The Republican War On Women

Yes, I am that old. And yes; the men were wrong, it made some women uncomfortable and it was unprofessional.

As to the rest? Nice spin. I'm surprised you don't fall over in a heap of the dizzies.

If men admiring a sexy woman makes some women uncomfortable I'd say those women have issues of their own. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Because some see themselves as less than attractive I'm suddenly guilty?

It's not business-like. It's not professional. It's not necessary. You have 16 hours a day to admire pinups. It doesn't need to be at work.
Yes, I am that old. And yes; the men were wrong, it made some women uncomfortable and it was unprofessional.

As to the rest? Nice spin. I'm surprised you don't fall over in a heap of the dizzies.

If men admiring a sexy woman makes some women uncomfortable I'd say those women have issues of their own. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Because some see themselves as less than attractive I'm suddenly guilty?

It's not business-like. It's not professional. It's not necessary. You have 16 hours a day to admire pinups. It doesn't need to be at work.

I never had any pinups. And the only work places I ever saw them in were auto repair shops. Some people are just too sensitive I think.
If men admiring a sexy woman makes some women uncomfortable I'd say those women have issues of their own. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Because some see themselves as less than attractive I'm suddenly guilty?

It's not business-like. It's not professional. It's not necessary. You have 16 hours a day to admire pinups. It doesn't need to be at work.

I never had any pinups. And the only work places I ever saw them in were auto repair shops. Some people are just too sensitive I think.

I worked in the office of a machine shop - the guys had them in the covers of their toolboxes. Whenever I came through, they closed the boxes.

And it's still not the point. I mean, I could care. But it isn't professional.
It's not business-like. It's not professional. It's not necessary. You have 16 hours a day to admire pinups. It doesn't need to be at work.

I never had any pinups. And the only work places I ever saw them in were auto repair shops. Some people are just too sensitive I think.

I worked in the office of a machine shop - the guys had them in the covers of their toolboxes. Whenever I came through, they closed the boxes.

And it's still not the point. I mean, I could care. But it isn't professional.

It's a machine shop boop. Jeez
I never had any pinups. And the only work places I ever saw them in were auto repair shops. Some people are just too sensitive I think.

I worked in the office of a machine shop - the guys had them in the covers of their toolboxes. Whenever I came through, they closed the boxes.

And it's still not the point. I mean, I could care. But it isn't professional.

It's a machine shop boop. Jeez

I SAID I was fine with it! Comprehension, do you have it?



I have yet to see women launch a campaign against men's reproductive healthcare.

But maybe you aren't old enough to remember the days of militant feminism when a guy having a sexy pin up in his own private cubicle was blasted for sexual harrassment; when the undertones were that men were not necessary, and that men should take back seats to women to make up for past sins, etc. And to this day it is dangerous for a male boss to compliment a female employee on her appearance. All utter absurdities.

But again us women cannot have it both ways. We cannot demand special accommodations or protections for us as women who want to be homemakers and competent mothers and at the same time demand equal pay and promotion opportunities with men who can give full attention and energy to the job. If we choose a full time, unrestricted career then good. We have every right to compete on equal footing. If we choose the equally noble career of being homemaker and mother, that's fine too. We should be applauded. And if we are not superwomen and choose to combine both, we have chosen to advance more slowly than our counterparts who can devote full time and energy to the effort.

But we live in a great country in which the choice is ours.

It is not a war on women to treat them as equals instead of fragile and incapable beings who must have men and government taking care of their every need.

there shouldn't be sexy pin-ups in men's cubicles at work. it's an office, not a locker room. and women in the workplace shouldn't be made uncomfortable being there.

but i suppose we could move backwards as a society like the reactionaries want us to. heck, those days where men smoked cigars at work and had sexy pictures up and didn't have to work near blacks...

dems da days, right?

Jillian, you have fallen into a bad habit of not debating but building straw men and drawing ridiculous assumptions about what other people want and/or are saying. I am not suggesting we move backward to any unacceptable norms. So how about focusing on the points actually being made, okay? If you disagree it sure wouldn't be the first time somebody disagreed with me. But make an argument for how I am wrong if you think I am wrong. (If you are successful, it wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong either.)

