The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

One of things I've noticed about the Left is their apparent lack of self-preservation. Is that because they desire a risk free life and society so much -- that their abilities to observe and prioritize risks is impaired??

With this profoundly illiberal portion of the left, I think it is more a matter of a general sense of disgruntlement with life leading them to side with those wishing to destroy us as well as an inability to learn concepts.

They know what they are supposed to say, but haven't the foggiest idea why they should say it.

Y'know, it might marginally help your trash-talking if you proofread your stuff before you post it.

Oh, my -- I left the t off of "thing".

That is just SO important, isn't it?
One of things I've noticed about the Left is their apparent lack of self-preservation. Is that because they desire a risk free life and society so much -- that their abilities to observe and prioritize risks is impaired??

With this profoundly illiberal portion of the left, I think it is more a matter of a general sense of disgruntlement with life leading them to side with those wishing to destroy us as well as an inability to learn concepts.

They know what they are supposed to say, but haven't the foggiest idea why they should say it.

Y'know, it might marginally help your trash-talking if you proofread your stuff before you post it.

Oh, my -- I left the t off of "thing".

That is just SO important, isn't it?

That's not what he was referring to. Try again.
So let's get back to the actual topic of the thread, before it is once again hijacked, as I predicted early on.

*******As I wrote in post 12: What I'm specifically focusing on is the behaviors of those who are so tolerant and defensive of one religion while simultaneously being so hateful of another.

What am I talking about, precisely? Deflecting from Islam to Christianity, trying to equate modern day Islam to modern day Christianity, leftists showing great tolerance for Islam while showing none for Christianity, attacking/insulting people who dare to say something negative about Islam or jihadism, lying by claiming that the argument is that ALL Muslims are terrorists.

Oh, and it gets better: A couple of posters I had on ignore were claiming I was afraid to provide examples, that I couldn't provide proof.

WOW. Here are a few, just from the last few days:

they say the same thing as many far right christians say... which is that if women dress a certain way they're "asking for it"..
Good thing no Catholic priest has ever tried commiting a sex crime, huh?
Radical con gangs are taking over government buildings, wild life refuges, and committing massacres in Planned Parenthood offices and black churches. There is no difference between radical evangelical cons and radical Muslims.
What kind of degenerate 'hopes' that any woman would get raped. If your politics has you that f#$ked up in the head I only pity you.
"This is what's coming to America" What's already in America is this sort of ignorance and hate common to many on the right, posing a much greater threat than 'Muslims.'
oh no another christ stained martyr
Like the whit Christian pro life terrorists? Most Muslims aren't liking anyone. And anyone who actually knows anything about fighting that type of terrorism knows that you can't marginalize all Muslims.
Gee another cross humping cracka shitting in his pants thread!!!
There is no way for enough Muslims to reach us to have any voting power Assuming dumbass Christians don't manage to enshrine their own religion into our governance. And by extension Muslims, Jews, Satanists, and Hindus.
"See! We're not quite as bad as ISIS, so that makes us okay!" --- This thread, and the cry of American conservatives in general.
Plainly, the military setbacks suffered by ISIS have driven their conservative ideological twins here to serious levels of desperation.
We knew all along that RWrs had a much closer connection to ISIS than any liberal did.
Maybe now they'll realize that Christians and they are on the same side of restoring morality, instead of chopping the heads off of their allies, they might want to find some common ground.
Republicans must be so upset they can't do that here.
Why do right wingers think gays are so irresistible?
Are fundamentalist Christians jealous of their ISIS counterparts?
Which group in the US is rooting for 'god' to toss gays into a lake of fire? Is there a difference?
Allie is a prime example of christers and moooslims being two sides of the same coin.
Funny, these Republicans so much like Isis in their hatred for gays. But they think they are good and Isis is bad.
Islam isn't guilty. People are. You and the OP who condemn a religion for the acts of individuals are no different than Hitler and his condemnation of the Jews.
Your basic 'fact' is that there are no innocent Muslims.
Sounds like the Christian nazis in action.
Christians are no worse and no better than Muslims. Christian nazis and ISIL acid vat executioners are bad, too.
This is the truth: "It seems to me that authoritarian [reactionary righties] operate under the principle that as long as they stand little probability of being a victim, other people's deaths really don't matter at all. The important issue is conforming to the authoritarian [far right rectionary] group think."
Your ideology has much common with the pre-Nazi fascists who waged their culture war with anti-(insert hated group du jour) propoganda and demonized entire groups of people. Makes it far easier to get rid of them when you don't see them as individuals doesn't it?

