The Republican Party presented no plans to fix anything.

What's Hillary's plan to fix the country?
What's the GOP's plan to "fix" the country? It has to be different than that last one. We know how well that turned out.
You can't answer the question. What plan are you babbling about? Letting the Democrat congress spend us into oblivian?

apparently there needs to be a lot of fixing

from these past few years of democrat control
Important things, like what they want to replace Obamacare with, or student loan debt, or income inequality, they either want to destroy it or ignore it. In fact, the only one that had a concrete plan to do anything was Trump's ridiculous wall.

Oh, gosh. You must have watched the debate with the audio on mute. Seriously, what debate were you watching?

The one thing they did not address was student loan debt. Why does that need to be "fixed"? What is there to "fix"? If you borrow money to pay for college, then you pay the debt after you graduate. If you don't graduate, then you pay what you owe for the classes you took. That's called good ole fashioned honesty and responsibility.

There's no "crisis" in student loan debt. The vast majority of those loans are at very low interest rates, much lower than the rates that many people pay for buying a car or major appliances. So the "fix" is for the people who got the student loans to do what they promised to do and pay them back according to the terms of the loans. It's that simple.
Important things, like what they want to replace Obamacare with, or student loan debt, or income inequality, they either want to destroy it or ignore it. In fact, the only one that had a concrete plan to do anything was Trump's ridiculous wall.

- Income Inequality: how are you liberals going to fix income inequality when your signature healthcare legislation is reducing hours for the Middle Class? You Liberals keep going after Corporations with regulations and keeping taxes high.... these costs get passed on to the Middle Class; another income gap enabler. Under 8 years of Liberal Rule, Middle Class take home pay has gone down. Entrepreurship is a catalyst towards closing the gap. What are liberals doing for small business?

- Student debt: Liberals are celebrating SEC reporting rules where companies must disclose CEO/Emplayee pay ratios. How about visibility into colleges and universities? Let's start disclosing more to students and parents on where their money is going. Let's do away withe "tenure" and have more incentive and performance pay. Let's invest more in alternative higher education such as online that is more affordable. The fat cat liberal elites in higher education depend on high student debt to sustain and enhance their lifestyles. Go after them; not conservatives.
I actually didn't care to listen to all of the practiced " I am going to change Obama's blah blah blah with nothing"
I liked Trump's Build a Wall....with all of the high tech we have ways to detect if they are digging holes under the wall.

The communists of East Germany built a wall too.

Do you remember how that worked out?
Republicans and Democrats are the same, Holmes. I frankly find it sad that people like you think people making decisions over our lives is a team game and whatever they do to us is fine as long as your team does it
I know they're virtually the same, but one party likes to throw out scraps. I'm not a registered democrat or republican, try again.

What difference does registering for them make?

And you say they are "virtually the same" yet only call out Republicans in criticism. Keep telling yourself that, LOL
I have criticized hillary/bernie/obama on here as well, I even have threads regarding hillary/obama. Try again.

Trying to get a liberal to admit that they are a liberal on this board is damn near impossible. Why is that? Why do all of you folks from the far left SWEAR up and down that you're really moderates and independents? Are you THAT afraid of self identifying as a liberal? If so...what does that say about the policies that liberals have pushed for the past fifty years?
I am no liberal, believe me, liberals support capitalism.

Wow, you have no self actualization at all
Republicans and Democrats are the same, Holmes. I frankly find it sad that people like you think people making decisions over our lives is a team game and whatever they do to us is fine as long as your team does it
I know they're virtually the same, but one party likes to throw out scraps. I'm not a registered democrat or republican, try again.

What difference does registering for them make?

And you say they are "virtually the same" yet only call out Republicans in criticism. Keep telling yourself that, LOL
I have criticized hillary/bernie/obama on here as well, I even have threads regarding hillary/obama. Try again.

I went back three pages in your postings and saw nothing criticizing Democrats, only Republicans. How far back did you want me to go to show how even you are in this?
See how far you have to go back to get a fair statement from Republicans about Obama.

You don't understand the conversation, Holmes
good luck with that leftard; we have the House, the Senate, and 31 of 50 Governor's seats
Only because the Dems were being punished for not keeping their campaign promises.

Republicans have done absolutely nothing that deserves a vote.
Important things, like what they want to replace Obamacare with, or student loan debt, or income inequality, they either want to destroy it or ignore it. In fact, the only one that had a concrete plan to do anything was Trump's ridiculous wall.

Bull shit. They have presented the #1 most effective plan to fix this country right from the start:

Get the Democrats out of the White House.

