The Republican War On Women

When will you people stop digging?


Rick Santorum is out of the race--so no more "War on Women campaign." Mitt Romney is about as moderate as any democrat on social issues--so no need to fear him.

He's a tough fiscal conservative--which is going to worry some big spenders in Washington D.C. though.

Its easy to be fiscally conservative when you're loaded.

Hasn't seem to help Obama, let's hope he gets with it sooner, with Timmy as the Sec of Treas., I doubt it will get any better.
Lets see how women like the $5.00/gallon gas this summer!!!:eusa_dance:

Romney only has to turn around 10% and all is well. He's got white males securely in his back pocket.

Not all white males. I'm a white male. Romney has a 19 point gender gap with women. For every 2 women voting for Obama, 1 is voting for Romney. There aren't enough men to elect Romney if this doesn't change.

And I love it that you guys think if the Supreme Court overturns Obamacare or if the oil companies gouge us that we are going to reward the Republicans for it. It will be all the more reason to throw out the bums in Congress. People who won't take on the oil companies. McConnell, Boehner & Ryan. You guys don't think the public is smart enough to know that the GOP are attacking women, the middle class, poor people, minorities, etc. Well they get it. Did you see the latest polls? Romney is a horrible choice. But then so were the rest of your choices. Good luck.

Obama Romney
a. Is the stronger leader 46 40
b. Seems like the more friendly and
likable person 64 26
c. Has a clearer vision for the
future 45 40
d. Is more inspiring 55 29
e. Is more consistent in his
positions 46 36
Lets see how women like the $5.00/gallon gas this summer!!!:eusa_dance:

Romney only has to turn around 10% and all is well. He's got white males securely in his back pocket.

Not all white males. I'm a white male. Romney has a 19 point gender gap with women. For every 2 women voting for Obama, 1 is voting for Romney. There aren't enough men to elect Romney if this doesn't change.

And I love it that you guys think if the Supreme Court overturns Obamacare or if the oil companies gouge us that we are going to reward the Republicans for it. It will be all the more reason to throw out the bums in Congress. People who won't take on the oil companies. McConnell, Boehner & Ryan. You guys don't think the public is smart enough to know that the GOP are attacking women, the middle class, poor people, minorities, etc. Well they get it. Did you see the latest polls? Romney is a horrible choice. But then so were the rest of your choices. Good luck.

Obama Romney
a. Is the stronger leader 46 40
b. Seems like the more friendly and
likable person 64 26
c. Has a clearer vision for the
future 45 40
d. Is more inspiring 55 29
e. Is more consistent in his
positions 46 36

Just wait a little while, when this debacle about Ann Romney not working makes the entire circuit, we'll see how his numbers stack up with the ladies.

Don't forget Rosen was in charge of Fluke's testimony. :lol: :lol: :lol:
LOL g/f, when the CBO admitted the Stimulus didn't work, when Obama and all the leading Democrats have admitted it didn't live up to its billing, when Forbes, CATO, Heritage, and even rightwing think tanks have all acknowledged epic fail, you really think our friend here will listen to us??????????

No. It wasn't big enough. Republicans didn't want any stimulus, remember? And Romney wanted GM to go bankrupt.

I'm not going to pretend the stimulus was perfect, just like I don't think Dems or Obamacare are perfect. But I'm also not a right wing idiot who doesn't see when Republicans are behaving badly.

And you want to go back to the Bush days. You think the CBO agrees with you dumbass? :lol:

If I didn't laugh I'd cry.

Sometimes you read posts like this and just shake your head in wonderment. It wasn't big enough? You don't give a sh*t that almost none of all those billions went for anything that it was supposed to go for? Was THAT the Republicans' fault too? You're darn right the Republicans did not want stimulus money to go to Obama's union cronies and to pay off other favors and all the other stupid stuff it was spent on.

GM monies were TARP, not stimulus, and you're darn right Romney wanted GM to go bankrupt so that it could reorganize and become profitable again. Obama pumps more billions into GM and it went bankrupt anyway. Was that better than just having the bankruptcy without expending mega billions of the people's money?>

As bad as some of the Bush era was, it couldn't hold a candle in irresponsibility, incompetence, cronyism, and downright deception to what we've seen under Obama.

