The religion of the left: Climate Change

Well what ever, you need to pull your head out of your ass and realise that there are other countries in the world that are suffering the effects of CC.

I thought you claimed to be a scientist. Provide evidence that ANY country is suffering from climate change.

Provide links.
Colder TX winters are caused by Global Warming.
The polar weather has more energy, so blows further towards the equator.
The poles are 30 degrees warmer than normal.

You are wrong on all counts.
What a retard still not sure what a season is. We you home schooled?
Oh God the irony, here is your new avatar

No they aren't. They are suffering the effects of building and urban sprawl. A storm that would have blown itself out is responsible for destroyed homes and businesses. Last time there was a storm like this there were no homes or businesses.
So whats causing glaciers to melt?
Greenland was much greener during the Middle Ages. NASA is woke and equity filled costing us much more for the money they receive, and they are in the climate scam. Science posing as science is a cruel propaganda tool.
"NASA is woke" FFS, how about you're an idiot.
Carlson is an idiot. The left don't believe in climate change we accept it as a scientific fact. It's you denying Chumps who have to believe in what's not happening.

Yes....the climate changes, I am sitting in a place that was once covered by mile high glaciers...what makes it a cult, you when idiots like you believe that it is man made climate change...then use that as your religion to persecute people you don't like.
There are no extremes. There are less hurricanes now and far less people die than in the past.

Al Gore predicted the polar cap would melt by 2013 and polar bears would go extinct. None of that happened. But you people are religious zealots so it doesn’t matter, you just make up some new bullshit and claim the end of the world is coming.

They remind me of those poor, deluded fools who believed in the Hale Bop comet......the ones who killed themselves so they could catch a ride on the comet............

They also remind me of the corrupt aspects of the Catholic Church.....the indulgences. The man made global warming has their gore, greta thurnberg, and they have their that they can fly in private planes, live in mansions on the very coasts they tell the rubes will one day be flooded..........and they have their inquisition now too.......

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