The Republican who saved Civil Rights:Behind the scenes:A Must Read

I just saw Todd Purdum being interviewed about his new book, "An Idea Whose Time Has Come: Two Presidents, Two Parties, and the Battle for the Civil Rights Act of 1964”

The book covers what some of us have posted before, that the parties have changed places since 50 years ago. It sounds like a great book, and it was great hearing Purdum discuss it.

Again you're full of shit, they didn't switch places

Name me the last democrat MORE CONSERVATIVE than a republican in a presidential election?
That's what the author, Todd Purdum, wrote in his book, and said on TV.
This has long been the story of the relationship between democrat oppression and Republican championing of real justice and equality.

He stood up while others sat - The Denver Post

Thanks for that article. I had never heard of Governor Carr. His brave stance is today what we call having "testicular fortitude". Pleased to see he was honored in the end.


He had the balls to not only speak out against FDR's concentration camps, but to put his money (and his political career) where his mouth was.
This is an amazing piece I found at Politico. The story is quite riveting.

I thought at first about putting it in the Race relations/Racism forum but no this is a fabulous political story on how this conservative Republican literally saved the Civil Rights Act and got it passed.

The intrigue is just awesome, President Kennedy, the Republican, heck even Mayor Daley in the "behind the scenes" tale.

Now before those who even want to try to attempt to shoot down this well researched piece I'm going to put up the letter written by a woman who would know first hand what happened at the time when she found out this Republican was retiring.

Her name. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

McCulloch’s name is hardly a household one — even in Ohio. But one witness to the role he played in forcing the country to live up to its founding creed bore passionate, private testimony to his importance.

“Please forgive the emotional tone of this letter,” Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis wrote from aboard the yacht Christina, when she got word in 1971 of McCulloch’s planned retirement from Congress. “But I want you to know how much your example means to me.”

“I know that you, more than anyone, were responsible for the civil rights legislation of the 1960s,” she continued.

“You made a personal commitment to President Kennedy in October 1963, against all the interests of your district.

When he was gone, your personal integrity and character were such that you held to that commitment despite enormous pressure and political temptations not to do so.

There were so many opportunities to sabotage the bill, without appearing to do so, but you never took them. On the contrary, you brought everyone else along with you.

“And as for my dear Jack, it is a precious thought to me that in the last month of his life, when he had so many problems that seemed insoluble, he had the shining gift of your nobility, to give him the hope and faith he needed to carry on.”

The Republican Who Saved Civil Rights - Todd S. Purdum - POLITICO Magazine
I stopped reading when I saw " This is an amazing piece I found at Politico ..." Politico is an ultra right sewer site. Every day they set up a buffet of shit, shit, and more shit. I am not surprised you chowed down. Bon Apetit!
Just remember, you are what you eat.
There's another 'open minded' liberal for ya, afraid to so much as mention the topic. Typical...
What's the point here? That southern racists actually supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964 because of Bill McCulloch?

I bet you think conservatives were democrats and liberals were republican back in the 60s?

There has always been conservative Democrats, and back in the 1960's there were liberal Republicans.
This is an amazing piece I found at Politico. The story is quite riveting.

I thought at first about putting it in the Race relations/Racism forum but no this is a fabulous political story on how this conservative Republican literally saved the Civil Rights Act and got it passed.

The intrigue is just awesome, President Kennedy, the Republican, heck even Mayor Daley in the "behind the scenes" tale.

Now before those who even want to try to attempt to shoot down this well researched piece I'm going to put up the letter written by a woman who would know first hand what happened at the time when she found out this Republican was retiring.

Her name. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

McCulloch’s name is hardly a household one — even in Ohio. But one witness to the role he played in forcing the country to live up to its founding creed bore passionate, private testimony to his importance.

“Please forgive the emotional tone of this letter,” Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis wrote from aboard the yacht Christina, when she got word in 1971 of McCulloch’s planned retirement from Congress. “But I want you to know how much your example means to me.”

“I know that you, more than anyone, were responsible for the civil rights legislation of the 1960s,” she continued.

“You made a personal commitment to President Kennedy in October 1963, against all the interests of your district.

When he was gone, your personal integrity and character were such that you held to that commitment despite enormous pressure and political temptations not to do so.

There were so many opportunities to sabotage the bill, without appearing to do so, but you never took them. On the contrary, you brought everyone else along with you.

“And as for my dear Jack, it is a precious thought to me that in the last month of his life, when he had so many problems that seemed insoluble, he had the shining gift of your nobility, to give him the hope and faith he needed to carry on.”

The Republican Who Saved Civil Rights - Todd S. Purdum - POLITICO Magazine
I stopped reading when I saw " This is an amazing piece I found at Politico ..." Politico is an ultra right sewer site. Every day they set up a buffet of shit, shit, and more shit. I am not surprised you chowed down. Bon Apetit!
Just remember, you are what you eat.


I don't care for the where or when I find gems called "accidental acts of journalism". Your post though tells me everything I need to know about you "mr. or mrs. I used to be a Republican and a conservative poster"

This man gets a letter from Jackie calling him noble from Jackie BUT you have to put up your smarmy post as if you were greater than her

“And as for my dear Jack, it is a precious thought to me that in the last month of his life, when he had so many problems that seemed insoluble, he had the shining gift of your nobility, to give him the hope and faith he needed to carry on.”

What an asshole you are.
What's the point here? That southern racists actually supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964 because of Bill McCulloch?

I bet you think conservatives were democrats and liberals were republican back in the 60s?

There has always been conservative Democrats, and back in the 1960's there were liberal Republicans.

Back then I was a radical left winger.Chanting power to the people. Now I would be classed as a wild and crazy libertarian.

Terminology changes. People don't.

ETA: What makes this story is that this gentleman in particular and please go and read the deal was that McCullouch was as conservative. You see you don't have to be lock step to do the right thing.
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