The Right on Illegal Immigration.

When Reagan and GHW Bush took bold executive action on immigration

By Mark Noferi

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Congressional Republicans are outraged that President Obama may take executive action on immigration reform after the mid-term elections—perhaps by deferring deportations and providing work authorization to millions of unauthorized immigrants with strong family ties to the United States. However, past Republican presidents have not been shy to use the White House’s power to retool immigration policy. In fact, Obama could learn a lot from presidents Ronald Reagan’s and George H. W. Bush’s executive actions to preserve the unity of immigrant families, and move past Congressional refusal to enact immigration reform.

The story begins on November 6, 1986, when Reagan signed the last comprehensive legalization bill to pass Congress. The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) gave up to 3 million unauthorized immigrants a path to legalization if they had been “continuously” present in the U.S. since January 1, 1982. But the new law excluded their spouses and children who didn’t qualify. As the Senate Judiciary Committee stated at the time, “the families of legalized aliens…will be required to ‘wait in line’.”

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Even the government tells us they dont know how many illegals are here. U never heard that?
That's why we need a wall cause the gov don't know it's ass from a hole in the ground and neither do ewe.
The only people who need to fear illegals are those whose job is being taken away.

And if your job is being taken by an illegal, then you have bigger problems than the immigration situation.
The only people who need to fear illegals is America who pay 100 billion to take care of them and condone criminals breaking the law by crossing borders, while smuggling drugs to USA.
lets put things into perspective, k? Ok, lets say 3 million. There are 22 states with less people.
Tell me. We've had reagan, HWB and his son. The right blames the left but tell me, what did those three righties do to stop illegal immigration?
Reagan was busy liberating Germans by pressuring Russia to tear down the Berlin Wall and the walls came tumbling down. The Bush's were busy liberating Kuwait from Saddam Hussein, Hussein Obama's cousin. While all this was occurring, the illegals were sneaking over in massive numbers because it wasn't a issue before, until drug smuggling in the 80's.
Reagan gave the libtards the amnesty they wanted in return we were supposed to get border security. And, as usual libtards did not keep their end of the bargain. No more chances this time we want the damn wall.
Reagan gave the libtards the amnesty they wanted in return we were supposed to get border security. And, as usual libtards did not keep their end of the bargain. No more chances this time we want the damn wall.
Walls don't work. And they can be turned against you like the Berlin Wall. The real solution is to capture them and enlist them in special military units to be deployed abroad, like we do it here in France and call it foreign legion. That way the citizens may even get some use of them, indirectly.
Reagan gave the libtards the amnesty they wanted in return we were supposed to get border security. And, as usual libtards did not keep their end of the bargain. No more chances this time we want the damn wall.
Walls don't work. And they can be turned against you like the Berlin Wall. The real solution is to capture them and enlist them in special military units to be deployed abroad, like we do it here in France and call it foreign legion. That way the citizens may even get some use of them, indirectly.

Walls don't work.

Why not?

And they can be turned against you like the Berlin Wall.

Who was the Berlin Wall turned against?
Reagan gave the libtards the amnesty they wanted in return we were supposed to get border security. And, as usual libtards did not keep their end of the bargain. No more chances this time we want the damn wall.
Walls don't work. And they can be turned against you like the Berlin Wall. The real solution is to capture them and enlist them in special military units to be deployed abroad, like we do it here in France and call it foreign legion. That way the citizens may even get some use of them, indirectly.

Walls don't work.

Why not?

And they can be turned against you like the Berlin Wall.

Who was the Berlin Wall turned against?

Walls don't work, because if your salary is a national average of 25000 and your neighbor on the other side of the wall has a national average under a dollar a day, then they will percolate through the cracks, fly above, tunnel under, plus quantum entangle across.

