The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

Depends on the jihad. One for finishing college or world peace? Let's rock.

a jihad for finishing college?

world peace a jihad?

only someone with a sixth grade education would come up with that idiocy. :cuckoo:

Not really. Jihad doesn't mean war and killing. Necessarily.

That seems kinda like a Gumby move to ignore the 47 radical Islamic groups making the news everyday bringing down airliners, beheading folks, kidnapping a school full of girls who are never heard from again, ad nauseum --- that are infiltrating most every corner of the world. It's a stretch --- Stretch.

One of things I've noticed about the Left is their apparent lack of self-preservation. Is that because they desire a risk free life and society so much -- that their abilities to observe and prioritize risks is impaired??

What? I was speaking to the definition of the term. I ignored nothing.

So your gigue right now is to convince me that those 47 radical groups leaving blood pools all over the planet are confused about the meaning of Jihad?

Nope. I said nothing of the sort. You are confused.
I doubt anyone in this thread is defending jihad.
Depends on the jihad. One for finishing college or world peace? Let's rock.

a jihad for finishing college?

world peace a jihad?

only someone with a sixth grade education would come up with that idiocy. :cuckoo:

Not really. Jihad doesn't mean war and killing. Necessarily.

That seems kinda like a Gumby move to ignore the 47 radical Islamic groups making the news everyday bringing down airliners, beheading folks, kidnapping a school full of girls who are never heard from again, ad nauseum --- that are infiltrating most every corner of the world. It's a stretch --- Stretch.

One of things I've noticed about the Left is their apparent lack of self-preservation. Is that because they desire a risk free life and society so much -- that their abilities to observe and prioritize risks is impaired??

and one thing i've noticed about the right is the extraordinary levels of fear with which they live.

what percentage of the muslim population is "radical"?

so much bigotry and ignorance on the right, it's beyond belief. and i say that as someone who is not exactly sympathetic to terrorists.

again, prioritizing and assessing risk is important.\

or we could always start another war against another country that had nothing to do with attacking us.
Depends on the jihad. One for finishing college or world peace? Let's rock.

a jihad for finishing college?

world peace a jihad?

only someone with a sixth grade education would come up with that idiocy. :cuckoo:

Not really. Jihad doesn't mean war and killing. Necessarily.

That seems kinda like a Gumby move to ignore the 47 radical Islamic groups making the news everyday bringing down airliners, beheading folks, kidnapping a school full of girls who are never heard from again, ad nauseum --- that are infiltrating most every corner of the world. It's a stretch --- Stretch.

One of things I've noticed about the Left is their apparent lack of self-preservation. Is that because they desire a risk free life and society so much -- that their abilities to observe and prioritize risks is impaired??

What? I was speaking to the definition of the term. I ignored nothing.

So your gigue right now is to convince me that those 47 radical groups leaving blood pools all over the planet are confused about the meaning of Jihad?

There are self-described Muslims who seem to think so. Do you choose to ignore them?
And, for the 50th time:

They lie and lie and lie....

I don't know if they are lying per se.

A person has to have at least an average IQ to be able to understand what they are and are not saying.

Do you really think any of these posters has read Mill or Rawles? No. Of course not. They would not recognize actual liberal ideology if it was a 2 x 4 whacking them along side the head. It takes at least a reasonable intelligence level to understand principles and apply those principles, and if these people had that capability, they would already be doing it.

The mere fact that they think Maher ISN'T a liberal for supporting liberal principles only displays how far down the rabbit hole they have traveled in their need for lock-step conformity.

They're crazed, and I'm occupying so much space in their heads it's remarkable.

I have them nailed on their lies, tactics and bullshit, they know it, and they've become like moths to a flame to defend & deflect & deny.

My own little pack of Pavlov's Dogs.

They know nothing about Islamic ideology. They know nothing about liberal ideology. Boy, do they know
they are expected to defend Islam, though!

They get props from their little peeps when they do and get called names if they don't.

They need not worry about anything more complex than that.

Who are "they"?

Why don't you educate "us" about "Islamic and liberal ideology" since you are the self prescribed expert.

Read some John Rawles.

Read the Q'ran and especially the Hadiths.

Get back to me once you are not so completely ignorant.

Ah, so you can't tell me, you can just tell me I'm wrong and tell me to read a philosopher that supports your world view. Gotcha.

So if the Q'ran tells one everything people need to know about Islam, does simply reading the bible tell about Christianity?
I don't know if they are lying per se.

A person has to have at least an average IQ to be able to understand what they are and are not saying.

Do you really think any of these posters has read Mill or Rawles? No. Of course not. They would not recognize actual liberal ideology if it was a 2 x 4 whacking them along side the head. It takes at least a reasonable intelligence level to understand principles and apply those principles, and if these people had that capability, they would already be doing it.

