The Republic is saved! reparations for African descendants of slaves has passed the California Assembly

" A proposal to establish a task force to study and prepare recommendations for how to give reparations to African Americans passed the California Assembly on Thursday. "

Wake me when there is some real action about to happen.
You obviously need to hurry up and get there, where you don't miss out on those reparations from a bunch of folks (and a state) that never had slaves!!!!:itsok:

You obviously need to reexamine the myths you have been told and neglected to research.

"California’s proslavery Democrats passed a fugitive slave law in 1852 that vitiated the state's constitutional prohibition against enslavement. It allowed whites to keep slaves they had already brought into California as long as they eventually transported them back to the South. The state thus treated escaped slaves as fugitives to be forcibly returned into bondage. "
Damn, boy...

You must have slipped up there...

California’s proslavery Democrats passed a fugitive slave law in 1852 that vitiated the state's constitutional prohibition against enslavement. It allowed whites to keep slaves they had already brought into California as long as they eventually transported them back to the South. The state thus treated escaped slaves as fugitives to be forcibly returned into bondage. "

So you finally admitted that the DEMOCRATS (the party YOU SUPPORT) was PROSLAVERY!!!

Does this mean that you owe yourself reparations???

Who told you I slipped up or that I was a dem?

Damn you people always have your hand out for someone else's money. Take note, I used an apostrophe, see how that works?
You must be a retard if you think back pay is someone elses money.
What did you do for me that entitles you to get paid by me?
You wouldnt be able to afford my professional skills so I have no clue what youre talking about.
So now you're playing stupid? That's the kind of quality arguments I expect from a supporter of reparations.
No. I'm trying to avoid your stupidity. Why did you ask me that stupid ass question? You know good and well you cant afford to pay me anything.
Pretending you didn't get the point only makes you look stupid.
You have no point. I cant help it that you are too ignorant to realize that.
You aren't fooling anyone, moron.
I promise I wasnt trying to fool you idiot. Youre already too confused as it is.
Bripat is a Canadian, he already has a frog problem.
Would they stop destroying our cities, rioting, looting and calling us racist if we gave them a million bucks a piece? We shouldn't give it freely without a deal.
Bullshit. Reparations is for the centuries of back wages. You have no bargaining power. You just pay what the fuck you owe and call it even.
How about get fucked and fuck off! How ya feel about that?
I can have sex with a woman later. Right now we are talking about reparations.
About get not a damn thing. Now go on about your business. Bitch
I already pointed out that whites hate honoring their debts so I have never believed that they would pay reparations. Bitch.
I always pay my debts, boy. Are you you saying I owe you? I have just the thing..
You dont have shit so no. The US owes me my ancestors back wages.
I'd like to pay you fr them, everything you're owed.

All X grains of it, you fucking turd!

"I'd like to pay you fr them, everything you're owed."

You dont have enough money but thanks for the gesture.
I certainly have enough powder and lead, you fucking piece of shit. That's all you deserve.
So is asslips ready for payment or what? My powder measure is ready, bitch!
You're gonna get everything you're owed, and then some!
" A proposal to establish a task force to study and prepare recommendations for how to give reparations to African Americans passed the California Assembly on Thursday. "

Wake me when there is some real action about to happen.
You obviously need to hurry up and get there, where you don't miss out on those reparations from a bunch of folks (and a state) that never had slaves!!!!:itsok:

You obviously need to reexamine the myths you have been told and neglected to research.

"California’s proslavery Democrats passed a fugitive slave law in 1852 that vitiated the state's constitutional prohibition against enslavement. It allowed whites to keep slaves they had already brought into California as long as they eventually transported them back to the South. The state thus treated escaped slaves as fugitives to be forcibly returned into bondage. "
Damn, boy...

You must have slipped up there...

