The Republican War On Women

There is no Republican war on women. Even the suggestion of that is total baloney and stuff of flame-bait desperation to win a political election based on prevarication and false innuendo.
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What constitues a war on women ?

What constitutes a war on American Manufacturing ? The EPA ?

Personally I think a war on women involves using them as political tools to push socialism and portraying women as only caring about issues involving their vaginas

The war on women are policies and attitudes that encourage promiscuity, that denigrate the traditional family with father and mother being married and then raising their kids mutally. The war on women is making them so dependent on government subsidies that it is terrifying to them to think that those subsidies would be reduced or taken away. Once you have somebody enslaved that way, you have their vote forever. Which of course is why the government does it.

The Republicans are not waging war on women or anybody else. At least the conservative Republicans are not. Conservatives see people as individuals and not as a member of some demographic. Conservatives believe everybody should be encouraged to strive to reach their fullest potential, whatever that means to them, instead of being paid to remain mediocre and/or dependent as a member of some group. Women should see themselves as capable, strong, intelligent human beings instead of victims and dependents on government benevolence and feeling that they are forced to live a lifestyle that keeps the freebies coming.

And of course in the case of all entitlements, women as much as any other group, can develop the mindset that the freebies are their right and anyone who refuses to pay to provide them for them is evil and must be destroyed. It is a viscious cycle that takes all of society down.
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The fact is, we women can't have it both ways. If we want to be treated equally with the men, we have to be willing to stand on our own two feet, pay our own way, and do what the men are willing to do. We can't on one hand says that because we are women we are entitled to this or that or others should take care of whatever are our needs as women or we have to have special consideration as women and then complain when we think we are treated differently.

So then wht you're saying is that all insurance companies should stop covering Viagra? Funny, none of them have - including Catholic Health systems - which provides it to single men. Hmmm. So much for "sin" being a factor!

But here's the deal. It's not about whether the GOP actually hates women or their rights, freedoms etc... That doesn't even matter. What does matter is perception. The reality is that the GOP has done and (amazingly, WTF?) continues to do things that women percieve negatively. Frankly, I don't blame them.
Abortion law was settled decades ago. Contraception?!?!?! Are you F-ing kidding me? You guys are trying to redefine when life begins THIS year? Repealing Equal Pay? THAT one even pisses me off and it obviously doesn't directly affect me.
Say what you will, the GOP has taken a nose dive in the polls with women under 50. That's just plain fact. As long as they stay in denial and if they continue these insane antics, they're cooked in November. I might even have to change my predictions about them holding the house and taking the senate, if they keep this madness up.
There is no Republican war on women. Even the suggestion of that is total baloney and stuff of flame-bait desperation to win a political election based on prevarication and false innuendo.

Lol.....I love how you have no clue....straight from the fox news talking point...silly little tinfoil hat crackhead

Right, who's some dumb ass taking talking points from fox news to challenge your DNC talking points. Clearly the DNC has no benefit from this, they just care about women. So you can trust them. Here's a cookie, run along little boy...

When Rush decided that if a woman chose to be sexually active, she was choosing to be a slut, and he went on for three days, and most everybody here backed him? That was a major eye-opener for me.

So a private citizen elected to nothing "opened your eyes" and drove you into the arms of a political party that blindly supported a sexual predator who was in the white house? When liberals say what you just did I always find it stunning.

Rush, elected to nothing, said that a woman who wants other people to pay for her sex life is a slut. A woman who chose to go public and advocate it.

Clinton, President of the United States sexually harasses a Democratic activist in the White House, gets blow jobs from an intern and had a long term affair with Jennifer flowers. He was accused of exposing himself to an admin when he was Governor and at least a lot of the story was corroborated by the Arkansas Troopers who guarded him. He was accused of raping Juanita Broaddrick and despite the myriad of other things we know he did there was zero follow up.

You look at those situations, and the Republicans scare you. Once again, that your issue is really what you consider women's issues and not just using women as tools to push the Democratic party is frankly just difficult to believe.