That is an excellent start right there.
good luck with that leftard; we have the House, the Senate, and 31 of 50 Governor's seats
Only because the Dems were being punished for not keeping their campaign promises.

Republicans have done absolutely nothing that deserves a vote.

No, Dims are being punished because they did keep their campaign promises, only no one could believe they were that stupid.
I actually didn't care to listen to all of the practiced " I am going to change Obama's blah blah blah with nothing"
I liked Trump's Build a Wall....with all of the high tech we have ways to detect if they are digging holes under the wall.

The communists of East Germany built a wall too.

Do you remember how that worked out?

2 things we didn't have the technlogy that we have today .....and this is not One Country trying to divid it's people, it is 2 countries with illegals coming in by the thousands...
How typical of you, Billy to excuse the "underwhelming" Presidency of Barack Obama.

He made so many promises back in 2008...and has lived up to so few of them.

Uhhh....wait a minute. Obama kept or compromised 69% of his 500 or so promises. 110 promises were broken. 5 are stalled and 35 are in the works. In the next year and a half there is nothing keeping him from revisiting the 110 and doing something to make them happen. That is not a bad record considering the congress he has to go through.
I know, right?
you tell em dean,those fuckers.....hey you got that proof yet?.....its been 3 weeks...just askin....
Proof of what? That you're delusional? Why should I go look for proof you've already provided?
more dean talk why am i not surprised...your a piece of work dean....when someone says something about you all we see is..."can you prove that,show me a link?"....but when its time for you to do the same,it then becomes another are not only dishonest and can add Hypocrite on to your resume....
You mean like becoming "The Most Transparent Administration in History", Nuhuh? Is that complete failure the fault of Congress? Should we expect this Administration to start leveling with us about Benghazi and the IRS scandals?

Or becoming the first "post racial" President? Is Obama's complete failure at that the fault of someone else as well?

He promised that he had solutions to unemployment and would hit the ground running to turn that around as soon as he was elected. Then he spent most of the next year pushing through ObamaCare...legislation that hurt job creation. Is that awful legislation the fault of the GOP?

Who ever said Obama was perfect? certainly not me. If Republicans can't carry out a dozen investigations and 50 hearings without repeatedly coming up with squat whose fault is that? Arguably employment is down to 5.3% if Obama were a Republican they would already be naming buildings after him.

Come on...get serious! The reason that Republican's have come up with "squat" when it attempts to investigate the Obama Administration is that the same people that promised us that they would be the most transparent administration in history is actually the most secretive in history and stonewalls investigations more than the Nixon White House!

As for unemployment numbers? Point out which policies of Barack Obama were responsible for lower unemployment? His administration gave us ObamaCare...which cost jobs...A LOT OF JOBS! He actively fought against the fracking that resulted in the oil and natural gas development that was responsible for a great deal of our economic growth during the past six years. The nonstop Quantitative Easing that seems to be this administration's ONLY response to a sluggish economy has put millions in the pockets of those Americans wealthy enough to play a resurgent stock market with virtually interest free borrowed money but that did nothing for the average American other than increase inflation. The truth, that if you took away the jobs that were created in GOP controlled and run States, employment numbers under this President would be abysmal.

Forgive me, all I have are facts to draw upon. If Republicans can't find a single misdemeanor in $20 million dollars worth of investigation, inquiry and probes, maybe you need some fresh blood taking care of your business on capitol hill. Further, guess what? no one is complaining about jobs except Republicans. The Democratic base is gainfully employed and happy, home ownership is up, the stock market is up, the future looks brighter under Obama than it ever did under any Bush. Could things be better? things can always be better, I don't think we have ever experienced financial or security nirvana, maybe some day we will and if we do, you can be sure it will be at the table of a Democratic president.

Did you just claim that the Democratic "base" was gainfully employed and happy? Do you really not know that blacks and young people have been left behind by this economic recovery? Or are they no longer part of the Democratic "base"?

As for the GOP being unable to prosecute anyone in the Obama White House? Since that would have to have done by the Attorney General...and Eric Holder was our Attorney General...does that in any way surprise you?

You just live in a little fantasyland don't you? There are 15 months to go before the end of this term and job numbers continue to be positive. When Obama leaves, blacks and millennials will waltz the next administration into the White House out of gratitude for a job well done.