Source: The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?
Source: This is what's coming to America
Source: ISIS Resumes Throwing Gays Off Rooftops

None of those people are defending the extreme acts of Mulsims while attacking Christians for no reason at all. You continue to fail.

I can't find where Mac said what you are implying.

He says it all the time. He said it here:

CDZ - Islamification of The West

post 373.

Papa, please follow that link and read what I wrote.

In no way did I say they defend terrorist acts, nor would I.

But they have convinced themselves that I did.

This is why I no longer try to communicate with them. Their minds are literally distorted.

When they get their argument destroyed, the go to misquoting and just out and out lies. They draw conclusions based on what they want you to say, not on what you ACTUALLY say. I deal with the twisting all the time.
One of things I've noticed about the Left is their apparent lack of self-preservation. Is that because they desire a risk free life and society so much -- that their abilities to observe and prioritize risks is impaired??

With this profoundly illiberal portion of the left, I think it is more a matter of a general sense of disgruntlement with life leading them to side with those wishing to destroy us as well as an inability to learn concepts.

They know what they are supposed to say, but haven't the foggiest idea why they should say it.

Y'know, it might marginally help your trash-talking if you proofread your stuff before you post it.

Oh, my -- I left the t off of "thing".

That is just SO important, isn't it?

That's not what he was referring to. Try again.

Oh, do tell, little grammar Nazi.

At least you can bring your style in alignment with your politics by doing so.
One of things I've noticed about the Left is their apparent lack of self-preservation. Is that because they desire a risk free life and society so much -- that their abilities to observe and prioritize risks is impaired??

With this profoundly illiberal portion of the left, I think it is more a matter of a general sense of disgruntlement with life leading them to side with those wishing to destroy us as well as an inability to learn concepts.

They know what they are supposed to say, but haven't the foggiest idea why they should say it.

Y'know, it might marginally help your trash-talking if you proofread your stuff before you post it.

Oh, my -- I left the t off of "thing".

That is just SO important, isn't it?

That's not what he was referring to. Try again.

Oh, do tell, little grammar Nazi.

At least you can bring your style in alignment with your politics by doing so.

Say what? My politics are Nazi-like? How about that!
Hey, LL, dogma called you a nazi!

I didn't want the illiberal left to have a monopoly on the name-calling is all.

Anybody who resists your championing of all things Islamic is met with screams of "Racist" "Bigot" and "Islamophobe" so fair's fair, right?
With this profoundly illiberal portion of the left, I think it is more a matter of a general sense of disgruntlement with life leading them to side with those wishing to destroy us as well as an inability to learn concepts.

They know what they are supposed to say, but haven't the foggiest idea why they should say it.

Y'know, it might marginally help your trash-talking if you proofread your stuff before you post it.

Oh, my -- I left the t off of "thing".

That is just SO important, isn't it?

That's not what he was referring to. Try again.

Oh, do tell, little grammar Nazi.

At least you can bring your style in alignment with your politics by doing so.

Say what? My politics are Nazi-like? How about that!

Looks like he hasn't figured out what he did wrong yet, either.

Y'know, it might marginally help your trash-talking if you proofread your stuff before you post it.

Oh, my -- I left the t off of "thing".

That is just SO important, isn't it?

That's not what he was referring to. Try again.

Oh, do tell, little grammar Nazi.

At least you can bring your style in alignment with your politics by doing so.

Say what? My politics are Nazi-like? How about that!

Looks like he hasn't figured out what he did wrong yet, either.


Are you thinking I somehow meant "here" instead of "hear"?
I doubt anyone in this thread is defending jihad.
Depends on the jihad. One for finishing college or world peace? Let's rock.

a jihad for finishing college?

world peace a jihad?

only someone with a sixth grade education would come up with that idiocy. :cuckoo:

Not really. Jihad doesn't mean war and killing. Necessarily.

That seems kinda like a Gumby move to ignore the 47 radical Islamic groups making the news everyday bringing down airliners, beheading folks, kidnapping a school full of girls who are never heard from again, ad nauseum --- that are infiltrating most every corner of the world. It's a stretch --- Stretch.

One of things I've noticed about the Left is their apparent lack of self-preservation. Is that because they desire a risk free life and society so much -- that their abilities to observe and prioritize risks is impaired??

One thing I noticed about the Right is their constant use of non-sequiturs and strawmen. Who exactly is ignoring these groups and what they do and what does that have to do with the post you responded to?

