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The Republican Party (aka Republicrat) Has Become The War Party (aka Demopublican)

Demopublicans, Republicrats- two sides(?) of the same coin- Jefferson, (as in Thomas), believed that virtuous men had to be elected to office in order for the experiment to work as desired- as far as I'm concerned there hasn't been a man of honor (never mind virtue) in the District of Criminals since Davy Crockett left that shit hole.
could not have said it better myself :thankusmile: :yes_text12::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
You my man are making way too much sense for dragonlady to comprehend that you will fry her brain with logic and truth so much tearing down her myth on the demopublicans,she will have a heart attack and have to go into intensive care soon the truth will hurt her so much like a brick of stones:lmao::auiqs.jpg:
That's a partial statement of your national situation, and there's some huge glaring fallacies which must be addressed.

1. Corporations are resources for people, not the other way around. Every other nation acknowledges that, but over the past 40 years, the Republican Party has stood this on its head, so that people now serve corporations. And that is the primary situation that needs to be addressed as an overall.

Americans have been brainwashed by Wall Street and big business into believing you'd be nothing without them. Just like you've been brainwashed into thinking that your for profit healthcare system is the best system in the world. The greatest economy in the world.

These are lies. The greatest economies in the world take care of their people first. Their people are the healthiest, the happiest, and the most productive. Our economies work for EVERYONE, our people, our corporations, and our economy.
Indeed. Which fallacy would you like to start on from your list? We can begin with "every other nation" and go from there. Following that, what have Democrats done to thwart what you claim Republicans have done? Then we can move onto Brainwashing which leads to Public Education infested/infected with unions. Who most supports unions? Now, lets go to health Care for "profit". How does one, anyone, stay in business without profit? Then we can go to "greatest economies in the world"- and start that one with; "greatest" is subjective. After that, I'd challenge you (or anyone else) to list examples of what other "great economy" lifted so many out of poverty? Economies work best when not controlled from a central entity, ala the fed reserve and it's cronies in the District of Criminals.

This link *might* interest you- although I doubt that, I'll put it here for your edification and remind you that Demopublicans and Republicrats subscribe to the same fiscal (monetary) policy, which is Neocon (ala Richard Nixon in its beginnings) which is a "Top Down" Keynesean model designed for a Monarchy, aka, Great Britain-yet, idiots rage at how corrupt capitalism is, when in truth, our Keynesean/crony capitalist "system" favors corruption of the law writers = top down. BOTH subscribe to Borrow to Buy Votes.

The Republican Party has become the war party. These conservatives, supposedly committed to the American republic, based on individual liberty and limited government, advocate that the U.S. should make every foreign crisis America’s own, defend every rich friend, engage in nation-building everywhere, turn policy over to politically influential allies, dictate to great powers, and make new enemies at every turn.

At least that is the policy advocated by the Republican Study Committee (RSC), the conservative voice within the House Republican caucus, in its embarrassing new screed “Strengthening America & Countering Global Threats.” With the U.S. beset by crises at home, these self-styled conservatives would divert American attention, waste valuable resources, and sacrifice precious lives to engage in counterproductive social engineering abroad.

The RSC declares its lack of seriousness in the paper’s introduction. It believes the fount of all the world’s ills is the Obama administration. There is much to criticize in the latter, but it followed a true horror show, the big-spending war-mongering Bush administration. And then against Barack Obama in 2008 the GOP nominated John McCain, who never found a war he did not want America to fight and in the midst of a financial crisis admitted his economic ignorance.

Opined the RSC: “For eight years, President Obama’s failed policies allowed our greatest adversaries to grow stronger while weakening America’s position as the world’s preeminent power. During this time, Communist China and Russia went completely unchecked, Iran was gifted a plane full of cash, jihadist groups such as ISIS were casually dismissed as the ‘JV squad,’ key allies were offended, foreign aid and United Nations dues failed to advance U.S. interests, and America behaved sheepishly on the world stage.”

Drivel and nonsense.

I agree with your point of view to a great extent, not surprisingly, being an independent, I laugh at the BS from both sides, and the BS is as deep as it is wide. I also liked your use of the phrase "these self-styled conservatives", as there is really very little conservative about that party anymore and a lot more self-styling. I miss real conservative thought processes in the main stream.

