The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The best way to bring about religious freedom in Saudi Arabia is as yet undiscovered. However, I can say with certainty that ending religious freedom in London or NOT going to accomplish that goal.

Ya dumb shit.

It will get lots of us dead.

Which is why you-and-yours are being pushed back onto the sidelines again, this year.
Savage is a case of Right Message, Wrong Messenger...
Your thread is about you bitching about London electing a Muslim mayor.
Holy crap, LOOK at THIS.

Seriously, I'm running out of adjectives.

How does a mind work like this?

Have you tried “honest” as a way to describe Carb’s assessment of you? Because it is.

Carb, like yourself as Hillary supporters don't have a clue as to what "honest" means.

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a group all too happy to attack the misdeeds of another religion (Christianity, obviously) in absolutely every possible way, at absolutely every opportunity, are bending over backwards to be defensive and so very tolerant of the first religion.

The Regressive Left and Islam
Exactly what is happening here?


The OP was extremely well phrased for a vigorous discussion. .

Just for the record, it was never my intent to get this far up in their heads.

I have to admit it's nice to know I make such nasty people this angry, but they don't even try to hide how effective I've been.

They won't let this go.
poor delusional mac. forever projecting his absolute obsession and "anger" at the nebulous "Left".

you aren't fooling anyone, fraud. anyone with a smidgen of intelligence, that is...
Just for the record, it was never my intent to get this far up in their heads.

I have to admit it's nice to know I make such nasty people this angry, but they don't even try to hide how effective I've been.

They won't let this go.

That is because they recognized themselves.
I agree, misogyny should be called what it is. Do you think Americans are by and large excepting of misogyny? Do we have a large problem with it here?

I would say that Americans, as a whole are not accepting of it other than a small percentage of extremely rigid right wingers and a much larger percentage of extremely rigid left wingers who accept it as long as it arises from anybody but whites, Christians or westerners.

The name calling is counter productive, for sure. I hope you are not implying that you are above it though, you seem smitten with "illiberal" and "regressive leftist".

No, I am not above it. If the taste of people's own medicine is sour, however, then they should not dispense it in such heaping doses. Are there better terms to use for the portion of the left in love with Islam? "Useful Idiot", perhaps? Goodness, it has become so idiotic that the mere objection to using rape as an instrument of Jihad in accordance with Mohammad's instructions will elicit cries of racism and Islamophobia, so there are really few words to describe this phenomenon that are complimentary.

Yes, it's a problem. You can't force it on them, that only alienates them and is inconsistent with liberal ideals. Which is why I believe the approach should be more nuanced, less vitriolic. We certainly can't close Mosques, if that is what you are suggesting.

This seems to be a consistent pattern among apologists for Islam as you ignore the arguments actually made, and then ascribe extreme views to a person that were never expressed. I did not imply closing Mosques at all.

As far as alienation is concerned, we have seen the product of being overly concerned with such in Britain and elsewhere in Europe. People are so terrified of offending Muslims, and so brow beaten by the verbal abuse lest they "alienate" them that they actually enable the very worst behavior imaginable. I find it ironic how those who claim one should judge the individual are actually those who allow disgusting behavior BECAUSE a person is of a different culture or race.

Rolling on your collective backs and peeing on your bellies every time the subject is Islam will not help the situation. Liberals should grow a pair and start standing up for liberalism.
poor delusional mac. forever projecting his absolute obsession and "anger" at the nebulous "Left". you aren't fooling anyone, fraud. anyone with a smidgen of intelligence, that is...
Illustrating my point beautifully.

I don't even have to mention you by name.

You just can't get me out of your heads.

How sweet.

poor delusional mac. forever projecting his absolute obsession and "anger" at the nebulous "Left". you aren't fooling anyone, fraud. anyone with a smidgen of intelligence, that is...
Illustrating my point beautifully.

I don't even have to mention you by name.

You just can't get me out of your heads.

