The Republican Congress finally does something

The crime rate could be zero if we legalized all crimes. There would be no arrests and the prisons would be empty.
Sort of what they were going for in Parkland FL (and elsewhere) with all those fine young men and women who weren't arrested and given a record for such trivial things as knocking their mother's teeth out, holding a gun to mother's head, psychotic homicidal threats their HS's. Sheriff Israel has it all figured out... good for getting $$ from the various programs set up to reward "drops in crime"....
We have turned a victimless crime into a cash cow for prison construction
Well I wouldn’t say “victimless”. People strung out do commit armed robbery and murders for their next “fix”. And many do O.D. But at the end of the day, taking out an entire empire of really evil criminals is the lesser of two evils. The regulations and taxes are and additional plus.
Armed robbery and murder are crimes on their own
If you commit one of those crimes, you belong in jail

Drugs? Not so much

Actually you hit an interesting point. Should we try to deter activity that often leads to crimes even if the activity itself is not necessarily a crime? What is an acceptable level of crime associated with an activity such as doing drugs. Many people can take drugs recreational and never commit a crime other than the buying and consumption of the drug itself. But what other crime can be caused by making the drug illegal? With drugs generally illegal and unregulated, we get murder over territory for example. If legal, users may continue to steal to feed their habit just as they do when it’s illegal.

But legalization does serve as somewhat of an endorsement or enticement of use. I don’t know.....some drugs are worse than others. Cocaine, heroine, etc are really bad for you, highly addictive (sniff, sniff) and the majority of people can not be functional while addicted to them.

Ok, you can smoke pot, no coke, crack or heroine, and will somebody please get big pharma to stop pushing pain killers?

Maybe someone should tell people that life was never intended to be lived pain free. Pain is simply a symptom of life. Of course there are some conditions that require medication, but not near as many as people think.


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