California’s proslavery Democrats passed a fugitive slave law in 1852 that vitiated the state's constitutional prohibition against enslavement. It allowed whites to keep slaves they had already brought into California as long as they eventually transported them back to the South. The state thus treated escaped slaves as fugitives to be forcibly returned into bondage. "

So you finally admitted that the DEMOCRATS (the party YOU SUPPORT) was PROSLAVERY!!!

Does this mean that you owe yourself reparations???

Who told you I slipped up or that I was a dem?

Damn you people always have your hand out for someone else's money. Take note, I used an apostrophe, see how that works?
You must be a retard if you think back pay is someone elses money.
What did you do for me that entitles you to get paid by me?
You wouldnt be able to afford my professional skills so I have no clue what youre talking about.
So now you're playing stupid? That's the kind of quality arguments I expect from a supporter of reparations.
No. I'm trying to avoid your stupidity. Why did you ask me that stupid ass question? You know good and well you cant afford to pay me anything.
Pretending you didn't get the point only makes you look stupid.
You have no point. I cant help it that you are too ignorant to realize that.
You aren't fooling anyone, moron.
I promise I wasnt trying to fool you idiot. Youre already too confused as it is.
Bripat is a Canadian, he already has a frog problem.

You ignorant unAmerican pukes keep saying that but every Beaner I see works for barely legal cousin Gustavo’s tire repair shop or carniceria.
Liberals want us all to believe that we once had slavery in this country. It has been a fake conspiracy for over 200 years, just like Fake News that been covering up the hidden truth all these years. Blacks people that came here were illegal aliens, and liberals started the Civil War claiming blacks people were so-called "slaves" when in fact they were illegal aliens and mostly all criminals who rape white women and their teenage daughters. They invaded the south and Southerners were just protecting themselves and their guns rights from liberals that lived in the north. The liberals wanted to give Blacks full American citizenship and take away the guns from the south, hoping the blacks would take over the Southern states. Well, we didn't let it happen. The South did not loose the Civil War, the war came to an end when a truce was signed by both the North and South, but the Fake News has covered it all up ever since... Donald Trump has promised to declassify the top secret documents exposing the truth. He plans on doing it real soon, so soon you won't believe it.
Umm ^ Yeah that's all bullshit from some foreign entity. But umm..fuck you if you want reparations. I got 1100 fps reparations, or 2700 fps for ya, do you really want that? If you really want these reparations, which do you prefer?
I definitely have them for you, you piece of shit.
Get a job, you fuck! You don't want my reparations, I'll kill your POS ass, you worthless fuck!

Yet another Liberal that we can do without. Where I come from, we'd have a great time showing you historic sites and how we deal with whining liberals that come passing through thinking they can tell us how to run things.

God Bless American and Donald Trump.
Liberals want us all to believe that we once had slavery in this country. It has been a fake conspiracy for over 200 years, just like Fake News that been covering up the hidden truth all these years. Blacks people that came here were illegal aliens, and liberals started the Civil War claiming blacks people were so-called "slaves" when in fact they were illegal aliens and mostly all criminals who rape white women and their teenage daughters. They invaded the south and Southerners were just protecting themselves and their guns rights from liberals that lived in the north. The liberals wanted to give Blacks full American citizenship and take away the guns from the south, hoping the blacks would take over the Southern states. Well, we didn't let it happen. The South did not loose the Civil War, the war came to an end when a truce was signed by both the North and South, but the Fake News has covered it all up ever since... Donald Trump has promised to declassify the top secret documents exposing the truth. He plans on doing it real soon, so soon you won't believe it.
Umm ^ Yeah that's all bullshit from some foreign entity. But umm..fuck you if you want reparations. I got 1100 fps reparations, or 2700 fps for ya, do you really want that? If you really want these reparations, which do you prefer?
I definitely have them for you, you piece of shit.
Get a job, you fuck! You don't want my reparations, I'll kill your POS ass, you worthless fuck!

Yet another Liberal that we can do without. Where I come from, we'd have a great time showing you historic sites and how we deal with whining liberals that come passing through thinking they can tell us how to run things.