All I can say is that all the money Obama spent didn't go to Switzerland and didn't disappear in Iraq.
There are other methods but it is not that expensive, in all my years of life life I have never needed state paid birth control, nor did my wife and I and we were poor, maybe its time for your victims to grow up when. I also realize that when one, has issue communicating with adults, one must resort to names. I hope you can take care of your issues.

You were poor and didn't buy the pill from planned parenthood and save money - and somehow you think that's relevant?


I didn't need to, it isn't that expensive and do you believe there is only one type of birth control? Now that is funny. Try taking some sex ed classes, it might help some of the confusion you seem to have.

Lets see how women like the $5.00/gallon gas this summer!!!:eusa_dance:

Romney only has to turn around 10% and all is well. He's got white males securely in his back pocket.

Not all white males. I'm a white male. Romney has a 19 point gender gap with women. For every 2 women voting for Obama, 1 is voting for Romney. There aren't enough men to elect Romney if this doesn't change.

And I love it that you guys think if the Supreme Court overturns Obamacare or if the oil companies gouge us that we are going to reward the Republicans for it. It will be all the more reason to throw out the bums in Congress. People who won't take on the oil companies. McConnell, Boehner & Ryan. You guys don't think the public is smart enough to know that the GOP are attacking women, the middle class, poor people, minorities, etc. Well they get it. Did you see the latest polls? Romney is a horrible choice. But then so were the rest of your choices. Good luck.

Obama Romney
a. Is the stronger leader 46 40
b. Seems like the more friendly and
likable person 64 26
c. Has a clearer vision for the
future 45 40
d. Is more inspiring 55 29
e. Is more consistent in his
positions 46 36

I am assuming the reason why you didn't include the link to that poll was because a) it's a Washington Post poll which is extremely unreliable, b) that was question #28 on the poll and they spent much of the previous 27 questions swaying toward Obama with the structure of their questioning, and c) the sample included 11% more Democrats than Republicans.

Try paying closer attention to how the poll is structured and reading the crosstabs rather than cherry-picking data to support your erroneous claims.

Washington Post-ABC News Poll (
Last edited:
Lets see how women like the $5.00/gallon gas this summer!!!:eusa_dance:

Romney only has to turn around 10% and all is well. He's got white males securely in his back pocket.

Not all white males. I'm a white male. Romney has a 19 point gender gap with women. For every 2 women voting for Obama, 1 is voting for Romney. There aren't enough men to elect Romney if this doesn't change.

And I love it that you guys think if the Supreme Court overturns Obamacare or if the oil companies gouge us that we are going to reward the Republicans for it. It will be all the more reason to throw out the bums in Congress. People who won't take on the oil companies. McConnell, Boehner & Ryan. You guys don't think the public is smart enough to know that the GOP are attacking women, the middle class, poor people, minorities, etc. Well they get it. Did you see the latest polls? Romney is a horrible choice. But then so were the rest of your choices. Good luck.

Obama Romney
a. Is the stronger leader 46 40
b. Seems like the more friendly and
likable person 64 26
c. Has a clearer vision for the
future 45 40
d. Is more inspiring 55 29
e. Is more consistent in his
positions 46 36

Just wait a little while, when this debacle about Ann Romney not working makes the entire circuit, we'll see how his numbers stack up with the ladies.

Don't forget Rosen was in charge of Fluke's testimony. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Who do you think the Romney issue is going to benefit?

And what are you talking about Rosen & Fluke? What is your point?
Lets see how women like the $5.00/gallon gas this summer!!!:eusa_dance:

Romney only has to turn around 10% and all is well. He's got white males securely in his back pocket.

Not all white males. I'm a white male. Romney has a 19 point gender gap with women. For every 2 women voting for Obama, 1 is voting for Romney. There aren't enough men to elect Romney if this doesn't change.

