The Republican Revenge Impeachment Of President Joe Biden

Should Republicans impeach President Joe Biden?

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Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?

As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

Some Republican leaders are also threatening to impeach VP Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, AG Merrick Garland, and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.

REVENGE should not be grounds for impeachment.
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If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?

As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.

Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them.
Just like Trump
If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?

As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.

REVENGE should not be grounds for impeachment.
If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?

As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.

REVENGE should not be grounds for impeachment.
Um, of course we will impeach him. He is senile, corrupt and his incompetence has cost many lives. Please dont tell me you want him to remain in that position. That would be fucking crazy.
The Republicans should not waste their time with Joe Biden. AT ALL.

INSTEAD they should focus on what really needs to be done: take apart the Democratic party machine. From the ground up.

Impeach the Soros AG's. They're far more dangerous than a senile dumbfuck that can't even remember what day it is.
The fact that this concerns you demonstrates your resignation to the return of Republican control to Congress in the next few weeks.

It is my most heartfelt hope that the next Congress makes impeachment their primary concern.

I also hope that when The Democrats retake Congress in a term or few, they continue the new tradition of Congress impeaching the sitting President.

I hope that this becomes the primary job of Congress for many years to come, distracting them from keeping their noses out of the lives of the citizens.
The Republicans should not waste their time with Joe Biden. AT ALL.

INSTEAD they should focus on what really needs to be done: take apart the Democratic party machine. From the ground up.

Impeach the Soros AG's. They're far more dangerous than a senile dumbfuck that can't even remember what day it is.
Shut up retard. No one cares what your idiot ass thinks. You need to leave these discussion to more superior republicans. Getting Biden is the number 1 thing we should do.
It would be tempting to impeach him. But on the other hand, it might be more fun to keep him in office for the next two years, so he can experience how impotent he and the Democrat Party are after they become a bunch of lame ducks.

Can you imagine how furious they'd be when everything they try to do gets blocked by a Republican-held House and Senate? Especially since he's going to be harassed, investigated, subpoenad, and questioned constantly for the next two years. And think about how he's going to come unglued after his own son Hunter ends up in prison.

If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?
As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.
Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.
My God, there are MANY articles of impeachment with Biden's name on them. Stop whining.
After impeaching Trump for a fucking phone call, you have no room to talk.

Open borders, as sworn to by CBP. Flying migrants all over the US.
Abuse of power, allowing Fentanyl deaths with his open borders
Abuse of power using the FBI to investigate concerned parents
Abuse of power, hiring 87,000 IRS agents willing to use "deadly force"
Abuse of power, using a "Minister of Truth"
Abuse of Power, using the FBI for an armed raid an ex-president's home
Abuse of power, not listening to his generals, and ordering a disastrous withdrawal from AFG, leaving $86b of US military equipment.
Abuse of power, having the FBI coverup Hunter's obvious crimes, and emoluments violations
Abuse of power, a war on energy, killing KeystoneXL, killing ANWR, emptying the SPR, even selling US oil to China.
Abuse of power, forgiving student loans with an Exec Order.

I'm sure that there are many more.
Shut up retard. No one cares what your idiot ass thinks. You need to leave these discussion to more superior republicans. Getting Biden is the number 1 thing we should do.


He's not dangerous, he's just a senile old man.

HARRIS is dangerous.

That's who you'll get if you impeach Biden.

C'mon man. I know you're pissed, so am I.

How about we do the RIGHT thing this time, instead of the stupid political optics?
If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?

As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.

REVENGE should not be grounds for impeachment.
Biden shouldn't be impeached, because he won't be removed.


Payback's a bitch, asshole.
If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?

As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.

REVENGE should not be grounds for impeachment.
No, what we're gonna do is pack your fascist asses off to fema camps for psychological repair, or conversion into agricultural product! :banana:
"Don't start nothing, won't be nothing". It was all fun and games with the impeachment party for Trump. All the Kings horses and all the Kings men could not actually convict Trump. Now Uncle Joe Biden and half his family are going to be in serious trouble,,, if,,if they are even rudimentary investigated and exposed to America. I say let the slaughter take place. We Americans have got to end the criminal activity (murder, insider trading, quid pro quo, money laundering etc) by our politicians...or we WILL be toast.

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