The religion of the left: Climate Change

Yes....the climate changes, I am sitting in a place that was once covered by mile high glaciers...what makes it a cult, you when idiots like you believe that it is man made climate change...then use that as your religion to persecute people you don't like.
When was the last time climate changed because of the combination of fossil fuels which we know for a fact from the Carbon isotopes in the atmosphere.
They remind me of those poor, deluded fools who believed in the ale Bop comet......the ones who killed themselves so they could catch a ride on the comet............

They also remind me of the corrupt aspects of the Catholic Church.....the indulgences. The man made global warming has their gore, greta thurnberg, and they have their that they can fly in private planes, live in mansions on the very coasts they tell the rubes will one day be flooded..........and they have their inquisition now too.......
You're no intellectual. 😂
Glaciers and Greenland are melting, sea temperatures are rising and the frequency of the severe weather events is increasing.

Actually, weather events are not any way, shape or form..........hurricanes are fewer the last few years, and the only reason California has forest fires is they won't manage their land, especially around their power lines...

If you don't believe that, then look at the series of charts below, which are taken from government sites, that depict trends in hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts and wildfires — all of which should be, according to environmentalists, on the uptrend.

What do you see in these charts. There is no trend in any of them.
Look at the data on drought conditions, from the EPA. There is no meaningful increase from 1900 to 2016. In fact, the past decade has been relatively mild on the drought front, with several years below average.

The same is true when it comes to tornadoes. The number of tornadoes in 2014 was below the number in 1954, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association data show. Indeed, the trend line seems to indicate that tornado activity has been lower since the mid-1980s than it was in three decades before that.

What about hurricanes? Yes, this year was a bad one in terms of the number and damage caused by hurricanes. But these storms came after years of lower than normal hurricane activity, both in the Atlantic and in the Pacific. NOAA data show the annual Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) in each region going back to 1970.

When was the last time climate changed because of the combination of fossil fuels which we know for a fact from the Carbon isotopes in the atmosphere.

You don't understand this.......nothing the cult has predicted has come true.....

If you don't believe that, then look at the series of charts below, which are taken from government sites, that depict trends in hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts and wildfires — all of which should be, according to environmentalists, on the uptrend.

What do you see in these charts. There is no trend in any of them.
Look at the data on drought conditions, from the EPA. There is no meaningful increase from 1900 to 2016. In fact, the past decade has been relatively mild on the drought front, with several years below average.

The same is true when it comes to tornadoes. The number of tornadoes in 2014 was below the number in 1954, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association data show. Indeed, the trend line seems to indicate that tornado activity has been lower since the mid-1980s than it was in three decades before that.

What about hurricanes? Yes, this year was a bad one in terms of the number and damage caused by hurricanes. But these storms came after years of lower than normal hurricane activity, both in the Atlantic and in the Pacific. NOAA data show the annual Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) in each region going back to 1970.

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You're no intellectual. 😂

And you are no believe in a cult........a cult created to give money and power to the left wing socialists...who use the myth of man made global warming/climate change, to take money and power away from other they fly private jets and buy mansions on the best coastal land around the world......
Prove what point, that I accept scientific evidence, yes as a scientist for 40 years that's what I do. I don't need to believe science I accept its evidence.

How do you explain the lack of extreme weather events? You know, the ones you idiots have been predicting for decades?

Wildfires? Sorry, but as with the other natural disasters, there's nothing here to validate the environmentalists scare stories, either. According to the National Interagency Fire Center, there were 67,743 wildfires in 2016. That's down from more than 85,000 in 1986. By December 22 of last year, there had been about 66,000 fires, NIFC data show.

The snowfall trend hasn't changed in decades, either, according to EPA data, although you'd think there'd be less snow as the planet warms. Of course, whenever there's a blizzard or a blast of arctic air — as with the "bomb cyclone" in the northeast — environmentalists start mewling about how that, too, is a sign of global warming. So if there's no trend one way or another, what does that mean?

Even global temperatures aren't rising as fast as the global warming computer models say they should be, as we pointed out in this space recently.

Yet despite these data, story after story continues to peddle the claim that the weather is getting more extreme, using whatever recent string of bad weather as the hook.
You're no intellectual. 😂

These people are.....

Alexander’s paper begins by remarking, “The purported link between extreme weather and global warming has captured the public imagination and attention of the mainstream media far more than any of the other claims made by the narrative of human-caused climate change.” This is odd because data and analyses from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the U.N. body that climate alarmists in academic, political, and media circles continually cite as the authoritative source of information on climate change, confirm that “if there is any trend at all in extreme weather, it’s downward rather than upward. Our most extreme weather, be it heat wave, drought, flood, hurricane or tornado, occurred many years ago, long before the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere began to climb at its present rate,” writes Alexander.

