The Republican War On Women

Truth is people don't want to be treated as equals -- no no they want to be treated as members of a specific group so they can bitch and cry racism or bias...

All this "war against __________________" is all in your fucking heads....
I see so according to you the GOP didn't repeal equal pay laws, didn't mandate that women be forced to have probes stuck up their vagina, didn't try to eliminate preventive health care for women, didn't slash nutrition/other funding that helps women. Perhaps if you could step into realiy you wouldnt be such an angry moron

All you fucks want to be is victims - and that is how you spend your entire lives - being victims..
Apparently everyone is a victim of the white Christian male....

I'm shocked progressive white males don't practice Self-immolation as a fucking ritual.
Well when the GOP and you continue to dsicmriante agaisnt people who aren't white Christian men then those people wont be victums

I don't discriminate against anyone - that is why I'm so pissed...

I'm a libertarian - I don't give a fuck what anyone does just as long as it doesn't affect me.

I see everyone as equal until they open their mouths or use their fingers to spew crazy collectivist shit...

Back on topic -

No one is preventing woman from health care, no one is impeding woman... Not getting free abortions and not getting free contraceptives is NOT being denied health care.

Sticking a blender up a chicks waazzooo and cutting up a living being is NOT a womans right - as a matter of fact it's fucking unconstitutional... I view that as murder and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with woman....

Oh and there is no way anyone on this board could beat me in a debate on abortion...

Ill be back in 15-30 minutes if anyone wants to have that debate...

You're whacked. Seriously unhinged.
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Truth is people don't want to be treated as equals -- no no they want to be treated as members of a specific group so they can bitch and cry racism or bias...

All this "war against __________________" is all in your fucking heads....
I see so according to you the GOP didn't repeal equal pay laws, didn't mandate that women be forced to have probes stuck up their vagina, didn't try to eliminate preventive health care for women, didn't slash nutrition/other funding that helps women. Perhaps if you could step into realiy you wouldnt be such an angry moron

All you fucks want to be is victims - and that is how you spend your entire lives - being victims..
Apparently everyone is a victim of the white Christian male....

I'm shocked progressive white males don't practice Self-immolation as a fucking ritual.
Well when the GOP and you continue to dsicmriante agaisnt people who aren't white Christian men then those people wont be victums
No one is preventing woman from health care, no one is impeding woman... Not getting free abortions and not getting free contraceptives is NOT being denied health care.
See this is the problem. you have no clue about the topic at hand. The GOP has already made it so millions of women cannot get preventative health care such as cancer screenings. Perry tried to do it in taxes but the courts reversed his decision

Sticking a blender up a chicks waazzooo and cutting up a living being is NOT a womans right - as a matter of fact it's fucking unconstitutional... I view that as murder and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with woman....
See this is part of the problem you think women do not even have to right to decide what medical procedures they want or what they can do with their own bodies
Oh and there is no way anyone on this board could beat me in a debate on abortion...

Ill be back in 15-30 minutes if anyone wants to have that debate...

Yes I'd happily like to see you claim that a bunch of cells should have more rights then a women
Women should not get elective procedures like abortions on the taxpayer's dime. If someone wants to pay for someone else's abortion this is the way to do it.

‘Bowl-a-Thon’ Raises $466,014 to Help Poor Women Buy Abortions |

( – The third annual “National Abortion Access Bowl-a-Thon” was held throughout the month of April, with activists gathering at local bowling alleys to raise cash for “low-income and disadvantaged women who want an abortion and do not have enough money to pay for it.”

“Abortion funds from across the country are raising money to make reproductive rights a reality for women who can’t afford to pay for an abortion – and we want you to join us!” states the Web site for the event, which was sponsored by the National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF).
Oh I see so according to you republicans repealing equal pay laws, supporting discrimination against women, denying women health care, wanting to increase costs for women's preventive health care, slashing funding to help women and their children get proper nutrition, telling women what they can/cant do with their bodies isn't a war.
The problem here is that you think the GOP plan to make women second class citizens is a good plan

Oh you mean treat individuals as individuals and NOT members of some fucking "minority group" is wrong???
Oh I see according to you denying women health care, forcing them to get medical procedures and discriminating against them is treating them as individuals...
That's the problem with you fucking progressives - you see people as members of groups such as; woman, black, white, Mexican, gay, straight, Christian, Muslim, republican, democrat etc....
THe problem is that the GOP and you want to discriminate against people who aren't white rich christian straight men

There should be no fucking special treatment for a specific group dummy...
I'm sick of this collectivism bullshit...........
I'm sick if ignorant idiots like you

Name one piece of legislation that denies women the right to health care. This....I gotta see.
Still five days to the full moon, home skillet.

