OP.

Sadly, they don't include posts from posters I have on iggy, no doubt there was plenty of good material there too!

And to review the tactics:

..Deflect from the story
..Attack Christianity/Equate Christianity with jihadism
..Attack the "other side"


Post 243: This is what's coming to America

Post 182: ISIS Resumes Throwing Gays Off Rooftops

Can't WAIT for the denials!

You're welcome!

Why don't you point out the ridiculous of the OP points in those threads instead of the "regressive left's" defense of Islam and reaction to those threads? Why is it that you never point out the dangerous nature of Islamaphobia?

Is it because you agree with the premise of those threads, that Islam itself is the danger, not the extremists within the religion?

the reason your's is made up BS.

"dangerous nature of Islamaphobia?"

Even after 9/11 there was very little or no retaliation against American Muslims.

Even the ground zero Mosque protests were not protests against Islam but a protest over what the Mosque represented.

You are doing exactly what the OP questioned. He doesn't really need more reinforcement of his point.

Anti Muslim Hate Crimes Still 5 Times More Common Since Before 9/11
This is so fascinating to watch, and election of London's new mayor is shedding even more light on it.

Members of one specific religion - a religion with a current record of extreme violence, intimidation and terror - are telling us precisely what they're going to do, and they're doing it. It's expansion is clear and rapid and undeniable. We're watching it happen in real time, particularly across Europe. This isn't a partisan or religious opinion, it is a clear fact, based on observation.

Meanwhile, a group of people - the Regressive Left (as honest liberal Bill Maher refers to them), a group all too happy to attack the misdeeds of another religion (Christianity, obviously) in absolutely every possible way, at absolutely every opportunity, are bending over backwards to be defensive and so very tolerant of the first religion. A religion, by the way, that treats women and gays as lesser objects, among other behaviors that the Regressive Leftists loathe.

Exactly what is happening here?

Is this just a petulant, knee-jerk reaction against Christianity and conservatives, is it that simple? Are they willing to be so very tolerant of one specific religion just to be contrarian against certain other people they hate?

Or could it be more? Is this behavior related to the payback tactics that we're seeing with race and wealth? Or perhaps do they harbor certain affinities for the religion to which they won't openly admit?

And directly to the Regressive Leftists here: I'm certainly not, nor do I ever, expect a straight, clear and honest answer from you on this. What I expect from you is the standard deflection, derision, personal insults and name-calling. I know that's what we'll get, it's an easy prediction. This thread is specifically about your behaviors, not about Islam. I'm just curious about this, and perhaps some other responses will shed some light or provide some clues.

It's a mental disorder. There is no other explanation for screaming about the rights war on women and gays and then defending a religion which literally wages war on women and gays.
This is so fascinating to watch, and election of London's new mayor is shedding even more light on it.

Members of one specific religion - a religion with a current record of extreme violence, intimidation and terror - are telling us precisely what they're going to do, and they're doing it. It's expansion is clear and rapid and undeniable. We're watching it happen in real time, particularly across Europe. This isn't a partisan or religious opinion, it is a clear fact, based on observation.

Meanwhile, a group of people - the Regressive Left (as honest liberal Bill Maher refers to them), a group all too happy to attack the misdeeds of another religion (Christianity, obviously) in absolutely every possible way, at absolutely every opportunity, are bending over backwards to be defensive and so very tolerant of the first religion. A religion, by the way, that treats women and gays as lesser objects, among other behaviors that the Regressive Leftists loathe.

Exactly what is happening here?

Is this just a petulant, knee-jerk reaction against Christianity and conservatives, is it that simple? Are they willing to be so very tolerant of one specific religion just to be contrarian against certain other people they hate?

Or could it be more? Is this behavior related to the payback tactics that we're seeing with race and wealth? Or perhaps do they harbor certain affinities for the religion to which they won't openly admit?

And directly to the Regressive Leftists here: I'm certainly not, nor do I ever, expect a straight, clear and honest answer from you on this. What I expect from you is the standard deflection, derision, personal insults and name-calling. I know that's what we'll get, it's an easy prediction. This thread is specifically about your behaviors, not about Islam. I'm just curious about this, and perhaps some other responses will shed some light or provide some clues.

It's a mental disorder. There is no other explanation for screaming about the rights war on women and gays and then defending a religion which literally wages war on women and gays.
Dogmaphobe provides a pretty good macro theory in Post 39.
Just checking back in to this thread and make is still kicking the liberals ass. Pretty amusing.
Quick update, here are a couple of collections of quotes from delightful threads that illustrate the point in my OP.