I was pretty sure I was reading the posts of some contortionist who wanted to gloss over the realities of radicalized Islamic groups by offering other explanations for the term Jihad. As tho that person knows the meaning better than the 47 radical groups that make the news everyday.. Excuse me -- if that didn't happen..

It seems like there's a lot contorted justification to excuse this cancerous form of Islam so that "some folks" can deny there is even an issue. OR -- like the Prez and this current administration --- simply BAN the term radical Islamic terrorists.. Tell me THAT didn't happen..
Depends on the jihad. One for finishing college or world peace? Let's rock.

a jihad for finishing college?

world peace a jihad?

only someone with a sixth grade education would come up with that idiocy. :cuckoo:

Not really. Jihad doesn't mean war and killing. Necessarily.

That seems kinda like a Gumby move to ignore the 47 radical Islamic groups making the news everyday bringing down airliners, beheading folks, kidnapping a school full of girls who are never heard from again, ad nauseum --- that are infiltrating most every corner of the world. It's a stretch --- Stretch.

One of things I've noticed about the Left is their apparent lack of self-preservation. Is that because they desire a risk free life and society so much -- that their abilities to observe and prioritize risks is impaired??

One thing I noticed about the Right is their constant use of non-sequiturs and strawmen. Who exactly is ignoring these groups and what they do and what does that have to do with the post you responded to?

I was pretty sure I was reading the posts of some contortionist who wanted to gloss over the realities of radicalized Islamic groups by offering other explanations for the term Jihad. As tho that person knows the meaning better than the 47 radical groups that make the news everyday.. Excuse me -- if that didn't happen..

It seems like there's a lot contorted justification to excuse this cancerous form of Islam so that "some folks" can deny there is even an issue. OR -- like the Prez and this current administration --- simply BAN the term radical Islamic terrorists.. Tell me THAT didn't happen..

They didn't ban anything. They choose not to use it because it doesn't advance our political objectives in the region. It's a red meat thing with people who are ignorant of the fact that we need moderate Muslims to work with us. Try harder.
Say what? My politics are Nazi-like? How about that!

Authoritarian, demanding lock-step conformity, support for those who target the same targets as the Nazis.......

That's ridiculous. Your buddy Mac and I are pretty closely aligned politically. Is he a Nazi too?

I have never seen Mac defend Islamism, which now carries the Nazi Torch.

You should read Jihad and Jew hatred by Matthias Kuntzel (a liberal).
a jihad for finishing college?

world peace a jihad?

only someone with a sixth grade education would come up with that idiocy. :cuckoo:

Not really. Jihad doesn't mean war and killing. Necessarily.

That seems kinda like a Gumby move to ignore the 47 radical Islamic groups making the news everyday bringing down airliners, beheading folks, kidnapping a school full of girls who are never heard from again, ad nauseum --- that are infiltrating most every corner of the world. It's a stretch --- Stretch.

One of things I've noticed about the Left is their apparent lack of self-preservation. Is that because they desire a risk free life and society so much -- that their abilities to observe and prioritize risks is impaired??

What? I was speaking to the definition of the term. I ignored nothing.

So your gigue right now is to convince me that those 47 radical groups leaving blood pools all over the planet are confused about the meaning of Jihad?

They're confused about the meaning of Islam.

These Islamic terrorist groups are cults essentially.

What ISIS Really Wants

They are Islamic end timers.

Don't make me go out there and pull the "mission statements" for those 47 plagues of the planet. What does ISIS stand for? Literally? Do you think creating an orthodox Islam Caliphate is AGAINST the principles of Islam? There are certainly RADICALIZED versions of Islam given full validity by the likes of sovereign states like Saudi Arabia and Iran. And in fact --- my beef is not with Islam.. It's with the tyrannical theocratic governments that Arabs tend to prefer. The Wahabi versions of the Koran are a DIRECT EXPORT of the Saudis.

And leftists OUGHT to understand that.. Since they are all hyper about usurpations of liberty by ANY threat of combining state power with theology. THAT"s really your "regressive leftist" reality. That you want to compare the LIBERTY of this nation and it's "discussions" of keeping it secular ----- to a religion that spreads with the ASSISTANCE of established theocratic states that HAVE no liberties.

We OUGHT to be on the same page here. But SOMEHOW --- you folks are stuck on OPPOSING people who recognize and understand threats to their existence by combining religious tenets with the power of a state.

Why is that????

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