IMHO the battle-lines are no longer just liberal-conservative, but there are many more now, such as:
populist vs globalist (Wall Street & K-Street moving factories to China vs bringing jobs back to the US)
Culture wars (real history or revisionist history? Were the Founding Fathers heroes or all racists? antifa vs ??? Confederate statues are all bad??)
Race wars (why can't blacks get those high paying jobs? Why are so many blacks criminals??)
Men vs women (why can't women break the glass ceilings?)
LGBTQ wars (another fucking protected class??)
Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice (better battles than Sunni vs Shia, just ask Kavanaugh)
Class warfare (the top 1% own 90% of everything and are still getting richer?? Bloomberg stepped in it on stage)
Unions vs right to work non-union (teachers vs charter schools, etc.)
Any more? Politicians need to pick and choose

You missed the most important question of the age for your nation.

Are the people the merely the tool of the corporate establishment, or do the people matter? Are you governing for the people or for the corporations? Everything other question flows from this primary question.
That's actually a trickier question than you think.
Without a massive economy the government can't afford anything, no entitlements, no military, no tax base, not much of anything.
So the Wall Street corporate establishment uses every tool it can muster to make money, especially buying politicians who write laws.
Politicians are generally lawyers who need lots of money to run for office. Hence, CEOs buy pols and pols do what CEOs tell them to do.
The other important arm of the corporate establishment is the MSM, which sways public opinion to their will, except for FXN.

To answer your questions:
1. Yes the people are just a resource for Corporations, with their talent, skill sets, ideas, productivity, and company loyalty are what make Corporations function. Unions are generally a hindrance to corporations.

2. Pols govern for BOTH people and corporations to various degrees. You need to distinguish between the top 1% of people who own 90% of everything and the working class. The people with no talent, no skill sets, or no ambition are called "homeless".

3. Successful corporations, Apple, FB, Netflix, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Exxon, as examples blend politics and taking care of their workers and investors. Its actually an art form.

That not an answer to the question. That's a partial statement of your national situation, and there's some huge glaring fallacies which must be addressed.

1. Corporations are resources for people, not the other way around. Every other nation acknowledges that, but over the past 40 years, the Republican Party has stood this on its head, so that people now serve corporations. And that is the primary situation that needs to be addressed as an overall.

Americans have been brainwashed by Wall Street and big business into believing you'd be nothing without them. Just like you've been brainwashed into thinking that your for profit healthcare system is the best system in the world. The greatest economy in the world.

These are lies. The greatest economies in the world take care of their people first. Their people are the healthiest, the happiest, and the most productive. Our economies work for EVERYONE, our people, our corporations, and our economy.

It's not an either/or proposition. The USA has suffered from bad governance for a long, long, time now. You either work together and start putting people first, and break up the toxic corporations, which don't pay a living wage, and keep their workers in virtual slavery.

The corporations are not taking care of their people. That's not their purpose. Their purpose is to make as much money as possible for their shareholders. To that end, reducing worker costs helps that goal, while increasing wages and benefits actually violates the whole point of the corporate governance, which requires the officers to maximize profits to the benefit of the owners.

The American middle class are paying taxes to support their wage and benefits shortfalls over the actual costs of living, while their huge corporations make hundreds of millions of dollars. More than enough to ensure health care, quality free education and infrastructure for all.

It is time to pay working people their due. Homeless people are now white collar workers who are so poorly paid they can't afford rent. They're not uneducated, unemployed or unskilled. Nor are they unmotivated. Their wages haven't kept pace with inflation.

Take care of the people first and the stock holders last. McDonald's, Walmart, and Amazon are NOT taking care of their workers, because the government does their bidding and cuts their taxes. Force corporations to pay a living wage.

The Mainstream Media is far less biased, and far more factual than right wing media, all of which is privately owned by right wing billionaires who are reaping billions of dollars of tax cuts keeping Republicans in power, and who know that their gravy train will end and they'll have to start paying real taxes if the Republican house of economic cards crashes one too many time.

The MSM is all owned by publicly traded corporations who have to answer to their Boards of Directors and their shareholders. ABC is owned by The Disney Company and is answerable to its Board and shareholders. Such is not the case with FOX, Sinclair, Breitbart, or other right wing outlets.

Your diatribe is written from the perspective of a socialist or communist, not a capitalist.
Here are the global economies' GDPs for 2019:

Converting the GDP into $/person we get the following:
USA $64,650
China $980
Japan $41,100
Germany $46,540
India $2,100
UK $39,780
Canada $45,056

So which country has a better economic system than the US?
Look at the government's Budgets, especially defense.
Here they are in case you're wondering:

The NATO commitment to defense spending is 2%. Look who is meeting their commitment and who is not.
The US is currently providing 70% of NATO's military spending. You're welcome.
That's a partial statement of your national situation, and there's some huge glaring fallacies which must be addressed.

