The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

99.9% of Muslims are anti gay, but of course you already knew that.

Here in America? You live here, right?

So you're speaking for Mac to say that his whole rant about so-called regressive liberals defending Islamic terrorism is horseshit?

Okay...did you clear that with him?

This thread is about liberals defending Islam as a whole, not about defending Islamic terrorism specifically. My 10 year old could read the thread and determine that.

Or wait, are you suggesting that all Muslims are terrorists so claiming you defend ANY Muslim is tantamount to claiming you defend Islamic terrorism? Certainly seems you are. What a bigot. Not all Muslims are terrorists.

Saying that I am defending Islam as a whole implies that I am defending the terrorists who identify as Islamic.

That's the same lie only worded differently.

No it doesn't. idiot.

Very few people believe you idiotic liberal ideologues support terror. What many, INCLUDING myself, find hilarious is that you rail on and on and on about US conservatives and how evil they are for being anti gay, or anti transgender or anti woman when the facts are Islam in general (meaning we are NOT talking about the terrorists) is so anti everything you accuse American conservatives of being against that it isn't even funny.

In other words, we are laughing at how inconsistent you idiots are.

I've never defended anti-gay Muslims either. Now you're lying.
99.9% of Muslims are anti gay, but of course you already knew that.

Look, it's already clear to me from other threads that you are lying , ideological schmuck, so pardon me if all I do is mock you for being the moron that you are.

Nice meltdown. Show one lie I've told.
This thread is about liberals defending Islam as a whole, not about defending Islamic terrorism specifically. My 10 year old could read the thread and determine that
Yep. Evidently your 10 year old isn't intellectually paralyzed by ideology.

I've never come near saying any of them defend terrorism, I would never say that, but that won't stop them from misrepresenting my positions.

I've made the point of this thread quite clear. They try to make it into something else, because they're desperate to..... illustrate the very point of the thread!



So now he admits we don't defend terrorism.

We accept your surrender, fucktard.
This thread is about liberals defending Islam as a whole, not about defending Islamic terrorism specifically. My 10 year old could read the thread and determine that
Yep. Evidently your 10 year old isn't intellectually paralyzed by ideology.

I've never come near saying any of them defend terrorism, I would never say that, but that won't stop them from misrepresenting my positions.

I've made the point of this thread quite clear. They try to make it into something else, because they're desperate to..... illustrate the very point of the thread!



Never come near saying it? Except though when you agreed with the poster you quoted here:

Muslims attack gay man...

post 40. The poster Tilly says: "The horrific crimes and depredations committed by Islamists are endless, yet liberals manage to "tolerate" them."

and Mac is right there to cheer her on.
Well, now we know why liberals defend people who "self identify" as anther gender or race. Morons like NYCarbineer self identify as smart even though they are quite obviously stupid so they must defend other people who ignore reality.
Well, now we know why liberals defend people who "self identify" as anther gender or race. Morons like NYCarbineer self identify as smart even though they are quite obviously stupid so they must defend other people who ignore reality.
Personally, I don't think it's stupidity. I think that full commitment to an ideology literally distorts thought processes, even if the person is perfectly intelligent.

In his case, then, I really do believe that he's being "honest", based on his perceptions. As a hardcore ideologue, he can convince himself, literally, of some pretty ridiculous things. So, I think it's entirely possible that he really does think I said somewhere that he supports terrorism, or murder, or whatever. And plus, he'll go into the future now saying that I said that he supports terrorism (or whatever suits his fancy at the time) - and in his mind, he will be "honest" about it. However, my guess is that people like realize, on some level, that they're being intellectually dishonest. So on that level, they're lying.

He takes things I actually say, extrapolates them out a few miles to match his accusation, and then convinces himself that THAT is what I actually said. Yikes!

It's impossible to communicate with someone who just fabricates things like that in their mind. I'm pretty sure he really believes this stuff, and that's why he seems so sincere and gets so nasty. And that's why I gave up trying.
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Well, now we know why liberals defend people who "self identify" as anther gender or race. Morons like NYCarbineer self identify as smart even though they are quite obviously stupid so they must defend other people who ignore reality.
Personally, I don't think it's stupidity. I think that full commitment to an ideology literally distorts thought processes, even if the person is perfectly intelligent.

