The Republican Rejection of Trump Has Begun

We've seen hints: FoxNews hyping Ron DeSantis, and some Republican electeds coming out opposed to Trump running in 2024. Now the money is starting to talk.

Ken Griffin, Top GOP Donor, Rules Out Backing a Trump Rerun

(Bloomberg) -- Hedge fund manager Ken Griffin, a major donor to Republicans, ruled out supporting Donald Trump for another run for president.

Key Speakers At The 2019 Milken Conference
© Bloomberg Key Speakers At The 2019 Milken Conference
Most Read from Bloomberg

“I think it’s time for America to move on,” he said in a discussion Monday with Erik Schatzker at the Economic Club of Chicago.

In the last election cycle, Griffin spent big on politics, giving $46 million to Republicans, making him the fourth-biggest individual GOP donor for the period, according to
He said Monday, however, that he has never financially supported Trump.

Trump’s tenure was not constructive for the country, Griffin said -- with the exception of his economic policies, which Griffin described as “pretty damn good.”

The former president was “so pointlessly divisive,” said Griffin, who added that he was “appalled” by Trump’s willingness to attack people based on where they came from or the color of their skin.

Griffin was among a number of financial executives who spoke with Trump during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, discussing topics including stimulus, fast tracking vaccines and ways to reopen the economy.

If we're hearing about it now, it began months ago, maybe years ago. trump had a lot of energy and brought a lot of new people on board but unfortunately it was mostly bad energy and bad people he brought on board.
If we're hearing about it now, it began months ago, maybe years ago. trump had a lot of energy and brought a lot of new people on board but unfortunately it was mostly bad energy and bad people he brought on board.
Well naturally. The people around him were conmen trying to con the Don. All a bunch of grifters and shady people dealing in dark money and owing money to shady characters. Don didn't choose the people around him. He is an oblivious narcissist. They chose him. They handed their guts to him on a silver platter and gave him their elevator pitch on how they could personally benefit him. And like any other disposable object, he discarded them all, the moment they no longer benefitted him. We all know why he handed out pardons (to protect himself). We all know why he extorted a foreign leader (for personal gain). We all know why he incited a riot (for ego). Trump is not a complicated man. But that fool got conned over and over and over... McConnell really turned him out. Good stuff.
If we're hearing about it now, it began months ago, maybe years ago. trump had a lot of energy and brought a lot of new people on board but unfortunately it was mostly bad energy and bad people he brought on board.
Yet he garnered more votes than any republican canidate before him…weird huh?
another spokes person for synth....dam he has many answering so he doesnt have to...
Synth is doing just fine, I replied to your post because it's antithetical to a political forum. I look forward to all of your future posts having the only intention of changing peoples' minds. No doubt all 78k of your previous posts changed the minds of almost nobody.
I'll just stand over here and LMAO. The GOP wants a winner in 2024 and with Trump they have one. He has 75 million real supporters.

Another boneheaded thread by a real bonehead. LOL
The Never Trumpers aren't running anyone. General Powell is just sitting on his ass, ditto with Romney, the Bush Family, Liz Cheney, etc.

Someone beats nobody every day of the week.

Unless Ken Griffin has a candidate, he's sort of wasting his time.

Personally, I'd love to see the Never Trumpers put Powell up in the GOP primaries.
The Republicans have always been against Trump that's not who elected him. These guys are so terrified that Trump is going to run again they'll just grab on to any old teddy bear that comforts them. Trump has already amassed an enormous Fortune in his campaign chest and it's early.

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We've seen hints: FoxNews hyping Ron DeSantis, and some Republican electeds coming out opposed to Trump running in 2024. Now the money is starting to talk.

Ken Griffin, Top GOP Donor, Rules Out Backing a Trump Rerun

(Bloomberg) -- Hedge fund manager Ken Griffin, a major donor to Republicans, ruled out supporting Donald Trump for another run for president.

Key Speakers At The 2019 Milken Conference
© Bloomberg Key Speakers At The 2019 Milken Conference
Most Read from Bloomberg

“I think it’s time for America to move on,” he said in a discussion Monday with Erik Schatzker at the Economic Club of Chicago.

In the last election cycle, Griffin spent big on politics, giving $46 million to Republicans, making him the fourth-biggest individual GOP donor for the period, according to
He said Monday, however, that he has never financially supported Trump.

Trump’s tenure was not constructive for the country, Griffin said -- with the exception of his economic policies, which Griffin described as “pretty damn good.”

The former president was “so pointlessly divisive,” said Griffin, who added that he was “appalled” by Trump’s willingness to attack people based on where they came from or the color of their skin.

Griffin was among a number of financial executives who spoke with Trump during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, discussing topics including stimulus, fast tracking vaccines and ways to reopen the economy.

Did you see that Trump had to start yet one more PAC because the last one is ran by a serial woman abuser who got caught so now Trump has a new PAC....its official name is Make America Great Again, Again. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Obama and his cult.

And as dedicated and faithful as they were, you Trump cultist make them look like faithless backsliders. Never has a former president held the power over a party like Trump does, and it is all because of you Trump worshipers...congrats!
Did you see that Trump had to start yet one more PAC because the last one is ran by a serial woman abuser who got caught so now Trump has a new PAC....its official name is Make America Great Again, Again. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Yawwwwwwwn.....oh look....scandal in politics! How rare and unusual!
And as dedicated and faithful as they were, you Trump cultist make them look like faithless backsliders. Never has a former president held the power over a party like Trump does, and it is all because of you Trump worshipers...congrats!
Yawwwwwwwn.....oh look....scandal in politics! How rare and unusual!

Once again, the point evades is not the scandal that is news, it is the stupid ass name for the new PAC, something a 1st grader might come up with when they get a new best friend.
Well naturally. The people around him were conmen trying to con the Don. All a bunch of grifters and shady people dealing in dark money and owing money to shady characters. Don didn't choose the people around him. He is an oblivious narcissist. They chose him. They handed their guts to him on a silver platter and gave him their elevator pitch on how they could personally benefit him. And like any other disposable object, he discarded them all, the moment they no longer benefitted him. We all know why he handed out pardons (to protect himself). We all know why he extorted a foreign leader (for personal gain). We all know why he incited a riot (for ego). Trump is not a complicated man. But that fool got conned over and over and over... McConnell really turned him out. Good stuff.
It was always about the agendas he had. Really! I enjoyed paying less to live. But you love paying more. Much more. And now you will. Along with the rest of us all. Explain to us all about being conned.
Once again, the point evades is not the scandal that is news, it is the stupid ass name for the new PAC, something a 1st grader might come up with when they get a new best friend.
So what....once again?


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