The mere fact that they think Maher ISN'T a liberal for supporting liberal principles only displays how far down the rabbit hole they have traveled in their need for lock-step conformity.
They're crazed, and I'm occupying so much space in their heads it's remarkable.

I have them nailed on their lies, tactics and bullshit, they know it, and they've become like moths to a flame to defend & deflect & deny.

My own little pack of Pavlov's Dogs.
They know nothing about Islamic ideology. They know nothing about liberal ideology. Boy, do they know
they are expected to defend Islam, though!

They get props from their little peeps when they do and get called names if they don't.

They need not worry about anything more complex than that.

Who are "they"?

Why don't you educate "us" about "Islamic and liberal ideology" since you are the self prescribed expert.

Read some John Rawles.

Read the Q'ran and especially the Hadiths.

Get back to me once you are not so completely ignorant.

Ah, so you can't tell me, you can just tell me I'm wrong and tell me to read a philosopher that supports your world view. Gotcha.

So if the Q'ran tells one everything people need to know about Islam, does simply reading the bible tell about Christianity?

D'oh! You just did it again, bra! You just made Mac's point again. You just viciously attacked Christianity while defending Islam. You regressive lefty you! What causes such behavior? It's quite curious. Quite an experiment!
It's really cute how condescending you appear to be. Did you learn that at Stanford?

I am condescending to mindless dolts who are capable of nothing beyond parroting the approved platitudes and who try to claim I am the one with the reading comprehension issues.

If you don't like condescension, don't try it, sweetie.
So, did you learn it at Stanford, and why are you afraid of questions?

No, but I learned some political theory.

Did you learn all you know at Aunt Martha's reform school for wayward girls?

if you learned about political theory at stanford, why do you appear thoroughly ignorant in political theory?
Depends on the jihad. One for finishing college or world peace? Let's rock.

a jihad for finishing college?

world peace a jihad?

only someone with a sixth grade education would come up with that idiocy. :cuckoo:

Not really. Jihad doesn't mean war and killing. Necessarily.

That seems kinda like a Gumby move to ignore the 47 radical Islamic groups making the news everyday bringing down airliners, beheading folks, kidnapping a school full of girls who are never heard from again, ad nauseum --- that are infiltrating most every corner of the world. It's a stretch --- Stretch.

One of things I've noticed about the Left is their apparent lack of self-preservation. Is that because they desire a risk free life and society so much -- that their abilities to observe and prioritize risks is impaired??

What? I was speaking to the definition of the term. I ignored nothing.

So your gigue right now is to convince me that those 47 radical groups leaving blood pools all over the planet are confused about the meaning of Jihad?

They're confused about the meaning of Islam.

These Islamic terrorist groups are cults essentially.

What ISIS Really Wants

They are Islamic end timers.
Its unfortunate.
Indeed it is, but it was predicted in the OP.

Despite the best efforts of the Regressive Left to change the subject, the point of the thread remains: Why is the Regressive Left so tolerant of Islam while being so intolerant of Christianity?

There is no indictment of a religion there, as much as you would like there to be.

I have provided myriad examples, several posters have offered their theories, and I have provided published thoughts on the topic from multiple honest liberals. So it certainly isn't as if I was the first to come up with the question, is it? Even honest liberals see it.

Everything you folks are trying is just dishonest noise, in an effort to deflect from your behaviors.

learn to use words properly
lol maher is an "honest liberal" because he likes to pretend all muslims are evil.

He's not doing that. In fact, he's had moderate Muslim guests on who are advocating for reforms in the religion at great personal risk to themselves.

From what I can gather listening to him, his main argument seems to be that if we're going to get on the Duggars for being a bunch of backwards religious fanatics we shouldn't just shrug our shoulders at the totally intolerant and illiberal traditions a good many - but definitely not ALL - Muslims follow. I have no problem agreeing with that.

He was kind of dick towards that kid with the clock, though.
It's really cute how condescending you appear to be. Did you learn that at Stanford?

I am condescending to mindless dolts who are capable of nothing beyond parroting the approved platitudes and who try to claim I am the one with the reading comprehension issues.

If you don't like condescension, don't try it, sweetie.
So, did you learn it at Stanford, and why are you afraid of questions?

No, but I learned some political theory.

Did you learn all you know at Aunt Martha's reform school for wayward girls?

if you learned about political theory at stanford, why do you appear thoroughly ignorant in political theory?

I thought it was odd that he mentioned that he was accepted to Stanford....but didn't mention that he has a degree from Stanford.

Two of my daughter's closest friends and one of my former baseball players attend Stanford. One of them "accused" me of sounding like one of his professors.
a jihad for finishing college?

world peace a jihad?

only someone with a sixth grade education would come up with that idiocy. :cuckoo:

Not really. Jihad doesn't mean war and killing. Necessarily.