"Drove me into the arms?" I've been a Democrat since 2007.
This is what makes it so much the worse, many of them CLEARLY don't realize they've waged war on women. Including many of the deranged lunatic fringe RW women in the camp.

Sad, very sad.

:( *SMH*
I'm a Republican woman, and I enjoy being a girl. It's fun! :)

It's going to stop being fun when we get down to the point where you are nothing but an incubator.
What a perfectly nasty thing to say.
There is no Republican war on women. Even the suggestion of that is total baloney and stuff of flame-bait desperation to win a political election based on prevarication and false innuendo.

Lol.....I love how you have no clue....straight from the fox news talking point...silly little tinfoil hat crackhead
I'm gonna faint. You actually got through diatribe without using the F-Bomb. Face it. I'm a good influence. Next week, you'll be quoting from the church hymnal and singing hallelujah. :D

It's the republican war on women????

Is that why obama refers to his female secretary of state as a drunk? Or is it why he doesn't have any women in his little inner circle? It has to be the republican war on women as the reason that obama pays the female white house staff 18% less than the men.
When Rush decided that if a woman chose to be sexually active, she was choosing to be a slut, and he went on for three days, and most everybody here backed him? That was a major eye-opener for me.

So a private citizen elected to nothing "opened your eyes" and drove you into the arms of a political party that blindly supported a sexual predator who was in the white house? When liberals say what you just did I always find it stunning.

Rush, elected to nothing, said that a woman who wants other people to pay for her sex life is a slut. A woman who chose to go public and advocate it.

Clinton, President of the United States sexually harasses a Democratic activist in the White House, gets blow jobs from an intern and had a long term affair with Jennifer flowers. He was accused of exposing himself to an admin when he was Governor and at least a lot of the story was corroborated by the Arkansas Troopers who guarded him. He was accused of raping Juanita Broaddrick and despite the myriad of other things we know he did there was zero follow up.

You look at those situations, and the Republicans scare you. Once again, that your issue is really what you consider women's issues and not just using women as tools to push the Democratic party is frankly just difficult to believe.

"Drove me into the arms?" I've been a Democrat since 2007.

So you ignore the whole point of my post and respond to a nit?
The fact is, we women can't have it both ways. If we want to be treated equally with the men, we have to be willing to stand on our own two feet, pay our own way, and do what the men are willing to do. We can't on one hand says that because we are women we are entitled to this or that or others should take care of whatever are our needs as women or we have to have special consideration as women and then complain when we think we are treated differently.
Very well said.
The fact is, we women can't have it both ways. If we want to be treated equally with the men, we have to be willing to stand on our own two feet, pay our own way, and do what the men are willing to do. We can't on one hand says that because we are women we are entitled to this or that or others should take care of whatever are our needs as women or we have to have special consideration as women and then complain when we think we are treated differently.
Very well said.

That's why women are fighting to keep Republicans out of their privates.
The fact is, we women can't have it both ways. If we want to be treated equally with the men, we have to be willing to stand on our own two feet, pay our own way, and do what the men are willing to do. We can't on one hand says that because we are women we are entitled to this or that or others should take care of whatever are our needs as women or we have to have special consideration as women and then complain when we think we are treated differently.
Very well said.

That's why women are fighting to keep Republicans out of their privates.
Republicans are in women's privates? Wow. All this sexual activity and the left is against it!

No one is in women's privates. You do understand that, right?


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I have yet to see women launch a campaign against men's reproductive healthcare.

Actually, I believe somebody did launch a sauce-goose/gander moment, but can't remember who right now.

It's none of their business. None of it. I don't know why so much legislation has been introduced in the past year regarding all things having to do with women's reproductive rights, but it's really making them look unhinged.


I have yet to see women launch a campaign against men's reproductive healthcare.

Actually, I believe somebody did launch a sauce-goose/gander moment, but can't remember who right now.

It's none of their business. None of it. I don't know why so much legislation has been introduced in the past year regarding all things having to do with women's reproductive rights, but it's really making them look unhinged.

Just some retaliatory Viagra-type legislation, which didn't go anywhere is all I'm aware of.

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