Deep, cleansing breaths.

Question goes to you as well. Show one piece of legislation that denies women access to health care.
Having to pay for it does NOT equal barring from access.
Now, post those laws.
Oh you mean treat individuals as individuals and NOT members of some fucking "minority group" is wrong???
Oh I see according to you denying women health care, forcing them to get medical procedures and discriminating against them is treating them as individuals...

THe problem is that the GOP and you want to discriminate against people who aren't white rich christian straight men

There should be no fucking special treatment for a specific group dummy...
I'm sick of this collectivism bullshit...........
I'm sick if ignorant idiots like you

Name one piece of legislation that denies women the right to health care. This....I gotta see.
heres one
New GOP Bill Would Allow Hospitals To Let Women Die Instead Of Having An Abortion | TPMDC


and another
New wedge issue: cuts to women

and another
First Read - House passes measure stripping Planned Parenthood funding

and another
Blog for Choice | Birth Control for Horses, Not for Women
Oh I see according to you denying women health care, forcing them to get medical procedures and discriminating against them is treating them as individuals...

THe problem is that the GOP and you want to discriminate against people who aren't white rich christian straight men

There should be no fucking special treatment for a specific group dummy...

I'm sick if ignorant idiots like you

In what fucking universe are woman being denied health care?????
The current one that you are so detached from
Please explain that shit and prove all the shit you just asserted...
Maybe if you paid attention you would of notice all the GOP bashing/cuts to planned parenthood/ or their bans on certain medical procedures relating to abortions, or their insistence on increasing the costs of women related health care goods such as birth control
Woman are being denied free abortions and free contraceptives and NOW YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKERS ATTEMPT TO EQUATE THAT INTO BEING DENIED HEALTH CARE????

How fucking delusional are you progressives????

Seriously - this is fucking insanity...
COuld you come back when you are able to post something that contains intellectual value?
Defunding of Planned Parenthood was brought on by the fact that the Planned Parenthood leadership had gone away from their mission of providing reproductive services into a political arm of the democrat party. In fact Planned Parenthood was spending far more of their funding on lobbying than it was on reproductive services. AND more of it's funding was going to abortions than it was contraception and family planning.
The country got quite sick and tired of throwing tax dollars into an organization that no longer was doing the job for which it was intended.
Now, if you think this is "denying women access to healthcare" you are living in a parallel universe. The reason you will never answer the question of what legislation denies women access to healthcare is because it does not exist.
This so called GOP war on women DOES NOT EXIST. Your side made it up.
Oh I see according to you denying women health care, forcing them to get medical procedures and discriminating against them is treating them as individuals...

THe problem is that the GOP and you want to discriminate against people who aren't white rich christian straight men

There should be no fucking special treatment for a specific group dummy...

I'm sick if ignorant idiots like you

Name one piece of legislation that denies women the right to health care. This....I gotta see.
heres one
New GOP Bill Would Allow Hospitals To Let Women Die Instead Of Having An Abortion | TPMDC


and another
New wedge issue: cuts to women

and another
First Read - House passes measure stripping Planned Parenthood funding

and another
Blog for Choice | Birth Control for Horses, Not for Women
First....This is not a law. It's a bill and it has not been voted upon by the Senate and probably will not be taken up by the Senate any time soon.
Second, the Bill says NOTHING even close to the rhetoric posted on the site. NOT EVEN close. Your link indicates a hysterical attempt to force taxpayers to fund abortions through scare tactics. Nowhere does that bill state there is a denial of care to women.
Here is the link the text of HR385 VERBATIM......
Protect Life Act (H.R. 358) -
Nice try...But you'll have to do better than this.
Now, try again. Name one law that denies women access to healthcare.
And please, stop with the Planned Parenthood nonsense. I think PP should be defunded because it gets millions of dollars in private donations. They don't need MY money.
You go ahead and believe what you wish. Doesn't make it fact. Far from it.
There is no war on woman you fucking idiots...........

