The Republican War On Women

What is the point of insurance then. They are making more money than God, and heaven forfend it should actually to go offset the payer's expenses. What a load of bull.

The point of insurance is as it has always been. A private company trying to turn a profit by selling you a service. Take away the profit and you take away the product. Which coincidentally I believe was Obamas plan all along.

I believe you're an idiot. My belief has more evidence than what you propose is Obama's plan.

That's because you're too dense to understand that Obama knew forcing the collapse of the insurance industry was the only way to get to a single payer system.

Neged as usual.
What is the point of insurance then. They are making more money than God, and heaven forfend it should actually to go offset the payer's expenses. What a load of bull.

The point of insurance is as it has always been. A private company trying to turn a profit by selling you a service. Take away the profit and you take away the product. Which coincidentally I believe was Obamas plan all along.

Really? And just how big a profit do they need?

How much profit should the government allow any business to have? Is that your question?
What is the point of insurance then. They are making more money than God, and heaven forfend it should actually to go offset the payer's expenses. What a load of bull.

The point of insurance is as it has always been. A private company trying to turn a profit by selling you a service. Take away the profit and you take away the product. Which coincidentally I believe was Obamas plan all along.

Really? And just how big a profit do they need?

That is their business, not mine. Just like I push my profit margin as far as I can without disrupting my flow of consumers. Until democrats outlaw profits I will continue to do so.
The point of insurance is as it has always been. A private company trying to turn a profit by selling you a service. Take away the profit and you take away the product. Which coincidentally I believe was Obamas plan all along.

Really? And just how big a profit do they need?

How much profit should the government allow any business to have? Is that your question?

No, just the ones that can cause MY DEATH if they choose to deny me in the name of 'profit.'
The point of insurance is as it has always been. A private company trying to turn a profit by selling you a service. Take away the profit and you take away the product. Which coincidentally I believe was Obamas plan all along.

Really? And just how big a profit do they need?

How much profit should the government allow any business to have? Is that your question?

Boggles the mind, doesn't it? It's none of the government's business or anyone elses except the owners of thebusiness.
No, just the ones that can cause MY DEATH if they choose to deny me in the name of 'profit.'

So denying you rubbers is paramount to death? Yikes

We're talking about the profit margin of insurance companies, and yes; death is often the result of their decisions to not honor their end of the bargain.

You and I can't fix our healthcare system. It needs work, yes but Obama just made it worse. You think the few things you were denied before were bad just wait till the insurance companies go bankrupt because they are being forced to cover EVERYTHING. Healthcare will really suck then.

Anyhow my Android battery is dead and i don't feel like sitting at a computer so ill see yall later.
Really? And just how big a profit do they need?

How much profit should the government allow any business to have? Is that your question?

No, just the ones that can cause MY DEATH if they choose to deny me in the name of 'profit.'

I don't know. I have lived a good long life and I have paid out of pocket for every contraceptive or contraceptive device I've ever used. I have never had an insurance policy that covered those. How many women do you think die if the government doesn't give them free contraceptives? Should the government also be giving the men free condoms or vasectomies in case the women forget to take their pill? How about paying for proper instruction on the proper use of the contraceptives? How about mandatory check ups to make sure there is no risk of STD?

How about also furnishing vitamins and other dietary supplements or nutritious food or appropriate shelter or other things that can keep people from dying?

Should the insurance company be required to furnish only the minimal contraceptive protection or the most expensive?

Is it really asking too much of people to abstain from sex until they can buy a pack of condoms or pay for a $9 prescription at Walgreens?

And should any private business be forced by the government to provide any product or service at their own expense?

If so again, please state the amount of profit that any private business should be allowed to make. And how women, who demand equal pay, opportunity, promotions, and treatment can rationalize being entitled to be furnished any product free of charge just because they are women who want an active sex life.
The point of insurance is as it has always been. A private company trying to turn a profit by selling you a service. Take away the profit and you take away the product. Which coincidentally I believe was Obamas plan all along.