How sweet.


I think it is cute when the uneducated use the term "rwnj" to describe people who support the views of liberals like Sam Harris and Bill Maher.

What's next in this little Orwellian world of the uneducated -- calling somebody who supports the work of George Will a Communist?
poor delusional mac. forever projecting his absolute obsession and "anger" at the nebulous "Left". you aren't fooling anyone, fraud. anyone with a smidgen of intelligence, that is...
Illustrating my point beautifully.

I don't even have to mention you by name.

You just can't get me out of your heads.

How sweet.

And by the way, I have to give you credit.

I caught you posting to me yesterday when you thought I had you on ignore, then you lied when I called you on it.

(Posts 1202, 1205, 1215) -- Why would someone do that? Why would you post to someone you think can't see you?

I'll give you credit - most people wouldn't have the nerve to keep posting to me, especially questioning my honesty, after being nailed like that.

But then again, the Regressive Left isn't really known for its honesty or its shame.
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I think it is cute when the uneducated use the term "rwnj" to describe people who support the views of liberals like Sam Harris and Bill Maher. What's next in this little Orwellian world of the uneducated -- calling somebody who supports the work of George Will a Communist?
The shallow, simplistic, binary thinking of hardcore partisan ideologues.

If you're not a LWNJ, you must be a RWNJ. And vice versa.

But I am convinced they don't even see it.
I think it is cute when the uneducated use the term "rwnj" to describe people who support the views of liberals like Sam Harris and Bill Maher. What's next in this little Orwellian world of the uneducated -- calling somebody who supports the work of George Will a Communist?
The shallow, simplistic, binary thinking of hardcore partisan ideologues.

If you're not a LWNJ, you must be a RWNJ. And vice versa.

But I am convinced they don't even see it.

They certainly don't.

Our educational system has deteriorated since I was young and the internet is our new tower of babble.
I think it is cute when the uneducated use the term "rwnj" to describe people who support the views of liberals like Sam Harris and Bill Maher. What's next in this little Orwellian world of the uneducated -- calling somebody who supports the work of George Will a Communist?
The shallow, simplistic, binary thinking of hardcore partisan ideologues.

If you're not a LWNJ, you must be a RWNJ. And vice versa.

But I am convinced they don't even see it.
I think some of them see it, and it might even make them vaguely uncomfortable. For example, when they find themselves making excuses for aspects of Islam that go against the principles of universal human rights and women's rights, the very rights they are supposed to champion.
However, remain in lockstep they must, so they can't/won't back down and therefore find themselves having to employ false equivalances and reductio ad absurdums galore, to both safe face, and to insinuate those in opposition are bigots, racists and islamophobes, who therefore they have an alterior motive, whos word is dirt, and who are (hopefully), discredited.
I suspect some wouldn't behave like this in RL if faced with someone attempting to discuss where Islam and women's rights, for example, diverge, at least I hope so. In fact, we have an example in this thread where coyote is amicable and even in agreement with flacc, but virulently disagrees and mock funnies other posters when they express exactly the same concerns. Go figure.
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"Meanwhile, a group of people (The Left) all too happy to attack the misdeeds of another religion (Christianity, obviously) in absolutely every possible way, at absolutely every opportunity... "

i wonder if op could ever bother to provide examples of POLITICAL "left" doing what he claims.

and precisely what are the Christian misdeeds you speak of?
I think it is cute when the uneducated use the term "rwnj" to describe people who support the views of liberals like Sam Harris and Bill Maher. What's next in this little Orwellian world of the uneducated -- calling somebody who supports the work of George Will a Communist?
The shallow, simplistic, binary thinking of hardcore partisan ideologues.

If you're not a LWNJ, you must be a RWNJ. And vice versa.

