"the right of the people peaceably to assemble"

Obama and Democrats fomented lawlessness and division, well here we are. Without division and lawlessness, bigotry and intolerance the Democratic party would not exist.

Yet under Trump protests have turned DEADLY. With Mr. alt-right facing 2nd degree murder. What's his excuse for running down a crowd of people like ISIS started doing? Black Cars matter?

So you are concerned about the death of 1 American citizen? Newsflash illegals have killed thousands of American citizens yet Dem's defend and protect them explain that.

Yes, we are concerned with the death of a single individual. We are also concerned by people, like yourself, who refuse to recognize people's individuality.

The millions of illegals who have not killed anyone are NOT responsible for the actions of those who have,
Yet they are still criminals.
The "blame" for this clusterfuck goes to anyone who participated in physical violence. Doesn't matter, to me, at least, who started what.. Each and every person there had a choice to respond with violence or not...except the victims...that choice was robbed from them.
I also blame the media for it never ending race baiting by calling them white supremists, nazis, separatists, KKK, etc etc, perpetually and the politicians who shut it down before it began. Notice the pols and media NEVER do this when blacks are rioting looting and burning a city.

I guess it wasn't the fact a reporter was interviewing a shirtless guy with a hugh swastika tatooed on his chest? If media hadn't been there I suppose the nazi wouldn't have been.
The "blame" for this clusterfuck goes to anyone who participated in physical violence. Doesn't matter, to me, at least, who started what.. Each and every person there had a choice to respond with violence or not...except the victims...that choice was robbed from them.
I also blame the media for it never ending race baiting by calling them white supremists, nazis, separatists, KKK, etc etc, perpetually and the politicians who shut it down before it began. Notice the pols and media NEVER do this when blacks are rioting looting and burning a city.

I guess it wasn't the fact a reporter was interviewing a shirtless guy with a hugh swastika tatooed on his chest? If media hadn't been there I suppose the nazi wouldn't have been.
Agree. Thanks.
Obama and Democrats fomented lawlessness and division, well here we are. Without division and lawlessness, bigotry and intolerance the Democratic party would not exist.

Yet under Trump protests have turned DEADLY. With Mr. alt-right facing 2nd degree murder. What's his excuse for running down a crowd of people like ISIS started doing? Black Cars matter?

So you are concerned about the death of 1 American citizen? Newsflash illegals have killed thousands of American citizens yet Dem's defend and protect them explain that.

Yes, we are concerned with the death of a single individual. We are also concerned by people, like yourself, who refuse to recognize people's individuality.

The millions of illegals who have not killed anyone are NOT responsible for the actions of those who have,
Yet they are still criminals.

Over 1/3rd of all illegals are committing tax fraud costing us over $5 billion dollars each year, are these the type of immigrants we want to welcome into our country, blatant law breaking scumbags?
Over 1/3rd of all illegals are committing tax fraud costing us over $5 billion dollars each year, are these the type of immigrants we want to welcome into our country, blatant law breaking scumbags?


Immigrants illegally in the U.S. collectively contribute nearly $12 billion each year to state and local tax coffers, according to a new report that challenges recent election cycle rhetoric.

Updated - The Obameter: Provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants

the Social Security Administration in April 2013 outlining the effects of unauthorized immigration on the Social Security Trust Funds. The report cited the $12 billion figure, but it also said the calculation is based on contributions from immigrants and their employers

SSA’s chief actuary Stephen C. Goss affirms the $12 billion contribution.
Illegals defraud the government of $5 billion a year in taxes, but contribute $12 billion to state and local taxes, and $12 billion to federal social security.

Lets see -$5 + $12 + $12 = ????
Over 1/3rd of all illegals are committing tax fraud costing us over $5 billion dollars each year, are these the type of immigrants we want to welcome into our country, blatant law breaking scumbags?


Immigrants illegally in the U.S. collectively contribute nearly $12 billion each year to state and local tax coffers, according to a new report that challenges recent election cycle rhetoric.

Updated - The Obameter: Provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants

the Social Security Administration in April 2013 outlining the effects of unauthorized immigration on the Social Security Trust Funds. The report cited the $12 billion figure, but it also said the calculation is based on contributions from immigrants and their employers

SSA’s chief actuary Stephen C. Goss affirms the $12 billion contribution.

Are you dumb? American citizens contribute umpteen trillion dollars, is it okay for them to commit tax fraud?
The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees:

"the right of the people peaceably to assemble"

When watching the videos of yesterday's protest and counter protest, a large number of the people at the protest were armed - many had helmets and shields as well as various weapons ranging from clubs to pepper spray to guns.

