The Republicans’ war on science and reason

If you are a rational and reasonably intelligent person - as you see yourself - you would question your response to the OP simply because only fools and idiots thanked you for your insipid response.

The OP makes a valid point - today's GOP has become a party of Reactionaries. They have no ideas and seem to be supported by Hysterical Harry's, and Callous Carl's; Jejune Jack's and Jill's, and Vapid Victoria's only.

Can you post one repeatable laboratory experiment demonstrating how a .01% change in atmospheric composition by adding a wisp of CO2 causes the temperature to rise and oceans to turn acidic?

He's just a cop. An angry one at that.

I've been asking for years and I get back either dribble of froth flying spittle in return
Lol i haven't scrolled through all 11 pages, but I find it absolutely adorable that the board's hyperpartisan democrats find this to be a war, but Libya wasn't.
Rderp and tm in a duel to the death over who should be crowned king dipshit.

[ame=]Kirk vs. Gorn Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
I have nothing from the Retardplicans disproving scientific evidence of climate change, just loads of would ifs and could bes. Trolling.
I have nothing from the Retardplicans disproving scientific evidence of climate change, just loads of would ifs and could bes. Trolling.

Why don't you go discuss it with your fellow Frenchmen? Our political parties are none of your business anymore.
I have nothing from the Retardplicans disproving scientific evidence of climate change, just loads of would ifs and could bes. Trolling.

Why don't you go discuss it with your fellow Frenchmen? Our political parties are none of your business anymore.

Unkotard, last time I checked I pay US taxes, the same ones that pay your welfare check.
I have nothing from the Retardplicans disproving scientific evidence of climate change, just loads of would ifs and could bes. Trolling.

So in your alleged mind, when the priests make a pronouncement, it is absolute truth unless the infidels can prove it false? I see you subscribe to the Old Rocks "scienterificaty method."

Say, since it's not allowed to do testing on the "settled science" of AGW, how could it be proven false?

Oh, it COULDN'T be, that's the point. Real "science" is unquestioning belief in dogma.

So sayith the Algore, so sayith we all...
I have nothing from the Retardplicans disproving scientific evidence of climate change, just loads of would ifs and could bes. Trolling.

There is no "scientific evidence of climate change", Cinderella, just models based on altered data.

Can you show us one repeatable experiment that show us how a .01% change in atmosphere by adding CO2 raises temperature and acidifies the oceans?
Cool! Another fictitious 'war' from the left.

Good Christ. According the lefties the GOP has umpteen wars going. How does anyone have time to run for POTUS??

Has Congress approved them all??

Batshittery at its best.
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I have nothing from the Retardplicans disproving scientific evidence of climate change, just loads of would ifs and could bes. Trolling.

There is no "scientific evidence of climate change", Cinderella, just models based on altered data.

Can you show us one repeatable experiment that show us how a .01% change in atmosphere by adding CO2 raises temperature and acidifies the oceans?

More denial.
I have nothing from the Retardplicans disproving scientific evidence of climate change, just loads of would ifs and could bes. Trolling.

Why don't you go discuss it with your fellow Frenchmen? Our political parties are none of your business anymore.

Unkotard, last time I checked I pay US taxes, the same ones that pay your welfare check.

Pay taxes to your own country. We don't want your dirty money, Frenchy.
I have nothing from the Retardplicans disproving scientific evidence of climate change, just loads of would ifs and could bes. Trolling.

Climate change? Absolutely!
Without it, my home in Chicago would still be under a mile of ice.
As far as giving you clowns trillions to combat climate change, fuck no!
Everyone, even the idiot left knows global climate fluctuates. Drastically at times. It's partially caused by the tilt of the earths axis. It wobbles and as such causes irregularities in the climate. Then you have the NATURAL ebb and flow of the earths ice sheets which affects ocean temperature which in turn changes the air temperature. You also have massive solar eruptions that mess with our magnetic shield.

I'm a republican and i knew all that from the top of my head. What i don't know is if the hundred years or so that we've been industrialized had had an impact or not. The earth is billions of years old after all. But hey if you like being a bandwagon sucker go for it. Get off your ass and plant a fucking tree or something.

Science says pollution affects the climate by putting holes in the ozone layer, will you deny this scientific fact?

The holes that were in our ozone layer have slowly been shrinking. Put on your pointy wizzard hat and explain that Mr genius.

Science told you about the holes that were developing and what was causing them. Science provided the solution. Now the holes are shrinking. Thank Science.
Must be a good red herring because it got you off topic.

But then your a left wing idiot so it sure doesn't take much.

Me left wing? you need to learn how to spell, stupid troll.

Talk about stupid trolls.

My spelling is fine thanks. I never put the ' in your. You don't like it??

Tough shit. You'll just have to deal.

Make a coherent argument retard. You are the same retard who admires a politics that defends war criminal troops........go figure.
I have nothing from the Retardplicans disproving scientific evidence of climate change, just loads of would ifs and could bes. Trolling.

There is no "scientific evidence of climate change", Cinderella, just models based on altered data.

Can you show us one repeatable experiment that show us how a .01% change in atmosphere by adding CO2 raises temperature and acidifies the oceans?

More denial.


Science says pollution affects the climate by putting holes in the ozone layer, will you deny this scientific fact?

The holes that were in our ozone layer have slowly been shrinking. Put on your pointy wizzard hat and explain that Mr genius.

And guess what happens with EVERY lightning strike? Ozone is created.

Ever gone outside after a thunderstrom and smelled a sweet smell? Guess what that is?

Surprise! Lightning Has Big Effect On Atmospheric Chemistry

ScienceDaily (Mar. 20, 2003) — Scientists were surprised to learn summer lightning over the U.S. significantly increases regional ozone and other gases that affect air chemistry 3 to 8 miles above Earth's surface. The amounts of ozone and nitrogen oxides created by lightning surpass those generated by human activities in that level of the atmosphere.

About 10% of all ozone (O3) in the atmosphere is found in the troposhere (up to 16km above the earth's surface).......About 90% of all ozone (O3) in the atmosphere is found in the stratosphere (16 to 32 km above the earth's surface).

The ozone layer in the stratosphere protect life on earth from UV rays from the sun. Without it there would be no life on earth. The holes are in the stratosphere. They appear to be shrinking.

Chemistry Tutorial : CFC's and Ozone Depletion

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