The Republicans’ war on science and reason

Or you can just look at climategate and the numerous admissions by politicians and scientists that claim AGW is nothing more than a tool for more authoritarian government.

BTW, you know who is paying these scientists that spew this AGW nonsense??? the federal government er I mean the taxpayers via government grants....

They're nothing more than puppets or whores.... They'll say anything to keep the grant money flowing....

Fuck you too, you know nothing ignoramous.

You are accusing the scientists from all over the world. For every Scientific Society in the world, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger.

From Fourier to present, scientists have been presenting the evidence for global warming. Because obese junkies on the radio think that is not the 'way things oughta be' doesn't change the evidence one whit. People like you are willfully ignorant, and proud of your stupidity.

Oh gee, calm the fuck down.. have your little ruse if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy.

The rest if us will continue on in reality.

Reality? Like the WMD in Iraq?

You lying stupes have no concept of reality. Daily there are articles in peer reviewed journals showing the effects of the excess CO2. From the destruction of oyster larvea to the increase in number and severity of storms.

Northwest Oyster Die-offs Show Ocean Acidification Has Arrived by Elizabeth Grossman: Yale Environment 360

Now you would deny all the evidence in the name of your political ideology. You are no differant than the flat earther religious types in the middle ages.
Who provided the data for your graph??

The scientific community who skewed the data to back up their claims??

The scientifc community who destroyed 150 years of true data to back up their claims??

I'm not saying the data is wrong but it sure isn't easy to trust folks who provide said data.

Dumb ass. You are accusing every scientific society in the world of fraud. Every scientific society in every type of political community from the US to Saudi Arabia to China. And every Academny of Science in all of these places.

So you trust obese junkies on the radio over scientists that have worked their whole lives to investigate how the world works? The American Institute of Physics is the largest society of scientists in the world, a Scientific Society composed of Scientific Societies. And here is their history of the investigation of GHGs;

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

CRU did destroy a lot of critical data. After the FOA order from Parliament, Jones and the frauds of CRU started destroying evidence.

How much is hard to say, they wiped disk arrays and emails.

{ Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4?

Keith will do likewise. He’s not in at the moment – minor family crisis.

Can you also email Gene and get him to do the same? I don’t have his new email address.

We will be getting Caspar to do likewise.} - Phil Jones, directing that data requested by the House of Commons be destroyed.

In denial retard?

When the CO2 was at 300 ppm 120,000 years ago, the sea level was about 20 ft above present level. Today, the CO2 level is above 390 ppm. The highest in 15 million years.

But the sea level is unchanged today, so your theory fails

Now Frankie Boy, you are a lying asshole.

Climate Change and Sea Level Rise

CU Sea Level Research Group | University of Colorado

RealClimate: Is Sea-Level Rise Accelerating?

CRU did destroy a lot of critical data. After the FOA order from Parliament, Jones and the frauds of CRU started destroying evidence.

How much is hard to say, they wiped disk arrays and emails.

{ Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4?

Keith will do likewise. He’s not in at the moment – minor family crisis.

Can you also email Gene and get him to do the same? I don’t have his new email address.

We will be getting Caspar to do likewise.} - Phil Jones, directing that data requested by the House of Commons be destroyed.

They destroyed personal e-mails, not data. They did not have the orginal data, it is kept at the places that it is recorded. Muller used that data for his study.

Global warming study finds no grounds for climate sceptics' concerns | Environment | The Guardian

The world is getting warmer, countering the doubts of climate change sceptics about the validity of some of the scientific evidence, according to the most comprehensive independent review of historical temperature records to date.

Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, found several key issues that sceptics claim can skew global warming figures had no meaningful effect.

The Berkeley Earth project compiled more than a billion temperature records dating back to the 1800s from 15 sources around the world and found that the average global land temperature has risen by around 1C since the mid-1950s.

This figure agrees with the estimate arrived at by major groups that maintain official records on the world's climate, including Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa), and the Met Office's Hadley Centre, with the University of East Anglia, in the UK.

"My hope is that this will win over those people who are properly sceptical," Richard Muller, a physicist and head of the project, said.

"Some people lump the properly sceptical in with the deniers and that makes it easy to dismiss them, because the deniers pay no attention to science. But there have been people out there who have raised legitimate issues."