And I love it that you guys think if the Supreme Court overturns Obamacare or if the oil companies gouge us that we are going to reward the Republicans for it. It will be all the more reason to throw out the bums in Congress. People who won't take on the oil companies. McConnell, Boehner & Ryan. You guys don't think the public is smart enough to know that the GOP are attacking women, the middle class, poor people, minorities, etc. Well they get it. Did you see the latest polls? Romney is a horrible choice. But then so were the rest of your choices. Good luck.

Obama Romney
a. Is the stronger leader 46 40
b. Seems like the more friendly and
likable person 64 26
c. Has a clearer vision for the
future 45 40
d. Is more inspiring 55 29
e. Is more consistent in his
positions 46 36

I am assuming the reason why you didn't include the link to that poll was because a) it's a Washington Post poll which is extremely unreliable, b) that was question #28 on the poll and they spent much of the previous 27 questions swaying toward Obama with the structure of their questioning, and c) the sample included 11% more Democrats than Republicans.

Try paying closer attention to what it says and reading the crosstabs rather than cherry-picking data to support your erroneous claims.

Washington Post-ABC News Poll (

Big surprise! Poo Pooing the source as liberal. :lol:

God you guys are so predicable. Trust me, you are behind right now. Big time.

You know who the key is? The Wallstreet Protesters/99%er movement/kids. You are doomed. Young girls who want to have the right to have an abortion if they choose. And understand the importance of birth control. And when you attack them, you attack us too.
Big surprise! Poo Pooing the source as liberal. :lol:

God you guys are so predicable. Trust me, you are behind right now. Big time.

I didn't argue that the source was liberal. I argued that a) polls by news outlets are notoriously inaccurate in comparison to professional polling agencies, b) the poll in question uses phrasing and question structure that sways respondents to a particular point of view. Whether they do this by accident or design, who knows, but this is why media polls suck. They don't know how to structure it to avoid creating biases in their data. c) the results are highly questionable since the breakdown of Republican/Democrat/and Independent voters is not reflective of the breakdown of the nation. Since there are far fewer Republican voters surveyed the data will be biased toward Obama. If you can't grasp that you have the brain of a rock.

Now currently I would agree that Obama is ahead of Romney, but in reality not nearly by as much as liberals would like to think. The RCP average has Obama up 5.3% even with the highly questionable WaPo, CNN, and TIPP polls....that's not a good spread for an incumbent president seven months ahead of the election. In reality the spread is probably more like 2%-3% which is within a standard margin of error (a statistical tie).

You know who the key is? The Wallstreet Protesters/99%er movement/kids. You are doomed. Young girls who want to have the right to have an abortion if they choose. And understand the importance of birth control. And when you attack them, you attack us too.

Pffft.....if you are depending on the youth vote to win an election you are in BIG trouble my friend. They make a lot of noise, the love to march, they love to protest...but they don't vote in nearly the same numbers as they do the other things.
Big surprise! Poo Pooing the source as liberal. :lol:

God you guys are so predicable. Trust me, you are behind right now. Big time.

I didn't argue that the source was liberal. I argued that a) polls by news outlets are notoriously inaccurate in comparison to professional polling agencies, b) the poll in question uses phrasing and question structure that sways respondents to a particular point of view. Whether they do this by accident or design, who knows, but this is why media polls suck. They don't know how to structure it to avoid creating biases in their data. c) the results are highly questionable since the breakdown of Republican/Democrat/and Independent voters is not reflective of the breakdown of the nation. Since there are far fewer Republican voters surveyed the data will be biased toward Obama. If you can't grasp that you have the brain of a rock.

Now currently I would agree that Obama is ahead of Romney, but in reality not nearly by as much as liberals would like to think. The RCP average has Obama up 5.3% even with the highly questionable WaPo, CNN, and TIPP polls....that's not a good spread for an incumbent president seven months ahead of the election. In reality the spread is probably more like 2%-3% which is within a standard margin of error (a statistical tie).

You know who the key is? The Wallstreet Protesters/99%er movement/kids. You are doomed. Young girls who want to have the right to have an abortion if they choose. And understand the importance of birth control. And when you attack them, you attack us too.

Pffft.....if you are depending on the youth vote to win an election you are in BIG trouble my friend. They make a lot of noise, the love to march, they love to protest...but they don't vote in nearly the same numbers as they do the other things.

