The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

Now that we've dragged a confession out of you that you don't think the people who you refer to as 'regressive leftists' actually defend Muslim terrorists,

what's left for you to rant about?
Not to worry, NYc. This is Mac you are talking about
Here a progressive admits I'm Simply Running Out of Ways to Defend Islam


I’ve always stood against prejudice, bigotry and intolerance. But with the increasing violence in the Middle East (at the hands of Islamic radicals), Boko Haram slaughtering innocents seemingly every day all across Africa and the increasing number of “lone wolf” attacks we’re seeing carried out throughout the world – how can I honestly sit here, as someone who believes in facts over emotion, and continue to say Islam has nothing to do with it? The world is filled with various religions, and some people do in fact carry out horrific acts in the name of religions other than Islam.

But it’s undeniable that the vast majority of terrorist attacks – for decades – have been linked to Islam.

And I really just don’t know what to say anymore.


One reason is the habit of calling any attack by a Muslim terror while the same standard doesn't get applied to others.
Palestinians blow up a bus in Israel, it's called terror. Israel blows up a Palestinian neighborhood,

it's called self-defense.
Partisans like you pose more danger to Americans than Muslims do. And probably help recruit more terrorists.

That is just so amusing.

A child who thinks Bill Maher is a great big poophead because he said something naughty about Islam is calling the person who respects his liberal integrity the partsian as she digs in her heels, balls up her pudgy little fists and doubles down on her mindless, politically-correct defense of Islam.

the fact that he doesn't understand what "regressive" actually means and language isn't a precise thing with him. he'd rather toss around inappropriate words because he thinks they sound negative.

Far from it. A person would have to be incredibly stupid to think the 7th century social values hard wired into Islam represents progress for humanity.

Those who defend Islam defend the 7th century values that come with it, and so are supporting the most powerful mechanism on Earth attempting to eradicate all the social progress from the last 1400 years.
the fact that he doesn't understand what "regressive" actually means and language isn't a precise thing with him. he'd rather toss around inappropriate words because he thinks they sound negative.

Far from it. A person would have to be incredibly stupid to think the 7th century social values hard wired into Islam represents progress for humanity.

Those who defend Islam defend the 7th century values that come with it, and so are supporting the most powerful mechanism on Earth attempting to eradicate all the social progress from the last 1400 years.
And, for the 50th time:

They lie and lie and lie....
Partisans like you pose more danger to Americans than Muslims do. And probably help recruit more terrorists.

That is just so amusing.

A child who thinks Bill Maher is a great big poophead because he said something naughty about Islam is calling the person who respects his liberal integrity the partsian as she digs in her heels, balls up her pudgy little fists and doubles down on her mindless, politically-correct defense of Islam.

I see you have reading comprehension issues. Pity.
the fact that he doesn't understand what "regressive" actually means and language isn't a precise thing with him. he'd rather toss around inappropriate words because he thinks they sound negative.

Far from it. A person would have to be incredibly stupid to think the 7th century social values hard wired into Islam represents progress for humanity.

Those who defend Islam defend the 7th century values that come with it, and so are supporting the most powerful mechanism on Earth attempting to eradicate all the social progress from the last 1400 years.
And, for the 50th time:

They lie and lie and lie....

I don't know if they are lying per se.

A person has to have at least an average IQ to be able to understand what they are and are not saying.

Do you really think any of these posters has read Mill or Rawles? No. Of course not. They would not recognize actual liberal ideology if it was a 2 x 4 whacking them along side the head. It takes at least a reasonable intelligence level to understand principles and apply those principles, and if these people had that capability, they would already be doing it.

The mere fact that they think Maher ISN'T a liberal for supporting liberal principles only displays how far down the rabbit hole they have traveled in their need for lock-step conformity.
Partisans like you pose more danger to Americans than Muslims do. And probably help recruit more terrorists.

That is just so amusing.

A child who thinks Bill Maher is a great big poophead because he said something naughty about Islam is calling the person who respects his liberal integrity the partsian as she digs in her heels, balls up her pudgy little fists and doubles down on her mindless, politically-correct defense of Islam.

I see you have reading comprehension issues. Pity.

That's funny. My reading comprehension and mathematics skills got me accepted to Stanford.

How about you, child?
the fact that he doesn't understand what "regressive" actually means and language isn't a precise thing with him. he'd rather toss around inappropriate words because he thinks they sound negative.

Far from it. A person would have to be incredibly stupid to think the 7th century social values hard wired into Islam represents progress for humanity.

Those who defend Islam defend the 7th century values that come with it, and so are supporting the most powerful mechanism on Earth attempting to eradicate all the social progress from the last 1400 years.
And, for the 50th time:

They lie and lie and lie....

I don't know if they are lying per se.

A person has to have at least an average IQ to be able to understand what they are and are not saying.

Do you really think any of these posters has read Mill or Rawles? No. Of course not. They would not recognize actual liberal ideology if it was a 2 x 4 whacking them along side the head. It takes at least a reasonable intelligence level to understand principles and apply those principles, and if these people had that capability, they would already be doing it.

The mere fact that they think Maher ISN'T a liberal for supporting liberal principles only displays how far down the rabbit hole they have traveled in their need for lock-step conformity.

They're crazed, and I'm occupying so much space in their heads it's remarkable.

I have them nailed on their lies, tactics and bullshit, they know it, and they've become like moths to a flame to defend & deflect & deny.

My own little pack of Pavlov's Dogs.
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I doubt anyone in this thread is defending jihad.
Depends on the jihad. One for finishing college or world peace? Let's rock.

a jihad for finishing college?

world peace a jihad?

only someone with a sixth grade education would come up with that idiocy. :cuckoo:
Jihad means to struggle with something. It is not a Holy War, but it can be.

Jihad: A Misunderstood Concept from Islam - What Jihad is, and is not

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