It's apparent that these people were at best anticipating violence, and may have intended to incite violence.
The Constitution does NOT have a right to violent protest. It does note cite a right to gather as an armed mob.

The violence at yesterdays protest would probably have been a whole lot less if no one on either side had weapons of any type, and if they did not any protective gear.

Even wearing protective gear shows that they are anticipating violence. Anyone who foes to a protest while anticipating violence has no right to go to that protest.

It seems that protest groups go far beyond their Constitutional right - if they intend to incite violence or even anticipate violence, they are no longer within their Constitutional rights.

In the future, if anyone shows up at a protest or counter protest with weapons or protective gear, they should immediately be arrested. If a sizable number have weapons or protective gear, the police should use whatever means necessary to end the protest!
Don't like someone's bandanna just arrest them! Carrying a baseball bat is now a crime! Thinking you want to express yourself yet be cautious and be prepared to defend yourself is now a crime.

FUCK YOUR LIBERAL UTOPIA. This is the beginning of unarming a populace in order to rule over them with an iron fist.
Are you dumb? American citizens contribute umpteen trillion dollars, is it okay for them to commit tax fraud?

Illegals deprive the government of $5 billion, but offset that with giving the government $12 billion in unclaimable social security taxes. For a net $7 billion dollar contribution to the government, in addition to the $12 billion they pay in state and local taxes.
Don't like someone's bandanna just arrest them! Carrying a baseball bat is now a crime! Thinking you want to express yourself yet be cautious and be prepared to defend yourself is now a crime..

Actually in many places carrying a baseball bat is a crime. Unless you're wearing pinstrips and cleats.
The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees:

"the right of the people peaceably to assemble"

When watching the videos of yesterday's protest and counter protest, a large number of the people at the protest were armed - many had helmets and shields as well as various weapons ranging from clubs to pepper spray to guns.

It's apparent that these people were at best anticipating violence, and may have intended to incite violence.
The Constitution does NOT have a right to violent protest. It does note cite a right to gather as an armed mob.

The violence at yesterdays protest would probably have been a whole lot less if no one on either side had weapons of any type, and if they did not any protective gear.

Even wearing protective gear shows that they are anticipating violence. Anyone who foes to a protest while anticipating violence has no right to go to that protest.

It seems that protest groups go far beyond their Constitutional right - if they intend to incite violence or even anticipate violence, they are no longer within their Constitutional rights.

In the future, if anyone shows up at a protest or counter protest with weapons or protective gear, they should immediately be arrested. If a sizable number have weapons or protective gear, the police should use whatever means necessary to end the protest!
Now point out how many people were shot yesterday. Mkay?

Apparently wherever there were weapons on display the Antifa assholes decided not to attack anyone.
Wow....amazing logic.....and no one was beaten with those clubs either, right?
The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees:

"the right of the people peaceably to assemble"

When watching the videos of yesterday's protest and counter protest, a large number of the people at the protest were armed - many had helmets and shields as well as various weapons ranging from clubs to pepper spray to guns.

It's apparent that these people were at best anticipating violence, and may have intended to incite violence.
The Constitution does NOT have a right to violent protest. It does note cite a right to gather as an armed mob.

The violence at yesterdays protest would probably have been a whole lot less if no one on either side had weapons of any type, and if they did not any protective gear.

Even wearing protective gear shows that they are anticipating violence. Anyone who foes to a protest while anticipating violence has no right to go to that protest.

It seems that protest groups go far beyond their Constitutional right - if they intend to incite violence or even anticipate violence, they are no longer within their Constitutional rights.

In the future, if anyone shows up at a protest or counter protest with weapons or protective gear, they should immediately be arrested. If a sizable number have weapons or protective gear, the police should use whatever means necessary to end the protest!
Your premise is flawed in the basis that the protesters had every reason to believe that they would need to defend themselves. And they were right! Thread fail... NEXT!!!
Gee...I wonder why MLK jr's protesters didn't do the same when they knew they would be attacked when they marched. Bravery in the face of adversity as opposed to cowardice?
Your premise is flawed in the basis that the protesters had every reason to believe that they would need to defend themselves. And they were right! Thread fail... NEXT!!!

If they believe that there will be a need to defend themselves, then they apparently believe that the protest will be violent.

They only have a right to peaceful protest. They do not have a right to violent protest.
Tell that to the antifa thugs throwing urine and starting fights.

As I've said the prohibition against violence applies to everyone equally.
Yet, when you have proof of how violent liberals are, it's only prudent to be armed. Cry and wail about it all you want, NOTHING will change that and we are NOT going to be disarmed.

