The Republican War On Women

Contraception? Having your employer have the right to fire you if you are taking the pill for contraception rather than any other 'good' medical reason.

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 6-2 Monday to endorse a controversial bill that would allow Arizona employers the right to deny health insurance coverage for contraceptives based on religious objections.

Arizona House Bill 2625, authored by Majority Whip Debbie Lesko, R-Glendale, would permit employers to ask their employees for proof of medical prescription if they seek contraceptives for non-reproductive purposes, such as hormone control or acne treatment.

“I believe we live in America. We don’t live in the Soviet Union,” Lesko said. “So, government should not be telling the organizations or mom and pop employers to do something against their moral beliefs.”
Contraception? Having your employer have the right to fire you if you are taking the pill for contraception rather than any other 'good' medical reason.

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 6-2 Monday to endorse a controversial bill that would allow Arizona employers the right to deny health insurance coverage for contraceptives based on religious objections.

Arizona House Bill 2625, authored by Majority Whip Debbie Lesko, R-Glendale, would permit employers to ask their employees for proof of medical prescription if they seek contraceptives for non-reproductive purposes, such as hormone control or acne treatment.

“I believe we live in America. We don’t live in the Soviet Union,” Lesko said. “So, government should not be telling the organizations or mom and pop employers to do something against their moral beliefs.”

Are you seriously implying that the quoted paragraphs are saying that the employer has the right to fire you if you take the pill as a contraceptive?
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Contraception? Having your employer have the right to fire you if you are taking the pill for contraception rather than any other 'good' medical reason.

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 6-2 Monday to endorse a controversial bill that would allow Arizona employers the right to deny health insurance coverage for contraceptives based on religious objections.

Arizona House Bill 2625, authored by Majority Whip Debbie Lesko, R-Glendale, would permit employers to ask their employees for proof of medical prescription if they seek contraceptives for non-reproductive purposes, such as hormone control or acne treatment.

“I believe we live in America. We don’t live in the Soviet Union,” Lesko said. “So, government should not be telling the organizations or mom and pop employers to do something against their moral beliefs.”

Cite your assertion of STFU. :eusa_hand:
Arizona is an at will state so yeah. I don't think it's a stretch that if they object to sex outside of marriage, and you're on the pill so you don't get pregnant, they have the right to fire your ass.

Yesterday, a Senate Judiciary Committee endorsed Republican Debbie Lesko's HB2625 by a vote of 6-2, which would allow an employer to request proof that a woman using insurance to buy birth control was being prescribed the birth control for reasons other than not wanting to get pregnant. It's all about freedom, she said, echoing everyone who thinks there's nothing ironic about claiming that a country that's "free" allows people's bosses to dictate what medical care is available to them through insurance. First amendment. The constitution. Rights of religious people to practice the treasured tenets of their faiths, the tenets that dictate that religious people get to tell everyone who is not of faith how they're supposed to live, and the freedom to have that faith enforced by law. Freedom®.

Further, Lesko states, with a straight face, that this bill is necessary because "we live in America; we don't live in the Soviet Union."

Ah, yes, the Soviet Union. The sort of place where a woman might think about getting birth control through an insurance plan to which she contributes premiums without having to show her boss her prescription in order to prove that she wasn't using it to not get pregnant. The Soviet Union. A hellscape where women don't run the risk of losing their jobs over their sexual practices. What a horrible, awful place where herds of sluts run wild like feral ponies, humping everything in sight. The nightmare of unwilling motherhood evaded is a constant spectre in The Motherland.

Law Will Allow Employers to Fire Women for Using Whore Pills
Arizona is an at will state so yeah. I don't think it's a stretch that if they object to sex outside of marriage, and you're on the pill so you don't get pregnant, they have the right to fire your ass.

Yesterday, a Senate Judiciary Committee endorsed Republican Debbie Lesko's HB2625 by a vote of 6-2, which would allow an employer to request proof that a woman using insurance to buy birth control was being prescribed the birth control for reasons other than not wanting to get pregnant. It's all about freedom, she said, echoing everyone who thinks there's nothing ironic about claiming that a country that's "free" allows people's bosses to dictate what medical care is available to them through insurance. First amendment. The constitution. Rights of religious people to practice the treasured tenets of their faiths, the tenets that dictate that religious people get to tell everyone who is not of faith how they're supposed to live, and the freedom to have that faith enforced by law. Freedom®.