God Bless American and Donald Trump.
Fuck Drumpf. That hyena shit stain shouldn't be blessed.
Liberals want us all to believe that we once had slavery in this country. It has been a fake conspiracy for over 200 years, just like Fake News that been covering up the hidden truth all these years. Blacks people that came here were illegal aliens, and liberals started the Civil War claiming blacks people were so-called "slaves" when in fact they were illegal aliens and mostly all criminals who rape white women and their teenage daughters. They invaded the south and Southerners were just protecting themselves and their guns rights from liberals that lived in the north. The liberals wanted to give Blacks full American citizenship and take away the guns from the south, hoping the blacks would take over the Southern states. Well, we didn't let it happen. The South did not loose the Civil War, the war came to an end when a truce was signed by both the North and South, but the Fake News has covered it all up ever since... Donald Trump has promised to declassify the top secret documents exposing the truth. He plans on doing it real soon, so soon you won't believe it.
Umm ^ Yeah that's all bullshit from some foreign entity. But umm..fuck you if you want reparations. I got 1100 fps reparations, or 2700 fps for ya, do you really want that? If you really want these reparations, which do you prefer?
I definitely have them for you, you piece of shit.
Get a job, you fuck! You don't want my reparations, I'll kill your POS ass, you worthless fuck!

Yet another Liberal that we can do without. Where I come from, we'd have a great time showing you historic sites and how we deal with whining liberals that come passing through thinking they can tell us how to run things.

God Bless American and Donald Trump.
Fuck Drumpf. That hyena shit stain shouldn't be blessed.

The Great Donald Trump, is the smartest man to fuck over half of America, and just wait until he gets re-elected and does it all over again!

When you win, you don't shake the hand of the loser, you kick their ass again!
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Liberals want us all to believe that we once had slavery in this country. It has been a fake conspiracy for over 200 years, just like Fake News that been covering up the hidden truth all these years. Blacks people that came here were illegal aliens, and liberals started the Civil War claiming blacks people were so-called "slaves" when in fact they were illegal aliens and mostly all criminals who rape white women and their teenage daughters. They invaded the south and Southerners were just protecting themselves and their guns rights from liberals that lived in the north. The liberals wanted to give Blacks full American citizenship and take away the guns from the south, hoping the blacks would take over the Southern states. Well, we didn't let it happen. The South did not loose the Civil War, the war came to an end when a truce was signed by both the North and South, but the Fake News has covered it all up ever since... Donald Trump has promised to declassify the top secret documents exposing the truth. He plans on doing it real soon, so soon you won't believe it.
Umm ^ Yeah that's all bullshit from some foreign entity. But umm..fuck you if you want reparations. I got 1100 fps reparations, or 2700 fps for ya, do you really want that? If you really want these reparations, which do you prefer?
I definitely have them for you, you piece of shit.
Get a job, you fuck! You don't want my reparations, I'll kill your POS ass, you worthless fuck!

Yet another Liberal that we can do without. Where I come from, we'd have a great time showing you historic sites and how we deal with whining liberals that come passing through thinking they can tell us how to run things.

God Bless American and Donald Trump.
Fuck Drumpf. That hyena shit stain shouldn't be blessed.

The Great Donald Trump, is the smartest man to fuck over half of America, and just wait until he gets elected and does it all over again!
The only people Drumpf has fucked over are the idiots that think he is smart. When he goes down in a landslide defeat I wont rub your nose in it.
Yep. Back pay. If not for Black people you would living in a failed european penal colony.
So would you, but you would be getting slaughtered by the thin-nosed guys or some other brutal abuse, and speaking in clicks.

We can play that game all day.

No I wouldnt. If Black people were never brought to the US I would be in Africa and part of one of many great dynasties.

