The Republican War On Women

Romney & Obama were within a point of each other until the contraception thing. Then Obama QUICKLY did damage control and bowed out. The GOP candidates did the opposite. They made an issue where they shouldn't have and turned it into a contest to prove who was the most extreme Right. Oops.
Then you have Governor Invasive Ultra-Sound in VA.
Then you have the whackjobs in Texas requiring women see the pic.
Then you have the majority who voted against Equal Pay.
Then you have the Governor who repealed Equal pay in his state.
Then you have 2/3 of the GOP voting against the Violence Against Women Act. (80% of the men)

Then there is that pesky Fact: Since all that began, Romney has lost 12 points with women and Obama has gained 15. That's just, you know, a fact.
Romney & Obama were within a point of each other until the contraception thing. Then Obama QUICKLY did damage control and bowed out. The GOP candidates did the opposite. They made an issue where they shouldn't have and turned it into a contest to prove who was the most extreme Right. Oops.
Then you have Governor Invasive Ultra-Sound in VA.
Then you have the whackjobs in Texas requiring women see the pic.
Then you have the majority who voted against Equal Pay.
Then you have the Governor who repealed Equal pay in his state.
Then you have 2/3 of the GOP voting against the Violence Against Women Act. (80% of the men)

Then there is that pesky Fact: Since all that began, Romney has lost 12 points with women and Obama has gained 15. That's just, you know, a fact.

Really? The stats I have been seing this past week are not looking so good with Obama re women as the gap has significantly narrowed.
Romney & Obama were within a point of each other until the contraception thing. Then Obama QUICKLY did damage control and bowed out. The GOP candidates did the opposite. They made an issue where they shouldn't have and turned it into a contest to prove who was the most extreme Right. Oops.
Then you have Governor Invasive Ultra-Sound in VA.
Then you have the whackjobs in Texas requiring women see the pic.
Then you have the majority who voted against Equal Pay.
Then you have the Governor who repealed Equal pay in his state.
Then you have 2/3 of the GOP voting against the Violence Against Women Act. (80% of the men)

Then there is that pesky Fact: Since all that began, Romney has lost 12 points with women and Obama has gained 15. That's just, you know, a fact.

Really? The stats I have been seing this past week are not looking so good with Obama re women as the gap has significantly narrowed.

I'd be interested in seeing those. Gotta link or source? The last one I saw, showed Romney improving with white women over 50 and nowhere else. Have you seen something new?
Lord, as much as I love reading, I would gladly give it up if it meant I never needed to read your drivel again.

Still claiming to make $100/hr, sparky?

You were expecting The T to actually address a topic? Silly girl!

I found this from last week.

Obama Is Still Winning The Polls On Women - Business Insider

The last I saw had Romney making gains with white women over 50 and nowhere else but that was on tv and I can't find a link yet.
Here's one for ya, from two days ago;

Polls show Obama with big lead among women

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama, polls show, holds a sizable lead over Republican challenger Mitt Romney among women — the country's largest voting bloc.

That becomes important in any presidential election year not only because there are more women voters but also because a greater percentage of the female population historically cast ballots.

For example, in the 2008 presidential election, in which Obama defeated Sen. John McCain, 60 percent of women voted. Just 55 percent of men went to the polls.

The race this year looks to be very close. With just more than six months remaining before the Nov. 6 election, most polls of all registered voters show Obama and Romney neck-and-neck or with the incumbent holding a slight lead.

But the heft and importance of the women's vote is already showing. Among that group Obama is leading Romney by an average of 11.5 percentage points in six major polls. The same polls of male voters show the candidates statistically even in three surveys and with Romney up by an average of 6.6 percentage points in the other three.
Romney & Obama were within a point of each other until the contraception thing. Then Obama QUICKLY did damage control and bowed out. The GOP candidates did the opposite. They made an issue where they shouldn't have and turned it into a contest to prove who was the most extreme Right. Oops.
Then you have Governor Invasive Ultra-Sound in VA.
Then you have the whackjobs in Texas requiring women see the pic.
Then you have the majority who voted against Equal Pay.
Then you have the Governor who repealed Equal pay in his state.
Then you have 2/3 of the GOP voting against the Violence Against Women Act. (80% of the men)

Then there is that pesky Fact: Since all that began, Romney has lost 12 points with women and Obama has gained 15. That's just, you know, a fact.

Really? The stats I have been seing this past week are not looking so good with Obama re women as the gap has significantly narrowed.

I'd be interested in seeing those. Gotta link or source? The last one I saw, showed Romney improving with white women over 50 and nowhere else. Have you seen something new?

The RCP polling data is usually the most current and gives a broad view to the polls out there. The average of the last round of polling data had Obama with a double digit lead over Romney. Everybody now has it much closer and all seem to be within 4 or less points of everybody else except for CNN and NBC, both whose polling data has been fairly consistent in significantly favoring the Democrat.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

According to ABC polling data, independents are still divided but are beginning to lean Romney in increasing numbers.
THE RACE: Polls Show Obama-Romney Race Very Close - ABC News

Re the women, I’m working on memory from commentary and haven’t found any recent polls specifically addressing the gender gap. The fact that there is no commentary re the gap increasing, however, suggests that it is likely favoring Romney.