Underestimating the enemy? Big mistake. Hooge. :D
Underestimating the enemy? Big mistake. Hooge. :D

No...just that statistically speaking they don't vote as often as older citizens. The media made quite a fuss about Obama's huge turnout for young voters in 2008. Well about 52% of them actually showed up to cast a ballot. That's certainly an improvement over the 42% turnout in 2000, but really only a 4% increase over 2004. Additionally they only make up about 15% of the registered electorate.

Now every voting demographic is important, but because of the facts that there are fewer young voters than older voters (over age 29) and that they don't turn out to vote as often, they don't have as much power to swing an election as other demographics.

Political Polling: Strategic Information in Campaigns - Jeffrey M. Stonecash - Google Books
Underestimating the enemy? Big mistake. Hooge. :D

No...just that statistically speaking they don't vote as often as older citizens. The media made quite a fuss about Obama's huge turnout for young voters in 2008. Well about 52% of them actually showed up to cast a ballot. That's certainly an improvement over the 42% turnout in 2000, but really only a 4% increase over 2004. Additionally they only make up about 15% of the registered electorate.

Now every voting demographic is important, but because of the facts that there are fewer young voters than older voters (over age 29) and that they don't turn out to vote as often, they don't have as much power to swing an election as other demographics.

Political Polling: Strategic Information in Campaigns - Jeffrey M. Stonecash - Google Books

I can't go with the past being a predictor of the future, when so much has changed in the past ten years. But thank you for your civility.
Big surprise! Poo Pooing the source as liberal. :lol:

God you guys are so predicable. Trust me, you are behind right now. Big time.

I didn't argue that the source was liberal. I argued that a) polls by news outlets are notoriously inaccurate in comparison to professional polling agencies, b) the poll in question uses phrasing and question structure that sways respondents to a particular point of view. Whether they do this by accident or design, who knows, but this is why media polls suck. They don't know how to structure it to avoid creating biases in their data. c) the results are highly questionable since the breakdown of Republican/Democrat/and Independent voters is not reflective of the breakdown of the nation. Since there are far fewer Republican voters surveyed the data will be biased toward Obama. If you can't grasp that you have the brain of a rock.

Now currently I would agree that Obama is ahead of Romney, but in reality not nearly by as much as liberals would like to think. The RCP average has Obama up 5.3% even with the highly questionable WaPo, CNN, and TIPP polls....that's not a good spread for an incumbent president seven months ahead of the election. In reality the spread is probably more like 2%-3% which is within a standard margin of error (a statistical tie).

You know who the key is? The Wallstreet Protesters/99%er movement/kids. You are doomed. Young girls who want to have the right to have an abortion if they choose. And understand the importance of birth control. And when you attack them, you attack us too.

Pffft.....if you are depending on the youth vote to win an election you are in BIG trouble my friend. They make a lot of noise, the love to march, they love to protest...but they don't vote in nearly the same numbers as they do the other things.

Pew says you are wrong.

66% of those under age 30 voted for Barack Obama making the disparity between young voters and other age groups larger than in any presidential election since exit polling began in 1972.

Young Voters in the 2008 Election - Pew Research Center

What the younger crowd needs to learn/realize is how important midterms are. Not enough to just show up every 4 years. That's how the tea baggers got in.
I can't go with the past being a predictor of the future, when so much has changed in the past ten years. But thank you for your civility.

Soooooo....if the same (or very similar) thing happens over and over and over you don't think the odds are pretty good that it will happen again? :confused: I mean if you were playing a game of darts with me and I hit the bullseye 10 times in a row would you really wager much money that I wouldn't hit it on the 11th try?
Big surprise! Poo Pooing the source as liberal. :lol:

God you guys are so predicable. Trust me, you are behind right now. Big time.

I didn't argue that the source was liberal. I argued that a) polls by news outlets are notoriously inaccurate in comparison to professional polling agencies, b) the poll in question uses phrasing and question structure that sways respondents to a particular point of view. Whether they do this by accident or design, who knows, but this is why media polls suck. They don't know how to structure it to avoid creating biases in their data. c) the results are highly questionable since the breakdown of Republican/Democrat/and Independent voters is not reflective of the breakdown of the nation. Since there are far fewer Republican voters surveyed the data will be biased toward Obama. If you can't grasp that you have the brain of a rock.