Actually, if you are in fact a descendant of slaves in the US, you would not even exist in your if/then scenario. That does not condone or justify anything at all, it is just a fact.
Liberals want us all to believe that we once had slavery in this country. It has been a fake conspiracy for over 200 years, just like Fake News that been covering up the hidden truth all these years. Blacks people that came here were illegal aliens, and liberals started the Civil War claiming blacks people were so-called "slaves" when in fact they were illegal aliens and mostly all criminals who rape white women and their teenage daughters. They invaded the south and Southerners were just protecting themselves and their guns rights from liberals that lived in the north. The liberals wanted to give Blacks full American citizenship and take away the guns from the south, hoping the blacks would take over the Southern states. Well, we didn't let it happen. The South did not loose the Civil War, the war came to an end when a truce was signed by both the North and South, but the Fake News has covered it all up ever since... Donald Trump has promised to declassify the top secret documents exposing the truth. He plans on doing it real soon, so soon you won't believe it.
Umm ^ Yeah that's all bullshit from some foreign entity. But umm..fuck you if you want reparations. I got 1100 fps reparations, or 2700 fps for ya, do you really want that? If you really want these reparations, which do you prefer?
I definitely have them for you, you piece of shit.
Get a job, you fuck! You don't want my reparations, I'll kill your POS ass, you worthless fuck!

Yet another Liberal that we can do without. Where I come from, we'd have a great time showing you historic sites and how we deal with whining liberals that come passing through thinking they can tell us how to run things.

God Bless American and Donald Trump.
Fuck Drumpf. That hyena shit stain shouldn't be blessed.

The Great Donald Trump, is the smartest man to fuck over half of America, and just wait until he gets elected and does it all over again!
The only people Drumpf has fucked over are the idiots that think he is smart. When he goes down in a landslide defeat I wont rub your nose in it.

Donald Trump is far too smart to let a landslide stand in his way. Do you really think he is ever going to leave office before he decides to retire? And take a guess who he elects to be the next president after him? President Jared Kushner or Maybe Don Jr.
" A proposal to establish a task force to study and prepare recommendations for how to give reparations to African Americans passed the California Assembly on Thursday. "

Wake me when there is some real action about to happen.
You obviously need to hurry up and get there, where you don't miss out on those reparations from a bunch of folks (and a state) that never had slaves!!!!:itsok:

You obviously need to reexamine the myths you have been told and neglected to research.

"California’s proslavery Democrats passed a fugitive slave law in 1852 that vitiated the state's constitutional prohibition against enslavement. It allowed whites to keep slaves they had already brought into California as long as they eventually transported them back to the South. The state thus treated escaped slaves as fugitives to be forcibly returned into bondage. "
Damn, boy...

You must have slipped up there...

California’s proslavery Democrats passed a fugitive slave law in 1852 that vitiated the state's constitutional prohibition against enslavement. It allowed whites to keep slaves they had already brought into California as long as they eventually transported them back to the South. The state thus treated escaped slaves as fugitives to be forcibly returned into bondage. "

So you finally admitted that the DEMOCRATS (the party YOU SUPPORT) was PROSLAVERY!!!

Does this mean that you owe yourself reparations???

Who told you I slipped up or that I was a dem?

Damn you people always have your hand out for someone else's money. Take note, I used an apostrophe, see how that works?
You must be a retard if you think back pay is someone elses money.
What did you do for me that entitles you to get paid by me?
You wouldnt be able to afford my professional skills so I have no clue what youre talking about.
So now you're playing stupid? That's the kind of quality arguments I expect from a supporter of reparations.
No. I'm trying to avoid your stupidity. Why did you ask me that stupid ass question? You know good and well you cant afford to pay me anything.
Pretending you didn't get the point only makes you look stupid.
You have no point. I cant help it that you are too ignorant to realize that.
You aren't fooling anyone, moron.
I promise I wasnt trying to fool you idiot. Youre already too confused as it is.
You aren't fooling anyone, moron.
" A proposal to establish a task force to study and prepare recommendations for how to give reparations to African Americans passed the California Assembly on Thursday. "

Wake me when there is some real action about to happen.
You obviously need to hurry up and get there, where you don't miss out on those reparations from a bunch of folks (and a state) that never had slaves!!!!:itsok:

You obviously need to reexamine the myths you have been told and neglected to research.

