The Republican War On Women

Republicans have waged a war on just about every group they have no empathy for:

The poor
The middle class
College students

If I think of anymore, I'll post it.

All blatent articles of faith on the part of the left.

So glad Ted is Dead.
Republicans have waged a war on just about every group they have no empathy for:

The poor
The middle class
College students

If I think of anymore, I'll post it.

And this one would qualify for the active thread of posts that nobody takes seriously (because they are so ignorant, partisan, stupid, and/or predictable.)
It seems to be in their genetic make up.

Scott Walker had committed some huge blunders in my estimation and his timing on this last thing could not be worse.

Does that constitute a war on women. Hardly.

Now, do I think our huge divorce rate is creating all kinds of casualties among women. You bet.

This so-called 'war on women' is difficult for me to fathom as I have spent a good deal of my working life holding jobs more commonly held by men, and I can't count a single time that my wages were less than a man's for doing those jobs. I never flet discriminated against for being a gal. I have never paid a woman less than a man in the same job for anybody I have ever hired or supervised.

A woman who takes time off work to have kids and be with them when they are little is to be commended and applauded for having her priorities straight. But when she goes back to work, she can hardly expect to be at the point of experience and seniority that she would have been if she hadn't taken that time off. Ditto the woman who has to miss work to be home with sick kids or to attend school functions, or that can't work overtime when everybody else does because the kids are due home from school, etc. may sacrifice some wages and delay promotion opportunities to employees who are able to give full attention to their jobs. That is not discrimination. That is a life choice that the woman makes and few women ever regret making it.

Among women who choose full time careers and can give full attention to them, I believe the statistics now show that women on average, especailly young women, are out earning the guys, they recieve better pay as part timers, and enjoy somewhat lower unemployment rates during this recession.

There will always be exceptions, both among women and men, but the anecdotal anomaly is not a war on women.

I worked for privately held firm, owned by a woman, where it was well known that pay and bonuses for the professional women in our office were higher than for men of more experience. So what ??? When someone griped, they were told (by the men) that they could quit. We were not underpaid in our opinion and benefitted from many other perks. Our owner was very generous with paternity leave.

This whole argument has been going on for decades. There was a time when it was clearly the case women were getting shafted. My mother was a prime example. But even she overcame and eventually got out from under such discrimination (she went to work for another woman).

Exactly. Many if not most demographic groups in this country have experienced discrimination. The Asians from various countries, the Italians, the Irish, the Hispanics, etc. Is there anybody who has a notion that any of these groups have not overcome that discrimination and are now prospering, some amazingly so? Asians aren't even referred to as a minority in this country as so few qualify or apply for any kind of government subsidy and they find ways to prosper no matter what the current conditions are. So many are truly amazing people.

Women have had to overcome the double whammy of discrimination coupled with cultural perceptions of what a woman's role should be. And no group has benefitted more from Affirmative Action, not always in a good way in my opinion, or taken better advantage of that than have women. And any woman who now has the guts, inspiration, and ability can do any damn thing she wants in this country.

The fact that Republicans see and treat people as equals is not a war on women or anybody else. The fact that there are some on the Left who go to extreme lengths to keep such people as victims might very well be conducting a backhanded war against them though.
Student Loan Interest Rate Bill That Cuts Health Care Program Passes House

Republicans had voted earlier in the week for a budget that allowed the rate to go up, but under public pressure offered a plan Wednesday to preserve the rate by cutting the Prevention and Public Health Fund created in President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act. Republicans say the move would save $6 billion.

Calling the health program -- which aims to lower health care costs by encouraging prevention -- a "slush fund," Boehner said its funding should be used to help students instead.

The White House threatened to veto the bill Friday, and House Democrats objected as well, arguing that the $11.9 billion program (already cut from $16 billion) funds things like cancer screening, child immunizations and programs designed to help people quit smoking and eat right.

They also argued that the Republicans' choice of that funding stream to pay for low loan rates showed the GOP doesn't really want to pass the bill.

"Make no mistake ... our Republican colleagues haven't changed their minds about this, they've changed their tactics," said Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.). "If they really wanted to stop student loans from increasing, they wouldn't seek to cover the cost by cutting funds for cervical cancer screening, by cutting funds for breast cancer screening, but cutting other women's health care measures. They wouldn't push a measure the president has already said he will veto."

Republicans stood by the "slush fund" description, however, and argued that money would still remain for screening and prevention programs.

Asshats. Fuckerbitches. To the bolded above - Well, we can't have any of that, right!?
Gotta love this headline. "McCain Says GOP War On Women Is ‘Phony,’ Then Every Senate Republican Voted Against The Violence Against Women Act "

Except that every Republican didn't vote against and didn't filibuster it. 15 Republicans joined the Democrats in the Senate. Those who voted against it did so not because of any war against women, but because of a lot of questionable add ons in the bill and at least one constitutional question.

