The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

Wrong again, I agree completely with them for all the same reasons.

And in post 364, I provided a LONG list of examples FROM THIS VERY THREAD.

You won't admit it, though, because you folks are very dishonest.

No problem, though. It's been delightful watching the behavior of the Regressive Left in this thread, proving my point over and over.
No, you haven't shown any examples to support this about the "regressive left". This your quote isn't it.

Meanwhile, a group of people - the Regressive Left (as honest liberal Bill Maher refers to them), a group all too happy to attack the misdeeds of another religion (Christianity, obviously) in absolutely every possible way, at absolutely every opportunity, are bending over backwards to be defensive and so very tolerantof the first religion. A religion, by the way, that treats women and gays as lesser objects, among other behaviors that the Regressive Leftists loathe.
So you're really telling me that you didn't find any posts, from that long list I provided, of you folks going out of your way in defending and being tolerant of Islam, completely out of context with the point of the thread?

And you can't think of any examples of threads (Does the name Guno ring a bell?) of leftists viciously attacking Christianity and/or Christians?

And you can't think of any issues within Islam that leftists supposedly loathe?

Either you're lying or your perceptions are so completely distorted by your partisan ideology that you really can't think of any examples of the above.

In either case, trying to communicate with you is pointless.
When I first read your OP I wasn't fully up to speed on what regressive left meant or what it's origins were but I knew right away that you were just generalizing and that is what I was responding to. Then as I started looking into it I realized that a few atheists were being singled out as Islamaphobic and that they grabbed onto this phrase as a way to silence their critics and stifle debate. Now it has apparently caught on with the partisans on the right such as yourself for probably much the same reasons. The phrase serves no purpose but to silence debate, it is just a bunch of generalizations.

I think Guno only satisfies half the requirement for your so called regressive leftist. I'm not so sure you are going to find him bending over backwards to defend Islam. And even if so, he is singular. A group is plural.

And so you might as well also explain what it is about Islam that the regressive left are defending. Are they defending misogyny? Are they defending extremism?

If you are going to lump people into a group that should be looked on unfavorably you really should try to define them better, especially if you intend to put me into that group.

Pleas note. Mac is not a right wing partisan.

Mac is a left leaning moderate, politically.

However, he is a passive aggressive pussy of the highest order who believes himself to be a person of very high caliber....with unparalleled integrity. His "thing" is to point fingers in all directions as he imagines himself perched calmly above it all. He tells us often that he doesn't expect honest answers to his entirely dishonest questions. He then doesn't accept anything as being said with honesty and crows in empty victory. Sometimes....for pages and in this thread.

You'll have to "quote" this if you'd like him to see it as he has me on ignore. That's because he is very mature and stuff.

Its good enough to be stated again.

Mac is a left leaning moderate, politically.

However, he is a passive aggressive pussy of the highest order who believes himself to be a person of very high caliber....with unparalleled integrity. His "thing" is to point fingers in all directions as he imagines himself perched calmly above it all. He tells us often that he doesn't expect honest answers to his entirely dishonest questions. He then doesn't accept anything as being said with honesty and crows in empty victory. Sometimes....for pages and in this thread.

You'll have to "quote" this if you'd like him to see it as he has me on ignore. That's because he is very mature and stuff

Very well put.

He’s fun to debate with and even when he knows he’s wrong…he simply will not admit it.

Again, my position is that if you have anyone who kills indiscriminately, they are crazy.
The issue I have with the right wing nut jobs and Mac is this. If the gunman is white Christian, they are either nuts like the guy(s) now in Colorado at the theater and the PP clinic and I guess you can include Columbine HS as well. And they, in no way, represent white folks, or folks who are catholic, protestant, or whatever.

If the guy is Muslim however, he is still just as crazy but somehow, Mac and the RWNJs instantly indict all of Islam for the actions of this crazy man while giving pass to the white guy.