1. Corporations are resources for people, not the other way around. Every other nation acknowledges that, but over the past 40 years, the Republican Party has stood this on its head, so that people now serve corporations. And that is the primary situation that needs to be addressed as an overall.

Americans have been brainwashed by Wall Street and big business into believing you'd be nothing without them. Just like you've been brainwashed into thinking that your for profit healthcare system is the best system in the world. The greatest economy in the world.

These are lies. The greatest economies in the world take care of their people first. Their people are the healthiest, the happiest, and the most productive. Our economies work for EVERYONE, our people, our corporations, and our economy.
Indeed. Which fallacy would you like to start on from your list? We can begin with "every other nation" and go from there. Following that, what have Democrats done to thwart what you claim Republicans have done? Then we can move onto Brainwashing which leads to Public Education infested/infected with unions. Who most supports unions? Now, lets go to health Care for "profit". How does one, anyone, stay in business without profit? Then we can go to "greatest economies in the world"- and start that one with; "greatest" is subjective. After that, I'd challenge you (or anyone else) to list examples of what other "great economy" lifted so many out of poverty? Economies work best when not controlled from a central entity, ala the fed reserve and it's cronies in the District of Criminals.

This link *might* interest you- although I doubt that, I'll put it here for your edification and remind you that Demopublicans and Republicrats subscribe to the same fiscal (monetary) policy, which is Neocon (ala Richard Nixon in its beginnings) which is a "Top Down" Keynesean model designed for a Monarchy, aka, Great Britain-yet, idiots rage at how corrupt capitalism is, when in truth, our Keynesean/crony capitalist "system" favors corruption of the law writers = top down. BOTH subscribe to Borrow to Buy Votes.

Notice how same as always when dragonlady is losing an argument and getting checkmated,she always runs off? :up:

she always avoids that little fact that that proves the dems are the same as the republicans how Obama after he took us out of Iraq,he out us back there again and expanded the war in the mideast and all of his policys:biggrin: she can never accept that pesky fact so she alwaysruns off.lol

she will ignore as well that in 92 bush and Clinton were both in favor of nafta but independent ross Perot was against it,nafta as economists experts predicted,turned out disastrous for the country as they said it was,who out of those three people was against nafta and what party was he from and which of those three did not become president for their stance onNAFTA.:biggrin:

on a side Note of Nixon that you mentioned.nixon and Lyndon Johnson were long time pals.john Connolly was at first a democrat who was always campaigning for Johnson and always hanging out with him all the time. Well once Johnson got out of office,Connolly of course switched over to republican after his other pal Nixon became president and then became his secretary of treasurer.that shocked the whole nation that he switched parties since the parties are suppose to be nothing like each other. Connollly did not switch parties cause he was unhappy with the democrat party,he switched so he couldbe working with his pal Nixon and have a higher position inpolitics yet his policys as a Republican were the same as they were when he was a dem:lmao::auiqs.jpg:

people always also talk about what a great president mass murderer reagan was and how they like Republican Party so much,well if they love reagan and think the Republican Party can do know wrong,then how they have to love the democrat part as well since he was originally a democrat and his policys were the same as a democrat as they were when he was a Republican.:uhoh3::lmao::auiqs.jpg:
The Republican Party has become the war party. These conservatives, supposedly committed to the American republic, based on individual liberty and limited government, advocate that the U.S. should make every foreign crisis America’s own, defend every rich friend, engage in nation-building everywhere, turn policy over to politically influential allies, dictate to great powers, and make new enemies at every turn.

At least that is the policy advocated by the Republican Study Committee (RSC), the conservative voice within the House Republican caucus, in its embarrassing new screed “Strengthening America & Countering Global Threats.” With the U.S. beset by crises at home, these self-styled conservatives would divert American attention, waste valuable resources, and sacrifice precious lives to engage in counterproductive social engineering abroad.

The RSC declares its lack of seriousness in the paper’s introduction. It believes the fount of all the world’s ills is the Obama administration. There is much to criticize in the latter, but it followed a true horror show, the big-spending war-mongering Bush administration. And then against Barack Obama in 2008 the GOP nominated John McCain, who never found a war he did not want America to fight and in the midst of a financial crisis admitted his economic ignorance.

