The Republican War On Women

The House approved Republican Mike Pence's amendment to cut off funding for Planned Parenthood.

The vote was 240-185 with 11 Democrats voting for the amendment, and seven Republicans voting against. One member voted present. A group of Republicans on the floor applauded when the vote hit 218.

So?.....Let the users of planned parenthood fund it. I see nothing wrong with that.
Why must everything with you libs be turned into a taxpayer funded entitlement.
The House approved Republican Mike Pence's amendment to cut off funding for Planned Parenthood.

The vote was 240-185 with 11 Democrats voting for the amendment, and seven Republicans voting against. One member voted present. A group of Republicans on the floor applauded when the vote hit 218.

So?.....Let the users of planned parenthood fund it. I see nothing wrong with that.
Why must everything with you libs be turned into a taxpayer funded entitlement.

Exactly. It would be wonderful if there was a great big sugar daddy with unlimited resources who could fund everything that somebody thinks is a worthy cause, could provide everybody with everything they need, could make this a utopia on Earth.

But the fact is we are more than 15 trillion in debt, a huge percentage of that owed to people who absolutely do not have our best interests at heart, and that debt is growing at a whopping $5 billion dollars a day. Every penny the federal government spends for anything comes out of the pockets of or obligates we the taxpayers.

At some point we are going to have to get hardnosed and pick and choose those essential functions of of the federal government that we have to fund and leave it to the good hearts of the people to choose who deserve direct funding from them. Those of you who see Planned Parenthood as a great organization can certainly send them enough bucks to make up any shortfall.
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From the Center for Reproductive Rights' 2010-11 annual report:

"The Center is hard-pressed to cite a time in the last twenty years that can rival -- in volume and in severity -- this most recent period of anti-woman, anti-child, and anti-health legislative action in the United States."

Center for Reproductive Rights......?

You're kidding.....I hope ?

That is like expecting someone to see a statement about Pro Football from Jerry Jones and take it seriously.

You really are an idiot.
The House approved Republican Mike Pence's amendment to cut off funding for Planned Parenthood.

The vote was 240-185 with 11 Democrats voting for the amendment, and seven Republicans voting against. One member voted present. A group of Republicans on the floor applauded when the vote hit 218.

So?.....Let the users of planned parenthood fund it. I see nothing wrong with that.
Why must everything with you libs be turned into a taxpayer funded entitlement.

Exactly. It would be wonderful if there was a great big sugar daddy with unlimited resources who could fund everything that somebody thinks is a worthy cause, could provide everybody with everything they need, could make this a utopia on Earth.

But the fact is we are more than 15 trillion in debt, a huge percentage of that owed to people who absolutely do not have our best interests at heart, and that debt is growing at a whopping $5 billion dollars a day. Every penny the federal government spends for anything comes out of the pockets of or obligates we the taxpayers.

At some point we are going to have to get hardnosed and pick and choose those essential functions of of the federal government that we have to fund and leave it to the good hearts of the people to choose who deserve direct funding from them. Those of you who see Planned Parenthood as a great organization can certainly send them enough bucks to make up any shortfall.

If the GOP had been true to its colors back in the fact of give it away Johnson, we would not be in this much a mess.

The GOP needs to get hardnosed about the essential functions of government even if we are running surpluses.
Which facts?...Post them. If you dare.

Not sure what you two are on about but the fact is that both Romney and the GOP have suffered political fallout since the beginning of February, when the GOP began their mistakes with birth control, new abortion laws, repealing Equal Pay etc...
I believe this thread is about the Republican War on Women and whether or not that is the intent of the GOP, it is obviously the perception of American women.
"when the GOP began their mistakes with birth control, new abortion laws, repealing Equal Pay etc."

Facts please....Rhetoric not acceptable.

I already went the rounds with CowDungLiberal on this one. The "facts" the laws cited in the OP. Those are documented.

What isn't true is that it constitutes a war on women since half the GOP is made up of women who support a lot of anti-abortion measures. They are not declaring war on themselves and that is what makes the whole argument so freaking stupid.
So?.....Let the users of planned parenthood fund it. I see nothing wrong with that.
Why must everything with you libs be turned into a taxpayer funded entitlement.

Exactly. It would be wonderful if there was a great big sugar daddy with unlimited resources who could fund everything that somebody thinks is a worthy cause, could provide everybody with everything they need, could make this a utopia on Earth.

