The Republicans’ war on science and reason

How many things do Republicans have to embarrassingly defend just because they have to defend their party at all cost on every issue? To be anti science?

Science should never be questioned, should it.

I'm not ashamed of being environmentally friendly or Green.

Are you ashamed of being fucking stupid?

Do you the the uncritical acceptance and recitation of dogma makes you appear wise?

Aren't republicans embarrassed to argue for the polluters? Or to hurt the poor?

Have you stopped beating your boyfriend?

Or for a president who lied us into a war? Bankrupted us? Spied on us and tortured?

Wow, you're spewing all your holy words today...

How impressive.

Anti Science? The rich got you guys arguing against science? Because it doesn't jive with their concept of God? Didn't we go through the Enlightenment centuries ago? How long until right wing radical christians no longer matter? I guess when the south gets educated.

Those who question what our leaders state are "anti-science" according to you, huh?

My grandfather said they are only two steps out of the cave. Barely civilized.

At what age were you diagnosed as mentally retarded?
Too many brilliant scientists on both sides of the argument for me to make a concrete stance on either side.

But also when researching this, research the scientists and find out who they work for and who's paying them.

Or you can just look at climategate and the numerous admissions by politicians and scientists that claim AGW is nothing more than a tool for more authoritarian government.

BTW, you know who is paying these scientists that spew this AGW nonsense??? the federal government er I mean the taxpayers via government grants....

They're nothing more than puppets or whores.... They'll say anything to keep the grant money flowing....
The climate has been changing for tens of thousands of years before man ever set foot on the planet.

If man weren't here the climate would still continue to change.

Kinda hard to trust what the scientific community has to say when they were scewing all the data and destroyed 150yrs of true data just to back up their claims.

I wouldn't trust em with the damned sugar bowl.


In denial retard?
Too many brilliant scientists on both sides of the argument for me to make a concrete stance on either side.

But also when researching this, research the scientists and find out who they work for and who's paying them.

Or you can just look at climategate and the numerous admissions by politicians and scientists that claim AGW is nothing more than a tool for more authoritarian government.

BTW, you know who is paying these scientists that spew this AGW nonsense??? the federal government er I mean the taxpayers via government grants....

They're nothing more than puppets or whores.... They'll say anything to keep the grant money flowing....

I'm with ya man, how so many Obamabots don't see the scam Gore is running is shocking to anyone who values common sense.

He says words that convey the message the world is ending cuz of man made pollution, all the while being responsible for more man made polllution than 99.99% of human beings on the planet. And yet they still believe every word he says despite the hypocrisy.
Cool! Another fictitious 'war' from the left.

Good Christ. According the lefties the GOP has umpteen wars going. How does anyone have time to run for POTUS??

Has Congress approved them all??

Batshittery at its best.

Daily Show: Fox Denies War On Women But Finds Wars On Just About Everything Else

Daily Show : Fox Denies War On Women But Finds Wars On Just About Everything Else | Media Matters for America

Douchebattery more like it.

LOL A link from a DNC org.

Too many brilliant scientists on both sides of the argument for me to make a concrete stance on either side.

But also when researching this, research the scientists and find out who they work for and who's paying them.

Or you can just look at climategate and the numerous admissions by politicians and scientists that claim AGW is nothing more than a tool for more authoritarian government.

BTW, you know who is paying these scientists that spew this AGW nonsense??? the federal government er I mean the taxpayers via government grants....

They're nothing more than puppets or whores.... They'll say anything to keep the grant money flowing....

Fuck you too, you know nothing ignoramous.

You are accusing the scientists from all over the world. For every Scientific Society in the world, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger.

From Fourier to present, scientists have been presenting the evidence for global warming. Because obese junkies on the radio think that is not the 'way things oughta be' doesn't change the evidence one whit. People like you are willfully ignorant, and proud of your stupidity.
The climate has been changing for tens of thousands of years before man ever set foot on the planet.

If man weren't here the climate would still continue to change.

Kinda hard to trust what the scientific community has to say when they were scewing all the data and destroyed 150yrs of true data just to back up their claims.

I wouldn't trust em with the damned sugar bowl.


In denial retard?

Wow.. who was taking the readings 400,000 years ago?

What an asshat.
In denial retard?

You really are quite stupid, Bass.

You do realize this, don't you?

{I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.} - Phil Jones, "Mike" is hockey stick Michael Mann, proven fraud and major AGW proponent.

{The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate.} - Phil Jones, head of the CRU and on the directors of the IPCC - acknowledging that AGW is a fraud

{ Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4?

Keith will do likewise. He’s not in at the moment – minor family crisis.

Can you also email Gene and get him to do the same? I don’t have his new email address.

We will be getting Caspar to do likewise.} Phil Jones - because a Freedom of Information subpoena was forcing CRU to release records, as a means of hiding the fraud of AGW

{Phil and I have recently submitted a paper using about a dozen NH records that fit this category, and many of which are available nearly 2K back–I think that trying to adopt a timeframe of 2K, rather than the usual 1K, addresses a good earlier point that Peck made w/ regard to the memo, that it would be nice to try to “contain” the putative “MWP”, even if we don’t yet have a hemispheric mean reconstruction available that far back….} - Michael Mann, fraud and IPCC contributor - doing what he does, engaging in fraud.

Bass, you're a fucking idiot.
Too many brilliant scientists on both sides of the argument for me to make a concrete stance on either side.

But also when researching this, research the scientists and find out who they work for and who's paying them.

Or you can just look at climategate and the numerous admissions by politicians and scientists that claim AGW is nothing more than a tool for more authoritarian government.

BTW, you know who is paying these scientists that spew this AGW nonsense??? the federal government er I mean the taxpayers via government grants....

They're nothing more than puppets or whores.... They'll say anything to keep the grant money flowing....

Fuck you too, you know nothing ignoramous.

You are accusing the scientists from all over the world. For every Scientific Society in the world, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger.

From Fourier to present, scientists have been presenting the evidence for global warming. Because obese junkies on the radio think that is not the 'way things oughta be' doesn't change the evidence one whit. People like you are willfully ignorant, and proud of your stupidity.

Oh gee, calm the fuck down.. have your little ruse if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy.

The rest if us will continue on in reality.
Yup and thats just what they did.

They also destroyed 150 years worth of true data to back up their bs.
The climate has been changing for tens of thousands of years before man ever set foot on the planet.

If man weren't here the climate would still continue to change.

Kinda hard to trust what the scientific community has to say when they were scewing all the data and destroyed 150yrs of true data just to back up their claims.

I wouldn't trust em with the damned sugar bowl.


In denial retard?

When the CO2 was at 300 ppm 120,000 years ago, the sea level was about 20 ft above present level. Today, the CO2 level is above 390 ppm. The highest in 15 million years.
The climate has been changing for tens of thousands of years before man ever set foot on the planet.

If man weren't here the climate would still continue to change.

Kinda hard to trust what the scientific community has to say when they were scewing all the data and destroyed 150yrs of true data just to back up their claims.

I wouldn't trust em with the damned sugar bowl.


In denial retard?

When the CO2 was at 300 ppm 120,000 years ago, the sea level was about 20 ft above present level. Today, the CO2 level is above 390 ppm. The highest in 15 million years.

But the sea level is unchanged today, so your theory fails
Who provided the data for your graph??

The scientific community who skewed the data to back up their claims??

The scientifc community who destroyed 150 years of true data to back up their claims??

I'm not saying the data is wrong but it sure isn't easy to trust folks who provide said data.
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