Opined the RSC: “For eight years, President Obama’s failed policies allowed our greatest adversaries to grow stronger while weakening America’s position as the world’s preeminent power. During this time, Communist China and Russia went completely unchecked, Iran was gifted a plane full of cash, jihadist groups such as ISIS were casually dismissed as the ‘JV squad,’ key allies were offended, foreign aid and United Nations dues failed to advance U.S. interests, and America behaved sheepishly on the world stage.”

Drivel and nonsense.

The fake opposition.

We don't call it the uniparty for nothing

You'll like this op
Fresh from Dixie

The Republican Party has become the war party. These conservatives, supposedly committed to the American republic, based on individual liberty and limited government, advocate that the U.S. should make every foreign crisis America’s own, defend every rich friend, engage in nation-building everywhere, turn policy over to politically influential allies, dictate to great powers, and make new enemies at every turn.

At least that is the policy advocated by the Republican Study Committee (RSC), the conservative voice within the House Republican caucus, in its embarrassing new screed “Strengthening America & Countering Global Threats.” With the U.S. beset by crises at home, these self-styled conservatives would divert American attention, waste valuable resources, and sacrifice precious lives to engage in counterproductive social engineering abroad.

The RSC declares its lack of seriousness in the paper’s introduction. It believes the fount of all the world’s ills is the Obama administration. There is much to criticize in the latter, but it followed a true horror show, the big-spending war-mongering Bush administration. And then against Barack Obama in 2008 the GOP nominated John McCain, who never found a war he did not want America to fight and in the midst of a financial crisis admitted his economic ignorance.

Opined the RSC: “For eight years, President Obama’s failed policies allowed our greatest adversaries to grow stronger while weakening America’s position as the world’s preeminent power. During this time, Communist China and Russia went completely unchecked, Iran was gifted a plane full of cash, jihadist groups such as ISIS were casually dismissed as the ‘JV squad,’ key allies were offended, foreign aid and United Nations dues failed to advance U.S. interests, and America behaved sheepishly on the world stage.”

Drivel and nonsense.

The fake opposition.

We don't call it the uniparty for nothing

You'll like this op
Fresh from Dixie

Good article- our system is so polluted it'll never be cleaned. So corrupted with despicable sociopaths that there is no place left to go safe from the self serving bastards in the Districts of Criminals all across the country- it ain't gonna be pretty or painless-
The Republican Party has become the war party. These conservatives, supposedly committed to the American republic, based on individual liberty and limited government, advocate that the U.S. should make every foreign crisis America’s own, defend every rich friend, engage in nation-building everywhere, turn policy over to politically influential allies, dictate to great powers, and make new enemies at every turn.

At least that is the policy advocated by the Republican Study Committee (RSC), the conservative voice within the House Republican caucus, in its embarrassing new screed “Strengthening America & Countering Global Threats.” With the U.S. beset by crises at home, these self-styled conservatives would divert American attention, waste valuable resources, and sacrifice precious lives to engage in counterproductive social engineering abroad.

The RSC declares its lack of seriousness in the paper’s introduction. It believes the fount of all the world’s ills is the Obama administration. There is much to criticize in the latter, but it followed a true horror show, the big-spending war-mongering Bush administration. And then against Barack Obama in 2008 the GOP nominated John McCain, who never found a war he did not want America to fight and in the midst of a financial crisis admitted his economic ignorance.

Opined the RSC: “For eight years, President Obama’s failed policies allowed our greatest adversaries to grow stronger while weakening America’s position as the world’s preeminent power. During this time, Communist China and Russia went completely unchecked, Iran was gifted a plane full of cash, jihadist groups such as ISIS were casually dismissed as the ‘JV squad,’ key allies were offended, foreign aid and United Nations dues failed to advance U.S. interests, and America behaved sheepishly on the world stage.”

Drivel and nonsense.

The fake opposition.

We don't call it the uniparty for nothing

You'll like this op
Fresh from Dixie

Good article- our system is so polluted it'll never be cleaned. So corrupted with despicable sociopaths that there is no place left to go safe from the self serving bastards in the Districts of Criminals all across the country- it ain't gonna be pretty or painless-
I read that article and read the comments from it as well.the best comment someone posted there was the one That said it’s time for a new party.best damn post of those comments, :thup: everything else all the others said was all irrevelent,that post summarized it all:thup:
Well two days later and I see dragonlady as always evades facts how the dems are as corrupt as the republicans are. :auiqs.jpg: Maybe this will get her to show her face.lol

oh Dragonlady. Some food for ya:auiqs.jpg::biggrin:
Trump is the 1st President in 2 decades NOT to START a war. Even the Nobel Peace Prize winner started one.


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