But the fact is we are more than 15 trillion in debt, a huge percentage of that owed to people who absolutely do not have our best interests at heart, and that debt is growing at a whopping $5 billion dollars a day. Every penny the federal government spends for anything comes out of the pockets of or obligates we the taxpayers.

At some point we are going to have to get hardnosed and pick and choose those essential functions of of the federal government that we have to fund and leave it to the good hearts of the people to choose who deserve direct funding from them. Those of you who see Planned Parenthood as a great organization can certainly send them enough bucks to make up any shortfall.

If the GOP had been true to its colors back in the fact of give it away Johnson, we would not be in this much a mess.

The GOP needs to get hardnosed about the essential functions of government even if we are running surpluses.

Not just the GOP. All of it. The Dems, the GOP, the White House, the department heads, the states, and even the local cities need to rethink the role of government. Is it to provide for us? It can't. No government has ever been able to do that. Is it to provide an environment in which we can provide for ourselves? That was the Founders intent all along.
Exactly. It would be wonderful if there was a great big sugar daddy with unlimited resources who could fund everything that somebody thinks is a worthy cause, could provide everybody with everything they need, could make this a utopia on Earth.

But the fact is we are more than 15 trillion in debt, a huge percentage of that owed to people who absolutely do not have our best interests at heart, and that debt is growing at a whopping $5 billion dollars a day. Every penny the federal government spends for anything comes out of the pockets of or obligates we the taxpayers.

At some point we are going to have to get hardnosed and pick and choose those essential functions of of the federal government that we have to fund and leave it to the good hearts of the people to choose who deserve direct funding from them. Those of you who see Planned Parenthood as a great organization can certainly send them enough bucks to make up any shortfall.

If the GOP had been true to its colors back in the fact of give it away Johnson, we would not be in this much a mess.

The GOP needs to get hardnosed about the essential functions of government even if we are running surpluses.

Not just the GOP. All of it. The Dems, the GOP, the White House, the department heads, the states, and even the local cities need to rethink the role of government. Is it to provide for us? It can't. No government has ever been able to do that. Is it to provide an environment in which we can provide for ourselves? That was the Founders intent all along.

The GOP is the keeper of the faith in this regard or should be.

The dems, liberals, and especially the current WH are no friend of states powers and limited government.

Just look at Obamacare.

I am all to familiar with the founders intent. That no longer matters to me.

States powers make sense now.

Support the 10th amendment.

Repeal the 17th amendment.

Repeal or rewrite the 14th amendment.

Dump Obama.
I'm conservative on most issues, but when it comes to women's right to choose, I'm with them. However I do not think the government should pay for anything whatsoever with that issue. I also couldn't care less if gay people marry eachother, and I don't think the government should pay for their weddings either.

Our economy is in serious trouble. Lots of people seem to think this is just a faze of capitalism, the rise and falls. I disagree, we are on the brink, or coming toward the brink of a serious downturn towards a possible collapse. The fiscal decisions we make in the next 5 years will have a tremendous impact on our future. The government must be smaller, spend less, and hopefully be less invasive if we are going to continue to be a superpower.
I'm conservative on most issues, but when it comes to women's right to choose, I'm with them. However I do not think the government should pay for anything whatsoever with that issue. I also couldn't care less if gay people marry eachother, and I don't think the government should pay for their weddings either.

Our economy is in serious trouble. Lots of people seem to think this is just a faze of capitalism, the rise and falls. I disagree, we are on the brink, or coming toward the brink of a serious downturn towards a possible collapse. The fiscal decisions we make in the next 5 years will have a tremendous impact on our future. The government must be smaller, spend less, and hopefully be less invasive if we are going to continue to be a superpower.

If there were a way for a woman to register her uterus as a corporation, then Republicans would have no interest in regulating it.
There is no war on woman you fucking idiots...........

Just because some people are opposed to free birth control and free abortions - all of a sudden its a "WAR ON WOMAN."

What the fuck is wrong with you melodramatic retards???

Anytime someone doesn't give you whatever you want for free you fucking little babies run to the corner and pout like a 5-year-old screaming "mommy you hate me because you didn't buy me candy."

You progressives are essentially 5-year-olds...

"No fair, you wont give us free condoms, birth control and abortions - you hate woman."

Which facts?...Post them. If you dare.