“Recent atmospheric heat waves in western Europe,” writes Alexander, “pale in comparison with the soaring temperatures of the 1930s, a period when three of the seven continents and 32 of the 50 US states set all-time high temperature records, which still stand today.”

Nor has the IPCC discerned or identified any long-term trend in drought patterns, either in the United States or globally. And even though rainfall has modestly increased in recent years, there is no evidence floods are becoming more frequent or severe. Many recent flood events can be traced almost entirely to land-use changes such as channelization, deforestation, the destruction of wetlands, and the building of dams, Alexander notes.

Carlson is an idiot. The left don't believe in climate change we accept it as a scientific fact. It's you denying Chumps who have to believe in what's not happening.
Many trust science, but coercion is not science, censorship is not science, faked data is not science, manipulating results is not science, cherry-picking studies is not science, fear mongering is not science.

Any scientist who goes against the political climate science gets cancelled.

Screenshot 2023-01-21 215914.png
Glaciers and Greenland are melting, sea temperatures are rising and the frequency of the severe weather events is increasing.

None of what you claim is measurable.

What sort of "scientist" are you...phrenologist?
CC causes extremes in weather.

No it doesn't ... what evidence do you have that supports your claim? ... and how are you defining "extreme"? ... New Orleans fills up with river water about every fifty years, this is normal for their climate ... what would be extreme flooding in this area? ...
No it doesn't ... what evidence do you have that supports your claim? ... and how are you defining "extreme"? ... New Orleans fills up with river water about every fifty years, this is normal for their climate ... what would be extreme flooding in this area? ...

They have no proof since actual "extreme weather," is not happening and we know because they record this is not happening yet they repeat it as one of the liturgies of their religion.....
Actually, weather events are not any way, shape or form..........hurricanes are fewer the last few years, and the only reason California has forest fires is they won't manage their land, especially around their power lines...

If you don't believe that, then look at the series of charts below, which are taken from government sites, that depict trends in hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts and wildfires — all of which should be, according to environmentalists, on the uptrend.

What do you see in these charts. There is no trend in any of them.
Look at the data on drought conditions, from the EPA. There is no meaningful increase from 1900 to 2016. In fact, the past decade has been relatively mild on the drought front, with several years below average.

The same is true when it comes to tornadoes. The number of tornadoes in 2014 was below the number in 1954, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association data show. Indeed, the trend line seems to indicate that tornado activity has been lower since the mid-1980s than it was in three decades before that.

What about hurricanes? Yes, this year was a bad one in terms of the number and damage caused by hurricanes. But these storms came after years of lower than normal hurricane activity, both in the Atlantic and in the Pacific. NOAA data show the annual Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) in each region going back to 1970.

Hurricanes are fewer because they spawn in warm ocean water. Fewer hurricanes means the ocean is too cool to former a hurricane. The opposite of global warming. They call it climate change because of cooling.
Tucker nails it yet again.

The left are a religious cult and have made Climate Change their state religion.

Lol, yep we pray to climate change. Hilarious you are a retard. Yep, Good old Tucker the ducker Carlson. The guy that said no reasonable person would believe him as a defense in court. Hilarious.
Carlson is an idiot. The left don't believe in climate change we accept it as a scientific fact. It's you denying Chumps who have to believe in what's not happening.

Difference is the right is aware climate change exists, because it has for billions of years. It's you guys who lie about it so certain interests can acquire wealth.
Difference is the right is aware climate change exists, because it has for billions of years. It's you guys who lie about it so certain interests can acquire wealth.

And power, mostly it's about the power.
You don't understand this.......nothing the cult has predicted has come true.....

If you don't believe that, then look at the series of charts below, which are taken from government sites, that depict trends in hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts and wildfires — all of which should be, according to environmentalists, on the uptrend.

What do you see in these charts. There is no trend in any of them.
Look at the data on drought conditions, from the EPA. There is no meaningful increase from 1900 to 2016. In fact, the past decade has been relatively mild on the drought front, with several years below average.

The same is true when it comes to tornadoes. The number of tornadoes in 2014 was below the number in 1954, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association data show. Indeed, the trend line seems to indicate that tornado activity has been lower since the mid-1980s than it was in three decades before that.

What about hurricanes? Yes, this year was a bad one in terms of the number and damage caused by hurricanes. But these storms came after years of lower than normal hurricane activity, both in the Atlantic and in the Pacific. NOAA data show the annual Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) in each region going back to 1970.

Your data is for only 25 years here try the last 100 years.

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