The Republican Rejection of Trump Has Begun

What cult would that be? Nobody went batshit and attacked the Capitol when Obama was President.
That's not true the FBI has false flagged the capital on many occasions. Mostly under Democratic leadership. This time they did it at Democrat direction under Republican leadership you are just getting boring Little CCP lady

Some people have a sense of humor, then there is you.

Just crawl back up Trump's ass and wait for your next talking points email
Surely you're not presuming to give me an order little man. You don't like the fact that you can't rattle me. So what again...again?
Surely you're not presuming to give me an order little man. You don't like the fact that you can't rattle me. So what again...again?

Of course I would not give you an order, you only take them from you God.
We've seen hints: FoxNews hyping Ron DeSantis, and some Republican electeds coming out opposed to Trump running in 2024. Now the money is starting to talk.

Ken Griffin, Top GOP Donor, Rules Out Backing a Trump Rerun

(Bloomberg) -- Hedge fund manager Ken Griffin, a major donor to Republicans, ruled out supporting Donald Trump for another run for president.

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© Bloomberg Key Speakers At The 2019 Milken Conference
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“I think it’s time for America to move on,” he said in a discussion Monday with Erik Schatzker at the Economic Club of Chicago.

In the last election cycle, Griffin spent big on politics, giving $46 million to Republicans, making him the fourth-biggest individual GOP donor for the period, according to
He said Monday, however, that he has never financially supported Trump.

Trump’s tenure was not constructive for the country, Griffin said -- with the exception of his economic policies, which Griffin described as “pretty damn good.”

The former president was “so pointlessly divisive,” said Griffin, who added that he was “appalled” by Trump’s willingness to attack people based on where they came from or the color of their skin.

Griffin was among a number of financial executives who spoke with Trump during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, discussing topics including stimulus, fast tracking vaccines and ways to reopen the economy.

Sadly I wouldn't put any faith in that. He's a republican. We know how much they like.
Synth is doing just fine, I replied to your post because it's antithetical to a political forum. I look forward to all of your future posts having the only intention of changing peoples' minds. No doubt all 78k of your previous posts changed the minds of almost nobody.
if you notice dumbass i dont put up threads and try to change you will be waiting quite a while...
"...the political class stole the election from we the people."
Actually, the political class didn't need to steal it.
Trump lost it...fair and square.
His own long time super expensive pollster, Tony Fabrizio, found that out with post-election surveys of actual voters. And he told Don Trump and his enablers exactly that. That Trump lost because more people than not thought ----he wasn't trustworthy and was incompetent.

Here, if you have a sincere interest you can read Fabrizio entire 27-page report on why and how Trump lost.

It is right here:
And if a backgrounder on that report will help you understand the context....well, you can read Politico's reportage after they obtained a copy of Fabrizio's report to Trump.

You can read that right here:


Hopefully that reportage and the report itself will help those posters here who are vexed by Trump's loss. It explains that it wasn't Melissa Carone seeing dead people vote, or Brad Raffensberger not finding enough votes. It was white men (and of course, others) who didn't trust Mr. Trump and accordingly, voted for Biden.

A curious aspect of all of this is -- Trump trusted Fabrizio for 4years to tell him the will of the electorate, to monitor the pulse of the body politic. And unquestionably, Fabrizio's analysis helped Trump in situation after situation, crisis after crisis. In short, Trump was getting his money's worth out of Fabrizio. Fabrizio was his ear-to-the-ground. Trump trusted him.

And importantly, Trump heard from Fabrizio on why he lost. He knew. His enablers knew.

Yet......yet, here we are. With a former president stridently striving to damage America's electoral process. With a former president who assembled, inspired, and did-absolutely-nothing to discourage a mob of his loyal fans to invade the Capitol and stop the election protocols defined in our founding documents.

My point is this: Trump knew before the Capitol invasion, he knew well before all of the 60+ lawsuits he filed, he has known for months that this was not a 'stolen' election. He lost because enough of the electorate didn't trust him. He knew.

Yet he has persisted in vandalizing America's democratic electoral process.
if you notice dumbass i dont put up threads and try to change you will be waiting quite a while...

Who does? Who actually posts threads trying to change minds? Why don't you argue with the wingnuts that threads aren't changing minds and are really nothing more than circle jerks, stroking each other's unfounded conspiracies.
Who does? Who actually posts threads trying to change minds? Why don't you argue with the wingnuts that threads aren't changing minds and are really nothing more than circle jerks, stroking each other's unfounded conspiracies.
i do....go look at what i say to the born loser....and if someone posts the same shit daily like the loser and jim does.....they are trying to convince you that you are wrong and they are right....people who put up different things are not in their class...
i do....go look at what i say to the born loser....and if someone posts the same shit daily like the loser and jim does.....they are trying to convince you that you are wrong and they are right....people who put up different things are not in their class...

I don't know who born loser is.

What about every other thread that espouses a point of view?
That's not what I said. Reread your original post and tell me how it wouldn't be used against pretty much every thread on this board.
you just said this....What about every other thread that espouses a point of view?.....i gave you an answer.....i also told you i was referring to people who post the same shit daily.....

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