The Republican War On Women

I can see it now....

Watch this happen....

During a debate Romney is going to ask Obama to explain HOWthe GOP is waging a war against women.

Then, when Obama spins it Romney will discect what he says and show the viewers how Obama is spinning it.

And then Romeny is going to ask Obama WHY he thinks that women are so naive that he is able to spin something, expecting them to believe it.

And then Romney will look at the camera and say:

"as I just showed you, The President feels you are so naive, you will believe anything he says"

And then he will look at Obama and say:

"I respect the intelligence of the electorate. WHy do you not?"

The democratic party set themselves up.

I just hope Romneys campaign team is not as worried about being called racists for no reason like McCains team was.

We shall see.
I can see it now....

Watch this happen....

During a debate Romney is going to ask Obama to explain HOWthe GOP is waging a war against women.

Then, when Obama spins it Romney will discect what he says and show the viewers how Obama is spinning it.

And then Romeny is going to ask Obama WHY he thinks that women are so naive that he is able to spin something, expecting them to believe it.

And then Romney will look at the camera and say:

"as I just showed you, The President feels you are so naive, you will believe anything he says"

And then he will look at Obama and say:

"I respect the intelligence of the electorate. WHy do you not?"

The democratic party set themselves up.

I just hope Romneys campaign team is not as worried about being called racists for no reason like McCains team was.

We shall see.

Those who say there is a "war on women" underestimate the sophistication of the demographic.

THAT is pretty fucking sexist.
When will you people stop digging?


When you guys want to pass laws requiring a women to carry a dead baby to term against her will we can only wonder what the fucks is wrong with you.

Removing a dead fetus is not abortion you ignorant twit.

I would like that moron to show me ONE PEICE of evidence that ANYONE wants a law that forces a woman to carry a dead fetus.

Where the hell do these freaking idiots get their information and why are they unable to applyu basic logic to realize they either heard wrong, read wrong, or informed wrong.

Forced to carry a dead fetus. I mean......really?
I can see it now....

Watch this happen....

During a debate Romney is going to ask Obama to explain HOWthe GOP is waging a war against women.

Then, when Obama spins it Romney will discect what he says and show the viewers how Obama is spinning it.

And then Romeny is going to ask Obama WHY he thinks that women are so naive that he is able to spin something, expecting them to believe it.

And then Romney will look at the camera and say:

"as I just showed you, The President feels you are so naive, you will believe anything he says"

And then he will look at Obama and say:

"I respect the intelligence of the electorate. WHy do you not?"

The democratic party set themselves up.

I just hope Romneys campaign team is not as worried about being called racists for no reason like McCains team was.

We shall see.

Those who say there is a "war on women" underestimate the sophistication of the demographic.

THAT is pretty fucking sexist.

Underestimate the sophisticvation of the demographic?

I guess that is a nice way to put it.

See the demographic as sheep and unable to understand things on their own?

More appropriate way to put it.
I can see it now....

Watch this happen....

During a debate Romney is going to ask Obama to explain HOWthe GOP is waging a war against women.

Then, when Obama spins it Romney will discect what he says and show the viewers how Obama is spinning it.

And then Romeny is going to ask Obama WHY he thinks that women are so naive that he is able to spin something, expecting them to believe it.

And then Romney will look at the camera and say:

"as I just showed you, The President feels you are so naive, you will believe anything he says"

And then he will look at Obama and say:

"I respect the intelligence of the electorate. WHy do you not?"

The democratic party set themselves up.

I just hope Romneys campaign team is not as worried about being called racists for no reason like McCains team was.

We shall see.

Those who say there is a "war on women" underestimate the sophistication of the demographic.

THAT is pretty fucking sexist.

Underestimate the sophisticvation of the demographic?

I guess that is a nice way to put it.

See the demographic as sheep and unable to understand things on their own?

More appropriate way to put it.
It's been a constant fail of the Democratic Party for some time. They assume women can't think for themselves. Pretty fucking sexist. Bottom line, it's the same as wanting women barefoot and pregnant.
When you guys want to pass laws requiring a women to carry a dead baby to term against her will we can only wonder what the fucks is wrong with you.

Removing a dead fetus is not abortion you ignorant twit.