Just because some people are opposed to free birth control and free abortions - all of a sudden its a "WAR ON WOMAN."

What the fuck is wrong with you melodramatic retards???

Does anyone else see the laughable irony in this poster calling OTHER people melodramatic? :lol:

Anytime someone doesn't give you whatever you want for free you fucking little babies run to the corner and pout like a 5-year-old screaming "mommy you hate me because you didn't buy me candy."

You progressives are essentially 5-year-olds...

"No fair, you wont give us free condoms, birth control and abortions - you hate woman."


Okay, so the guy stomping his little feeties and throwing a tantrum is calling everyone else "childish m-fers". Again, this is kinda the definition of irony, isn't it? Funny though! :lol:

Has anyone ever seen Mr. Nick engage in a civil and intelligent debate without the tanrums and petty name-calling? Just curious.
If nothing else, he's entertaining.

Bring a brain cell to the debate instead of talking points. That would be refreshing.

Yes except that while you spew your usual bullshat about other posters, I have posted about the political impact or the GOP from an objective, analytical, supported and verifiable point of view.
Gotta love idiots who come into a thread claiming someone is only using talking points because they're too stupid to read what that person has posted, before boarding the Whackjob Train of Debate.
There is no war on woman you fucking idiots...........

Just because some people are opposed to free birth control and free abortions - all of a sudden its a "WAR ON WOMAN."

What the fuck is wrong with you melodramatic retards???

Does anyone else see the laughable irony in this poster calling OTHER people melodramatic? :lol:

Anytime someone doesn't give you whatever you want for free you fucking little babies run to the corner and pout like a 5-year-old screaming "mommy you hate me because you didn't buy me candy."

You progressives are essentially 5-year-olds...

"No fair, you wont give us free condoms, birth control and abortions - you hate woman."


Okay, so the guy stomping his little feeties and throwing a tantrum is calling everyone else "childish m-fers". Again, this is kinda the definition of irony, isn't it? Funny though! :lol:

Has anyone ever seen Mr. Nick engage in a civil and intelligent debate without the tanrums and petty name-calling? Just curious.
If nothing else, he's entertaining.

All I did was point out the obvious. Sorry if I'm too colorful for you.

Besides, you're the dumb fucks throwing the fit not me.

You don't see me making threads like: "The Progressives War on White Christian Males."

I've never attempted to portray myself as a victim - unlike you drama-queen.

LOL! Well let's see. Hmmm. I posted about political impact, perception of voting blocs and verifiable changes in polling.
You my little drama queen came in here in hysterics and without even realizing it, have just exhibited the victim mentality: "Well you don't see ME making these mean ol' posts that hurt my little feelings!" Poor baby. :eusa_boohoo:
Have you considered simply not reading the post that get you so upset, you throw fits and tantrums?
Just a thought.
You had no idea that there are women who place their own interests and beliefs above the personal choices of other women? Really!?

Did you take a course on making stuff up ?

I know there are women out there who are against abortion and they have existed since 1972.

Their interests and beliefs are their personal choices. I am sorry. What part of that don't you understand ?
You had no idea that there are women who place their own interests and beliefs above the personal choices of other women? Really!?

Did you take a course on making stuff up ?

I know there are women out there who are against abortion and they have existed since 1972.

Their interests and beliefs are their personal choices. I am sorry. What part of that don't you understand ?

The part where they want THEIR reality to be the universal reality. Not happening.
You had no idea that there are women who place their own interests and beliefs above the personal choices of other women? Really!?

Did you take a course on making stuff up ?

I know there are women out there who are against abortion and they have existed since 1972.

Their interests and beliefs are their personal choices. I am sorry. What part of that don't you understand ?

The part where they want THEIR reality to be the universal reality. Not happening.

rw's (as well as pubs and teebags) don't believe in "personal choices" or freedom of choice. They only know government laws controlling women and making sure they don't get all uppity like Sandra Fluke ...

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