The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

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Just to be clear. Moderation is reviewing this thread. MULTIPLE moderators.
What I saw was a good discussion take a nasty turn in the last 4 pages by derailing the convo
into a discussion of moderation. Which is against the rules.

If you have an issue with moderation -- you know who we are.. Contact one or several and get a discussion going.
Please don't do that in threads.

Will advise on this thread reopening tomorrow.
So let's get back to the actual topic of the thread, before it is once again hijacked, as I predicted early on.

*******As I wrote in post 12: What I'm specifically focusing on is the behaviors of those who are so tolerant and defensive of one religion while simultaneously being so hateful of another.

What am I talking about, precisely? Deflecting from Islam to Christianity, trying to equate modern day Islam to modern day Christianity, leftists showing great tolerance for Islam while showing none for Christianity, attacking/insulting people who dare to say something negative about Islam or jihadism, lying by claiming that the argument is that ALL Muslims are terrorists.

Oh, and it gets better: A couple of posters I had on ignore were claiming I was afraid to provide examples, that I couldn't provide proof.

WOW. Here are a few, just from the last few days:

they say the same thing as many far right christians say... which is that if women dress a certain way they're "asking for it"..
Good thing no Catholic priest has ever tried commiting a sex crime, huh?
Radical con gangs are taking over government buildings, wild life refuges, and committing massacres in Planned Parenthood offices and black churches. There is no difference between radical evangelical cons and radical Muslims.
What kind of degenerate 'hopes' that any woman would get raped. If your politics has you that f#$ked up in the head I only pity you.
"This is what's coming to America" What's already in America is this sort of ignorance and hate common to many on the right, posing a much greater threat than 'Muslims.'
oh no another christ stained martyr
Like the whit Christian pro life terrorists? Most Muslims aren't liking anyone. And anyone who actually knows anything about fighting that type of terrorism knows that you can't marginalize all Muslims.
Gee another cross humping cracka shitting in his pants thread!!!
There is no way for enough Muslims to reach us to have any voting power Assuming dumbass Christians don't manage to enshrine their own religion into our governance. And by extension Muslims, Jews, Satanists, and Hindus.
"See! We're not quite as bad as ISIS, so that makes us okay!" --- This thread, and the cry of American conservatives in general.
Plainly, the military setbacks suffered by ISIS have driven their conservative ideological twins here to serious levels of desperation.
We knew all along that RWrs had a much closer connection to ISIS than any liberal did.
Maybe now they'll realize that Christians and they are on the same side of restoring morality, instead of chopping the heads off of their allies, they might want to find some common ground.
Republicans must be so upset they can't do that here.
Why do right wingers think gays are so irresistible?
Are fundamentalist Christians jealous of their ISIS counterparts?
Which group in the US is rooting for 'god' to toss gays into a lake of fire? Is there a difference?
Allie is a prime example of christers and moooslims being two sides of the same coin.
Funny, these Republicans so much like Isis in their hatred for gays. But they think they are good and Isis is bad.
Islam isn't guilty. People are. You and the OP who condemn a religion for the acts of individuals are no different than Hitler and his condemnation of the Jews.
Your basic 'fact' is that there are no innocent Muslims.
Sounds like the Christian nazis in action.
Christians are no worse and no better than Muslims. Christian nazis and ISIL acid vat executioners are bad, too.
This is the truth: "It seems to me that authoritarian [reactionary righties] operate under the principle that as long as they stand little probability of being a victim, other people's deaths really don't matter at all. The important issue is conforming to the authoritarian [far right rectionary] group think."
Your ideology has much common with the pre-Nazi fascists who waged their culture war with anti-(insert hated group du jour) propoganda and demonized entire groups of people. Makes it far easier to get rid of them when you don't see them as individuals doesn't it?

Source: The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?
Source: This is what's coming to America
Source: ISIS Resumes Throwing Gays Off Rooftops
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So let's get back to the actual topic of the thread, before it is once again hijacked, as I predicted early on.

*******As I wrote in post 12: What I'm specifically focusing on is the behaviors of those who are so tolerant and defensive of one religion while simultaneously being so hateful of another.

What am I talking about, precisely? Deflecting from Islam to Christianity, trying to equate modern day Islam to modern day Christianity, leftists showing great tolerance for Islam while showing none for Christianity, attacking/insulting people who dare to say something negative about Islam or jihadism, lying by claiming that the argument is that ALL Muslims are terrorists.
All religion is organized ignorance for the ignorant.

One better than another? No. They all suffer from the same issues, and cause the same problems. Saying now those are the real bad guys, helps no one.

My tolerance for Islam is no greater than my tolerance for any other nonsense only here, it's the Christians causing the problems, not the Muslims.

When they start trying to rule the nation, we'll fight them as well.
So let's get back to the actual topic of the thread, before it is once again hijacked, as I predicted early on.