In his case, then, I really do believe that he's being "honest", based on his perceptions. As a hardcore ideologue, he can convince himself, literally, of some pretty ridiculous things. So, I think it's entirely possible that he really does think I said somewhere that he supports terrorism, or murder, or whatever. And plus, he'll go into the future now saying that I said that he supports terrorism (or whatever suits his fancy at the time) - and in his mind, he will be "honest" about it.

He takes things I actually say, extrapolates them out a few miles to match his accusation, and then convinces himself that THAT is what I actually said. Yikes!

It's impossible to communicate with someone who just fabricates things like that in their mind. I'm pretty sure he really believes this stuff, and that's why he seems so sincere and gets so nasty. And that's why I gave up trying.

Mac....what is it that you are saying that the regressive left defends while it attacks the misdeeds of Christians?

Let's try that easy question. We'll see how you do on that and go from there.
99.9% of Muslims are anti gay, but of course you already knew that.

Here in America? You live here, right?


LOL I in no way believe 44% of Muslims in this country approve of gay marriage.

Do you know any American Muslims? I know quite a few and none of them have a problem with gay marriage. Can't say the same for the evangelical Christians I know....

Just like the poll showed that you "don't believe " (with no evidence to the contrary)
Well, now we know why liberals defend people who "self identify" as anther gender or race. Morons like NYCarbineer self identify as smart even though they are quite obviously stupid so they must defend other people who ignore reality.
Personally, I don't think it's stupidity. I think that full commitment to an ideology literally distorts thought processes, even if the person is perfectly intelligent.

In his case, then, I really do believe that he's being "honest", based on his perceptions. As a hardcore ideologue, he can convince himself, literally, of some pretty ridiculous things. So, I think it's entirely possible that he really does think I said somewhere that he supports terrorism, or murder, or whatever. And plus, he'll go into the future now saying that I said that he supports terrorism (or whatever suits his fancy at the time) - and in his mind, he will be "honest" about it.

He takes things I actually say, extrapolates them out a few miles to match his accusation, and then convinces himself that THAT is what I actually said. Yikes!

It's impossible to communicate with someone who just fabricates things like that in their mind. I'm pretty sure he really believes this stuff, and that's why he seems so sincere and gets so nasty. And that's why I gave up trying.

Mac....what is it that you are saying that the regressive left defends while it attacks the misdeeds of Christians?

Let's try that easy question. We'll see how you do on that and go from there.

The misdeeds in which country?
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Tilly said: 9/11 always seems to be omitted from the equation.
Yeah, funny how that works. Not unlike accidentally deleting the word "illegal" from the term "illegal aliens." It's impossible to communicate with people who refuse to be honest, and it's impossible to solve problems when there is no communication.

Dogmaphobe said: It seems to me that authoritarian leftists operate under the principle that as long as they stand little probability of being a victim, other people's deaths really don't matter at all. The important issue is conforming to the authoritarian left group think.
I do believe that could be an element, as well. And part of that is the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" element, even though that friend is what it is.
Well, since moderation of the CDZ has become so hypersensitive on this topic, I guess I'll bump this thread.

Please. You've been put in your place here. Don't keep asking people to go over the same things. You've not demonstrated that a single lefty...regressive or otherwise...defends Islamic terrorists.

May Allah be ass raped by a thousand virgin horses.

Earmuffs. Bitch.
This is the truth: "It seems to me that authoritarian [reactionary righties] operate under the principle that as long as they stand little probability of being a victim, other people's deaths really don't matter at all. The important issue is conforming to the authoritarian [far right rectionary] group think."
This is the truth: "It seems to me that authoritarian [reactionary righties] operate under the principle that as long as they stand little probability of being a victim, other people's deaths really don't matter at all. The important issue is conforming to the authoritarian [far right rectionary] group think."
Yes, from the left wing perspective.

The fact is, both ends are guilty of that behavior, but both only think the other side does it.
the retreat into authoritarianism was actually chosen by the op of that thread.

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