I would like that moron to show me ONE PEICE of evidence that ANYONE wants a law that forces a woman to carry a dead fetus.

Where the hell do these freaking idiots get their information and why are they unable to applyu basic logic to realize they either heard wrong, read wrong, or informed wrong.

Forced to carry a dead fetus. I mean......really?

The bill, which does not contain rape or incest exemptions, is expected to receive a signature from Republican Gov. Nathan Deal.

Commonly referred to as the “fetal pain bill” by Georgian Republicans and as the “women as livestock bill” by everyone else, HB 954 garnered national attention this month when state Rep. Terry England (R-Auburn) compared pregnant women carrying stillborn fetuses to the cows and pigs on his farm. According to Rep. England and his warped thought process, if farmers have to “deliver calves, dead or alive,” then a woman carrying a dead fetus, or one not expected to survive, should have to carry it to term.…

Is Georgia’s Latest Anti-Choice Bill 2012′s Worst Yet?
When will you people stop digging?


I like how you try to present yourself as some sort of thinker yet endlessly prove you're just a partisan hack and water carrier for the Democratic party incapable of having an independent thought. Republicans hate women, seems you're the bitch, Dearie...
Removing a dead fetus is not abortion you ignorant twit.

I would like that moron to show me ONE PEICE of evidence that ANYONE wants a law that forces a woman to carry a dead fetus.

Where the hell do these freaking idiots get their information and why are they unable to applyu basic logic to realize they either heard wrong, read wrong, or informed wrong.

Forced to carry a dead fetus. I mean......really?

The bill, which does not contain rape or incest exemptions, is expected to receive a signature from Republican Gov. Nathan Deal.

Commonly referred to as the “fetal pain bill” by Georgian Republicans and as the “women as livestock bill” by everyone else, HB 954 garnered national attention this month when state Rep. Terry England (R-Auburn) compared pregnant women carrying stillborn fetuses to the cows and pigs on his farm. According to Rep. England and his warped thought process, if farmers have to “deliver calves, dead or alive,” then a woman carrying a dead fetus, or one not expected to survive, should have to carry it to term.…

Is Georgia’s Latest Anti-Choice Bill 2012′s Worst Yet?
You DO know that most states limit elective abortions to the first trimester, right?

And, it's been that way for a long time.
It's been a constant fail of the Democratic Party for some time. They assume women can't think for themselves

And they keep proving that Democrats can't think for themselves...

If it weren't a worthless collectivist party who groupthink their positions then all go out and mindlesly intone the message, they wouldn't need to argue like MarcImaBitch, they would argue issues.
It's been a constant fail of the Democratic Party for some time. They assume women can't think for themselves

And they keep proving that Democrats can't think for themselves...

If it weren't a worthless collectivist party who groupthink their positions then all go out and mindlesly intone the message, they wouldn't need to argue like MarcImaBitch, they would argue issues.
Unfortunately, there are a lot who can't think for themselves and it's because education sucks balls in the USA.
I would like that moron to show me ONE PEICE of evidence that ANYONE wants a law that forces a woman to carry a dead fetus.

Where the hell do these freaking idiots get their information and why are they unable to applyu basic logic to realize they either heard wrong, read wrong, or informed wrong.

Forced to carry a dead fetus. I mean......really?

The bill, which does not contain rape or incest exemptions, is expected to receive a signature from Republican Gov. Nathan Deal.

Commonly referred to as the “fetal pain bill” by Georgian Republicans and as the “women as livestock bill” by everyone else, HB 954 garnered national attention this month when state Rep. Terry England (R-Auburn) compared pregnant women carrying stillborn fetuses to the cows and pigs on his farm. According to Rep. England and his warped thought process, if farmers have to “deliver calves, dead or alive,” then a woman carrying a dead fetus, or one not expected to survive, should have to carry it to term.…

Is Georgia’s Latest Anti-Choice Bill 2012′s Worst Yet?
You DO know that most states limit elective abortions to the first trimester, right?

And, it's been that way for a long time.

Exactly. Absolutely.