EDIT: I don't mean to imply that Romney is doing better with women, but I am willing to bet a good steak dinner that he's not doing any worse; else we would be seeing that reported.
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Romney & Obama were within a point of each other until the contraception thing. Then Obama QUICKLY did damage control and bowed out. The GOP candidates did the opposite. They made an issue where they shouldn't have and turned it into a contest to prove who was the most extreme Right. Oops.

So a liberal is telling us that fighting government forcing insurers to provide free contraception in private contracts was a stupid thing to fight? Wow, I'd say I almost care but it would be a lie, I don't at all.
Really? The stats I have been seing this past week are not looking so good with Obama re women as the gap has significantly narrowed.

I'd be interested in seeing those. Gotta link or source? The last one I saw, showed Romney improving with white women over 50 and nowhere else. Have you seen something new?

The RCP polling data is usually the most current and gives a broad view to the polls out there. The average of the last round of polling data had Obama with a double digit lead over Romney. Everybody now has it much closer and all seem to be within 4 or less points of everybody else except for CNN and NBC, both whose polling data has been fairly consistent in significantly favoring the Democrat.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

According to ABC polling data, independents are still divided but are beginning to lean Romney in increasing numbers.
THE RACE: Polls Show Obama-Romney Race Very Close - ABC News

Re the women, I’m working on memory from commentary and haven’t found any recent polls specifically addressing the gender gap. The fact that there is no commentary re the gap increasing, however, suggests that it is likely favoring Romney.

EDIT: I don't mean to imply that Romney is doing better with women, but I am willing to bet a good steak dinner that he's not doing any worse; else we would be seeing that reported.

RCP doesn't have a poll concerning women on their site. The 3.9 point lead Obama has now is a largely due to Romney's decline in popularity with women. Romney was actually ahead until the debates in October and then started catching up to Obama again until two months ago - when Birth Control blew up in the GOP face. Obama has been trending upward since.
The GOP has a problem with women.
I'd be interested in seeing those. Gotta link or source? The last one I saw, showed Romney improving with white women over 50 and nowhere else. Have you seen something new?

The RCP polling data is usually the most current and gives a broad view to the polls out there. The average of the last round of polling data had Obama with a double digit lead over Romney. Everybody now has it much closer and all seem to be within 4 or less points of everybody else except for CNN and NBC, both whose polling data has been fairly consistent in significantly favoring the Democrat.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

According to ABC polling data, independents are still divided but are beginning to lean Romney in increasing numbers.
THE RACE: Polls Show Obama-Romney Race Very Close - ABC News

Re the women, I’m working on memory from commentary and haven’t found any recent polls specifically addressing the gender gap. The fact that there is no commentary re the gap increasing, however, suggests that it is likely favoring Romney.

EDIT: I don't mean to imply that Romney is doing better with women, but I am willing to bet a good steak dinner that he's not doing any worse; else we would be seeing that reported.

RCP doesn't have a poll concerning women on their site. The 3.9 point lead Obama has now is a largely due to Romney's decline in popularity with women. Romney was actually ahead until the debates in October and then started catching up to Obama again until two months ago - when Birth Control blew up in the GOP face. Obama has been trending upward since.
The GOP has a problem with women.

Okay, now I'm going to ask you for links to support your assertions.
The funny thing about women? They'll believe their own eyes before they'll believe your lies.

My lie that women are people and don't need to be separated by men and that they aren't just impacted by the issues related to their vaginas? That's not a lie. You just have blinders on.
Girl runs away from home at age 17. Gets pregnant and what does the government do? Gives her a free place to live, food stamps and other cash subsidies.
Handing out free cash to an irresponsible young woman does what? Makes her more responsible?
Talk about a war! What Republican supports that?
Fact is liberal policies have done more to destroy womanhood than anything any Republican could ever come up with.
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I'm still waiting for those bills that democrats passed regarding contraception, abortion, and rape by ultrasound.

And if it's no big deal, then WHY on God's green is it all that the rethugs do these days. Why. You can keep on attacking me, but it won't make the shit they're pulling any less obvious.
And strangely enough, why they are all up in our business? Why are there no bills regarding men? Why is it about freedom if it's a man, but choice if it's a woman?
I'm still waiting for those bills that democrats passed regarding contraception, abortion, and rape by ultrasound.

And if it's no big deal, then WHY on God's green is it all that the rethugs do these days. Why. You can keep on attacking me, but it won't make the shit they're pulling any less obvious.

Now I agree with you on the ultrasound bill but that is one state only.
What bills stop contraception?
Who is denied an abortion?
Republicans are Damn Fools on the abortion and that ultrasound bill. NO law stops abortion. They know it and we also see them with their moronic gay boogeyman stances also.
South Dakota for one. One planned parenthood in the entire state. The 72 hour hold makes it impossible to see the doctor on the day he's available. Of course - you're right. They all just go to North Dakota.

Here's hoping ND doesn't get all weird, too.

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