The vote hasn't been taken in the house yet.

Wouldn't it be a great thing if people could actually look at these things on the merit of them instead of a noble sounding title on a bill or an opportunity to embarrass somebody or try to make them look bad?

But what is the federal government doing funding programs like this in the first place? Instead it should be compiling and distributing information to the states along with encouragement to deal with this at the state and local levels. No federal program is going to have any significant impact and is only going to be another way to waste the taxpayer's money.

And I say this as somebody who is passionate about domestic violence of all kinds and who was instrumental in started a domestic violence program, housing victims of domestic violence, and eventually raising funds for a wonderful shelter/refuge.

And yes, I am a registered Republican.
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There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.

This is what makes it so much the worse, many of them CLEARLY don't realize they've waged war on women. Including many of the deranged lunatic fringe RW women in the camp.

Sad, very sad.

:( *SMH*
I'm a Republican woman, and I enjoy being a girl. It's fun! :)

It's going to stop being fun when we get down to the point where you are nothing but an incubator.
Gotta love this headline. "McCain Says GOP War On Women Is ‘Phony,’ Then Every Senate Republican Voted Against The Violence Against Women Act "

Do you realize that violence against women is actually illegal? Do you realize it's illegal to commit violence against all people? Again, you're happy to be a political pawn for the Democrats rather then saying you're a "person" and that protects you. But no, you need to be a protected subspecies. According to you and your party.
And do you mean the Democratic-contrived "war" that the GOP is waging on women in order to move the topic of the election process off of Obama's stellar:lol: record? Yes. I thought so.
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Republicans have waged a war on just about every group they have no empathy for:

The poor
The middle class
College students

If I think of anymore, I'll post it.

All blatent articles of faith on the part of the left.

So glad Ted is Dead.

You can't fight fire with fire, so you wish people dead that defeat you. You are a real ignorant, creepy person.
Republicans have waged a war on just about every group they have no empathy for:

The poor
The middle class
College students

If I think of anymore, I'll post it.

And this one would qualify for the active thread of posts that nobody takes seriously (because they are so ignorant, partisan, stupid, and/or predictable.)

Bullshit. You know, when I visited your stupid coffee thread, I knew you were an insincere, bitchy broad. That's why I didn't go back. You are another one that cannot verbalize any rationale for the actions of the GOP. So what do you do?? Name call like a little punky kid.

So glad you gave me the opportunity to tell you that you are not the least bit bright or informed and I don't like you. You're a phony.
Republicans have waged a war on just about every group they have no empathy for:

The poor
The middle class
College students

If I think of anymore, I'll post it.

And this one would qualify for the active thread of posts that nobody takes seriously (because they are so ignorant, partisan, stupid, and/or predictable.)

Bullshit. You know, when I visited your stupid coffee thread, I knew you were an insincere, bitchy broad. That's why I didn't go back. You are another one that cannot verbalize any rationale for the actions of the GOP. So what do you do?? Name call like a little punky kid.

So glad you gave me the opportunity to tell you that you are not the least bit bright or informed and I don't like you. You're a phony.

Roger that. I went to the coffee grounds - nobody spoke to me. Fine by me. The tavern rocks.
This so-called 'war on women' is difficult for me to fathom as I have spent a good deal of my working life holding jobs more commonly held by men, and I can't count a single time that my wages were less than a man's for doing those jobs. I never flet discriminated against for being a gal. I have never paid a woman less than a man in the same job for anybody I have ever hired or supervised.

A woman who takes time off work to have kids and be with them when they are little is to be commended and applauded for having her priorities straight. But when she goes back to work, she can hardly expect to be at the point of experience and seniority that she would have been if she hadn't taken that time off. Ditto the woman who has to miss work to be home with sick kids or to attend school functions, or that can't work overtime when everybody else does because the kids are due home from school, etc. may sacrifice some wages and delay promotion opportunities to employees who are able to give full attention to their jobs. That is not discrimination. That is a life choice that the woman makes and few women ever regret making it.

Among women who choose full time careers and can give full attention to them, I believe the statistics now show that women on average, especailly young women, are out earning the guys, they recieve better pay as part timers, and enjoy somewhat lower unemployment rates during this recession.

There will always be exceptions, both among women and men, but the anecdotal anomaly is not a war on women.

I worked for privately held firm, owned by a woman, where it was well known that pay and bonuses for the professional women in our office were higher than for men of more experience. So what ??? When someone griped, they were told (by the men) that they could quit. We were not underpaid in our opinion and benefitted from many other perks. Our owner was very generous with paternity leave.

