The Republic is saved! reparations for African descendants of slaves has passed the California Assembly

So White people that never owned slaves are going to be taxed and the money given to Blacks that were never slaves? LOL! Stupid Moon Bats!

No wonder White productive people are leaving the state.
You realize that this bill does not actually fund reparations or even establish future reparations payments, right? The bill merely authorizes the creation of a commission to study the issue and make recommendations. You realize this, right?
" A proposal to establish a task force to study and prepare recommendations for how to give reparations to African Americans passed the California Assembly on Thursday. "

Wake me when there is some real action about to happen.
You obviously need to hurry up and get there, where you don't miss out on those reparations from a bunch of folks (and a state) that never had slaves!!!!:itsok:

You obviously need to reexamine the myths you have been told and neglected to research.

"California’s proslavery Democrats passed a fugitive slave law in 1852 that vitiated the state's constitutional prohibition against enslavement. It allowed whites to keep slaves they had already brought into California as long as they eventually transported them back to the South. The state thus treated escaped slaves as fugitives to be forcibly returned into bondage. "
Damn, boy...

You must have slipped up there...

California’s proslavery Democrats passed a fugitive slave law in 1852 that vitiated the state's constitutional prohibition against enslavement. It allowed whites to keep slaves they had already brought into California as long as they eventually transported them back to the South. The state thus treated escaped slaves as fugitives to be forcibly returned into bondage. "

So you finally admitted that the DEMOCRATS (the party YOU SUPPORT) was PROSLAVERY!!!

Does this mean that you owe yourself reparations???

Who told you I slipped up or that I was a dem?

Damn you people always have your hand out for someone else's money. Take note, I used an apostrophe, see how that works?
You must be a retard if you think back pay is someone elses money.
What did you do for me that entitles you to get paid by me?
You wouldnt be able to afford my professional skills so I have no clue what youre talking about.
So now you're playing stupid? That's the kind of quality arguments I expect from a supporter of reparations.
No. I'm trying to avoid your stupidity. Why did you ask me that stupid ass question? You know good and well you cant afford to pay me anything.
Pretending you didn't get the point only makes you look stupid.
You have no point. I cant help it that you are too ignorant to realize that.
You aren't fooling anyone, moron.
I promise I wasnt trying to fool you idiot. Youre already too confused as it is.
Bripat is a Canadian, he already has a frog problem.

You ignorant unAmerican pukes keep saying that but every Beaner I see works for barely legal cousin Gustavo’s tire repair shop or carniceria.
The reality is the largest employer of illegals is Corporate America.

One of the companies raided was Peco Foods. The CFO is Patrick Nolan. That name doesn't sound "beaner" to me.
" A proposal to establish a task force to study and prepare recommendations for how to give reparations to African Americans passed the California Assembly on Thursday. "

Wake me when there is some real action about to happen.
You obviously need to hurry up and get there, where you don't miss out on those reparations from a bunch of folks (and a state) that never had slaves!!!!:itsok:

You obviously need to reexamine the myths you have been told and neglected to research.

"California’s proslavery Democrats passed a fugitive slave law in 1852 that vitiated the state's constitutional prohibition against enslavement. It allowed whites to keep slaves they had already brought into California as long as they eventually transported them back to the South. The state thus treated escaped slaves as fugitives to be forcibly returned into bondage. "
Damn, boy...

You must have slipped up there...

California’s proslavery Democrats passed a fugitive slave law in 1852 that vitiated the state's constitutional prohibition against enslavement. It allowed whites to keep slaves they had already brought into California as long as they eventually transported them back to the South. The state thus treated escaped slaves as fugitives to be forcibly returned into bondage. "

So you finally admitted that the DEMOCRATS (the party YOU SUPPORT) was PROSLAVERY!!!

Does this mean that you owe yourself reparations???

Who told you I slipped up or that I was a dem?

Damn you people always have your hand out for someone else's money. Take note, I used an apostrophe, see how that works?
You must be a retard if you think back pay is someone elses money.
What did you do for me that entitles you to get paid by me?
You wouldnt be able to afford my professional skills so I have no clue what youre talking about.
So now you're playing stupid? That's the kind of quality arguments I expect from a supporter of reparations.
No. I'm trying to avoid your stupidity. Why did you ask me that stupid ass question? You know good and well you cant afford to pay me anything.
Pretending you didn't get the point only makes you look stupid.
You have no point. I cant help it that you are too ignorant to realize that.
You aren't fooling anyone, moron.
I promise I wasnt trying to fool you idiot. Youre already too confused as it is.
You aren't fooling anyone, moron.
Neither are you, commie.
Newsom must sign asap!

Absurd, even by California standards.

Aside from the more general facts that nobody is still alive who had any part in the slave trade, either as a victim or as a perpetrator, none of this ever took place under California's jurisdiction.

There is absolutely no rational reason for California's government to address the issue at all.
Newsom must sign asap!

Absurd, even by California standards.

Aside from the more general facts that nobody is still alive who had any part in the slave trade, either as a victim or as a perpetrator, none of this ever took place under California's jurisdiction.

There is absolutely no rational reason for California's government to address the issue at all.
Actually it did happen under CA's jurisdiction. I posted the proof in the thread.
So will the Mormons get back,
Nauvoo Illinois,
Kirtland , Ohio and
Independence Missouri?

It's something that comes to my mind, whenever the issue of “reparations” for blacks, comes up.

No one is still alive who had any direct part either in what was done to blacks, in the form of slavery, or in what was done to Mormons, including my ancestors.

How is anyone alive today, affected by these past events? In the case of black Americans, they get to live here, in the United States, instead of being back in Africa from where their ancestors were taken. To any who think that they are harmed by this, I would support “reparations” in the form of giving each a one-way ticket to any nation in Africa that will have them, to giving them whatever legal assistance is needed to establish their citizenship there, and i revoking their American citizenship. That would, indeed, be the truest form of reparation, making it as much as possible for the affected person as if the wrong don to his ancestors had never happened.

Think there'd be any takers? However bad any blacks think they may have it here, do you think there's anywhere in Africa where their lives could be better?

As for me, if enough investigation was done,it's very possible that some properties could be located back in Illinois, Missouri, Ohio, or other places from which my Mormon ancestors were driven, which once belonged to my ancestors, which they were forced to leave behind, and which fell into the hands of those responsible for the crimes committed against them. Some of these properties may now be in the hands of descendants of the criminals who persecuted my ancestors.

I think a better case could be made for reparations for me, than for black Americans. Somewhere out there, may be land or antique items of value, now owned by descendants of those who stole them from my ancestors, which it could be rationally argued should more rightfully belong to me, as a descendant of those from whom they were stolen. A case could truly be made that I should receive reparations, either in the return of these properties to me, or else monetary compensation for their value, from those who now possess these stolen properties.
No I wouldnt. If Black people were never brought to the US I would be in Africa and part of one of many great dynasties.

What great Dynasties are there in Africa, for you to be apart of?

And what makes you think, as you appear to think, that you'd be among the ruling class in any such dynasty, rather than a lowly serf/subject?
I am all for reparations to any slaves still alive paid by any slave owners still alive. America had slavery for 78 yrs not 400.
Newsom must sign asap!

Absurd, even by California standards.

Aside from the more general facts that nobody is still alive who had any part in the slave trade, either as a victim or as a perpetrator, none of this ever took place under California's jurisdiction.

There is absolutely no rational reason for California's government to address the issue at all.
Actually it did happen under CA's jurisdiction. I posted the proof in the thread.

Unfortunately they are broke.

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