And yes, I know a lot of the muslim triggermen invoke Islam as their reason and that, I suppose, gives the RWNJs and Mac license to believe what they believe but the guy is STILL CRAZY!!!!

Why they indict a religion based on the words of crazy folk and give the others a complete pass is their business and you can draw your own conclusions as to their motives….

Its unfortunate.

Your framing mechanism, here, is part of the problem

If a person opposes the most ultra-conservative ideology on the planet, you refer to them as a "right wing nut job" whereupon you defend the ideology in question by trying to divorce the actions of those using mass murder as a way of spreading this ideology from the ideology that motivates them.
Papa, please follow that link and read what I wrote.

In no way did I say they defend terrorist acts, nor would I.

But they have convinced themselves that I did.

This is why I no longer try to communicate with them. Their minds are literally distorted.

You make reference to APOLOGISTS

the definition of which is "a person who offers an argument in defense of something controversial."

If you want to deny you're accusing 'us' of defending terrorists, then by all means clarify,

1. Who are the 'apologists' you're referring to above?
2. Who and what are they defending, specifically?
Please see post 667. Follow the rules of the board.

To cut down on the abuse and to increase the quality/exchange in threads in the Politics Forum, it is imperative that we begin to eliminate "off topic" posts, aka trolling, in the Politics Forum. Below you will find examples of what is unacceptable and will be removed from the the forum.

Source: Trolling/"Off Topic" Posts Will be Removed From the Politics Section


So you refuse to identify the apologists you're referring to and what they are defending?


he is making the accusation, outright, that people here like myself are apologists for Muslim terrorism. It couldn't be clearer,

his comical deflection notwithstanding.
Oh, and by the way, reported for breaking the rules of the board.
Mac1958 is trolling his own thread as long as he won't admit the truth that he is insinuating that the entire group of "regressive leftists" are somehow supporters of jihad.

They are not. Nor do their actions support jihad.
And what would make you happy, Islam is evil but all other religions, regardless of their past, are good?
Mac1958 is trolling his own thread as long as he won't admit the truth that he is insinuating regressive leftists are somehow supporters of jihad.
You folks literally won't get off this lie. I do realize all this deflection is proving my point.

I'm merely providing examples of the point of the thread, and you Regressive Lefties don't like it.

Example after example.

Too bad.
All religion is organized ignorance for the ignorant.

One better than another? No. They all suffer from the same issues, and cause the same problems. Saying now those are the real bad guys, helps no one.

My tolerance for Islam is no greater than my tolerance for any other nonsense only here, it's the Christians causing the problems, not the Muslims.

When they start trying to rule the nation, we'll fight them as well.
Mac1958 is trolling his own thread as long as he won't admit the truth that he is insinuating regressive leftists are somehow supporters of jihad.
You folks literally won't get off this lie. I do realize all this deflection is proving my point. I'm merely providing examples of the point of the thread, and you Regressive Lefties don't like it.
Example after example. Too bad. .
Yes, you insinuate "regressive leftists" support jihad, directly or indirectly, without any convincing proof. That is where we are at right now.
"All religion is organized ignorance for the ignorant" clearly is the most ignorant statement of the month.
Mac1958 is trolling his own thread as long as he won't admit the truth that he is insinuating regressive leftists are somehow supporters of jihad.
You folks literally won't get off this lie. I do realize all this deflection is proving my point. I'm merely providing examples of the point of the thread, and you Regressive Lefties don't like it.
Example after example. Too bad. .
Yes, you insinuate "regressive leftists" support jihad, directly or indirectly, without any convincing proof. That is where we are at right now.
That where you are, because that's where you want it to be.

It's how you folks think. You have to be the victim.

Poor you.