That's not what this is about. This is about forcing a woman to stay pregnant after the fetus is no longer viable.
It's been a constant fail of the Democratic Party for some time. They assume women can't think for themselves. Pretty fucking sexist. Bottom line, it's the same as wanting women barefoot and pregnant.

it's not just women, it's everybody. They have the position that "you are too stupid to understand. Just leave it to us and we will do the thinking for you." Hell they did it just the other day with "Oh Obama was speaking in shorthand, it's far too complex for the average person to grasp". Yeah :up_yours:
I would think you would be able to spin your highly partisan opinion much more effectively. Your 'argument' is laughable, posting statistics without context is insipid, and when the stats have no bearing on the issue at hand they convince only the dumbest partisans (do you really need to pander to the echo chamber?) that you posted something of substance.


The circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed.
The parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning.

2. Did you note the title of the thread?
If so, the very first words of my post are "Since Obama Took Office, The Unemployment Rate For Women...," a clear rebuttal to the OP.

3. Are you suggesting that you don't see the connection...and therefore the context?

4. "Your 'argument' is laughable..."
I doubt it. Your suggestions that you don't see the context...and that you are laughing are both patently false.
You are not laughing. You are seeking some way of pretending to ignore the abject failures of the Obama administration.

5. The statistics, and the dates of same, document that, rather than the GOP...the Democrats, if anyone, have damaged the distaff branch of society.
Also true?

Now, once you admit the truth of #4 and #5 above, you will be free to leave the darkside, and come across the aisle....
.....we have cookies.

Nice try. The context - which shouldn't need to be explicitly stated - is based on new efforts by several states to make life more difficult for women who choose to end their pregnancy, by states to designate personhood beginning at conception and by some who consider the use of contraception some sort of abortion (see my posts above, with links). But you know all that and that is why you changed the debate to attack Obama.

The OP is about the GOP's War on Women's health, it has nothing to do with employment (and BTW, a credible argument can be advanced that causes for more women being out of work is 1) because men are out of work too, and 2) unemployment is a direct result of the Republican Administration which preceded Obama's).

Did you scurry out from under your rock to fabricate this bogus post????


Sure doesn't make you look smart.

1. "The OP is about the GOP's War on Women's health,"
Either find that in the OP or admit you just made it up because my post was soooooo good you couldn't stand it.

2. I withdraw my offer to have you cross the aisle.....
...we only want honest folks on our side.

3. Don’t make me have to introduce you to the bruise brothers…
That's not what this is about. This is about forcing a woman to stay pregnant after the fetus is no longer viable.

I will have to do some research on that bill to see if it really requires that or if it's just liberal spin. If the bill really requires carrying a dead baby to term, it's absolutely ridiculous.
That's not what this is about. This is about forcing a woman to stay pregnant after the fetus is no longer viable.

I will have to do some research on that bill to see if it really requires that or if it's just liberal spin. If the bill really requires carrying a dead baby to term, it's absolutely ridiculous.

While the original bill required any pregnancy that lasted over 20 weeks to be delivered stillborn, exceptions were pushed by the state Senate to allow for abortions in the case of fetuses which have chromosomal or congenital defects that would render the fetus unable to survive outside of the womb.

I'm still looking for the 'fetal pain' bill number. Please post here if you find it.

Edited: HB 954

List of changes included.
Last edited:
That's not what this is about. This is about forcing a woman to stay pregnant after the fetus is no longer viable.

I will have to do some research on that bill to see if it really requires that or if it's just liberal spin. If the bill really requires carrying a dead baby to term, it's absolutely ridiculous.

While the original bill required any pregnancy that lasted over 20 weeks to be delivered stillborn, exceptions were pushed by the state Senate to allow for abortions in the case of fetuses which have chromosomal or congenital defects that would render the fetus unable to survive outside of the womb.

I'm still looking for the 'fetal pain' bill number. Please post here if you find it.

Edited: HB 954

Georgia General Assembly - HB 954

List of changes included.

(a) Except in the case of a medical emergency or when a pregnancy is diagnosed as medically futile, no abortion shall be performed or attempted to be performed unless the physician performing it has first made a determination of the probable gestational age of the unborn child or relied upon such a determination made by another physician."

I am assuming that means if the fetus is not going to live or is dead that an abortion can be performed. Let me read more

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