And walls usually do turn against the people who build them, for example the Berlin Wall kept the East German locked up, from the day it was built. How long do you think an American wall will be before it locks up Americans? It is already a fact that walls are built on the Canada border, and those are built across backyards and town square playgrounds, between the US and Canada, not Mexico. This shows the real intent of American walls, and the ever more powerful American leftist neo Marxist power elite. Cherish your passport, ask what it means when you see a Russian.
Reagan realized the problem of illegal immigration but he had to work with a Democrat congress. So he agreed to a bill that promised to secure the borders and stop the flood of illegals in exchange for granting a one-time amnesty to those who were already here.. as opposed to rounding them all up and deporting them. The problem was, after the legislation was passed, the next session of congress simply failed to fund the portion devoted to securing the border.

The Bush's were not Conservatives. They were Republicans devoted to crony capitalism and viewed illegal immigrants as a source of cheap labor, so they really didn't care about addressing the issue at all.

So there is your explanation.
Reagan gave the libtards the amnesty they wanted in return we were supposed to get border security. And, as usual libtards did not keep their end of the bargain. No more chances this time we want the damn wall.
Walls don't work. And they can be turned against you like the Berlin Wall. The real solution is to capture them and enlist them in special military units to be deployed abroad, like we do it here in France and call it foreign legion. That way the citizens may even get some use of them, indirectly.

Walls don't work.

Why not?

And they can be turned against you like the Berlin Wall.

Who was the Berlin Wall turned against?

Walls don't work, because if your salary is a national average of 25000 and your neighbor on the other side of the wall has a national average under a dollar a day, then they will percolate through the cracks, fly above, tunnel under, plus quantum entangle across.

And walls usually do turn against the people who build them, for example the Berlin Wall kept the East German locked up, from the day it was built. How long do you think an American wall will be before it locks up Americans? It is already a fact that walls are built on the Canada border, and those are built across backyards and town square playgrounds, between the US and Canada, not Mexico. This shows the real intent of American walls, and the ever more powerful American leftist neo Marxist power elite. Cherish your passport, ask what it means when you see a Russian.

And walls usually do turn against the people who build them, for example the Berlin Wall kept the East German locked up, from the day it was built.

The Berlin Wall wasn't built to keep westerners from joining the glorious people's revolution in East Germany. It it didn't turn against them, it always was against them.

How long do you think an American wall will be before it locks up Americans?

With millions fewer low skilled illegals streaming across our border, longer than without a wall.

This shows the real intent of American walls

What's the real intent?
Reagan gave the libtards the amnesty they wanted in return we were supposed to get border security. And, as usual libtards did not keep their end of the bargain. No more chances this time we want the damn wall.
Walls don't work. And they can be turned against you like the Berlin Wall. The real solution is to capture them and enlist them in special military units to be deployed abroad, like we do it here in France and call it foreign legion. That way the citizens may even get some use of them, indirectly.

Walls don't work.

Why not?

And they can be turned against you like the Berlin Wall.

Who was the Berlin Wall turned against?

Walls don't work, because if your salary is a national average of 25000 and your neighbor on the other side of the wall has a national average under a dollar a day, then they will percolate through the cracks, fly above, tunnel under, plus quantum entangle across.

And walls usually do turn against the people who build them, for example the Berlin Wall kept the East German locked up, from the day it was built. How long do you think an American wall will be before it locks up Americans? It is already a fact that walls are built on the Canada border, and those are built across backyards and town square playgrounds, between the US and Canada, not Mexico. This shows the real intent of American walls, and the ever more powerful American leftist neo Marxist power elite. Cherish your passport, ask what it means when you see a Russian.

And walls usually do turn against the people who build them, for example the Berlin Wall kept the East German locked up, from the day it was built.

The Berlin Wall wasn't built to keep westerners from joining the glorious people's revolution in East Germany. It it didn't turn against them, it always was against them.

How long do you think an American wall will be before it locks up Americans?

With millions fewer low skilled illegals streaming across our border, longer than without a wall.

This shows the real intent of American walls

What's the real intent?
The real intent is to tie the "peasants" down to the "rock" so they can't move. This is why they completed the wall on the Canada border but will not on the Mexico border.

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