The Republican War On Women

I will have to do some research on that bill to see if it really requires that or if it's just liberal spin. If the bill really requires carrying a dead baby to term, it's absolutely ridiculous.

While the original bill required any pregnancy that lasted over 20 weeks to be delivered stillborn, exceptions were pushed by the state Senate to allow for abortions in the case of fetuses which have chromosomal or congenital defects that would render the fetus unable to survive outside of the womb.

I'm still looking for the 'fetal pain' bill number. Please post here if you find it.

Edited: HB 954

Georgia General Assembly - HB 954

List of changes included.

(a) Except in the case of a medical emergency or when a pregnancy is diagnosed as medically futile, no abortion shall be performed or attempted to be performed unless the physician performing it has first made a determination of the probable gestational age of the unborn child or relied upon such a determination made by another physician."

I am assuming that means if the fetus is not going to live or is dead that an abortion can be performed. Let me read more
Yes, I was reading that same link!

That seems to be exactly what it means.

So, this new bill simply further eliminates elective abortions after 20 weeks.
I will have to do some research on that bill to see if it really requires that or if it's just liberal spin. If the bill really requires carrying a dead baby to term, it's absolutely ridiculous.

While the original bill required any pregnancy that lasted over 20 weeks to be delivered stillborn, exceptions were pushed by the state Senate to allow for abortions in the case of fetuses which have chromosomal or congenital defects that would render the fetus unable to survive outside of the womb.

I'm still looking for the 'fetal pain' bill number. Please post here if you find it.

Edited: HB 954

Georgia General Assembly - HB 954

List of changes included.

(a) Except in the case of a medical emergency or when a pregnancy is diagnosed as medically futile, no abortion shall be performed or attempted to be performed unless the physician performing it has first made a determination of the probable gestational age of the unborn child or relied upon such a determination made by another physician."

I am assuming that means if the fetus is not going to live or is dead that an abortion can be performed. Let me read more

(3) 'Medically futile' means that, in reasonable medical judgment, the unborn child has a profound and irremediable congenital or chromosomal anomaly that is incompatible with sustaining life after birth."

So the way I am reading this bill, if the fetus is not going to live or has already died an abortion can be performed. Unless I am missing something in the legalese that suggests otherwise.
There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.

This is what makes it so much the worse, many of them CLEARLY don't realize they've waged war on women. Including many of the deranged lunatic fringe RW women in the camp.

Sad, very sad.

:( *SMH*

Welcome to your Ozzie Guillen moment.
Oh, it's beyond that. It's fundamentally stupid.

Make a claim, don't back it up, don't even articulate it, then say folks are in denial about it.

STUPID. And a touch insane.
Right. What wound up passing is not what Rep England was shooting for. essentially what is going on is that the media (at least some in the media) are spinning this bill. They are reporting that the bill passed, they are reporting on England's comments, but not pointing out that England's goal was not part of the bill. The result is that it appears as though Georgia passed a bill according to England's plan, which is not the case.
Right. What wound up passing is not what Rep England was shooting for. essentially what is going on is that the media (at least some in the media) are spinning this bill. They are reporting that the bill passed, they are reporting on England's comments, but not pointing out that England's goal was not part of the bill. The result is that it appears as though Georgia passed a bill according to England's plan, which is not the case.
This is why I ALWAYS read the actual bill. More times than not, the media is wrong or is flat out lying what a bill says.
Right. What wound up passing is not what Rep England was shooting for. essentially what is going on is that the media (at least some in the media) are spinning this bill. They are reporting that the bill passed, they are reporting on England's comments, but not pointing out that England's goal was not part of the bill. The result is that it appears as though Georgia passed a bill according to England's plan, which is not the case.
This is why I ALWAYS read the actual bill. More times than not, the media is wrong or is flat out lying what a bill says.

And unfortunately that happens a lot. I remember reading an article once that was such a spin job I couldn't believe it. I won't say what the activity was 'cause that will cause a massive argument and derail the topic but the headline said "Activity A Doubles Chances of Getting Cancer". Ok well when you go look at the study it's true. The odds go from 1:100,000,000 to 2:100,000,000. Of course neither showed any correlation at all in regards to statistical significance. But instead of the headline "Activity A Shows No Statistical Correlation to Cancer" it was "Activity A Doubles Chances of Getting Cancer". Typical politics.

Like you I have learned: "don't stop at the headlines, don't even stop at reading the article. Always dig deeper."
Last edited:
April 10, 2012

"My wife has the occasion, as you know, to campaign on her own and also with me,” Romney told newspaper editors, “and she reports to me regularly that the issue women care about most is the economy.”

Mitt vs That OTHER Gender

Mitt's wife is absolutely correct. So why has the Republican Party been flooding with women's health care bills?
Ummm, because Obamacare is phasing in and there are issues with it.

No surprise, because those who passed it couldn't be bothered with fucking reading it.
Evidence that a war on women exists is provided here:

Guttmacher Institute State Update: Legislation Enacted
That's not evidence of a 'war on women'.

Are you a woman?

Nope. I have a sister and a wife; I also managed the Domestic Violence programs for my agency, wrote and managed VAWA grants and spent a good deal of time with Women's groups,I transported victims to secure areas so the women staff could safely take victims to shelters, and coordinated with probation, prosecutors, anger management providers and the courts.

Would you prefer a euphemism? How about instead of a war on women we call it a suspension of the rights of women to control their lives? Better?

I just now noticed you responded to my post and the link in under a minute. Nice, you sure evaluated the 'not evidence'.

I have a wife and daughters and my wife is tired of government's assault on responsibility and common sense. My daughter said if the guy doesn't or can't afford birth control, to bad, he ain't worth it. What kind of man can't afford a condom? What a cheap bastard! The all believe that government and women's right's groups are hurting women by painting them as victims, weak and always needing help. They all believe that women need to learn to stand up for themselves and demand the respect they deserve and not let government make them out a victims and sex objects.

So they don't believe that there is a war on women, they believe there is a war on responsibility, good judgement and common sense.
Wonder why Democratic women are okay with burdening children and grandchildren with all this debt? Now there is a war with a defenseless opponent.
I wonder why Democratic women are allowing children and grandchildren to be burdened with all this government debt? Talk about a war against a defenseless opponent.
Mitt's wife is absolutely correct. So why has the Republican Party been flooding with women's health care bills?

Another liberal woman who is a liberal before she's a woman. Now granted most of the Republican women I know don't don't give a rats ass what you think, but they also don't support the idiotic idea that women aren't intelligent enough to be diverse enough to support ore then one party and they don't think women are only affected by a narrow range of issues but by all of them. If you cared about women more then your political ideology, you wouldn't either. Woman is just victimhood to you.
Right. What wound up passing is not what Rep England was shooting for. essentially what is going on is that the media (at least some in the media) are spinning this bill. They are reporting that the bill passed, they are reporting on England's comments, but not pointing out that England's goal was not part of the bill. The result is that it appears as though Georgia passed a bill according to England's plan, which is not the case.
This is why I ALWAYS read the actual bill. More times than not, the media is wrong or is flat out lying what a bill says.

No, "you have to pass the bill to see whats in it."


I love democrat logic... :lol:

Sorry, I must be contributing to "the war on woman" for making fun of Nancy Pelosi's loony tune ass...

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