Further, Lesko states, with a straight face, that this bill is necessary because "we live in America; we don't live in the Soviet Union."

Ah, yes, the Soviet Union. The sort of place where a woman might think about getting birth control through an insurance plan to which she contributes premiums without having to show her boss her prescription in order to prove that she wasn't using it to not get pregnant. The Soviet Union. A hellscape where women don't run the risk of losing their jobs over their sexual practices. What a horrible, awful place where herds of sluts run wild like feral ponies, humping everything in sight. The nightmare of unwilling motherhood evaded is a constant spectre in The Motherland.

Law Will Allow Employers to Fire Women for Using Whore Pills

And Guess what? Soverign States have the ability to serve LAW for thier Soverign societies.

Don't like it? MOVE out of Arizona.
Arizona is an at will state so yeah. I don't think it's a stretch that if they object to sex outside of marriage, and you're on the pill so you don't get pregnant, they have the right to fire your ass.

Yesterday, a Senate Judiciary Committee endorsed Republican Debbie Lesko's HB2625 by a vote of 6-2, which would allow an employer to request proof that a woman using insurance to buy birth control was being prescribed the birth control for reasons other than not wanting to get pregnant. It's all about freedom, she said, echoing everyone who thinks there's nothing ironic about claiming that a country that's "free" allows people's bosses to dictate what medical care is available to them through insurance. First amendment. The constitution. Rights of religious people to practice the treasured tenets of their faiths, the tenets that dictate that religious people get to tell everyone who is not of faith how they're supposed to live, and the freedom to have that faith enforced by law. Freedom®.

Further, Lesko states, with a straight face, that this bill is necessary because "we live in America; we don't live in the Soviet Union."

Ah, yes, the Soviet Union. The sort of place where a woman might think about getting birth control through an insurance plan to which she contributes premiums without having to show her boss her prescription in order to prove that she wasn't using it to not get pregnant. The Soviet Union. A hellscape where women don't run the risk of losing their jobs over their sexual practices. What a horrible, awful place where herds of sluts run wild like feral ponies, humping everything in sight. The nightmare of unwilling motherhood evaded is a constant spectre in The Motherland.

Law Will Allow Employers to Fire Women for Using Whore Pills

You have anything that isn't written by a militant feminist who may or may not have a clue what she is talkiing about?

Any boss who used the 'at will' provision to fire somebody because she took the pill is not going to be somebody anybody should aspire to work for even with an iron clad guarantee that they cant be fired for anything.
I'm still waiting for those bills that democrats passed regarding contraception, abortion, and rape by ultrasound.

And if it's no big deal, then WHY on God's green is it all that the rethugs do these days. Why. You can keep on attacking me, but it won't make the shit they're pulling any less obvious.

Now I agree with you on the ultrasound bill but that is one state only.
What bills stop contraception?
Who is denied an abortion?
Republicans are Damn Fools on the abortion and that ultrasound bill. NO law stops abortion. They know it and we also see them with their moronic gay boogeyman stances also.

Maybe they are damn fools, and you and I have gone around the block more than once on the sanctity of the unborn. But when somebody believes with all their heart that aborting a baby is ending a human life, how can we demand that they go against their conscience in that matter? How is that different than thinking it is okay for a woman to kill her baby after it emerges from the womb?

I would not vote for the ultrasound requirement myself, but I can appreciate how those who feel so strongly about it would like for the woman to know exactly what it is that she is aborting.

Its like so many other issues based on our moral center and sense of fairness and justice, We all are not going to agree on what is right and wrong.

I am staunchly pro life. But I do not want my government telling me that I have to be. Nor do I want my government telling my employer what he/she must provide for me because I am a woman or what my insurance has to provide for me, a woman, or what I can or cannot be entitled to because I am a woman. I want to be seen as a human being and U.S. citizen with unalienable rights. And, so long as I don't violate anybody elses rights, I want my government to be obllivious to my race, gender, sexual orientation, politics, or socioeconomic choices.
Except that every Republican didn't vote against and didn't filibuster it. 15 Republicans joined the Democrats in the Senate. Those who voted against it did so not because of any war against women, but because of a lot of questionable add ons in the bill and at least one constitutional question.
The vote hasn't been taken in the house yet.Wouldn't it be a great thing if people could actually look at these things on the merit of them instead of a noble sounding title on a bill or an opportunity to embarrass somebody or try to make them look bad?

