The Right To Bear Arms

sorry but the logistics will flesh out if it happens. A guerilla war is always slow to start but quick enough it fleshs out and with part of the military to help it will go quicker.

Oh bullshit. Most of you Trump Fanboy Patriots are on a half dozen medications. After a month you’ll be out and starting to feel sick.

Then what? Looting the pharmacies? That may get some of you some more. But a majority of the military voted for Biden according to the polls in 2020. Since that time, according to westwall no real patriotic types have not been joining. In other words the fanboys ain’t joining.

So how much if the military is planning on committing treason? Ten percent? I doubt it. Because that is what it would be. Treason. If they didn’t win, they would face execution by firing squad.

We are talking about Article 94 of the UCMJ. They’ll run those folks up in front of a courts martial, they’ll convict them and sentence them to death, and then break for lunch.

And claiming some insane conspiracy theory won’t cut it. So unless you can demonstrate that they refused an obviously illegal order they’ll be lucky to get twenty years to life in prison.
People aren't joining because they figured out that the military is more interested in being woke than in keeping them alive in a bad situation.

That actually matters to normal people. The military's catastrophic handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan was a gigantic wake up call for those who would normally enlist.

So these people, according to the Gunny, are going to desert in large numbers and commit treason to support the side that wants them dead because they’re minorities or homosexuals or whatever.

Do you guys spend five seconds considering your insanity?
Oh bullshit. Most of you Trump Fanboy Patriots are on a half dozen medications. After a month you’ll be out and starting to feel sick.

Then what? Looting the pharmacies? That may get some of you some more. But a majority of the military voted for Biden according to the polls in 2020. Since that time, according to westwall no real patriotic types have not been joining. In other words the fanboys ain’t joining.

So how much if the military is planning on committing treason? Ten percent? I doubt it. Because that is what it would be. Treason. If they didn’t win, they would face execution by firing squad.

We are talking about Article 94 of the UCMJ. They’ll run those folks up in front of a courts martial, they’ll convict them and sentence them to death, and then break for lunch.

And claiming some insane conspiracy theory won’t cut it. So unless you can demonstrate that they refused an obviously illegal order they’ll be lucky to get twenty years to life in prison.
I’ll just wear 5 masks and then I’ll be safe!
Those cases were never heard in any court in any state or federal jurisdiction. The evidence of dem vote fraud is on video, no one has made anything up, its all hard evidence. But no, our biased dem led court system refused to give air time to even one of them. You claim that the cases have been heard and ruled on so give us just one case citation proving your bullshit claim.
I can make a video showing anything I want or I can take a picture and claim anything I want . You are full of shit.
These MAGA's deserve no respect , they come on here and lie through their teeth. They are worthless.
You guys never understood the point of the masks. But intelligence and critical thinking was never your strong suit.

Go ahead. Start your war. Get the liberals and slaughter them. I dare you.
These Gun Bubbas are dead meat the next time they act to bring down this country and it's constitution , trying to force in a piece of shit for a dictator.
You guys never understood the point of the masks. But intelligence and critical thinking was never your strong suit.

Go ahead. Start your war. Get the liberals and slaughter them. I dare you.
You guys never understood the point of the masks.
I’ve always understood.
Cops will open up on these traitors as fast as they see them coming. No one will cross the front door of the capital or put 142 cops in the hospital

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