Obama and Democrats fomented lawlessness and division, well here we are. Without division and lawlessness, bigotry and intolerance the Democratic party would not exist.
Obama! Obama! Obama!
Are you dumb? American citizens contribute umpteen trillion dollars, is it okay for them to commit tax fraud?

Illegals deprive the government of $5 billion, but offset that with giving the government $12 billion in unclaimable social security taxes. For a net $7 billion dollar contribution to the government, in addition to the $12 billion they pay in state and local taxes.

Goddamn you are screwed up in the head, please emigrate to Canada. Illegals are a net loss to our country, its been studied, not just a net loss its a HUGE net loss. Never mind the thousands of Americans they kill, rape, rob, assault, identify theft, drug trafficking.
If they believe that there will be a need to defend themselves, then they apparently believe that the protest will be violent.

They only have a right to peaceful protest. They do not have a right to violent protest.
Tell that to the antifa thugs throwing urine and starting fights.

As I've said the prohibition against violence applies to everyone equally.
Yet, when you have proof of how violent liberals are, it's only prudent to be armed. Cry and wail about it all you want, NOTHING will change that and we are NOT going to be disarmed.

Obama and Democrats fomented lawlessness and division, well here we are. Without division and lawlessness, bigotry and intolerance the Democratic party would not exist.
Obama! Obama! Obama!

Adults are talking :itsok:
Goddamn you are screwed up in the head, please emigrate to Canada. Illegals are a net loss to our country, its been studied, not just a net loss its a HUGE net loss. Never mind the thousands of Americans they kill, rape, rob, assault, identify theft, drug trafficking.

They are only a burden if you don't count their contributions. Their net revenue to the government is a $7 billion tax surplus. They also provide countless services at costs that average americans can afford. And with unemployment at a 17 year low, you can't even pretend they're taking jobs from anybody.
Obama and Democrats fomented lawlessness and division, well here we are. Without division and lawlessness, bigotry and intolerance the Democratic party would not exist.

Yet under Trump protests have turned DEADLY. With Mr. alt-right facing 2nd degree murder. What's his excuse for running down a crowd of people like ISIS started doing? Black Cars matter?

So you are concerned about the death of 1 American citizen? Newsflash illegals have killed thousands of American citizens yet Dem's defend and protect them explain that.
"So you are concerned about the death of 1 American citizen" You aren't?
Goddamn you are screwed up in the head, please emigrate to Canada. Illegals are a net loss to our country, its been studied, not just a net loss its a HUGE net loss. Never mind the thousands of Americans they kill, rape, rob, assault, identify theft, drug trafficking.

They are only a burden if you don't count their contributions. Their net revenue to the government is a $7 billion tax surplus. They also provide countless services at costs that average americans can afford. And with unemployment at a 17 year low, you can't even pretend they're taking jobs from anybody.

No dummy counting their contributions they are still a net loss to our country. Try to get that through the 4 inches of your thick Neanderthal skull.
Obama and Democrats fomented lawlessness and division, well here we are. Without division and lawlessness, bigotry and intolerance the Democratic party would not exist.

Yet under Trump protests have turned DEADLY. With Mr. alt-right facing 2nd degree murder. What's his excuse for running down a crowd of people like ISIS started doing? Black Cars matter?

So you are concerned about the death of 1 American citizen? Newsflash illegals have killed thousands of American citizens yet Dem's defend and protect them explain that.
"So you are concerned about the death of 1 American citizen" You aren't?
a couple things spring to mind in the aftermath of the events in Charlottesville this weekend. Take them with a grain or two of salt.

I don't see how carrying guns to a protest is anything like peaceable assembly, as guaranteed under our laws. Bringing your weapons is picking a fight. Some on this board refer to carrying weapons as carrying 'inanimate objects' and the fear of them is irrational. Meanwhile, these armed protestors are there to defend an inanimate object, namely the statue of Robert E. Lee. They simply cannot have it both ways.

After terrorist attacks, Trump is usually on his Ywitter account before any facts are released condemning "Radical Islamic terrorist" for the crime. This weekend, he declined to directly condemn the White Supremacists for their acts of terror.

Reasonable Conservatives should not be lumped in with the pile of human debris that is the White Supremacist movement. Yet some of those reasonable Conservatives wonder why reasonable Muslims do not condemn the acts of unreasonable violent Muslims. Sauce for the goose, folks. If you want Muslims to condemn terrorism by Muslims, isn't it only fair that you lend a full throated condemnation of unreasonable Conservatives? I understand that you don't want to be included with White Supremacists. I think reasonable Muslims feel the same way.
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