The point was not whether somebody should be allowed to have a pin up in their cubicle. The point was whether his having a pin up in his private cubicle was grounds for sexual harrassment. Is that honestly creating a hostile work environment? Are women so fragile that they must be protected from the concept that guys are guys and like to look at sexy women? Are women so fragile that the boss can't even compliment her outfit without risking a sexual harrassment complaint? That is the point I was making. It was taken to ridiculous extremes and sometimes still is.

The point I was making was the concept that if women want equality, they cannot expect to demand special treatment or accommodations because they are women.

The point I was making is that Republicans seeing and treating women as equals rather than as some substandard, incapable, disadvantaged group that needs special accommodations and/or somebody to take care of them is not a war on women.
But maybe you aren't old enough to remember the days of militant feminism when a guy having a sexy pin up in his own private cubicle was blasted for sexual harrassment; when the undertones were that men were not necessary, and that men should take back seats to women to make up for past sins, etc. And to this day it is dangerous for a male boss to compliment a female employee on her appearance. All utter absurdities.

But again us women cannot have it both ways. We cannot demand special accommodations or protections for us as women who want to be homemakers and competent mothers and at the same time demand equal pay and promotion opportunities with men who can give full attention and energy to the job. If we choose a full time, unrestricted career then good. We have every right to compete on equal footing. If we choose the equally noble career of being homemaker and mother, that's fine too. We should be applauded. And if we are not superwomen and choose to combine both, we have chosen to advance more slowly than our counterparts who can devote full time and energy to the effort.

But we live in a great country in which the choice is ours.

It is not a war on women to treat them as equals instead of fragile and incapable beings who must have men and government taking care of their every need.

there shouldn't be sexy pin-ups in men's cubicles at work. it's an office, not a locker room. and women in the workplace shouldn't be made uncomfortable being there.

but i suppose we could move backwards as a society like the reactionaries want us to. heck, those days where men smoked cigars at work and had sexy pictures up and didn't have to work near blacks...

dems da days, right?

Jillian, you have fallen into a bad habit of not debating but building straw men and drawing ridiculous assumptions about what other people want and/or are saying. I am not suggesting we move backward to any unacceptable norms. So how about focusing on the points actually being made, okay? If you disagree it sure wouldn't be the first time somebody disagreed with me. But make an argument for how I am wrong if you think I am wrong. (If you are successful, it wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong either.)

The point was not whether somebody should be allowed to have a pin up in their cubicle. The point was whether his having a pin up in his private cubicle was grounds for sexual harrassment. Is that honestly creating a hostile work environment? Are women so fragile that they must be protected from the concept that guys are guys and like to look at sexy women? Are women so fragile that the boss can't even compliment her outfit without risking a sexual harrassment complaint? That is the point I was making. It was taken to ridiculous extremes and sometimes still is.

The point I was making was the concept that if women want equality, they cannot expect to demand special treatment or accommodations because they are women.

The point I was making is that Republicans seeing and treating women as equals rather than as some substandard, incapable, disadvantaged group that needs special accommodations and/or somebody to take care of them is not a war on women.

Yup. Looks like as big a load of hogwash as it did the first time you said it.
But maybe you aren't old enough to remember the days of militant feminism when a guy having a sexy pin up in his own private cubicle was blasted for sexual harrassment; when the undertones were that men were not necessary, and that men should take back seats to women to make up for past sins, etc. And to this day it is dangerous for a male boss to compliment a female employee on her appearance. All utter absurdities.

But again us women cannot have it both ways. We cannot demand special accommodations or protections for us as women who want to be homemakers and competent mothers and at the same time demand equal pay and promotion opportunities with men who can give full attention and energy to the job. If we choose a full time, unrestricted career then good. We have every right to compete on equal footing. If we choose the equally noble career of being homemaker and mother, that's fine too. We should be applauded. And if we are not superwomen and choose to combine both, we have chosen to advance more slowly than our counterparts who can devote full time and energy to the effort.

But we live in a great country in which the choice is ours.

It is not a war on women to treat them as equals instead of fragile and incapable beings who must have men and government taking care of their every need.

there shouldn't be sexy pin-ups in men's cubicles at work. it's an office, not a locker room. and women in the workplace shouldn't be made uncomfortable being there.

but i suppose we could move backwards as a society like the reactionaries want us to. heck, those days where men smoked cigars at work and had sexy pictures up and didn't have to work near blacks...

dems da days, right?