That seems kinda like a Gumby move to ignore the 47 radical Islamic groups making the news everyday bringing down airliners, beheading folks, kidnapping a school full of girls who are never heard from again, ad nauseum --- that are infiltrating most every corner of the world. It's a stretch --- Stretch.

One of things I've noticed about the Left is their apparent lack of self-preservation. Is that because they desire a risk free life and society so much -- that their abilities to observe and prioritize risks is impaired??

What? I was speaking to the definition of the term. I ignored nothing.

So your gigue right now is to convince me that those 47 radical groups leaving blood pools all over the planet are confused about the meaning of Jihad?

They're confused about the meaning of Islam.

These Islamic terrorist groups are cults essentially.

What ISIS Really Wants

They are Islamic end timers.

That article should be required reading for all USMB geniuses.
So your gigue right now is to convince me that those 47 radical groups leaving blood pools all over the planet are confused about the meaning of Jihad?

They are answering the question "What would Mohammad do?".

Ignorant people love to compare Islam and Christianity, but they never seem to notice the difference between the lives of the two prophets at all or in the nature of their teachings.

ISIS/AlQaeda/Hamas/Martyrs Brigade/Boko Haram etc aren't "perversions" of Islam, but Islam at it's most true since they are following both the teachings and the M.O. of Mohammad, himself.
lol maher is an "honest liberal" because he likes to pretend all muslims are evil.

He's not doing that. In fact, he's had moderate Muslim guests on who are advocating for reforms in the religion at great personal risk to themselves.

From what I can gather listening to him, his main argument seems to be that if we're going to get on the Duggars for being a bunch of backwards religious fanatics we shouldn't just shrug our shoulders at the totally intolerant and illiberal traditions a good many - but definitely not ALL - Muslims follow. I have no problem agreeing with that.

He was kind of dick towards that kid with the clock, though.

Maher's deal is getting bogged down in that numbers discussion. He's not satisfied unless people agree with him that most Muslims are in search of violent jihad.
So your gigue right now is to convince me that those 47 radical groups leaving blood pools all over the planet are confused about the meaning of Jihad?

They are answering the question "What would Mohammad do?".

Ignorant people love to compare Islam and Christianity, but they never seem to notice the difference between the lives of the two prophets at all or in the nature of their teachings.

ISIS/AlQaeda/Hamas/Martyrs Brigade/Boko Haram etc aren't "perversions" of Islam, but Islam at it's most true since they are following both the teachings and the M.O. of Mohammad, himself.

Incorrect. They are political entities. Many of their members aren't even devout.

Ever hear of a guy named Dean Obeidallah?
One of things I've noticed about the Left is their apparent lack of self-preservation. Is that because they desire a risk free life and society so much -- that their abilities to observe and prioritize risks is impaired??

With this profoundly illiberal portion of the left, I think it is more a matter of a general sense of disgruntlement with life leading them to side with those wishing to destroy us as well as an inability to learn concepts.

They know what they are supposed to say, but haven't the foggiest idea why they should say it.
if you learned about political theory at stanford, why do you appear thoroughly ignorant in political theory?

So, you want to talk about Rawl's theories of social justice and how the codification of second class status for women by Islamic law fits with his theories?

DO go ahead. I await your analysis with great anticipation.

If you prefer, you could always try dismantling any of Susan Moller Okin's feminist writings critiquing multiculturalism.
if you learned about political theory at stanford, why do you appear thoroughly ignorant in political theory?

So, you want to talk about Rawl's theories of social justice and how the codification of second class status for women by Islamic law fits with his theories?

DO go ahead. I await your analysis with great anticipation.

If you prefer, you could always try dismantling any of Susan Moller Okin's feminist writings critiquing multiculturalism.

that's nice, dear.
if you learned about political theory at stanford, why do you appear thoroughly ignorant in political theory?

So, you want to talk about Rawl's theories of social justice and how the codification of second class status for women by Islamic law fits with his theories?

DO go ahead. I await your analysis with great anticipation.

If you prefer, you could always try dismantling any of Susan Moller Okin's feminist writings critiquing multiculturalism.

that's nice, dear.

Yep -- I knew you had nothing because you were bluffing.

Anybody who knows the first hing about political theory knows Rawls. He was a giant in the field of liberal political theory in the 20th century.

The fact that none of you ignorant posters have even heard of him says all that needs to be said about your level of knowledge.

Now, back to trying to sound just like everybody else for you, hear? .
One of things I've noticed about the Left is their apparent lack of self-preservation. Is that because they desire a risk free life and society so much -- that their abilities to observe and prioritize risks is impaired??

With this profoundly illiberal portion of the left, I think it is more a matter of a general sense of disgruntlement with life leading them to side with those wishing to destroy us as well as an inability to learn concepts.

They know what they are supposed to say, but haven't the foggiest idea why they should say it.

Y'know, it might marginally help your trash-talking if you proofread your stuff before you post it.

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