If the GOP had a single iota of any kind of evidence of wrong doing you can bet your bottom dollar that the offenders would be prosecuted. But the GOP can't get the job done they can't even mount an impeachment, they can't even run an effective investigation. Eight years ago, the GOP knew they would have to take back the White House but they put up weak and incompetent candidates. Then four years ago, they repeated the error. Now four years later they have seventeen candidates and not a single one is capable of taking back the White House. All that time they knew they would need the black vote, the Hispanic vote, the women vote,the gay vote, and the youth vote. So what did the GOP do? Nothing. No jobs for blacks, no immigration plan, so Hispanics remain living in divided neighborhoods and families, re-instituting abortion laws and denying access to clinics for women, dividing the country with an anti-gay stance, and treating the youth to no solution to college loans or jobs. The very first opportunity the GOP had to showcase this talent and to offer up the best plan to correct all the bitching they have done for seven years what do they do? They fight among each other, they offer more power to the military and boots on the ground and not a single way to pay for it insuring it will be a repeat of the same mistakes that helped get us here in the first place.

You are seriously delusional! Job well done? Obama hasn't helped blacks OR Millennials. God knows both groups loved him (or the idea of him) but Barack Obama has not made things better for either group. His policies have produced the worst recovery from an economic downturn since the Great Depression and the people hurt most by the slowness of that recovery are blacks and Millennials.

It's amazing how you think that the GOP is responsible for coming up with legislation to fix all the things you've named here when A) the Democrats controlled the Oval Office, the House and the Senate for the first two years of that time period and B) for the rest of it the Republicans have had to deal with a President who rules by Executive Action while threatening to veto anything HE doesn't like that the GOP passes in the one body of government that they control...the House!

By the way, Mitt Romney was so much more competent than Barack Obama it's laughable that you make that charge. He was an accomplished leader with an amazing record of fixing broken organizations and he worked well across the aisle with the other side. The truth couldn't have found a better man for the job at hand...but people like you re-elected someone who had already proven that he was totally over his head with the job of President!
Republicans are mentally incapable of holding public office and should be purged from politics on all levels. Federal, State and Local. They haven't done anything for the country in years, but they've done a lot to the country recently.
after you do that billy how about cleaning out the house across the isle?.....
"The Republican Party presented no plans to fix anything"

Republicans excel at doing nothing, and when they do something it's only to criticize or seek to tear down.
Yeah I like Hillary's plan. Wait till I am president, then I will tell you my plan. You are an idiot. Lol
Republicans are mentally incapable of holding public office and should be purged from politics on all levels. Federal, State and Local. They haven't done anything for the country in years, but they've done a lot to the country recently.

You know what's amusing, Billo? I'm from Massachusetts...which is probably the most liberal State in the nation and has been for decades. We are a State dominated by liberal Democrats yet if you look at the history of the Governorship of Massachusetts you'll notice something strange. You'll see that those very liberal voters in Massachusetts have a track record of voting in Republicans as Governor on a rather amazing amount of times! How can that be, an intelligent person would ask! The answer of course is rather simple...the liberal voters of Massachusetts are realistic enough to realize that they NEED a Republican Governor periodically to fix the mess that Democratic Governors make of the State. That's why Romney won. That's why Swift won. That's why Celluci won. That's why Weld won. That's why Sargent won.

Your claim is laughable...and Massachusetts is the proof...
Who ever said Obama was perfect? certainly not me. If Republicans can't carry out a dozen investigations and 50 hearings without repeatedly coming up with squat whose fault is that? Arguably employment is down to 5.3% if Obama were a Republican they would already be naming buildings after him.

Come on...get serious! The reason that Republican's have come up with "squat" when it attempts to investigate the Obama Administration is that the same people that promised us that they would be the most transparent administration in history is actually the most secretive in history and stonewalls investigations more than the Nixon White House!

As for unemployment numbers? Point out which policies of Barack Obama were responsible for lower unemployment? His administration gave us ObamaCare...which cost jobs...A LOT OF JOBS! He actively fought against the fracking that resulted in the oil and natural gas development that was responsible for a great deal of our economic growth during the past six years. The nonstop Quantitative Easing that seems to be this administration's ONLY response to a sluggish economy has put millions in the pockets of those Americans wealthy enough to play a resurgent stock market with virtually interest free borrowed money but that did nothing for the average American other than increase inflation. The truth, that if you took away the jobs that were created in GOP controlled and run States, employment numbers under this President would be abysmal.

Forgive me, all I have are facts to draw upon. If Republicans can't find a single misdemeanor in $20 million dollars worth of investigation, inquiry and probes, maybe you need some fresh blood taking care of your business on capitol hill. Further, guess what? no one is complaining about jobs except Republicans. The Democratic base is gainfully employed and happy, home ownership is up, the stock market is up, the future looks brighter under Obama than it ever did under any Bush. Could things be better? things can always be better, I don't think we have ever experienced financial or security nirvana, maybe some day we will and if we do, you can be sure it will be at the table of a Democratic president.