This whole argument has been going on for decades. There was a time when it was clearly the case women were getting shafted. My mother was a prime example. But even she overcame and eventually got out from under such discrimination (she went to work for another woman).

Exactly. Many if not most demographic groups in this country have experienced discrimination. The Asians from various countries, the Italians, the Irish, the Hispanics, etc. Is there anybody who has a notion that any of these groups have not overcome that discrimination and are now prospering, some amazingly so? Asians aren't even referred to as a minority in this country as so few qualify or apply for any kind of government subsidy and they find ways to prosper no matter what the current conditions are. So many are truly amazing people.

Women have had to overcome the double whammy of discrimination coupled with cultural perceptions of what a woman's role should be. And no group has benefitted more from Affirmative Action, not always in a good way in my opinion, or taken better advantage of that than have women. And any woman who now has the guts, inspiration, and ability can do any damn thing she wants in this country.

The fact that there are some on the Left who go to extreme lengths to keep such people aThe fact that Republicans see and treat people as equals is not a war on women or anybody else. s victims might very well be conducting a backhanded war against them though.

What a bunch of absolute crap. You people constantly try to justify your hateful racism. It has been apparent from the beginning that you have a deep, abiding hate for President Obama. And it has nothing to do with his politics. The cat is out of the bag, honey. You just make a fool of yourself with your weak justifications.
Gotta love this headline. "McCain Says GOP War On Women Is ‘Phony,’ Then Every Senate Republican Voted Against The Violence Against Women Act "

If it wasn't so hypocritical and pathetic, it would be funny.
Gotta love this headline. "McCain Says GOP War On Women Is ‘Phony,’ Then Every Senate Republican Voted Against The Violence Against Women Act "

Except that every Republican didn't vote against and didn't filibuster it. 15 Republicans joined the Democrats in the Senate. Those who voted against it did so not because of any war against women, but because of a lot of questionable add ons in the bill and at least one constitutional question.

The vote hasn't been taken in the house yet.

Wouldn't it be a great thing if people could actually look at these things on the merit of them instead of a noble sounding title on a bill or an opportunity to embarrass somebody or try to make them look bad?

But what is the federal government doing funding programs like this in the first place? Instead it should be compiling and distributing information to the states along with encouragement to deal with this at the state and local levels. No federal program is going to have any significant impact and is only going to be another way to waste the taxpayer's money.

And I say this as somebody who is passionate about domestic violence of all kinds and who was instrumental in started a domestic violence program, housing victims of domestic violence, and eventually raising funds for a wonderful shelter/refuge.

And yes, I am a registered Republican.

Where is a link???
And this one would qualify for the active thread of posts that nobody takes seriously (because they are so ignorant, partisan, stupid, and/or predictable.)

Bullshit. You know, when I visited your stupid coffee thread, I knew you were an insincere, bitchy broad. That's why I didn't go back. You are another one that cannot verbalize any rationale for the actions of the GOP. So what do you do?? Name call like a little punky kid.

So glad you gave me the opportunity to tell you that you are not the least bit bright or informed and I don't like you. You're a phony.

Roger that. I went to the coffee grounds - nobody spoke to me. Fine by me. The tavern rocks.

Thanks, Miss Boop!!! I'll give it a try. I actually think it's a good idea to socialize with people who hold different beliefs regarding politics. It was easy at my job. It has not been so easy here, with a few exceptions.
And by the way, inquiring minds STILL want to know; where are the jobs!?


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Gotta love this headline. "McCain Says GOP War On Women Is ‘Phony,’ Then Every Senate Republican Voted Against The Violence Against Women Act "

Except that every Republican didn't vote against and didn't filibuster it. 15 Republicans joined the Democrats in the Senate. Those who voted against it did so not because of any war against women, but because of a lot of questionable add ons in the bill and at least one constitutional question.

The vote hasn't been taken in the house yet.

Wouldn't it be a great thing if people could actually look at these things on the merit of them instead of a noble sounding title on a bill or an opportunity to embarrass somebody or try to make them look bad?

But what is the federal government doing funding programs like this in the first place? Instead it should be compiling and distributing information to the states along with encouragement to deal with this at the state and local levels. No federal program is going to have any significant impact and is only going to be another way to waste the taxpayer's money.

And I say this as somebody who is passionate about domestic violence of all kinds and who was instrumental in started a domestic violence program, housing victims of domestic violence, and eventually raising funds for a wonderful shelter/refuge.

And yes, I am a registered Republican.

Where is a link???

Link for what? I don't think there is a link to show I'm a registered Republican. Surely you can take my word for that. As for the vote, I am just repeating what I've seen on television or heard on the radio or read.

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