I believe you're an idiot. My belief has more evidence than what you propose is Obama's plan.

That's because you're too dense to understand that Obama knew forcing the collapse of the insurance industry was the only way to get to a single payer system.

Neged as usual.

Of course, see how easily you're manipulated. That's a fact understood by the Republican elite too, people like you are so easily lead around by the nose.
Arizona is an at will state so yeah. I don't think it's a stretch that if they object to sex outside of marriage, and you're on the pill so you don't get pregnant, they have the right to fire your ass.

You bet that would hold up in court.

You people are unbelievable. A "war" on women.

They can fire your ass just about anytime they want and they don't need to know who or what you are scewing to get it done.

This is to freaking funny.


Maybe BD Barf should cease trying to rule the world using her twat as an excuse?

Why don't you grow up???
You are denying that groups have to go through assimulation and that women are not the only ones that are discriminated against.

Or was your rant just a demonstration of your medications not quite being powerful enough ?

As usual, what I am trying to tell you went right over your fat head!!! And these kinds of comments prove that you have no credibility whatsoever. Adults don't make such silly comments.

Sorry Bitchnata,

But all you did was rant at a poster. It was no argument, there were not premises reaching a conclusion. You simply ranted.

So just what was it you were trying to tell me ?

Answer: were ranting at FF.

I simply asked you a question.

Silly me. Because your mind is so open when it comes to discussing President Obama.
I speak from my fear. The rest of it matters - of course it matters. I am a woman who gave birth to a female who gave birth to two females. I am one of four sisters. Other people will take up the other fights. This one is mine. This is what I'm passionate about, mostly because it was settled forever ago. Women had/have the right to get pregnant or not, without celibacy being their only option. When Rush decided that if a woman chose to be sexually active, she was choosing to be a slut, and he went on for three days, and most everybody here backed him? That was a major eye-opener for me.

You have that right.

No she doesn't. Rush went over the line a bit in his characterization of Sandra Fluke, but he has never said that women who are sexually active are sluts. He said that those who expect others to pay for them to be sexually active are prostitutes or sluts.There is a huge difference between those two things.

Well, that's different!!! :eek:
What is the point of insurance then. They are making more money than God, and heaven forfend it should actually to go offset the payer's expenses. What a load of bull.

Your statement is bull. Healthcare are not making high margins and government mandates are a huge reason why.

Just How Profitable are Healthcare Insurers? « Thinking About Thinking

And second, you seriously don't realize that prices are set for the benefits you get? Birth Control not included means policy doesn't include either benefit nor charging for birth control. You add it, you add the cost, the company adds the cost to their a markup. Liberals really need to stop talking about capitalism until you understand it.
What constitues a war on women ?

What constitutes a war on American Manufacturing ? The EPA ?
What constitues a war on women ?

What constitutes a war on American Manufacturing ? The EPA ?

Personally I think a war on women involves using them as political tools to push socialism and portraying women as only caring about issues involving their vaginas
When Rush decided that if a woman chose to be sexually active, she was choosing to be a slut, and he went on for three days, and most everybody here backed him? That was a major eye-opener for me.

So a private citizen elected to nothing "opened your eyes" and drove you into the arms of a political party that blindly supported a sexual predator who was in the white house? When liberals say what you just did I always find it stunning.

Rush, elected to nothing, said that a woman who wants other people to pay for her sex life is a slut. A woman who chose to go public and advocate it.

Clinton, President of the United States sexually harasses a Democratic activist in the White House, gets blow jobs from an intern and had a long term affair with Jennifer flowers. He was accused of exposing himself to an admin when he was Governor and at least a lot of the story was corroborated by the Arkansas Troopers who guarded him. He was accused of raping Juanita Broaddrick and despite the myriad of other things we know he did there was zero follow up.

You look at those situations, and the Republicans scare you. Once again, that your issue is really what you consider women's issues and not just using women as tools to push the Democratic party is frankly just difficult to believe.

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