But I am convinced they don't even see it.
I think some of them see it, and it might even make them vaguely uncomfortable. For example, when they find themselves making excuses for aspects of Islam that go against the very principles of universal human rights and women's rights they are supposed to champion.
However, remain in lockstep they must, so they can't/won't back down and therefore find themselves having to employ false equivalances and reductio ad absurdums galore, to both safe face, and to insinuate those in opposition are bigots, racists and islamophobes, and therefore they have an anterior motive, their word is dirt, and they are (hopefully), discredited.
I suspect some wouldn't behave like this in RL if faced with someone attempting to discuss where Islam and women's rights, for example, diverge, at least I hope so. In fact, we have an example in this thread where coyote is amicable and even in agreement with flacc, but virulently disagrees and mock funnies other posters when they express exactly the same concerns. Go figure.
Indeed, I think "saving face" is a huge part of this - they have their little "friends" here, and they don't want to get sideways with them. That's a self-esteem issue and not my problem. What cracks me up is that you'll never see them in agreement with me on the several issues on which they agree with me, for the same reason: They don't want agree with someone who isn't a fellow Regressive Leftist. THAT'S how lockstep they are.

I've gotten what I wanted out of this thread, some pretty interesting theories and opinions about the question posed by the OP. The fact that it also caused the Regressive Lefties to go bananas is just a happy bonus!

Now I'm just having fun with it.
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"Meanwhile, a group of people (The Left) all too happy to attack the misdeeds of another religion (Christianity, obviously) in absolutely every possible way, at absolutely every opportunity... "

i wonder if op could ever bother to provide examples of POLITICAL "left" doing what he claims.

and precisely what are the Christian misdeeds you speak of?
Read this thread, and then read any other threads that have Islam as the subject matter.
"Meanwhile, a group of people (The Left) all too happy to attack the misdeeds of another religion (Christianity, obviously) in absolutely every possible way, at absolutely every opportunity... "

i wonder if op could ever bother to provide examples of POLITICAL "left" doing what he claims.

and precisely what are the Christian misdeeds you speak of?

Good gawd, this is incredible. You can't think of any examples. WOW.

Tell you what.

Go to guno 's page and look through a few hundred of his threads, and the responses within those threads by your Regressive Left friends.

I'll wait here for you to come back and say you didn't see anything.

Too funny.
I think it is cute when the uneducated use the term "rwnj" to describe people who support the views of liberals like Sam Harris and Bill Maher. What's next in this little Orwellian world of the uneducated -- calling somebody who supports the work of George Will a Communist?
The shallow, simplistic, binary thinking of hardcore partisan ideologues.

If you're not a LWNJ, you must be a RWNJ. And vice versa.

But I am convinced they don't even see it.
I think some of them see it, and it might even make them vaguely uncomfortable. For example, when they find themselves making excuses for aspects of Islam that go against the very principles of universal human rights and women's rights they are supposed to champion.
However, remain in lockstep they must, so they can't/won't back down and therefore find themselves having to employ false equivalances and reductio ad absurdums galore, to both safe face, and to insinuate those in opposition are bigots, racists and islamophobes, who therefore they have an alterior motive, whos word is dirt, and who are (hopefully), discredited.
I suspect some wouldn't behave like this in RL if faced with someone attempting to discuss where Islam and women's rights, for example, diverge, at least I hope so. In fact, we have an example in this thread where coyote is amicable and even in agreement with flacc, but virulently disagrees and mock funnies other posters when they express exactly the same concerns. Go figure.

I see you noticed the same thing I noticed.

I have Coyote following me around to harass, troll and and mock me by using the "funny" button to indicate her support for all things Islamic. If I mention that Jews have the right to life without being terrorized, it's funny. If I oppose the Islamist objective, it's funny. If I don't support rape as an instrument of Jihad, it's funny.

When people become so wrapped up in their zealotry as to resort to this behavior, it doesn't say much about them.

Yes, people are different face to face than they are in person. The internet strips away much of our humanity. Of course, it strips away more for some than it does others.

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