Sadly, they don't include posts from posters I have on iggy, no doubt there was plenty of good material there too!

And to review the tactics:

..Deflect from the story
..Attack Christianity/Equate Christianity with jihadism
..Attack the "other side"


Post 243: This is what's coming to America

Post 182: ISIS Resumes Throwing Gays Off Rooftops

Can't WAIT for the denials!

You're welcome!

Why don't you point out the ridiculous of the OP points in those threads instead of the "regressive left's" defense of Islam and reaction to those threads? Why is it that you never point out the dangerous nature of Islamaphobia?

Is it because you agree with the premise of those threads, that Islam itself is the danger, not the extremists within the religion?

the reason your's is made up BS.

"dangerous nature of Islamaphobia?"

Even after 9/11 there was very little or no retaliation against American Muslims.

Even the ground zero Mosque protests were not protests against Islam but a protest over what the Mosque represented.

You are doing exactly what the OP questioned. He doesn't really need more reinforcement of his point.

Anti Muslim Hate Crimes Still 5 Times More Common Since Before 9/11

Sound like anti-Semitism is the real problem.

FBI: 57% of Anti-Religious Hate Crimes Targeted Jews; 16% Targeted Muslims
Quick update, here are a couple of collections of quotes from delightful threads that illustrate the point in my OP.

Sadly, they don't include posts from posters I have on iggy, no doubt there was plenty of good material there too!

And to review the tactics:

..Deflect from the story
..Attack Christianity/Equate Christianity with jihadism
..Attack the "other side"


Post 243: This is what's coming to America

Post 182: ISIS Resumes Throwing Gays Off Rooftops

Can't WAIT for the denials!

You're welcome!

Why don't you point out the ridiculous of the OP points in those threads instead of the "regressive left's" defense of Islam and reaction to those threads? Why is it that you never point out the dangerous nature of Islamaphobia?

Is it because you agree with the premise of those threads, that Islam itself is the danger, not the extremists within the religion?

the reason your's is made up BS.

"dangerous nature of Islamaphobia?"

Even after 9/11 there was very little or no retaliation against American Muslims.

Even the ground zero Mosque protests were not protests against Islam but a protest over what the Mosque represented.

You are doing exactly what the OP questioned. He doesn't really need more reinforcement of his point.

Anti Muslim Hate Crimes Still 5 Times More Common Since Before 9/11

Sound like anti-Semitism is the real problem.

FBI: 57% of Anti-Religious Hate Crimes Targeted Jews; 16% Targeted Muslims

The left doesn't recognize FBI crime statistics as facts. That is proven.
This thread really pissed off the Regressive Lefties.

I knew it would, but DANG!

That mirror must be an ugly place for them.

Who's pissed off?

LittleMac is one of the people who thought that there was deep and sinister significance in the President and First Lady's

terrorist fist bump.

He is? I'd love to see that. Can you find it?

I'm waiting for him to ask for proof, since he's been so prompt at proving that I support Islamist terrorism.

No, you are more like the woman in the cartoon provided.

I was accused of supporting Islamist terrorism. I do not. Mac1958 is a liar.
Quick update, here are a couple of collections of quotes from delightful threads that illustrate the point in my OP.

Sadly, they don't include posts from posters I have on iggy, no doubt there was plenty of good material there too!

And to review the tactics:

..Deflect from the story
..Attack Christianity/Equate Christianity with jihadism
..Attack the "other side"


Post 243: This is what's coming to America

Post 182: ISIS Resumes Throwing Gays Off Rooftops

Can't WAIT for the denials!

You're welcome!

Why don't you point out the ridiculous of the OP points in those threads instead of the "regressive left's" defense of Islam and reaction to those threads? Why is it that you never point out the dangerous nature of Islamaphobia?

Is it because you agree with the premise of those threads, that Islam itself is the danger, not the extremists within the religion?

the reason your's is made up BS.

"dangerous nature of Islamaphobia?"

Even after 9/11 there was very little or no retaliation against American Muslims.

Even the ground zero Mosque protests were not protests against Islam but a protest over what the Mosque represented.

You are doing exactly what the OP questioned. He doesn't really need more reinforcement of his point.

Anti Muslim Hate Crimes Still 5 Times More Common Since Before 9/11

Sound like anti-Semitism is the real problem.

FBI: 57% of Anti-Religious Hate Crimes Targeted Jews; 16% Targeted Muslims

The left doesn't recognize FBI crime statistics as facts. That is proven.

Show us the proof.

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