But what is the federal government doing funding programs like this in the first place? Instead it should be compiling and distributing information to the states along with encouragement to deal with this at the state and local levels. No federal program is going to have any significant impact and is only going to be another way to waste the taxpayer's money.

And I say this as somebody who is passionate about domestic violence of all kinds and who was instrumental in started a domestic violence program, housing victims of domestic violence, and eventually raising funds for a wonderful shelter/refuge.

And yes, I am a registered Republican.

Where is a link???

Link for what? I don't think there is a link to show I'm a registered Republican. Surely you can take my word for that. As for the vote, I am just repeating what I've seen on television or heard on the radio or read.

Don't be silly. Must you people always have to have everything spelled out for you??
Romney & Obama were within a point of each other until the contraception thing. Then Obama QUICKLY did damage control and bowed out. The GOP candidates did the opposite. They made an issue where they shouldn't have and turned it into a contest to prove who was the most extreme Right. Oops.
Then you have Governor Invasive Ultra-Sound in VA.
Then you have the whackjobs in Texas requiring women see the pic.
Then you have the majority who voted against Equal Pay.
Then you have the Governor who repealed Equal pay in his state.
Then you have 2/3 of the GOP voting against the Violence Against Women Act. (80% of the men)

Then there is that pesky Fact: Since all that began, Romney has lost 12 points with women and Obama has gained 15. That's just, you know, a fact.

Really? The stats I have been seing this past week are not looking so good with Obama re women as the gap has significantly narrowed.

Do you think that everybody should just believe whatever you say?? That is not going to happen!! So what stats are you talking about???
Romney & Obama were within a point of each other until the contraception thing. Then Obama QUICKLY did damage control and bowed out. The GOP candidates did the opposite. They made an issue where they shouldn't have and turned it into a contest to prove who was the most extreme Right. Oops.
Then you have Governor Invasive Ultra-Sound in VA.
Then you have the whackjobs in Texas requiring women see the pic.
Then you have the majority who voted against Equal Pay.
Then you have the Governor who repealed Equal pay in his state.
Then you have 2/3 of the GOP voting against the Violence Against Women Act. (80% of the men)

Then there is that pesky Fact: Since all that began, Romney has lost 12 points with women and Obama has gained 15. That's just, you know, a fact.

Really? The stats I have been seing this past week are not looking so good with Obama re women as the gap has significantly narrowed.

Do you think that everybody should just believe whatever you say?? That is not going to happen!! So what stats are you talking about???

Unfortunately what I have seen has not been on the internet so I can't accommodate you. I have watched or listened to I think three different discussion on that in the last week though. But no worries. I dont expect anybody should just believe whatever I say. I have already conceded that there is a significant gender gap. But the fact that the most recent polling data out isn't reporting any numbers re the gender gap suggests that the gender gap sure isnt getting any worse. Otherwise the media would be all over it.

And I DID post links to recent polling data.
Really? The stats I have been seing this past week are not looking so good with Obama re women as the gap has significantly narrowed.

Do you think that everybody should just believe whatever you say?? That is not going to happen!! So what stats are you talking about???

Unfortunately what I have seen has not been on the internet so I can't accommodate you. I have watched or listened to I think three different discussion on that in the last week though. But no worries. I dont expect anybody should just believe whatever I say. I have already conceded that there is a significant gender gap. But the fact that the most recent polling data out isn't reporting any numbers re the gender gap suggests that the gender gap sure isnt getting any worse. Otherwise the media would be all over it.

And I DID post links to recent polling data.

The only 'gender Gap' is what is pre-supposed by those that claim it exisists.
Better luck next time Marcie.

Consult for further instructions.

You know when I'm scrolling down the page it kind of lags around your posts. Why don't you get rid of some of that bullshit in your sig?
I worked for privately held firm, owned by a woman, where it was well known that pay and bonuses for the professional women in our office were higher than for men of more experience. So what ??? When someone griped, they were told (by the men) that they could quit. We were not underpaid in our opinion and benefitted from many other perks. Our owner was very generous with paternity leave.

This whole argument has been going on for decades. There was a time when it was clearly the case women were getting shafted. My mother was a prime example. But even she overcame and eventually got out from under such discrimination (she went to work for another woman).

Exactly. Many if not most demographic groups in this country have experienced discrimination. The Asians from various countries, the Italians, the Irish, the Hispanics, etc. Is there anybody who has a notion that any of these groups have not overcome that discrimination and are now prospering, some amazingly so? Asians aren't even referred to as a minority in this country as so few qualify or apply for any kind of government subsidy and they find ways to prosper no matter what the current conditions are. So many are truly amazing people.