Please stop trying to derail my thread.
Mac1958 is trolling his own thread as long as he won't admit the truth that he is insinuating regressive leftists are somehow supporters of jihad.
You folks literally won't get off this lie. I do realize all this deflection is proving my point. I'm merely providing examples of the point of the thread, and you Regressive Lefties don't like it.
Example after example. Too bad. .
Yes, you insinuate "regressive leftists" support jihad, directly or indirectly, without any convincing proof. That is where we are at right now.
That where you are, because that's where you want it to be. It's how you folks think. You have to be the victim. Poor you. Please stop trying to derail my thread..
The basis of your thread is a false assumption that has been pointed out above. Until you give up the false assumption, it is fair game in this thread for rebuttal.
Mac1958 is trolling his own thread as long as he won't admit the truth that he is insinuating regressive leftists are somehow supporters of jihad.
You folks literally won't get off this lie. I do realize all this deflection is proving my point. I'm merely providing examples of the point of the thread, and you Regressive Lefties don't like it.
Example after example. Too bad. .
Yes, you insinuate "regressive leftists" support jihad, directly or indirectly, without any convincing proof. That is where we are at right now.
That where you are, because that's where you want it to be. It's how you folks think. You have to be the victim. Poor you. Please stop trying to derail my thread..
The basis of your thread is a false assumption that has been pointed out above. Until you give up the false assumption, it is fair game in this thread for rebuttal.
You folks are denying it, even though I've provided plenty of examples and admission from honest liberals.

You guys hate the mirror, and that's understandable.
Mac1958 is trolling his own thread as long as he won't admit the truth that he is insinuating that the entire group of "regressive leftists" are somehow supporters of jihad.

They are not. Nor do their actions support jihad.
I don't even know what a regressive leftist is supposed to be. IMO the thread title violates the rules of the politics forum. Belongs in the FZ or Rubber Room.
"All religion is organized ignorance for the ignorant" clearly is the most ignorant statement of the month.
Simple answers for stupid people. That is the comfort religion provides.

Add in dogma and a justification for irrational action and policy, and you have the source of the evil that is religion. Not a one is worth a damn.
Mac1958 is trolling his own thread as long as he won't admit the truth that he is insinuating that the entire group of "regressive leftists" are somehow supporters of jihad. They are not. Nor do their actions support jihad.
I don't even know what a regressive leftist is supposed to be. IMO the thread title violates the rules of the politics forum. Belongs in the FZ or Rubber Room.
Mac knows him sum regressive leftist. He just cannot define who they are.
Yet another lie from Jake.

It can be tough to keep up!


"All religion is organized ignorance for the ignorant" clearly is the most ignorant statement of the month.
Simple answers for stupid people. That is the comfort religion provides. Add in dogma and a justification for irrational action and policy, and you have the source of the evil that is religion. Not a one is worth a damn.
Yup, you are a silly anti-theist who is unhappy about the power of religious beliefs and principles in this country. Too bad.

You are as silly about that as 2guy and Mac are about Islam.
"All religion is organized ignorance for the ignorant" clearly is the most ignorant statement of the month.
Simple answers for stupid people. That is the comfort religion provides. Add in dogma and a justification for irrational action and policy, and you have the source of the evil that is religion. Not a one is worth a damn.
Yup, you are a silly anti-theist who is unhappy about the power of religious beliefs and principles in this country. Too bad.

You are as silly about that as 2guy and Mac are about Islam.
People like to believe that their religion is good, and the others are bad. Untrue.

Anything dogmatic is always bad. And religion can't survive without blind faith and dogma. It's all its got.
"All religion is organized ignorance for the ignorant" clearly is the most ignorant statement of the month.
Simple answers for stupid people. That is the comfort religion provides. Add in dogma and a justification for irrational action and policy, and you have the source of the evil that is religion. Not a one is worth a damn.
Yup, you are a silly anti-theist who is unhappy about the power of religious beliefs and principles in this country. Too bad.

You are as silly about that as 2guy and Mac are about Islam.
People like to believe that their religion is good, and the others are bad. Untrue. Anything dogmatic is always bad. And religion can't survive without blind faith and dogma. It's all its got.
Yes, I understand that is your unsupported opinion.

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