*******As I wrote in post 12: What I'm specifically focusing on is the behaviors of those who are so tolerant and defensive of one religion while simultaneously being so hateful of another.

What am I talking about, precisely? Deflecting from Islam to Christianity, trying to equate modern day Islam to modern day Christianity, leftists showing great tolerance for Islam while showing none for Christianity, attacking/insulting people who dare to say something negative about Islam or jihadism, lying by claiming that the argument is that ALL Muslims are terrorists.

Oh, and it gets better: A couple of posters I had on ignore were claiming I was afraid to provide examples, that I couldn't provide proof.

WOW. Here are a few, just from the last few days:

they say the same thing as many far right christians say... which is that if women dress a certain way they're "asking for it"..
Good thing no Catholic priest has ever tried commiting a sex crime, huh?
Radical con gangs are taking over government buildings, wild life refuges, and committing massacres in Planned Parenthood offices and black churches. There is no difference between radical evangelical cons and radical Muslims.
What kind of degenerate 'hopes' that any woman would get raped. If your politics has you that f#$ked up in the head I only pity you.
"This is what's coming to America" What's already in America is this sort of ignorance and hate common to many on the right, posing a much greater threat than 'Muslims.'
oh no another christ stained martyr
Like the whit Christian pro life terrorists? Most Muslims aren't liking anyone. And anyone who actually knows anything about fighting that type of terrorism knows that you can't marginalize all Muslims.
Gee another cross humping cracka shitting in his pants thread!!!
There is no way for enough Muslims to reach us to have any voting power Assuming dumbass Christians don't manage to enshrine their own religion into our governance. And by extension Muslims, Jews, Satanists, and Hindus.
"See! We're not quite as bad as ISIS, so that makes us okay!" --- This thread, and the cry of American conservatives in general.
Plainly, the military setbacks suffered by ISIS have driven their conservative ideological twins here to serious levels of desperation.
We knew all along that RWrs had a much closer connection to ISIS than any liberal did.
Maybe now they'll realize that Christians and they are on the same side of restoring morality, instead of chopping the heads off of their allies, they might want to find some common ground.
Republicans must be so upset they can't do that here.
Why do right wingers think gays are so irresistible?
Are fundamentalist Christians jealous of their ISIS counterparts?
Which group in the US is rooting for 'god' to toss gays into a lake of fire? Is there a difference?
Allie is a prime example of christers and moooslims being two sides of the same coin.
Funny, these Republicans so much like Isis in their hatred for gays. But they think they are good and Isis is bad.
Islam isn't guilty. People are. You and the OP who condemn a religion for the acts of individuals are no different than Hitler and his condemnation of the Jews.
Your basic 'fact' is that there are no innocent Muslims.
Sounds like the Christian nazis in action.
Christians are no worse and no better than Muslims. Christian nazis and ISIL acid vat executioners are bad, too.
This is the truth: "It seems to me that authoritarian [reactionary righties] operate under the principle that as long as they stand little probability of being a victim, other people's deaths really don't matter at all. The important issue is conforming to the authoritarian [far right rectionary] group think."
Your ideology has much common with the pre-Nazi fascists who waged their culture war with anti-(insert hated group du jour) propoganda and demonized entire groups of people. Makes it far easier to get rid of them when you don't see them as individuals doesn't it?

Source: The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?
Source: This is what's coming to America
Source: ISIS Resumes Throwing Gays Off Rooftops

None of those people are defending the extreme acts of Mulsims while attacking Christians for no reason at all. You continue to fail.
None of those people are defending the extreme acts of Mulsims while attacking Christians for no reason at all. You continue to fail.
Excellent. Hey Dogmaphobe, check this one out. I have never said that the Regressive Left defends terrorism. Not once. They don't. But these liars are so desperate to deflect and put me on the defensive that they keep trotting this nasty lie out. They literally can't help themselves. This is a beautiful example of the thought processes you and I have discussed.

This is why I no longer try to communicate with them. I may as well try to communicate with some wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus. Zealots are hopeless.
None of those people are defending the extreme acts of Mulsims while attacking Christians for no reason at all. You continue to fail.
Excellent. Hey Dogmaphobe, check this one out. I have never said that the Regressive Left defends terrorism. Not once. They don't. But these liars are so desperate to deflect and put me on the defensive that they keep trotting this nasty lie out. They literally can't help themselves. This is a beautiful example of the thought processes you and I have discussed.

This is why I no longer try to communicate with them. I may as well try to communicate with some wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus. Zealots are hopeless.

That's fun. The site is acting up and you quoted me there. Awesome.

Dogmaphobe is hiring new buddy. That's cute. He's straight up........nuts.

May Allah be eaten alive by a liter of hungry kittens.
None of those people are defending the extreme acts of Mulsims while attacking Christians for no reason at all. You continue to fail.
Excellent. Hey Dogmaphobe, check this one out. I have never said that the Regressive Left defends terrorism. Not once. They don't. But these liars are so desperate to deflect and put me on the defensive that they keep trotting this nasty lie out. They literally can't help themselves. This is a beautiful example of the thought processes you and I have discussed.