Jillian, you have fallen into a bad habit of not debating but building straw men and drawing ridiculous assumptions about what other people want and/or are saying. I am not suggesting we move backward to any unacceptable norms. So how about focusing on the points actually being made, okay? If you disagree it sure wouldn't be the first time somebody disagreed with me. But make an argument for how I am wrong if you think I am wrong. (If you are successful, it wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong either.)

The point was not whether somebody should be allowed to have a pin up in their cubicle. The point was whether his having a pin up in his private cubicle was grounds for sexual harrassment. Is that honestly creating a hostile work environment? Are women so fragile that they must be protected from the concept that guys are guys and like to look at sexy women? Are women so fragile that the boss can't even compliment her outfit without risking a sexual harrassment complaint? That is the point I was making. It was taken to ridiculous extremes and sometimes still is.

The point I was making was the concept that if women want equality, they cannot expect to demand special treatment or accommodations because they are women.

The point I was making is that Republicans seeing and treating women as equals rather than as some substandard, incapable, disadvantaged group that needs special accommodations and/or somebody to take care of them is not a war on women.

Very good point.
there shouldn't be sexy pin-ups in men's cubicles at work. it's an office, not a locker room. and women in the workplace shouldn't be made uncomfortable being there.

but i suppose we could move backwards as a society like the reactionaries want us to. heck, those days where men smoked cigars at work and had sexy pictures up and didn't have to work near blacks...

dems da days, right?

Jillian, you have fallen into a bad habit of not debating but building straw men and drawing ridiculous assumptions about what other people want and/or are saying. I am not suggesting we move backward to any unacceptable norms. So how about focusing on the points actually being made, okay? If you disagree it sure wouldn't be the first time somebody disagreed with me. But make an argument for how I am wrong if you think I am wrong. (If you are successful, it wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong either.)

The point was not whether somebody should be allowed to have a pin up in their cubicle. The point was whether his having a pin up in his private cubicle was grounds for sexual harrassment. Is that honestly creating a hostile work environment? Are women so fragile that they must be protected from the concept that guys are guys and like to look at sexy women? Are women so fragile that the boss can't even compliment her outfit without risking a sexual harrassment complaint? That is the point I was making. It was taken to ridiculous extremes and sometimes still is.

The point I was making was the concept that if women want equality, they cannot expect to demand special treatment or accommodations because they are women.

The point I was making is that Republicans seeing and treating women as equals rather than as some substandard, incapable, disadvantaged group that needs special accommodations and/or somebody to take care of them is not a war on women.

Yup. Looks like as big a load of hogwash as it did the first time you said it.

However, I know Jillian is capable of a good debate if she puts her mind to it. Are you?
Yes, I am that old. And yes; the men were wrong, it made some women uncomfortable and it was unprofessional.

As to the rest? Nice spin. I'm surprised you don't fall over in a heap of the dizzies.

If men admiring a sexy woman makes some women uncomfortable I'd say those women have issues of their own. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Because some see themselves as less than attractive I'm suddenly guilty?
If women acted like men, we could make them uncomfortable, too. While some dude is posting pictures of women with boobs three times the size of her waistline, we could post pictures of the 13" penises that are scarce in the real world, except for one minor detail. YOU CAN"T FIND ANY ONLINE OR YOU WILL BE PUT ON A PREDATOR LIST AND BING! FOREWARNS YA.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Furthermore, in order to appeal to men, short women have to weigh around 100 pounds to catch the admiration of the man they like. Unfortunately, she may have to wear a AA cup size to achieve that, so her only option if she is to have the man she wants is a risky surgery or a club bigger than the one he carries. Tall women have to weigh 115 or less to look good in motion pictures. Bulemia and anorexia nervosa abound on college campuses. Looking good to the visual crowd is dangerous to young women as well as old.