Did you just claim that the Democratic "base" was gainfully employed and happy? Do you really not know that blacks and young people have been left behind by this economic recovery? Or are they no longer part of the Democratic "base"?

As for the GOP being unable to prosecute anyone in the Obama White House? Since that would have to have done by the Attorney General...and Eric Holder was our Attorney General...does that in any way surprise you?

You just live in a little fantasyland don't you? There are 15 months to go before the end of this term and job numbers continue to be positive. When Obama leaves, blacks and millennials will waltz the next administration into the White House out of gratitude for a job well done.

If the GOP had a single iota of any kind of evidence of wrong doing you can bet your bottom dollar that the offenders would be prosecuted. But the GOP can't get the job done they can't even mount an impeachment, they can't even run an effective investigation. Eight years ago, the GOP knew they would have to take back the White House but they put up weak and incompetent candidates. Then four years ago, they repeated the error. Now four years later they have seventeen candidates and not a single one is capable of taking back the White House. All that time they knew they would need the black vote, the Hispanic vote, the women vote,the gay vote, and the youth vote. So what did the GOP do? Nothing. No jobs for blacks, no immigration plan, so Hispanics remain living in divided neighborhoods and families, re-instituting abortion laws and denying access to clinics for women, dividing the country with an anti-gay stance, and treating the youth to no solution to college loans or jobs. The very first opportunity the GOP had to showcase this talent and to offer up the best plan to correct all the bitching they have done for seven years what do they do? They fight among each other, they offer more power to the military and boots on the ground and not a single way to pay for it insuring it will be a repeat of the same mistakes that helped get us here in the first place.

You are seriously delusional! Job well done? Obama hasn't helped blacks OR Millennials. God knows both groups loved him (or the idea of him) but Barack Obama has not made things better for either group. His policies have produced the worst recovery from an economic downturn since the Great Depression and the people hurt most by the slowness of that recovery are blacks and Millennials.

It's amazing how you think that the GOP is responsible for coming up with legislation to fix all the things you've named here when A) the Democrats controlled the Oval Office, the House and the Senate for the first two years of that time period and B) for the rest of it the Republicans have had to deal with a President who rules by Executive Action while threatening to veto anything HE doesn't like that the GOP passes in the one body of government that they control...the House!

By the way, Mitt Romney was so much more competent than Barack Obama it's laughable that you make that charge. He was an accomplished leader with an amazing record of fixing broken organizations and he worked well across the aisle with the other side. The truth couldn't have found a better man for the job at hand...but people like you re-elected someone who had already proven that he was totally over his head with the job of President!

Oldstyle my friend I clearly said there was more work to do and have never viewed any politician as perfect so I could find a singular fault to hit him over the head with. I suppose I could find fault with something Jesus Christ himself did that wouldn't hold up to modern scrutiny, but why? A well intentioned individual should be able to do his work without every single thing being an issue or so one would think. But that isn't true with Barack Obama where every single thing is under a microscope and brought up to damage him.

The GOP is responsible for their own work or lack of it. What is better? to sit on your hands and do nothing? or flood the Oval Office with so much legislation knowing Obama would never sign a single document into law and later show the public who was really working on the peoples behalf? This mess called the Republican Party is your problem and the 30 or so members that block every thing that doesn't conform to Tea Party is your problem also. The Republican Party has a problem they don't want to talk about, but it will destroy any chance of a united party in 2016. This should have been addressed long before now but it wasn't and now you have to live with its consequences.

Mitt Romney was a buffoon. His leadership ability involved using risky leverage and management fees to fill his pockets at the expense of vested stakeholders and any individual project had no possibility of being a turn-around model for the U.S. economy. Romney put profit before everything and dismissed the tried and true methods of true innovators to generate change and progress. Romney left a legacy he can be judged by and that would be his experience in Massachusetts. Why no self respecting Republican wants to discuss that is not hard to understand why.
I actually didn't care to listen to all of the practiced " I am going to change Obama's blah blah blah with nothing"
I liked Trump's Build a Wall....with all of the high tech we have ways to detect if they are digging holes under the wall.

The communists of East Germany built a wall too.

Do you remember how that worked out?

The Berlin wall was built to keep people in, not out. The wall was an effect of the thing the caused East Germany to collapse, not the cause. Liberals like you were the cause.

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