Now currently I would agree that Obama is ahead of Romney, but in reality not nearly by as much as liberals would like to think. The RCP average has Obama up 5.3% even with the highly questionable WaPo, CNN, and TIPP polls....that's not a good spread for an incumbent president seven months ahead of the election. In reality the spread is probably more like 2%-3% which is within a standard margin of error (a statistical tie).

You know who the key is? The Wallstreet Protesters/99%er movement/kids. You are doomed. Young girls who want to have the right to have an abortion if they choose. And understand the importance of birth control. And when you attack them, you attack us too.

Pffft.....if you are depending on the youth vote to win an election you are in BIG trouble my friend. They make a lot of noise, the love to march, they love to protest...but they don't vote in nearly the same numbers as they do the other things.

Pew says you are wrong.

66% of those under age 30 voted for Barack Obama making the disparity between young voters and other age groups larger than in any presidential election since exit polling began in 1972.

My God you are fucking dense. That's 66% of young voters who actually voted not 66% of all citizens 29 or under. I am arguing with a moron.
Underestimating the enemy? Big mistake. Hooge. :D

No...just that statistically speaking they don't vote as often as older citizens. The media made quite a fuss about Obama's huge turnout for young voters in 2008. Well about 52% of them actually showed up to cast a ballot. That's certainly an improvement over the 42% turnout in 2000, but really only a 4% increase over 2004. Additionally they only make up about 15% of the registered electorate.

Now every voting demographic is important, but because of the facts that there are fewer young voters than older voters (over age 29) and that they don't turn out to vote as often, they don't have as much power to swing an election as other demographics.

Political Polling: Strategic Information in Campaigns - Jeffrey M. Stonecash - Google Books

And I would also guess that the lawless, vandalizing, and property trashing youth of the OWS are even less likely to vote than the relatively small percentage of the civic minded youth who make up that demographic of voters.
Big surprise! Poo Pooing the source as liberal. :lol:

God you guys are so predicable. Trust me, you are behind right now. Big time.

I didn't argue that the source was liberal. I argued that a) polls by news outlets are notoriously inaccurate in comparison to professional polling agencies, b) the poll in question uses phrasing and question structure that sways respondents to a particular point of view. Whether they do this by accident or design, who knows, but this is why media polls suck. They don't know how to structure it to avoid creating biases in their data. c) the results are highly questionable since the breakdown of Republican/Democrat/and Independent voters is not reflective of the breakdown of the nation. Since there are far fewer Republican voters surveyed the data will be biased toward Obama. If you can't grasp that you have the brain of a rock.

Now currently I would agree that Obama is ahead of Romney, but in reality not nearly by as much as liberals would like to think. The RCP average has Obama up 5.3% even with the highly questionable WaPo, CNN, and TIPP polls....that's not a good spread for an incumbent president seven months ahead of the election. In reality the spread is probably more like 2%-3% which is within a standard margin of error (a statistical tie).

You know who the key is? The Wallstreet Protesters/99%er movement/kids. You are doomed. Young girls who want to have the right to have an abortion if they choose. And understand the importance of birth control. And when you attack them, you attack us too.

Pffft.....if you are depending on the youth vote to win an election you are in BIG trouble my friend. They make a lot of noise, the love to march, they love to protest...but they don't vote in nearly the same numbers as they do the other things.

Pew says you are wrong.

66% of those under age 30 voted for Barack Obama making the disparity between young voters and other age groups larger than in any presidential election since exit polling began in 1972.

Young Voters in the 2008 Election - Pew Research Center

What the younger crowd needs to learn/realize is how important midterms are. Not enough to just show up every 4 years. That's how the tea baggers got in.

The tea baggers got in due to failed democrat policies. Nothing less. And 201o was a precursor as to what is coming in 2012. So sit back and enjoy "Or in your case" be terrified the 2012 elections.

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