Muller sought to cool the debate over climate change by creating the largest open database of temperature records, with the aim of producing a transparent and independent assessment of global warming.

The initial reluctance of government groups to release all their methods and data, and the fiasco over emails from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit in 2009, gave the project added impetus.

The team, which includes Saul Perlmutter, joint winner of this year's Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery that the universe is expanding at an increasing rate, has submitted four papers to the journal Geophysical Research Letters that describe their work to date.
Global Warming is just an excuse for liberals to tell the "little" people how to live. IF this is so bad, why dont liberals stop doing all the stuff they think causes it. They still drive cars, SUV, fly in planes including the evil private jets, they have HUGE mansions with heated pools, tons of electricity
Al Gore

The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2,400 per month. In natural gas alone, this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home.

And that is ONE of Gore's homes. HE's a hypocrit.
They are rapidly losing the arguement that they are intentionally trying to censor science, so now they are trying to change the subject. Stupid is as stupid does.
They are rapidly losing the arguement that they are intentionally trying to censor science, so now they are trying to change the subject. Stupid is as stupid does.

State your hypothesis

Post an experiment or

STFU Komrade
They are rapidly losing the arguement that they are intentionally trying to censor science, so now they are trying to change the subject. Stupid is as stupid does.

Good point, when you randomly brought up the War in Iraq you were staying right on subject.

You certainly aren't a hypocrite, that much is for sure.
Global Warming is just an excuse for liberals to tell the "little" people how to live. IF this is so bad, why dont liberals stop doing all the stuff they think causes it. They still drive cars, SUV, fly in planes including the evil private jets, they have HUGE mansions with heated pools, tons of electricity
Al Gore

The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2,400 per month. In natural gas alone, this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home.

And that is ONE of Gore's homes. HE's a hypocrit.

First evidence of a dolt posting on AGW is an attack on Al Gore. Vice President Gore is not a scientist. He put the words of scientists into laymans terms, and did a rather good job of it. He is now an extremely successful businessman.

The people providing the evidence for AGW are scientists, and the vast majority of them state that AGW has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Global Warming is just an excuse for liberals to tell the "little" people how to live. IF this is so bad, why dont liberals stop doing all the stuff they think causes it. They still drive cars, SUV, fly in planes including the evil private jets, they have HUGE mansions with heated pools, tons of electricity
Al Gore

The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2,400 per month. In natural gas alone, this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home.

And that is ONE of Gore's homes. HE's a hypocrit.

First evidence of a dolt posting on AGW is an attack on Al Gore. Vice President Gore is not a scientist. He put the words of scientists into laymans terms, and did a rather good job of it. He is now an extremely successful businessman.

The people providing the evidence for AGW are scientists, and the vast majority of them state that AGW has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

In "Earth in the Balance" Al Gore said that water vapor is the primary driver of Global Warming.
Good Christ. According the lefties the GOP has umpteen wars going. How does anyone have time to run for POTUS??

Has Congress approved them all??

Batshittery at its best.

Daily Show: Fox Denies War On Women But Finds Wars On Just About Everything Else

Daily Show : Fox Denies War On Women But Finds Wars On Just About Everything Else | Media Matters for America

Douchebattery more like it.

LOL A link from a DNC org.


Filled with Faux Wars on everything from Christmas to Holloween!

They declare war on everything.

But you knew that right?
Global Warming is just an excuse for liberals to tell the "little" people how to live. IF this is so bad, why dont liberals stop doing all the stuff they think causes it. They still drive cars, SUV, fly in planes including the evil private jets, they have HUGE mansions with heated pools, tons of electricity
Al Gore

The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2,400 per month. In natural gas alone, this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home.

And that is ONE of Gore's homes. HE's a hypocrit.

First evidence of a dolt posting on AGW is an attack on Al Gore. Vice President Gore is not a scientist. He put the words of scientists into laymans terms, and did a rather good job of it. He is now an extremely successful businessman.

The people providing the evidence for AGW are scientists, and the vast majority of them state that AGW has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

whooooa he has his book an movie and liberals point to him as an expert. I agree he's a businessman/scammer pushing his global warming scheme while making money off carbon credits. Carbon credits just let rich people buy out their pollution, do they not? it's a scam. If any of these people seriously belived in the consequences they would change their behavior, yet they don't. So I can pick on any famous liberal that spouts this, none of them practice what they preach.

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