The Republican Rejection of Trump Has Begun

Unless Ken Griffin has a candidate, he's sort of wasting his time.
Yeah, he's wasting his time having direct access to Trump to encourage him to enact policies that would directly benefit himself financially. How is that even allowed?
Sweet. You've found a RINO no one has ever heard of who didn't like Trump before and doesn't want him back. Now if Trump runs and becomes the next GOP candidate again, this boob can contribute to the GOP as a true conservative knowing the GOP in any form is still 1000X better than a democrat, or he can withhold his money and help the democrats win thereby doing more to hurt the GOP and advance progressive agendas than the democrats themselves!

The perfect RINO.

Trump wipes his ass with 46 million. Ken can go suck Biddum Balls.

Never heard of regeneron? His large donation to DeSantis?
We've seen hints: FoxNews hyping Ron DeSantis, and some Republican electeds coming out opposed to Trump running in 2024. Now the money is starting to talk.

Ken Griffin, Top GOP Donor, Rules Out Backing a Trump Rerun

(Bloomberg) -- Hedge fund manager Ken Griffin, a major donor to Republicans, ruled out supporting Donald Trump for another run for president.

Key Speakers At The 2019 Milken Conference
© Bloomberg Key Speakers At The 2019 Milken Conference
Most Read from Bloomberg

“I think it’s time for America to move on,” he said in a discussion Monday with Erik Schatzker at the Economic Club of Chicago.

In the last election cycle, Griffin spent big on politics, giving $46 million to Republicans, making him the fourth-biggest individual GOP donor for the period, according to
He said Monday, however, that he has never financially supported Trump.

Trump’s tenure was not constructive for the country, Griffin said -- with the exception of his economic policies, which Griffin described as “pretty damn good.”

The former president was “so pointlessly divisive,” said Griffin, who added that he was “appalled” by Trump’s willingness to attack people based on where they came from or the color of their skin.

Griffin was among a number of financial executives who spoke with Trump during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, discussing topics including stimulus, fast tracking vaccines and ways to reopen the economy.

But isn't that a "vote" for free trade and saying America's ideals don't change on the racial makeup of the population? Thems fightn werds. LOL
We've seen hints: FoxNews hyping Ron DeSantis, and some Republican electeds coming out opposed to Trump running in 2024. Now the money is starting to talk.
Tough to imagine right now, but I suppose anything is possible.

There's a disconnect between political/donor class and the rank and file rubes. Surely most of the political/donor class knows what an absurd con this whole thing is, but plays along for their own selfish agendas. It just seems like those who don't play along aren't getting any traction. Yet.
Trump is a cancer on the face of the Republican Party and most Republicans know it whether or not they will say so publicly. He is the personification of a zombi apocalypse. He and his moronic minions have pulled the GOP so far to right-while the country moves farther left- that it will take a very long time to recover. My hope is that he will continue to be the disrupter who runs the party into an ever deeper ditch that it can't dig out of.
I don't care if you think failure at some point are cool, (and butt sex) you're going to have to come back reality at some point.
Tough to imagine right now, but I suppose anything is possible.

There's a disconnect between political/donor class and the rank and file rubes. Surely most of the political/donor class knows what an absurd con this whole thing is, but plays along for their own selfish agendas. It just seems like those who don't play along aren't getting any traction. Yet.
Well, imo you, the op and bodecea are thinking roughly what I am.

First, regardless of economic ideology both progressives and conservatives have to unify on the proven fact that ... Trump lost. So long as America is unified in the principle that we are a republic and we have regular elections that we abide by .... we will always be a nation that exists because we compromise for the good.

Second, we have no choice but to work and pray that the maj will accept a transparent vote ... and even the EC.

I mean we're not going to take all of Wall Sts shit. LOL Obama was the man!
We've seen hints: FoxNews hyping Ron DeSantis, and some Republican electeds coming out opposed to Trump running in 2024. Now the money is starting to talk.

Ken Griffin, Top GOP Donor, Rules Out Backing a Trump Rerun

(Bloomberg) -- Hedge fund manager Ken Griffin, a major donor to Republicans, ruled out supporting Donald Trump for another run for president.

Key Speakers At The 2019 Milken Conference
© Bloomberg Key Speakers At The 2019 Milken Conference
Most Read from Bloomberg

“I think it’s time for America to move on,” he said in a discussion Monday with Erik Schatzker at the Economic Club of Chicago.

In the last election cycle, Griffin spent big on politics, giving $46 million to Republicans, making him the fourth-biggest individual GOP donor for the period, according to
He said Monday, however, that he has never financially supported Trump.

Trump’s tenure was not constructive for the country, Griffin said -- with the exception of his economic policies, which Griffin described as “pretty damn good.”

The former president was “so pointlessly divisive,” said Griffin, who added that he was “appalled” by Trump’s willingness to attack people based on where they came from or the color of their skin.

Griffin was among a number of financial executives who spoke with Trump during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, discussing topics including stimulus, fast tracking vaccines and ways to reopen the economy.

Tough to imagine right now, but I suppose anything is possible.

There's a disconnect between political/donor class and the rank and file rubes. Surely most of the political/donor class knows what an absurd con this whole thing is, but plays along for their own selfish agendas. It just seems like those who don't play along aren't getting any traction. Yet.

Political donors aren't interested in financing losers.

That's the real problem that Powell or Romney or Cheney would have in 2024.

Is humiliating the 75 million Little Trumpsters and putting us in "our places" really a good enough reason to cut a check? The Never Trump faction are losers, it isn't like Romney or Powell is actually going to sit in the Oval Office and implement policy if nominated.

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