"California’s proslavery Democrats passed a fugitive slave law in 1852 that vitiated the state's constitutional prohibition against enslavement. It allowed whites to keep slaves they had already brought into California as long as they eventually transported them back to the South. The state thus treated escaped slaves as fugitives to be forcibly returned into bondage. "
Damn, boy...

You must have slipped up there...

California’s proslavery Democrats passed a fugitive slave law in 1852 that vitiated the state's constitutional prohibition against enslavement. It allowed whites to keep slaves they had already brought into California as long as they eventually transported them back to the South. The state thus treated escaped slaves as fugitives to be forcibly returned into bondage. "

So you finally admitted that the DEMOCRATS (the party YOU SUPPORT) was PROSLAVERY!!!

Does this mean that you owe yourself reparations???

Who told you I slipped up or that I was a dem?

Damn you people always have your hand out for someone else's money. Take note, I used an apostrophe, see how that works?
You must be a retard if you think back pay is someone elses money.

Back pay? That's a new one. Fuck off thief.
Yep. Back pay. If not for Black people you would living in a failed european penal colony.

Talk about needing to study some history.

That's AUSTRALIA, you boob.
I have lived in California for my 83 years.

If the powers-that-be feel that ethnicity X is owed reparations, then it is only fair to give reparations to the Chinese and the Japanese, too.

The Chinese were so feared by early Californians that anti-Chinese laws were actually written into the state constitution.

When I was in secondary school in the 1950s, the voters were asked to repeal the constitutional provision that forbade Chinese to own land. It did pass, but there were still some voters who voted "No."

Also here in Los Angeles around the 1850s, about a dozen Chinese were lynched.

Of course, we all know about the 100,000 California Japanese who were rounded up during World War II and sent to relocation camps.
Of course, we all know about the 100,000 California Japanese who were rounded up during World War II and sent to relocation camps.

I think you need to do some REAL investigation into the real facts, Japanese relocation camps during WWII is Fake News. It never happened, but liberals and Japanese have convinced the Fake News that did happen. There were no concentration camps in Germany either. Those camps were just hollywood movie sets.
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Newsom must sign asap!

/——/ Correct me if I’m wrong, but California was not even a state when slavery was abolished. What are they reparating?

Nancy Pelosi's re-election.
And any other voters they can pander to.
" A proposal to establish a task force to study and prepare recommendations for how to give reparations to African Americans passed the California Assembly on Thursday. "

Wake me when there is some real action about to happen.
You obviously need to hurry up and get there, where you don't miss out on those reparations from a bunch of folks (and a state) that never had slaves!!!!:itsok:

You obviously need to reexamine the myths you have been told and neglected to research.

"California’s proslavery Democrats passed a fugitive slave law in 1852 that vitiated the state's constitutional prohibition against enslavement. It allowed whites to keep slaves they had already brought into California as long as they eventually transported them back to the South. The state thus treated escaped slaves as fugitives to be forcibly returned into bondage. "
Damn, boy...

You must have slipped up there...

California’s proslavery Democrats passed a fugitive slave law in 1852 that vitiated the state's constitutional prohibition against enslavement. It allowed whites to keep slaves they had already brought into California as long as they eventually transported them back to the South. The state thus treated escaped slaves as fugitives to be forcibly returned into bondage. "

So you finally admitted that the DEMOCRATS (the party YOU SUPPORT) was PROSLAVERY!!!

Does this mean that you owe yourself reparations???

Who told you I slipped up or that I was a dem?

Damn you people always have your hand out for someone else's money. Take note, I used an apostrophe, see how that works?
You must be a retard if you think back pay is someone elses money.

Back pay? That's a new one. Fuck off thief.
Yep. Back pay. If not for Black people you would living in a failed european penal colony.

You'll get nothing and and you'll deal with it.

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