Not sure what you two are on about but the fact is that both Romney and the GOP have suffered political fallout since the beginning of February, when the GOP began their mistakes with birth control, new abortion laws, repealing Equal Pay etc...
I believe this thread is about the Republican War on Women and whether or not that is the intent of the GOP, it is obviously the perception of American women.
"when the GOP began their mistakes with birth control, new abortion laws, repealing Equal Pay etc."

Facts please....Rhetoric not acceptable.

Sure. Always happy to address any reply directly. When i refer to mistakes, I'm not speaking in legal or even moral terms. I'm simply referring to the political cost or benefit of an action.
When Obama first got into it with the Catholics over BC, I considered it a mistake in purely political terms. Why piss off a large group of swing voters over a non-issue? Obama obviously had the same realization because he did damage control pronto and to the degree that Catholic Health Systems issued a public statement thnaking him. Well done.
The problem for the GOP was that Santorum was so far behind, he had nothing to lose by running as far and as quickly to The Right as he could. Romney had to follow. Then the whole party followed and during that whole time, what did Obama say? Nothing. he just stayed out of it.
So it went from Obama making a mistake to the GOP making a 10x bigger mistake. The GOP already had some problems with women and these were exacerbated by the wonderful Governor Ultra-Sound, Governor Unequal Pay, The Texas Photographers, Governor Re-define Life in AZ etc...
The reason I say these actions were mistakes politically, is the nosedive the GOP has taken in polls since all this started. The fact that Obama has suddenly skyrocketed in populatirty among women under 50 is no coincidence.
Women are the largest voting bloc in America now. Whether there is an intentional war against them by the GOP is neither relevant nor what I was commenting on. The mistake the GOP has made is that, that voting bloc percieves the GOP as the enemy.
There is no war on woman you fucking idiots...........

Just because some people are opposed to free birth control and free abortions - all of a sudden its a "WAR ON WOMAN."

What the fuck is wrong with you melodramatic retards???

Does anyone else see the laughable irony in this poster calling OTHER people melodramatic? :lol:

Anytime someone doesn't give you whatever you want for free you fucking little babies run to the corner and pout like a 5-year-old screaming "mommy you hate me because you didn't buy me candy."

You progressives are essentially 5-year-olds...

"No fair, you wont give us free condoms, birth control and abortions - you hate woman."


Okay, so the guy stomping his little feeties and throwing a tantrum is calling everyone else "childish m-fers". Again, this is kinda the definition of irony, isn't it? Funny though! :lol:

Has anyone ever seen Mr. Nick engage in a civil and intelligent debate without the tanrums and petty name-calling? Just curious.
If nothing else, he's entertaining.
There is no war on woman you fucking idiots...........

Just because some people are opposed to free birth control and free abortions - all of a sudden its a "WAR ON WOMAN."

What the fuck is wrong with you melodramatic retards???

Does anyone else see the laughable irony in this poster calling OTHER people melodramatic? :lol:

Anytime someone doesn't give you whatever you want for free you fucking little babies run to the corner and pout like a 5-year-old screaming "mommy you hate me because you didn't buy me candy."

You progressives are essentially 5-year-olds...

"No fair, you wont give us free condoms, birth control and abortions - you hate woman."


Okay, so the guy stomping his little feeties and throwing a tantrum is calling everyone else "childish m-fers". Again, this is kinda the definition of irony, isn't it? Funny though! :lol:

Has anyone ever seen Mr. Nick engage in a civil and intelligent debate without the tanrums and petty name-calling? Just curious.
If nothing else, he's entertaining.

Bring a brain cell to the debate instead of talking points. That would be refreshing.
There is no war on woman you fucking idiots...........
Just because some people are opposed to free birth control and free abortions - all of a sudden its a "WAR ON WOMAN."
What the fuck is wrong with you melodramatic retards???
Anytime someone doesn't give you whatever you want for free you fucking little babies run to the corner and pout like a 5-year-old screaming "mommy you hate me because you didn't buy me candy."
You progressives are essentially 5-year-olds...
"No fair, you wont give us free condoms, birth control and abortions - you hate woman."

Oh I see so according to you republicans repealing equal pay laws, supporting discrimination against women, denying women health care, wanting to increase costs for women's preventive health care, slashing funding to help women and their children get proper nutrition, telling women what they can/cant do with their bodies isn't a war.
The problem here is that you think the GOP plan to make women second class citizens is a good plan

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