The world just not a fair place for girls sometimes, Grampa Murked Ya. :eusa_boohoo:

No matter how good she looks or how married she is, a woman always runs the risk of having a partner who has roving eyes and secrets she'd prefer not knowing. By constantly surfing the web for nubile young women, a man can destroy his own woman, especially if she asks him to stop it and he doesn't. She wonders if the woman he is eyeballing is local, and when he's done gawking, indeed, she might have some "issues of her own" treatable only by divorce, intensive psychological counseling, getting religion, reassurance of her peers that she is still desirable, a salacious affair, compensating by overeating, or high dosage knock-out pills that just may cool off her concerns, but she probably won't have the slightest interest in sex when that happens. And she may be mad as hell when the pills wear off that she had to go through any of that crap because her mate is a thoughtless pig for eye candy, which is rubbed in after she catches him doing that for the umpteenth time.

Why the hell do I come to this ridiculous thread?
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Yes, I am that old. And yes; the men were wrong, it made some women uncomfortable and it was unprofessional.

As to the rest? Nice spin. I'm surprised you don't fall over in a heap of the dizzies.

If men admiring a sexy woman makes some women uncomfortable I'd say those women have issues of their own. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Because some see themselves as less than attractive I'm suddenly guilty?
If women acted like men, we could make them uncomfortable, too. While some dude is posting pictures of women with boobs three times the size of her waistline, we could post pictures of the 13" penises that are scarce in the real world, except for one minor detail. YOU CAN"T FIND ANY ONLINE OR YOU WILL BE PUT ON A PREDATOR LIST AND BING! FOREWARNS YA.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Furthermore, in order to appeal to men, short women have to weigh around 100 pounds to catch the admiration of the man they like. Unfortunately, she may have to wear a AA cup size to achieve that, so her only option if she is to have the man she wants is a risky surgery or a club bigger than the one he carries. Tall women have to weigh 115 or less to look good in motion pictures. Bulemia and anorexia nervosa abound on college campuses. Looking good to the visual crowd is dangerous to young women as well as old.

The world just not a fair place for girls sometimes, Grampa Murked Ya. :eusa_boohoo:

No matter how good she looks or how married she is, a woman always runs the risk of having a partner who has roving eyes and secrets she'd prefer not knowing. By constantly surfing the web for nubile young women, a man can destroy his own woman, especially if she asks him to stop it and he doesn't. She wonders if the woman he is eyeballing is local, and when he's done gawking, indeed, she might have some "issues of her own" treatable only by divorce, intensive psychological counseling, getting religion, reassurance of her peers that she is still desirable, a salacious affair, or high dosage knock-out pills that just may cool off her concerns, but she probably won't have the slightest interest in sex when that happens. And she may be mad as hell when the pills wear off that she had to go through any of that crap because her mate is a thoughtless pig for eye candy, which is rubbed in after she catches him doing that for the umpteenth time.

Why the hell do I come to this ridiculous thread?

Every word you say here is true, Becki. But the thread is not about selfish, immature, irresponsible, insensitive, or cruel men. Or selfish, immature, irresponsible, insensitive, or cruel women for that matter. Many, I'm going to guess most, men do not do things they know is hurtful or uncomfortable for their spouses or the other women in their lives. But I understand that Hombre likes to look at a good looking woman in exactly the way that I can appreciate a well built, good looking guy. (Neither of us go looking for them on the internet and it isn't a sexual thing but rather just appreciation for beauty.) Appreciation for beauty, wherever it is found, is not a bad thing. (He probably would have had a pin up as a single guy. As a married man, however, he simply would not do that.)

At the same time I really do know what an honest to goodness hostile work environment is and what real sexual harrassment is.

But as a woman, I do not want to be discriminated against because I don't fit the modern perceptions of what the perfect woman must look like. I will never be equal to others, men or women, in that regard. All I ask is that I be seen as a competent, capable person who is deserving of the proper rewards for the contributions that she makes. I don't want special privileges or accommodations. I don't want to be seen as some fragile creature that must have special protections from normal activities of other people lest she feel threatened or uncomfortable. I want to be seen as somebody who merited and earned success rather than somenody who was handed it because I was incapable of achieving it otherwise.

I think Republicans, as a group, are far more likely to see me in that light than are progressives.
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HEY! You said you were going to work.

Oh I am. I'm sitting here at the pinup free warehouse waiting for them to bring out my pallet of stone.

What sucks is the stone the customer wanted turned out to be back ordered. So the supplier agreed to eat the price difference for a larger slab if I would come in today, set up my saws and cut it into the appropriate sizes. About 1000 cuts. Sigh....

Not getting paid for it but at least my remodel doesn't come to a halt.

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