The Republican Rejection of Trump Has Begun

No, asshole, the political class stole the election from we the people. And you are going to be dealing with that soon enough.

No matter how many times you say it, this will never be true. Trump lost, just like he lost the mid-terms. Just like he lost the popular vote in 2016. Each of his losses is getting worse. He lost the popular vote by 3 million votes in 2016. His mid-term losses were even bigger. And finally he got clobbered in 2020.

Trump has never "won" an election. He's slid into jobs on technicalities. He won the Republican nomination with 44% of the vote. 56 of Republicans didn't even want him as a candidate. But all your primaries are "winner take all", so he won all of the delegates with 15% of the vote in a large field with no really popular candidates.
Four years of Biden should convince the never Trumpers that their RHINO progressive compassionate brand of conservatism has severe consequences and very reason we are where we are today and most importantly why Trump was elected in 16. The little man has been lied to at every turn of the corner and have simply had enough of their crap.
Never Trumpers have failed....

still can't explain the extra days for vote counting!!!hahahahahahaahahahahahahahaa it's called OBVIOUS!!!!

Dumbfuck, some states take days to count the votes in every presidential election.
Trump is a cancer on the face of the Republican Party and most Republicans know it whether or not they will say so publicly. He is the personification of a zombi apocalypse. He and his moronic minions have pulled the GOP so far to right-while the country moves farther left- that it will take a very long time to recover. My hope is that he will continue to be the disrupter who runs the party into an ever deeper ditch that it can't dig out of.

ILMAO you victimization drama-loving story-telling leftist. Show us where Trump pulled the GOP so far right thanks.

Country is moving further left huh? I guess we can conclude that's why we're a dumbed down fucked up country now, am I right? Sure, conservatives are the zombies, you can really tell when you walk the streets inside left-run districts. And look who you supported for POTUS and VP, you sure conservatives are the retards or is it POSSIBLE you're projecting?

The rightwing bastard referred to in the OP will be smooching heavily un Trump's ass once he gets the nomination.

Just like the rest of the USMB rightwingers.
It was always about the agendas he had. Really! I enjoyed paying less to live. But you love paying more. Much more. And now you will. Along with the rest of us all. Explain to us all about being conned.
But you would be paying more right now, even with Trump as president. The same problems causing ships to back up in our ports, causing shortages, which is causing inflation would be happening, the shortage on key components in manufacturing would still be short....etc....

that's the part that you seem to conveniently ignore, that you know are the facts of the matter.

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