This is why I no longer try to communicate with them. I may as well try to communicate with some wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus. Zealots are hopeless.

That's fun. The site is acting up and you quoted me there. Awesome.

Dogmaphobe is hiring new buddy. That's cute. He's straight up........nuts.

May Allah be eaten alive by a liter of hungry kittens.
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Awesome. Now you can read it when I compliment you. And when I challenge you. You won't like the latter...but it's good for you.

If you would kindly refer to your OP in this thread, you will see where you established criteria for examining the behaviors that you wish to discuss. They are has been explained to you many times.....only to be "ignored".

And...may Allah be hung from a lamppost and pissed upon at next year's Runaway Country festival.
None of those people are defending the extreme acts of Mulsims while attacking Christians for no reason at all. You continue to fail.
Excellent. Hey Dogmaphobe, check this one out. I have never said that the Regressive Left defends terrorism. Not once. They don't. But these liars are so desperate to deflect and put me on the defensive that they keep trotting this nasty lie out. They literally can't help themselves. This is a beautiful example of the thought processes you and I have discussed.

This is why I no longer try to communicate with them. I may as well try to communicate with some wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus. Zealots are hopeless.

.....and the more they act with one mind to defend Islam, the more they deny they are acting with one mind to defend Islam.

It is really quite the most peculiar phenomenon to watch.
None of those people are defending the extreme acts of Mulsims while attacking Christians for no reason at all. You continue to fail.
Excellent. Hey Dogmaphobe, check this one out. I have never said that the Regressive Left defends terrorism. Not once. They don't. But these liars are so desperate to deflect and put me on the defensive that they keep trotting this nasty lie out. They literally can't help themselves. This is a beautiful example of the thought processes you and I have discussed.

This is why I no longer try to communicate with them. I may as well try to communicate with some wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus. Zealots are hopeless.

.....and the more they act with one mind to defend Islam, the more they deny they are acting with one mind to defend Islam.

It is really quite the most peculiar phenomenon to watch.

You are not paying attention.
None of those people are defending the extreme acts of Mulsims while attacking Christians for no reason at all. You continue to fail.
Excellent. Hey Dogmaphobe, check this one out. I have never said that the Regressive Left defends terrorism. Not once. They don't. But these liars are so desperate to deflect and put me on the defensive that they keep trotting this nasty lie out. They literally can't help themselves. This is a beautiful example of the thought processes you and I have discussed.

This is why I no longer try to communicate with them. I may as well try to communicate with some wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus. Zealots are hopeless.

.....and the more they act with one mind to defend Islam, the more they deny they are acting with one mind to defend Islam.

It is really quite the most peculiar phenomenon to watch.
And they keep doing it, even after I point it out.

It's almost as if their comments are pre-programmed.
One cannot talk of the left and Islam without including the right and Christianity, as well as the religious history of the faith groups.

The discussion has to must be in context and balanced.
One cannot talk of the left and Islam without including the right and Christianity, as well as the religious history of the faith groups.

The discussion has to must be in context and balanced.
But of course, that's not the point of the thread, at all.

The point of the thread is that the Regressive Left specifically and routinely DEFLECTS AWAY from Islam, particularly after an attack, to AVOID talking about Islam, the attack or other misdeed.

Kind of like what you just tried to do there, appropriately.

And no, there is no rule that says you must discuss multiple religions when discussing one. If a jihadist slaughters a group of schoolchildren, there is no intellectual obligation to discuss Christianity.

Unless, of course, you want to deflect.
One cannot talk of the left and Islam without including the right and Christianity, as well as the religious history of the faith groups.

The discussion has to must be in context and balanced.
But of course, that's not the point of the thread, at all.

The point of the thread is that the Regressive Left specifically and routinely DEFLECTS AWAY from Islam, particularly after an attack, to AVOID talking about Islam, the attack or other misdeed.

Kind of like what you just tried to do there, appropriately.

And no, there is no rule that says you must discuss multiple religions when discussing one. If a jihadist slaughters a group of schoolchildren, there is no intellectual obligation to discuss Christianity.

Unless, of course, you want to deflect.

Yeah....but that doesn't happen as you see it. What that RW islamophobes descend on any thread that involves a misdeed by Mulsims and "assails" the entire religion....and every single member of it....including American Muslims.

So...liberals defend the religion and the innocent members of it. Without defending the extremists. In doing so....some liberals remind the RW islamophobes that what they are doing is the equivalent of "assailing" every Christian for the misdeeds of one of a few Chrsitians....something that THE LEFT DOES NOT DO.

You's called making a case with the only possible example. That's why you see it so often.

Now....may Allah fall headfirst into a vat of boiling semen. Try harder.

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