Women have had to overcome the double whammy of discrimination coupled with cultural perceptions of what a woman's role should be. And no group has benefitted more from Affirmative Action, not always in a good way in my opinion, or taken better advantage of that than have women. And any woman who now has the guts, inspiration, and ability can do any damn thing she wants in this country.

The fact that there are some on the Left who go to extreme lengths to keep such people aThe fact that Republicans see and treat people as equals is not a war on women or anybody else. s victims might very well be conducting a backhanded war against them though.

What a bunch of absolute crap. You people constantly try to justify your hateful racism. It has been apparent from the beginning that you have a deep, abiding hate for President Obama. And it has nothing to do with his politics. The cat is out of the bag, honey. You just make a fool of yourself with your weak justifications.

You are denying that groups have to go through assimulation and that women are not the only ones that are discriminated against.

Or was your rant just a demonstration of your medications not quite being powerful enough ?
Arizona is an at will state so yeah. I don't think it's a stretch that if they object to sex outside of marriage, and you're on the pill so you don't get pregnant, they have the right to fire your ass.

You bet that would hold up in court.

You people are unbelievable. A "war" on women.

They can fire your ass just about anytime they want and they don't need to know who or what you are scewing to get it done.

This is to freaking funny.

Exactly. Many if not most demographic groups in this country have experienced discrimination. The Asians from various countries, the Italians, the Irish, the Hispanics, etc. Is there anybody who has a notion that any of these groups have not overcome that discrimination and are now prospering, some amazingly so? Asians aren't even referred to as a minority in this country as so few qualify or apply for any kind of government subsidy and they find ways to prosper no matter what the current conditions are. So many are truly amazing people.

Women have had to overcome the double whammy of discrimination coupled with cultural perceptions of what a woman's role should be. And no group has benefitted more from Affirmative Action, not always in a good way in my opinion, or taken better advantage of that than have women. And any woman who now has the guts, inspiration, and ability can do any damn thing she wants in this country.

The fact that there are some on the Left who go to extreme lengths to keep such people aThe fact that Republicans see and treat people as equals is not a war on women or anybody else. s victims might very well be conducting a backhanded war against them though.

What a bunch of absolute crap. You people constantly try to justify your hateful racism. It has been apparent from the beginning that you have a deep, abiding hate for President Obama. And it has nothing to do with his politics. The cat is out of the bag, honey. You just make a fool of yourself with your weak justifications.

You are denying that groups have to go through assimulation and that women are not the only ones that are discriminated against.

Or was your rant just a demonstration of your medications not quite being powerful enough ?

As usual, what I am trying to tell you went right over your fat head!!! And these kinds of comments prove that you have no credibility whatsoever. Adults don't make such silly comments.
Arizona is an at will state so yeah. I don't think it's a stretch that if they object to sex outside of marriage, and you're on the pill so you don't get pregnant, they have the right to fire your ass.

You bet that would hold up in court.

You people are unbelievable. A "war" on women.

They can fire your ass just about anytime they want and they don't need to know who or what you are scewing to get it done.

This is to freaking funny.


Maybe BD Barf should cease trying to rule the world using her twat as an excuse?
many of them CLEARLY don't realize they've waged war on women.

and you don't realize you're regurgitating the DNC marketing tagline of the week, it's like going around and telling strangers on the street to have a Coke and a smile

partisan bots like you make it easy for the political parties to dumb down the campaign, grow a pair, get a brain, and think for yourself
What a bunch of absolute crap. You people constantly try to justify your hateful racism. It has been apparent from the beginning that you have a deep, abiding hate for President Obama. And it has nothing to do with his politics. The cat is out of the bag, honey. You just make a fool of yourself with your weak justifications.

You are denying that groups have to go through assimulation and that women are not the only ones that are discriminated against.

Or was your rant just a demonstration of your medications not quite being powerful enough ?

As usual, what I am trying to tell you went right over your fat head!!! And these kinds of comments prove that you have no credibility whatsoever. Adults don't make such silly comments.

Sorry Bitchnata,

But all you did was rant at a poster. It was no argument, there were not premises reaching a conclusion. You simply ranted.

So just what was it you were trying to tell me ?

Answer: were ranting at FF.

I simply asked you a question.

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